Member Reviews

This book is really fun.
It looks at witchcraft but from a more 'easy-going' view. There are hints and tips, rather than set ways of doing things.

It is definitely is a great one for when you want to be witchy but the focus isn't quite there. As a 'spoonie' - and someone who really has to work hard to maintain my energy levels - this book would really really come in handy. I think it would be a great gift for someone who is only just beginning to dip their toe into the witchy and pagan world.

I liked how colourful this book is, the illustrations were really unique and fun. They would def help when having a 'sh*tty day'

Really unique concept - and I can see my self returning to this book for reference time and time again!

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In Lazy Witchcraft For Crazy, Shitty Days: Easy Spells and Rituals For When You’re Stressed Out, Wiped Out, Or Just Have No More Spoons to Give, Andrea Samayoa offers a refreshingly accessible guide to witchcraft, specifically designed for those grappling with exhaustion, burnout, or executive dysfunction.

Drawing on her personal experience as the creator of Moon Street Kits and her own challenges with low energy, Samayoa utilizes a “spoon rating” system, ranging from 0 to 10 spoons, to help readers gauge how much energy each spell requires. None of the spells in this collection exceed a five-spoon rating, ensuring they remain within reach even on the most draining of days.

While the book succeeds in providing straightforward and beginner-friendly rituals, branding them as “lazy” spells feels more like a marketing choice than a reflection of the content. These spells are foundational, rather than inherently lazy, and will likely resonate with novice practitioners or those seeking simplicity in their craft.

The correspondences Samayoa provides are generally helpful, though there are a few I disagree with, particularly in her alignment of tarot cards with zodiac signs. However, the author is upfront about the personalized nature of her practice, acknowledging that witchcraft is far from a monolith. This openness invites readers to adapt the material to their own preferences, which adds a layer of flexibility to the text.

One point of contention for me was the frequent use of casual, often crude language throughout the book. The author cusses a lot, including repeated use of words like “fucking,” “bitch,” and “baby.” However, this is true to her brand voice. Cussing is a deliberate choice (there’s a cuss word in the title, so no surprise there) that aligns with her casual, low-pressure approach to witchcraft. This, of course, is a matter of personal taste. It means I am not the target audience for the book and that’s okay. The cussing doesn’t detract from the quality or effectiveness of the spells or rituals. Readers who appreciate a casual tone may find it endearing.

Overall, Lazy Witchcraft is a valuable resource for those who want to engage with witchcraft in a low-effort, low-energy way, particularly for beginners or individuals dealing with chronic fatigue or mental health challenges. Samayoa’s contribution to the genre is approachable and inclusive, though the tone may not be for everyone.

Sidenote: The author is Latina and I will always celebrate the success of a fellow Latina witch. Congrats to Samayoa on her publication.

Thank you to Net Galley for access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is a lifesaver for all the witches out there that have a stressful and busy lifestyle. The book has a lovely Design and the art is to die for. The knowledge is organised in a way that makes it easy to follow.

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A great, lighthearted witchy book for those of us who don’t have the time/spoons for complex craft.

I found this book easy to digest and follow.

I particularly loved the zero-spoon spells, it shows you can incorporate the craft in simple ways. The spells/rituals also have a “spoon rating” which is so useful too.

There’s substitution lists for if you don’t have what the spell/ritual calls for and plenty of information if you’re new to crystals/herbs/moon phases etc.

The ingredient requirements do vary from minimal to quite a lot (possibly too much for some of us) but with the substitution lists and variety, there’s something for everyone.

I loved the laid back, lighthearted tone of the book.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the book for the everyday witch where you want to incorporate magick into your everyday life and live day to day with yourself. This book had some great humor and wonderful easy to follow writing. It's great for the beginner or more advanced worker.

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A mixed bag. As another reviewer said, most of these spells have a lot of ingredients and many steps… I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like doing much on “sh*tty” days, so this book is not very practical. That being said, there were some gorgeous illustrations. The book looks very pretty. But I vastly prefer Witch in Darkness by Kelly-Ann Maddox; it accomplishes what this book failed to do. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Disclosure— I am not Wiccan, though I know a lot about the practice and have read a ton of books (I read a ton of books on everything). People I love are Wiccan. I was attracted to this book because I too get stressed out, wiped out and have sh*tty days, and I believe in the power of rituals from any faith.

That said, there was just way too much stuff needed and way too many steps for everything. You need so many types of crystals, specialty herbs, oils, equipment etc and then there are many specific steps. This would not work for me when I have few spoons, no matter how many times she says it in the book. Also, I can cuss like a sailor when the mood strikes me but it just felt like she made every other word a cuss word to seem cool. You really don’t need to say f*** that many times or call me a bitch conversationally to seem badass or likable.

This is a fun book and I enjoyed the art. I did not think the majority of the content was easier than anything else out there, and do be prepared to buy a ton of stuff if you are new to the practice (and this is coming from someone with two china cabinets full of herbs and a house full of oils and crystals).

I read a temporary digital loan of this book for review.

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“Lazy Witchcraft for Crazy, Sh*tty Days” by Andrea Samayoa is an absolute gem! 🌟 As someone who often feels overwhelmed, I found this book to be a breath of fresh air. Andrea’s writing style is incredibly down-to-earth and relatable, making it easy to connect with her approach to witchcraft.

The spells and rituals are straightforward and simple to follow, perfect for those days when you’re feeling stressed or just don’t have the energy for anything complicated. Each spell is designed to be effective without requiring a lot of effort, which is exactly what I needed. The book is divided into sections that cover everything from self-care to protection, and each one is filled with practical tips and easy-to-do spells.

What I love most is how Andrea rates the spells based on the “spoons” it takes to perform them, acknowledging that some days we just don’t have much to give. This thoughtful touch makes the book accessible and compassionate, catering to both beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.

Overall, “Lazy Witchcraft for Crazy, Sh*tty Days” does the trick! It’s a must-have for anyone looking to incorporate a bit of magic into their lives without the hassle. Highly recommend!

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Published: October 2024
Author: Andrea Samaya
Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

I will say that this book has beautiful images to go along with all of the spells. I was taken aback at how beautiful the art was that accompanied this book. It was something that really drew me in.

I like the premise so much. Because sometimes you just don't have it in you to do all the things, all the time! And so why not do what you can and practice in the way that you can. As someone who lives with a partner with a chronic illness, love the idea of being able to do what you love without sacrificing. This book really spoke to me in the way that it allows practitioners to still do their art and with compromises for how it can be done . There is no one right way. And I love that about this book.

If you're looking for some quick and easy spells or even just to know if this is something that you need & how easy it could be. I would definitely pick up this book.

The author breaks it down very simply within her chapters. I particularly liked chapter 3 where she talks about banishing and protecting. But depending upon what your needs are, you might like her other chapters on manifestations, healing and self-love, focus and energy and finally money and abundance.. There's something in here for everyone. I would recommend picking this up if you are interested in getting your feet wet and simple, easy spells for yourself and your household.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the ease with which this book was written. It's like having a conversation with your best friend. I will definitely be putting some of the suggestions to good use!

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I effing love this book. I’ve already ordered ingredients for several spells. I also love the zero spoon tips, as more days than not lately are zero spoon days. Highly highly recommend and look forward to buying a physical copy.

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I love the easiness of this book. It really takes into account what you need, with minimum effort sometimes. And what a great way to make yourself feel better.
The book is fun, interesting and personally I and a big fan of no spoons.

Its a must for any witch in your life to make her day a little bit easier.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the eARC of this book, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

I really enjoyed looking through this. I am someone who really needs lazy witchcraft because I want to practice, but honestly so many things just keep taking up more time and leaving me with not enough for my other interests. Also, as someone who loves spoon theory I can really get behind the spoons here. Once you get some of the basics ready, based on how your day is going you can either do a one spoon spell at night or a three spoon spell on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I also love that most of the items used in the rituals are things that you may either already have floating around the house, are reasonable, or are multi-functional.

I can't wait to see this physically in print. It seems like it's going to be a well-made book with glorious colored illustrations that are cute and on point. It also has some useful basic charts and things that everyone copies down into their BOS every time they start a new one. Overall, I think for those of us who want to do a bit of witchcraft and either are busy or don't know where to start, this is a good place to do it.

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This was very informative, even though I’ve been practicing witchcraft for over 10 years, it’s still nice to refresh my knowledge. This book definitely did that, plus it gave me that humph to work on new magic and craft.

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As someone who has wanted to look into some rituals, this book was excellent. I am anxious to try some of these. This book was so witty and well illustrated. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy (instead of e-copy) so that I can truly dive in.

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Interesting book of spells. Each one indicates how much energy goes into them, which is super helpful on those low energy days

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Loved! I basically read the book in a night, purchased the necessities on amazon and am ready to start my lazy witchcraft ways. This book really made it easy, with the step by steps and the spoons! The spoons are such a good idea so you know what you are getting into ahead of time!

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I’m a long time fan of witchcraft books, and ones that are 1) catered to spoonies, 2) on a proverbial shoestring, and 3) lazy? Count me in.

I loved the spoons per recipe, and the layout was appealing, but this one didn’t really work for me. I don’t know if it was due, in part, to the awkwardly placed swear words, but I found it all a little cringe and wasn’t able to connect with the message (this isn’t anything against the book, it was me).

Thank you to Fair Winds Press and NetGalley for the PDF

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As a spoonie witch, teacher, and new mom this book is going to be immensely helpful in keeping me regular in my practice, no matter what the day was like!

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I’ve followed Andrea Samayoa of Moon Street Kits on TT for a while now and was excited to see she was putting out a book. Imagine my surprise when it popped up on NetGalley! It was an instant download. So with that, thank you NetGalley and Fairwinds Press for the opportunity to read and review this book!

The illustrations are beautiful! I also love how blunt and to the point all the included information is along with keeping it simplistic for beginners.

I can’t wait to own a physical copy!

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