Member Reviews

Wonderfully witchy and very informative! As a spiritual inclined person, I’ve always craved something more from books about witchcraft and this delivers. So often this kinds of books are overly complicated or have no practical advice. However, Lazy Witchcraft is neither of those.

It is amazingly informative and I can guarantee I will turn to this book again and again for the simple advice and information it offers. I can see this becoming a staple in my collection of witchy books.

I did struggle with some of the formatting but I have put this down to it being an ePub proof and not held it against it.

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This book is a true gem for anyone who's interested in witchcraft but finds themselves too tired or overwhelmed to commit to traditional, time-consuming rituals. Andrea Samayoa’s Lazy Witchcraft for Crazy, Shtty Days* is exactly what the title suggests: practical, easy spells and rituals for those days when life is just too much.

The writing is down-to-earth and humorous, making you feel like you’re getting advice from a friend. The gorgeous illustrations add a magical touch, making it a joy to flip through. Whether you're new to witchcraft or just need something simple for rough days, this book is a must-have. It's fun, accessible, and empowering. Highly recommend!

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NetGalley review
4.5 rating

This was a cute, fun read. I enjoyed the authors sense of humor the layout, and the fact that they covered the basics leaving a food foundation for their concepts within the book. Definitely 4.5 rating.

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Easy to read, beautiful illustrations and useful alternatives for people on a budget. I can't wait to try these spells, following the clear instructions. Would recommend for anyone , and would also make a great gift.

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This book is an extremely useful and well-laid out guide to spells and magick for the those who may be time and energy poor or just needing a more relaxed and minimal method to help achieve their spiritual goals. Andrea covers everything you need to know from basics, correspondences and easy substitutions to a range of spells across topics including healing, self-love, protections, and energy. Each of these spells are accompanied by gorgeous watercolour style illustrations throughout and a 'spoon rating' which provides a measure of the amount of energy required for each spell. The book is written in a very laid back and witty manner, providing a calming and relaxed atmosphere, which is deeply contrasted to many other books on the market. I am excited to purchase a physical copy of this book once it is released and I hope that Andrea releases more books of a similar style in the future.

Thank you NetGalley, Fair Winds Press and Andrea Samayoa for an ARC of this gorgeous book!

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I am a big fan of the author and their no frills, easy spell craft, with no guilt or making you feel like you cannot be a “proper” witch without all the bells and whistles.

I loved the ease, the inclusion of spoons, the simple descriptions that just made it easy.

Fantastic book. I was lucky to get an earc, and I have already preordered the physical book for my library. A must read.

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As someone who has always been interested in witchcraft but never knew where to start, I found this book fantastic. Nothing was overly complicated and it was easy to follow.
Great for all beginners as materials, spells and information is explained well.
The writing feels as if it’s your best friend telling you everything you need to know. however it does contain a lot of swear words so if that offends you, this book might not be for you.

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The illustrations in this book were beautiful and it was so informative! No gatekeeping here. I absolutely loved the spoon ratings and the zero spoon options. There’s a spell for anything in here. I’ll be purchasing a physical copy for reference when it comes out.

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As a dabbler in spells and ritual, a big turn off for me has always been the seemingly precious and gate-keepy way that practice has always been treated. As an open practice based on intention, the physically and mentally time consuming nature of setting up altars, calling the four corners etc. always seemed like a huge deterrent. What about people who do not have the resources (time, money, ability, focus)? The answer to that is this book and this style of practice.

Like a good beginner cookbook, this spellbook starts with the basics and makes magick accessible for anyone from anywhere. Recognizing that intention is what matters, Samayoa guides the reader though what one needs to know, gather and consider when casting. Using readily available spell ingredients and equipment (with safety always in mind) this book makes a fantastic reference for practitioners new and experienced. The pictures are lovely, the layout intuitive and easy to reference, the book is a treat just to read.

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This is a chronically ill pagan's best friend. The book is beautifully illustrated. It contains all of the useful charts you could imagine- what colors, crystals, and herbs to use for certain intentions, moon phases, etc. It even has adorable spoon level charts next to each spell!! For example, a super easy low-effort spell would be 1 spoon, but one which takes a lot of energy would be 4 spoons. I'm obsessed and will be recommending it to all of my witchy friends.

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From a young age, I've always been interested in witchcraft. There was something about it that interested me. I think the movie Practical Magic is to thank for that. I always loved the line "Always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can." It always felt like magic and love came hand in hand. I've found very few guides over the years that I've connected to. But this is one of them.

I enjoyed how this book apologized for nothing. It was crass yet thorough. The art style felt warm and inviting. On each page it was detailed, and giving substitutions for things you might night have was helpful. Each spell seemed like it was geared toward light and helpfulness. I didn't see any that brought any kind of ill will. Just a healthy dose of mind your business and give me space. And as someone with ADHD, I think I could definitely use the Anti-Procrastination Oil.

Alongside the spells in this book there was also bits that taught you about the moon and crystals. All in all I really liked this guide and I'll be suggesting it for a book order in the future.

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Nice book, fabulous drawings. It is a step by step guide on how to. It's just not for me unfortunately.

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Firstly, as you have probably guessed from the title, this book uses a large amount of swear words. Now I’m not really offended by stuff like this but I do feel it makes the book feel like it’s trying to be “edgy” which I don’t think it really needs. The book and the content stands out without this additional “try hard” feeling all the sweating is giving.

I absolutely love the layout of this book. It’s clear and easy to find and go back to different sections. The illustrations are also stunning and I really enjoyed looking at them and they really complimented the spells.

I really liked the edition of really easy and low “spoon” spells. It makes this really accessible for everyone.

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A very voice-y book of spells largely aimed at feeling better in your own life and in your self. Easily explained although not as simple as the author would think (I had to Google several items mentioned by her that she considered to be super common/simple).

Absolutely gorgeously illustrated, I think that was the part I enjoyed the most. The artwork made the book feel special and perfect for the fall season.

If you've ever been interested in spells, witchcraft, intention setting, this seems like a good book to read and keep nearby and maybe little by little try a spell or two.

Thank you to Netgalley and Fair Winds Press for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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"Yes, everything is on fire, but, bitch, I got this"

This book is filled with practical tips, attainable goals, and witty writing. Just what I need in a book that's helping me to be a better me!
I loved the setting of attainable, day-to-day goals. The tips on centering/grounding yourself, staying mindful, and establishing meditative practices were super helpful. I've always struggled with settings intentions and getting caught up in complicating simple tasks, so I look forward to putting these tips and tutorials together!
Her descriptions of directions were both hilarious, simple, and very helpful. Don't get me started on the artwork in here, absolutely GORGEOUS. I didn't even realize I followed her on TikTok until after I got this ARC, and when I double checked myself, I remembered how much I love her videos, tips, and tricks! I'm having to reign myself in from buying a new journal (just write in the one you already have Taylor), but I can't wait to utilize the journaling recommendations and reflections. The prompts for manifesting are amazing questions to ponder on and I'll definitely be writing in my journal about them later.

Thank you NetGalley, Fair Winds Press, and Andrea Samayoa for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Honestly bless this author for the inclusion of spoons in this book! I loved this overall, it makes all that magical stuff feel so much more accessible

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