Member Reviews

*NSYNC 30th Anniversary Celebration was full of information about one of my favorite boy bands from my teenage years. It details everything from the beginning of the group to the breaking down of the group. It includes a timeline and pictures which are great for those of us reliving childhood memories while reading this book. Overall, this book was great for a fan to look back on “the good ol’ days.”

NSYNC 30th Anniversary Celebration is a brief history of the boy band NSYNC. Detailing the trajectory of the group and all of their success, this has all of the information and facts to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the boy band.

To be honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of NSYNC. I know who they are, of course, and I’ve had my fair share of great parties and dance-offs to their music. But the intense fandom surrounding them never really resonated with me. That said, it didn’t stop me from picking up their 30th Anniversary Celebration book—and I’m glad I did, because I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Coming in with minimal knowledge of the group, I found it fascinating to learn about their history and journey. I was genuinely surprised by the highs and lows they faced, especially the betrayal by their own manager. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around behavior like that, and reading about it really struck a chord.
On the brighter side, I was amazed at how much the members’ families—especially their mothers—supported them throughout their careers. Perhaps the biggest surprise for me was discovering that they found success in Europe before making it big in the U.S. It’s not something I would have guessed, but as they say, you do what you’ve got to do—and they certainly did.
The book offers a well-rounded overview of each member, a detailed timeline of their career milestones, recordings, relationships, and break-ups. It’s beautifully illustrated with plenty of photos and even includes fan stories that capture the essence of NSYNC’s impact. The book concludes with a look at what the members have been up to post-breakup and where they are now, providing a satisfying sense of closure.

Wow! As an NSYNC fan this book was a fangirl trip down memory lane. From the history of the band, travel, boy band wars, pop culture, tours and highlighting their individual careers, this book is a great celebration of the band. I loved it and it would be a great gift for any NSYNC fan. Thanks to NetGalley for the complimentary copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

This gave you all the old feels from the 90s and early 2000s. It was like being in the boy band mania all over again. The book had a lot of information that maybe wasn't so well known at the time that the band was popular. It did have a lot of information from the recent documentaries that have been released since the Nsync break up. If you are a die hard fan you will enjoy this book!

I grew up with NSYNC and am still a fan! If you are like me and also a fan of the band, then you have to pick up a copy. It has so many awesome pictures and lots of details that you can appreciate. It is nostalgic and makes you crave that reunion even more!

Fragassi’s book is a fun retrospective on everything and anything NSYNC. Starting with their pre-boy band days, she details Chris Kirkpatrick putting the band together, them signing an ill fate deal with Lou Pearl, how they dominated the pop charts, their breakup, and (mini) reunion. She digs into their many highs and lows, both in and outside of the band, such as legal disputes, controversies, and internal struggles. A big highlight are the photos featured throughout the book. Iconic photoshoots, live shots, and red carpet pictures are a blast to flip through, even if it’s just to judge their questionable fashion choices.
The most engrossing part of the book deals with the members’ lives post-NSYNC. Justin Timberlake’s solo career is well documented, so it’s refreshing to get more detail about what the rest of the guys were doing once NSYNC said bye, bye, bye (sorry). The book sheds new light on JC’s doomed solo career, Chris’ foray into fashion and rock music, Joey’s success on Broadway, and Lance’s failed acting career and cosmonaut ambitions.
Fragassi also gathers various interview quotes that provide insight into the band’s hiatus and ultimate breakup. Just like their millions of fans, most of the band was also surprised to learn that 2001’s Celebrity was their final album. They open up about their frustration with being strung along by record labels and Timberlake himself saying the band would resume “soon.” We learn about the various opportunities members turned down because they were waiting to record a new record. It leaves you disappointed knowing what could have been, but it brings a sense of closure to those still confused about why the band called it quits.
Read the full review on genreisdead.com

This book truly feels like a dream come true for millennials! It brought back nostalgic memories of the books I used to buy as a child. I enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane as I read about the band’s history, and I loved the pictures included in the book. Every millennial should consider this book as a coffee table piece and a great conversation starter!
Thank you to NetGalley and to Quarto Publishing Group – becker & mayer! | Epic Ink for a copy of the book..

For any 90s/2000s fans or simply for the nostalgia, this book is perfect to take you back to the peak of pop culture! NSYNC is one of the biggest boy bands and getting to celebrate their 30th anniversary is amazing! As a millennial, I truly felt like I grew up with NSYNC and being able to look through the pictures and read through the band's history definitely took me back to Y2K! Thank you NetGalley for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review!

Loved all the photos getting to reminisce about n-sync from start to finish. Beautifully put together book.

//\\// SYNC is Life. Be still my teeny bopper/now middle mama heart! This boy band had such charisma and a huge fan base. I can't believe it's been 30 years. This was a awesome tribute to one of the boy bands that still has IT. This collection totally brought back all the feel good vibes that boy and girl groups of these times, honestly hasn't been replicated since. This the perfect coffee table book for the nostalgic heart!

Being an *NSYNC fan is a core feature of my personality, so I was so excited to see this book is a thing. It was a trip back in the boy band time machine of times when I would devour each and every article about the guys, spend my time getting the best posters from Bop and Teen Beat, and just find each and everything I could that they were even sort of involved with. This book was perfectly put together - It was all the details of the story, but also had some great pictures (that once adorned my walls), and also summarized what the fan experience is like. It's one that I am definitely going to have to add to my *NSYNC collection. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the look at this wonderful October 2024 release.

There has probably never been a book that I’ve been more qualified to review than this one. This review has been twenty-six years in the making, and though I can’t believe I’m writing a review for a book celebrating their thirtieth anniversary, I’ve never felt more like a fangirl while writing one.
I still remember where I was the day I became a boy band-loving, pop music-obsessed, Bop Magazine-buying teeny bopper. It was April, 1998, I was 14 years old, and I was sitting at the desktop computer in my parents’ living room while my sister, inexplicably, watched The Ricki Lake Show. I didn’t know why my younger sister was watching Ricki Lake at that particular moment, much like I didn’t yet know that my entire life was about to change, but younger siblings do weird things sometimes, so I didn’t think too much about it.
Until those first few notes of “I Want You Back” started up.
I remember trying to ignore it at the very beginning because my sister was super into whoever was performing, and I, as a mature 14 year old with more sophisticated taste, couldn’t be seen enjoying whatever pop group my younger sister found so intriguing. It didn’t take long, however, before I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at the TV. I looked back at the computer monitor, willing myself not to turn back to the boys dancing on afternoon daytime television, but it was an irresistible force, a siren call to my young and impressionable mind. Try as I might, I was not strong enough to overcome the allure of the cute boys, bubbly pop music, and cheesy dance moves.
I turned back to the TV. And accepted my new life as a teeny bopper.
The Disney Channel concert special aired a few months later, and I remember counting down the days until the night it finally graced my TV. I recorded it – and every subsequent television appearance – on VHS, and watched it religiously every time it re-aired. I was already hooked before watching the special, but after that, I was a certified fanatic. I joined the fan club, bought every piece of merchandise I could get my hands on, and scoured the internet and my local record store trying to collect every imported single and album I could find. Posters covered my bedroom walls (and ceiling), and I’ll never forget the look on my Nana’s face as she walked into my room one day to find every single inch – floor to ceiling, minus the carpet – plastered in posters.
And you’ve never known true terror until a giant poster falls off the ceiling and lands on top of you in the middle of the night.
My mom even let us skip school and drove us to the mall the day No Strings Attached was released so we could buy the CD as soon as the record store opened.
And then, the holy grail – I got to see them in concert at the tender age of seventeen. It was a huge deal, not only because it was *NSYNC, but because it was the first time I’d been allowed to go to a concert with just my friends without any parental supervision at all. I remember having to stand in line outside Blockbuster all by myself for hours on a cold, dreary, and foggy morning to buy tickets, my mom sitting in the warm car waiting for me. Looking back, I’m not sure why none of my friends joined me (*side-eyes them now*), but it was worth it once *NSYNC appeared on that stage. It was the best night of my first seventeen years, and still one of my all-time favorite concerts. My ears haven’t been the same since, though.
I had tickets to see them again for the PopOdyssey tour, but that concert was cancelled the night before because the crews hadn’t been able to finish building the stage in time due to rain from Tropical Storm Barry. I was absolutely heartbroken. They did an interview on the local news that night, breaking the news of the cancellation and promising that they’d come back and make up the concert. It’s been 23 years and I’m still waiting. I still haven’t given up hope, though.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I still listen to their music on occasion. The nostalgia, a callback to a more innocent and less stressful time – okay, being a teenager was still stressful, but at least I didn’t have to pay bills – and the feeling that only a pop classic from your teenage years can evoke, helps ease the stress of this sometimes overwhelming world.
14-year-old me would never have believed that I would one day be getting an advanced copy of a book about *NSYNC, or that I would also get to ramble on about them and my memories for far too long in a review.
Oh yeah, I’m supposed to be writing a review, not a memoir.
*NSYNC 30th Anniversary Celebration is a fun trip down memory lane for anyone who was a fan of the band in their prime, and for those younger fans who are only just discovering them thanks to some of their more recent stuff, it’s a nice, easy way to learn more about them.
At 224 pages – less, if you don’t count full-page pictures or the timeline and discography at the end – it’s a quick read, and while there’s nothing really new here for hard-core fans, it’s still an interesting look at the band. From their origins to their “hiatus,” there’s information about every stage of *NSYNC, and it’s definitely worth reading, if only for the nostalgia.
In addition to the well-researched information, it includes pictures, info on their various solo careers, what they’re up to now, as well as the aforementioned timeline and discography.
It’s not a deep dive into their history, and I doubt non-fans would find it interesting, but I would definitely recommend it to those looking to relive a bit of the *NSYNC glory days.

90s hipster reporting for duty...
I grew up on Britney vs. Christina, N*SYNC vs BSB and Mandy Moore vs. Jessica Simpson. I read Teen Bop and swooned over Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Devon Sawa. I wallpapered my walls in sketchers ads and my mini backpack was jam filled with the latest lip smackers.
Through and through, I am a 90s kid, so when I see ANY book published referencing my favorite era, I know it's a no brainer.
N*SYNC 30th Anniversary Collection
Most of what I read is all stuff I had known but it was nice to take a trip down memory lane and the illustrations/photos are stunning! I would have liked some old throw back articles to reminisce on or personal interviews from the guys but all in all, as a fan and collector, I would definitely purchase this anniversary book.
I can't wait to purchase a physical copy to add to my 90s shrine.

It was a fun trip down memory lane and all the wishes that the *NSYNC collective fandom has that they will get back together at some point. It was fun to see some fan photos from over the years besides the professional ones. I would be interested to see what this book looks like in person compared to digital format. Thank you Netgallery, Epic Ink and Selena Fragassi for choosing me to be an arc reader for this book.

I have loved NSYNC since they first came out!!!! The fact that they have been around for 30 years is a little painful . But I'll get over it. I loved seeing pics I hadn't seen before and reading stories about their early years. NSYNC forever baby!!!!

Oh man! This book was a total blast from the past! I remember middle school, and all the girls were obsessed with *NSYNC. Honestly, even the guys got into their music! There were several acts in the school talent show with kids recreating their iconic songs,and in one instance, a group of guys learned the dance moves to impress their dates to the school dance. It was amazing! We all had every *NSYNC CD there was, and listened to them every chance we got. And band merch? Yup, we had it all! I know I personally had at least 5 of their posters on my bedroom wall. Lol! While most of the girls were all doe-eyed about Justin’s baby face and ramen-esque curls, I was more drawn to the more rugged appearance of Chris. In fact, the “I Drive Myself Crazy” music video was one of my favorites because he had more screen time. My love of all things *NSYNC only grew from there, and now that I am an adult, I have passed the music down to my kids. And yes, they absolutely laughed and gave me weird looks when I freaked out about the reunion. Did they watch the video, though? Bet your tushy they did! Lol!
Generally, I stick to mostly memoirs when it comes to nonfiction books, but when I saw this book, I HAD to read it! I loved that there were some photos and details about the guys that I had never seen or known about. I mean, I still follow them all on social media, so I thought I was still relatively in the loop. Apparently not as much as I thought (though I will admit to NOT being a stalker-level super fan). The author did a great job collecting facts and compiling into a format that is both visually appealing and easy to read. I really appreciated how it went from group facts to a deep dive into each of the guys and what they’ve been doing. Gotta say, while I love them all, I definitely have two favorites now, and I can’t decide between them! Lance is such a beautiful human, and I love following him on Instagram! And Joey is just such a fun-loving guy! Have you watched him on Food Network??? (Oh God, I’m old…)
Anyway, major kudos to this author! Thank you for allowing me to relive the good part of my childhood/teen years in vivid clarity! This book would be awesome for anyone who loves *NSYNC or wants to learn more about the band or its members. Here’s hoping for a full-on reunion at some point!
🧚🏻 A huge thank you goes out to NetGalley, Quarto Publishing Group, and author Selena Fragrassi for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I was a huge fan of Nsync back in the day and I still managed to find facts I didnt know from this book celebrating their 30 year career. Worth a read for the nostalgia 4 stars

I was OBSESSED with NSYNC as a teenager. Talk about a blast from the past. I absolutely loved reading this, the pictures were great, the little pieces of information about the guys and the band were great. I am just needing to blast some of their music now and I will be completely transported back to the early 2000's! This book was a total wave of nostalgia and I really enjoyed it!!!

This was honestly such a fun read! As a girl who was absolutely obsessed with NSYNC in the early 2000’s, this book was such a blast of nostalgia. I loved seeing the early history of the group as well as the little known facts and also the recent updates from the group!