Member Reviews

Thank you Quarto Publishing for making this book available on Netgalley as a Read Now book! I enjoyed reading this book. I liked reading the mythology, learning about the ocean and ocean life and I enjoyed looking at the water color images of the ocean and ocean life. This book also has invocations, meditations and spells. I won’t be doing the invocations, spells or meditations from this book because I live too far away from the beach and I don’t have a bath tub anymore but I still thought it was very interesting to read. I’m a Cancer which is a water sign and the zodiac animal for that is a crab and I’ve always loved the water. I own an ocean life oracle deck and a mermaid oracle deck. There is a beach here but it would take 1 hour and 25 minutes just for my mom to drive us there. If I wanted to go to the beach, it would have to be an all day thing for my mom and I. However, there is a pool in my neighborhood that is close and I could probably walk there if I wanted to. There is also a lake here but I don’t know how long it would take my mom to drive us there because I don’t drive. I have noticed that if I’m in a funk or I’m tired that taking a shower makes me feel better. Water has always been very healing to me.

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I chose to read this book because I love water magic, and am always looking for fresh ideas to spice things up in my day to day. As a whole, i think this book is a wonderful book for those who are very minimalist or just starting out. The rituals don't require too much but still help you tap into the energies of the Sea, but I feel it leans a little more on the meditation or reflection side, as opposed to more spell work (herb, candle, bath, potion, etc) based. I did enjoy all the background information, covering a lot of different topics - I was particularly intrigued by the Sea Weather portion of the book! For someone a little more seasoned, it may be repetitive to things they've already read.

I was given this book by NetGalley in exchange for a review. Digital Copy. I did not get to flip through the pages first - which would have changed my expectations for the book a little, resulting in a higher rating for the book. So I will give both.

In terms of what I was looking for, I'd give it a 2.5-3 stars.
As an overall book, I would give it 4 stars.

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Insightful and beautifully illustrated. Anyone feeling called to ocean life will find this work to be engaging and wonderful. A quick, calm read that offers insight and growth for the reader. A deep dive in to ocean symbolism in a profoundly new and introspective way. I think that anyone who works with spiritualizing the symbols around us will find this work magical. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this title! I feel closer to the magic around me by having the chance to gain these perspectives! Now for an accompanying oracle deck!!

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This book gives readers an organized, informative guide on how to work with the magick of the world’s oceans. This book of about 160 pages covers a lot of ground, touching upon everything from ocean deities to sailor superstitions and marine life. It's very aesthetically pleasing, pairing information and ritual instructions with beautiful artwork. The imagery and well-paced sections make it an enjoyable read. Every oceanic entity mentioned has an accompanying invocation, a few examples including the mythical kraken, dolphins, and kelp.

My only critique is that I discovered a few factual errors within the text. While discussing ill-fated voyages (page 54), the book makes incorrect statements about the RMS Titanic: the Titanic’s sister ship was not the Olympia, but the Olympic, and Ramon Artagaveytia was not a member of the crew, but rather a first class passenger.

I overall enjoyed the book for both its presentation and information. The care and passion the author has for the ocean permeates the pages, something that is much needed in an era of pollution crises.

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Loved Sea Magick by Rieka Moonsong, but I want more of it! It's meant to be a short primer on the subject, but truly each chapter and topic covered could be a standalone book. There's so much depth of information to be covered here, and I'd hope the author would do so in the future. I'd read it! Here we get great intro and beginner information about sea magick, including how to do it whether you are near the ocean or not. There's also great historical and mythological information, which is my favorite, plus practical ways to work with the energy of sea deities, creatures, plants, and even weather. If you're new to working with the sea, this is an ideal place to start and will point you in different directions for further study and practice if you're drawn to a particular chapter.

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If you're a pagan drawn to the ocean, Sea Magick by Rieka Moonsong is an absolute gem. It dives into sea folklore, myths, and magical rituals, with special sections on ocean deities, marine creatures, and the magical uses of sea plants. The book is not only informative but beautifully designed, making it a pleasure to read.

Whether you're practicing sea magic or just love the mysteries of the ocean, this book offers spells, meditations, and rituals to connect with the water’s energy, even if you're far from the shore. A captivating and insightful addition to any magic collection!

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What a beautiful, magical book. As someone who grew up near the ocean and is a bit if a Sea witch, this book will be part of my collection. The photos through out were stunning and the information was great!
Highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to know how to work more closely with the water.

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This is such a beautiful book for pagans who feel a connection to the sea. It has sections on folklore and myths related to the ocean, weather events, sea animal energy invocations, and my personal favorite- magical uses for aquatic plants. I did feel the Atlantis section was a little silly, though- specifically, the section to "find out if you were an Atlantian in a past life." That's my only reason for going down to 4 stars. Otherwise, the book is beautiful and well done.

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I grew up on the ocean and took it for granted. Now that I no longer live near the ocean, it lures me home like a siren song - I need to smell the ocean air, hear the waves, feel the ocean wind chill me, and I’m often wondering when I can get back.

This book was wonderful to read - beautifully illustrated (that cover ❤️) and laid out on soothing blue watercolor, it’s aesthetically a joy to peruse. Beyond the looks, there’s folklore, meditations, and spells.

I enjoyed this a lot while also finding it be a take what you choose and disregard the rest book. Much of it wasn’t for me personally, but what was worked well.

I think the book should come with links to access recorded meditations from the book.

Thank you to Rock Point and NetGalley for the PDF

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This is a magical and informative read for anyone who is drawn to the sea or interested in sea magic

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