Member Reviews

Dr. Melissa Dymond always puts together a great cast of characters who are believable and dynamic. I truly connected with these characters and their challenges and inner demons. Readers of Holiday Star will love this one, and if you read Paging Dr. Hart from this author, I think you will enjoy the suspense in this one as well.

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This book is perfect for the holiday mood with romance, suspense, and comedy.
Tropes: Grumpy Sunshine, One bed, enemies, Wedding, romantic suspense, spicy
After reading Holiday Star I was so excited to read this one. Gwen & Caleb’s wedding with a stalker in presence. The dual PoV of both the couple’s made it even more good.
Along with that, we can see the Love Unfold between two enemies Jenny & Dean. That one bed & stranded in snow Made me squeal like a schoolgirl, I knew they would snap. I Loved their relationship full of tension & angst with a little bit of fake dating The spice is the chef’s kiss.
Coming to the suspense part I didn’t expect it but has a suspicion of the stalker. I loved how everything came together.

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I really enjoyed this one. I wouldn't have minded it being just Jenny and Dean's story, but revisiting Gwen and Caleb is just perfect. I hope that Jenny and Dean get similar treatment in the next book. I loved Gwen and Caleb in their book and I really fell for Jenny and Dean in this one. I wouldn't have minded getting more than just the bonus chapter from Dean's POV. I will say, I did not see that drama coming and it was well done. I'm very much looking forward to what I'm assuming is Helen and Teddy's story.

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Caleb and Gwen are getting married and they are very happy . Gwen has to travel to be at a conference to talk about her colon cancer cancer researsh in LA . Jenny her best friend will help with the wedding preperations and she will also interview Caleb . When one of Caleb's stalkers sent him a gift Jenny and Dean his bodyguard work together to reveal his identity . As the days for the wedding coming closer the weather in NY is getting worse will she be able to fly to her own wedding ?
I received this book from netgalley , the author and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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I adored this sequel. It was great to see Caleb and Gwen's wedding. Typically, a dual POV story is from the two love interests. Instead in this book it was the two best friends and their individual love stories, which I really enjoyed reading. I absolutely connected with Jenny, the second POV in this book and was equally excited to read about both characters.

The story also wasn't your typical rom-com, there was a little bit of mystery/thriller aspect to it with finding Caleb's stalker, and I found myself trying to figure out whodunnit too.

Although this is a Christmas rom com, it wasn't over the top with holiday references, making it a great read at anytime of the year.

And, as always with Dr. Dymond's books, there was great representation of mental health, physical health (cancer screenings), and grief. I'll be reviewing this on my bookstagram page as well soon.

Thank you to Dr. Dymond and Netgalley for this advanced copy - a must read!!

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I loved this fluffy holiday romance that also has a bit of mystery. The mix in genres make for an entertaining plotline. The steaminess, the banter, and the suspense caused me to read this in one sitting. Definitely add this to your holiday TBR this year!

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Congratulations Gwen and Caleb!

I loved this so much! A great way to kick off the Christmas book season!

The wedding of the year and it’s supposed to go off without a hitch. But There’s chaos, there’s stress and there’s also a blizzard 🔥 can we just get these two married?!?! Caleb has a stalker and Gwen’s best friend/maid of honor; Jenny, and Caleb’s best friend/best man, Dean, team up to try and track down who it is even though they don’t exactly get along. So they have that going on while Gwen is across the country at a medical conference dealing with her own stressful stuff.

🎄 Ok fav parts! I LOVED the dual POV. But we get the POV between Jenny and Gwen. It’s like 2 books for the price of 1. You don’t see a lot of dual POV when it’s not the FMC/MMC. They have their own stories happening at the same time and I found myself really excited to switch back to Jenny’s POV.

🎄This is a romance but it’s also a suspense. There’s a stalker, you have a sleazy boss, and a nor’easter to boot.

🎄I connected so much to Jenny about feeling like she’s too much and too loud and not skinny enough. And the fact that she began to accept herself and grow in her confidence when she began seeing herself as Dean saw her was so relatable.

🎄The twist at the end had me like whaaaaat?!

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First off I want to say thank you to Netgalley and Dr. Melissa Dymond for giving me this arc, super super appreciated.

Now into my thoughts. This was a cute fun slightly stressful holiday read. I will not spoil anything, but the bad people in this were not the bad people I was expecting so good job on over my eyes. I love being wrong about who the bad person is and looks like this and makes it more fun. I also loved the dual POV done by the two females in each of the relationships represented in this book. I thought that was a super interesting way to tell the story. I haven’t seen dual POV done this way before and I really enjoyed it.

For me, my favorite character is Jenny. I just found her super relatable, she was fun and quirky, and multifaceted. Overall though,I did love all the characters, including the side characters.

I loved the holiday aspect of this cause I made Christmas junkie. I loved the force proximity in the grumpy sunshine trope with MMCs (Dean) background. I really enjoyed the banter between Dean and Jenny, really really love banter in romance books. It just makes it so much more fun and I think Melissa pulled that off perfectly.

I love how the author (Melissa) Always writes two versions of her books, one with spice and one without so that everybody can read the story and not feel like they have to skip over parts . I read the spicy version of this book.

If you were looking for a suite, romantic emotion filled lighthearted, holiday, romance, with suspense this is the one, just go, read it!!

Seriously, thank you again for allowing me to read this book early and I really can’t wait to read the next book that Melissa comes out with. ❤️

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“Dean kisses the way characters kiss in books or movies. A kind of kiss I thought only existed in Hollywood”

I loved this one!! Such a perfect conclusion to Caleb and Gwen’s story and a wonderful introduction to some new romances! I was a little disappointed we didn’t get a whole lot of Gwen and Caleb moments but I did really enjoy getting to see Dean and Jenny team up together!

I definitely was hoping to see more scenes with Gwen and Caleb together but it made sense not having as many since Gwen was out of town for her important doctor meeting. I was honestly super frustrating when Gwen told Caleb him living out his dream of being famous isn’t as important as Gwen being a doctor. They should find a better way to compromise so they can both have the jobs they want. I still love them together and I’m happy we got to finally see their wedding but I’m hoping to see some more of them in future books working this out.

Jenny and Dean were perfect! I love forced proximity tropes and they really test each other which I feel is something every good relationship needs. I felt it was a little rushed at times but I think their relationship ends off at the perfect point and I’m hoping to see their wedding next 🤞🏻I also am excited to see where the next book takes us!

I definitely think you should read this as well as Holiday Star this Christmas season! You can preorder the book on Amazon

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This book follows up on Gwen & Caleb’s story as they’re preparing for their wedding, but also included in the dual POV of best friend, Jenny as she enters her enemies-to-lovers romance with Caleb’s bodyguard, Dean, and damn, do I love them together. From fake dating to learning to calm panic attacks, they complement each other so well. Holiday Wedding is a must-read when it comes out, especially if you’ve read Holiday Star!

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I didn't like this book. Nor did I finish it. I probably should have read the book before this so I fully connected with the characters. But im not sure that would have helped. I found the writing to be a bit too much. The conversations didn't feel real and authentic.

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Muss up my emotions just like my hair ,do your worst I won’t care , as this is the best of romantic reads , sates my hunger and my needs. If you know what I mean….with the cute and the funny, the dark and the sunny keeping me keen. A wonderful holiday feel read, that’s full of zest and zeal and raw need. This anxiety filled journey nearly has one of them laid out on a gurney! I know ! It is thrilling and a little bit chilling , able and willing. Speaking of which Dean and Jenny are now working together to pull out the stopper to make the wedding go off with a whopper, without a hitch ( well you know what I mean) if only Gwen had Caleb’s tether. He’d already know whether she was alright ,because she gave them such a fright!. But in the end he can depend on his friend..Speaking of alright Jenny and Dean , you know the ones , well it seems that Jenny no longer thinks him mean , in fact she’s rather keen , he’s a bit of alright if you know what I mean. Jenny , I think Dean loves you…WOOHOO!! There’s a story for you! I really loved the ups and the downs , wink, wink , the anxiety too , the camaraderie , even the frowns . They’re all getting in the pink , ready for a bit of a do . Christmas Wedding anyone? I do …. I mean..Yes please I love a good wedding and after this , I need a stiff one , drink that is , so if you please mind out of the gutter what do you think I was meaning to utter….. Haha , so shed no tears , when you come back down to earth from anxious fears . Had me on the edge of my seat keen and not just because of the sex scenes. Hmmmm… where was I ? Oh yes! Next story ? It can’t come quick enough and nor can Dean … 😜 DR Melissa Dymond ? I think she’s pretty neat. Because her storytelling’s a treat that can’t be beat. This particular version it packs some heat as well as being a beautiful romantic treat. Sign me up if you have a reader’s club for the next book you write . I know I will surely love it. The spicy version please . Cos this was HOT alright …..and a heavenly tease. Loved every bit of this spicy love story , as I’m sure you can tell , in ALL of its glory….. Excellent writing and great characters who are swell. The whole of the storytelling flows so well and has been brilliantly and creatively thought out , I can tell. Bravo ! Heat ☑️ Romance ✔️ Christmas✔️ Storytelling ☑️ Excellent Writing ✔️ Edge of Your Seat✔️

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Absolutely amazing! It was so great to curl back up with some old friends. I love how seamlessly Dr Melissa Dymond connects the story and maintains the two different POVs. And while I came for Caleb and Gwen's story the story between Dean and Jenny is just perfect. Grumpy/ Sunshine is my favorite! I read the spicy version of this book because Dr Melissa Dymond is so great she writes two versions of her books so everyone is comfortable. This book is definitely one I will read and read again.

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Melissa Dymond does an incredible job at writing romance that is fluffy but filled with tension and mystery.

As the title suggests, the book is about a Holiday Wedding and it is book 2 in the Holiday Romance series but can be read as a stand alone. This book continues were Gwen and Caleb’s story left off. However, we also follow Jenny as she finds herself swooned by a broody bodyguard.

While Caleb and Gwen’s wedding is central in the book, getting there isn’t that easy. Stalkers, paparazzi and personal problems are all trying to get in the way of what is supposed to be an incredible event. This was also what made it impossible to put the book down since you just want to know how everyone is going to deal with these obstacles.

I loved that we not only followed Caleb and Gwen, but also Jenny and Dean. It did have one of my least favorite tropes but it fit the story so well, I just can’t be mad about it. Honestly, I would recommend this book to anybody who loves a christmas themed romance that also has some action in it.

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I binged "Holiday Wedding" in one day, it was so addictive. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting all of these realistic, loveable characters. I was pleasantly surprised that there were side storylines supporting the main storyline, which kept me turning pages. This book truly has so many dimensions. It has so much heart, humor, and suspense. I chose the "spicy" version, so there were steamy scenes that completed the romantic reading experience for me. This book is so real with various topics to which a wide range of readers can relate. I adore this book and series so much! Can't wait for the next book!💖

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This was such a cute holiday read! I love Melissa Dymond’s writing!

I was impressed with her ability to balance emotion with lightheartedness, romance with suspense, sweetness with steaminess, and she handles mental health topics so well (this is high praise coming from someone who is a therapist by profession lol). I appreciate how her characters are complex and flawed which makes them relatable. They feel like they could be real people. I find her writing style to be really enjoyable and engaging. I have a hard time putting her books down!

As much as I love Gwen and Caleb, I’m kind of obsessed with Dean and Jenny! The banter, the tension, the grumpy x sunshine vibes? Loved them! 😍 I loved the dual POV format. It was kind of an interesting twist on this format because you get Gwen and Jenny’s POVs and get to follow two love stories (as opposed to having a MMC & FMC format for dual POV). I thought it was a great storytelling choice for this book!

I think readers who are familiar with these characters from Holiday Star will be thrilled with this worthy sequel. That said, I also think new readers will also be able to enjoy this book as a standalone as the author does a fantastic job recapping events and re-introducing characters in a way that would be easy to follow for people unfamiliar with the first book. With it being a holiday book, I felt like she incorporated the holiday elements tastefully…it wasn’t super in your face or cheesy, it was just the right amount in my opinion. This would be a great holiday read to pick up!

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This book comes with a festive twist—dual POVs? Yup! And the best part? You get two love stories in one! Gwen and Caleb are finally tying the knot, and let’s just say I might’ve teared up when Caleb sang (okay, I definitely cried). But the real treat? Gwen shares the spotlight with her bestie Jenny, who’s busy poking fun at grumpy-but-dimpled Dean while they’re on a Scooby-Doo-style mission to find Caleb’s stalker. I was living for every moment Dean swooped in to save Jenny, and don’t get me started on that bonus chapter from his POV—swoon alert! The ACOMAF reference had me squealing! The suspense? Totally on point, and Melissa hit me with a twist I didn’t see coming (though I kinda did, but not this soon!). The epilogues? Pure gold. If you’re into Christmas vibes, a sprinkle of mystery, and a whole lot of love, this is your holiday must-read!

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I really enjoyed this book. It's a great story about two couples which you don't get often. The POVs from from Gwen and Jenny.

Caleb and Gwen from the first book are getting married. but does an accidental pregnancy complicates things? Caleb also has a stalker, but he doesn't want to alarm Gwen.

Jenny and Dean are an enemies-to-lovers, grumpy sunshine relationship. We get to learn more about Dean's background in the army and why he is the way he is. He blames himself for a not of the bad that happens in his life and doesn't want Jenny to see it. Jenny gets a redemption from the first book. She proves that she is a true friend and should be trusted. She would do anything for Gwen, Caleb and Dean. Although she feels like she is unlovable (so relatable).

We also see more of Teddy in this book, which sets the stage for book 3, That book will be about him and Helen (Gwen's new friend who is moving to California.

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Everything you need in a romance book! Story progression was at the perfect speed. Romance scenes were hot!
Totally recommend. I'm an avid romance book reader and this one does NOT disappoint! Love the album art!

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I picked up this ARC because I have heard so many good things about Paging Dr. Hart (which is on my TBR) and because of the cute holiday book cover.

Holiday Wedding is a holiday romance book that has a sweet/closed door and a spicy/open door option for readers to choose. This book can be read as a standalone but it mentioned things that happened in the first book (Holiday Star) which would have been helpful to understand what happened to the main couple, Gwen and Caleb if you read the first book. The other couple was Dean and Jenny. Learning about Dean’s past was so sad and I’m glad he has Jenny being so supportive and understanding. Overall, this book was a page turner. Not only are there romance and spice, but there is also a mystery/suspense component. It keeps me thinking who the stalker is and there is an unexpected twist at the end!
Thank you Melissa and NetGalley for letting me read this ARC for an honest review!

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