Member Reviews
I don't generally read speculative fiction because I often find the concepts hard to assimilate but I can't resist Blake Crouch - he doesn't muck about, wham, you're straight in there and along for the right. If you've read his previous books, there's nothing unexpected here - as ever the message is, what if the real problem isn't what humans can achieve / conceive but humanity itself.
This isn't my first of Crouch's books and now that I have returned to read another, I realised how unique and refreshing his writing style is. I can guarantee if I began reading a book without looking at the cover, I would know Blake Crouch had written it. With his fantastic world building and captivating language, it packed a punch.
This book is perfect for a lover of dystopian, technological (slightly) fiction, and it definitely can be concerning the further on one will read. It made me scared, frightened, paranoid and engrossed all within very quick succession and I found myself really warming to the family as they realised the extent of what was unravelling in their town.
It was really interesting to see how the violent doings were unravelling by the second and how there was no escape for the family - they couldn't trust the intentions of anyone and this made it an extremely engaging read. Blake did a fanstic job of bringing his ideas to life and, quite frankly, I was scared for mine. It felt so real and raw and I just wanted to scoop up the characters and take them somewhere safe away from harm.
It was a good read that provoked a lot of feelings from me.
I enjoyed the graphic details but got a bit fed up with all the driving. I think it's a common issue with survival/apocalypse stuff that everything just gets a bit repetitive because they're just bouncing from danger to danger and I don't find it that engaging.
I still love Blake Crouch though! This one just isn't as good as his later books.
Ryan loved this updated edition. I literally flew through the story. It was very fast paced, loved the character development 👏🏻
Ooof what a wild ride. Blake Crouch really knows how to spin a yarn. 1000mph from page 1. Great characters, great story and all round great book. I will read everything this man writes and I recommend you do the same. I want to be entertained when I read a book and Crouch never disappoints
Super fast paced, tense and addictive thriller. Blake Crouch's newer releases are exactly my kind of science fiction thriller, and his early work seems to be just as entertaining. Run follows a family as they try to escape a USA that has turned a large portion of the population into violent killers. It was very much edge of your seat stuff, but I do this k it felt a little directionless for a large portion of the story. Jack and Co. are running away, but there's no clear place that they seem to be running too. I think this book also set off my anxiety too, as the tension and stakes are so high for all of the book without any let up.
Not my favourite of Crouch's book, but this is as high octane and high action as it gets.
Blake Crouch always delivers - and this latest is no different! A bit different from his most recent thrillers, but I still found it a very compelling page turner with a lot of heart.
4 of 5 stars
My Five Word TL:DR Review: Constantly Moving and Tension Packed
I had a good time with Run. This is actually my first book by this author, although I do own others, and in some ways I dare say this makes it easier for me to love this one because I’m not comparing it to what I’ve already read or holding it up to some very lofty expectations. I went into this completely in the dark, I had no idea what the story was really about and I think this was something else that also worked out well for me.
As you may imagine from the title this is a story of a family trying to flee to safety. There is constant movement with this story and the characters (and reader) gets little chance for a breather. In fact I found myself hoping that the author would cut his characters a little slack – but he didn’t. Anyway, let’s work back and see what’s what.
I will say that I just went back to check the description for this one and if you still haven’t read it – I suggest you don’t do so. I found this so much better going into the read with no preconceived notions.
With that in mind I’m going to be very cagey about the plot. Yes, this is a family on the run trying to survive. They’re not the only ones and they have no idea what’s going on. Likewise, as a reader you’re equally in the dark and discovering things on the fly as this family try to stay one step ahead of what’s coming for them.
This is such a tense story. It’s the type of survival story that keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what comes next. I won’t lie, there is violence here and death aplenty, it comes with the new territory, but, at the same time, there are moments where you can see this family coming together and in fact that’s one of my favourite aspects of the story. This family, over the duration of this story, and everything that the author puts them through, definitely achieve massive character growth. This is a family that comes together in their time of need. Before everything hit the fan they’d been on the brink of giving up the ghost. Now, I’m not saying that with hindsight they’d wish this disaster onto themselves in order for their relationships to survive, but, the way they react and grow during the story made for addictive reading.
I liked the characters, which also helps. Like I mentioned, as the story begins they’re certainly not the perfect family, the father is the last person you’d expect to become your hero and yet all of them step into new shoes and adapt. Sometimes accompanied by a bit of screaming and crying and other times by starvation and thirst.
In terms of crticisms. Well, sometimes it doesn’t pay to question the whys and wherefores too deeply but instead roll with the punches and go where the story is trying to take you. I was, without doubt hooked to this from a very early point in the story and so I didn’t look too finely at the plot or any potential plot holes so can’t really say whether they were present or not. I think the ending felt a little hasty which was perhaps my only real issue.
Overall, this was very entertaining and definitely the sort of story that I think would make a great adaptation to the big screen. I’m now really looking forward to picking up some of my already owned books by this author to see how they compare. Any suggestions where to start always welcome.
I received a copy through Netgalley, courtesy of the publisher, for which my thanks. The above is my own opinion.
My rating 4 of 5 stars
What a great read I couldn't put it down. This was a fast paced book
Thank guy for the opportunity to review
5 days ago strange and brutal murders sweep across the country with no apparent explanation commited by friends, family and neighbours.
4 days ago the murders increase.
3 days ago The president addressed the nation and begged for calm.
2 days ago the killers begin to mobalize.
Yesterday power was lost.
Tonight They’re reading the names of those to be killed on the Emergency Broadcast System. You are listening over the battery-powered radio on your kitchen table, and they’ve just read yours.
Your name is Jack Colclough. You have a wife, a daughter, and a young son. You live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. People are coming to your house to kill you and your family. You don’t know why, but you don’t have time to think about that any more.
You only have time to….RUN
I LOVED this !! Blake crouch has done it again another brilliant thrill ride of shocks and emotion! This story had me hooked right from the start. Loved how the prologue tied in at the end. A gripping and fast paced post apocalyptic thriller.
No idea why this is getting bad reviews it was A FIVE STAR READ ☺️
Thank you to Netgalley, Pan Macmillan and Blake Crouch for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I have been reading a lot of books by this author lately and was really pleased to hear about this one.
It has a real dystopian post apocalyptic feel to its and reminded me a lot of the walking dead. The story starts straight in and does not let up the tension. You really care bout the characters and it twists and turns so well and has you guessing what will happen next and what the outcomes will be. Saying a lot will give the plot away but this is right up there with his best - I was shocked when I heard that it was republished and was first out years ago.
couldn't put this book down! It's like a roller coaster ride of suspense, with twists and turns that will leave you breathless. A perfect blend of excitement and wit.
Read in one day
Far fetched but good
Zombie chase
Okay, so it wasn't really zombies, nor am I going to explain the plot because that is best found inside the pages when reading. That said, Crouch could have given us a better explanation at the end...
This was a fast-paced story that was easy to keep abreast of, coupled with a focus in on one family with a dysfunctional partnership from the off. The dramatic start to the opening chapters had me immediately with my ears pinned back (this was an audio listen). The US was thrown into sudden dystopia with sci-fi elements underpinning and I had many questions.
Jack and Dee, with their children Naomi and Cole were compelling to read about. This family went through a heck of a lot of trauma and I enjoyed reading it! Was it far-fetched in its roots? Yes but I didn't mind too much because Crouch can write the pants off a thriller.
I did want more explanation in the end but I enjoyed the final twists we got and the suspense over that final twist. I will keep turning up for Blake Crouch, I know I'm always going to enjoy the experience. The audio was a great format for this read.
Thank you to Pan Macmillan for the netgalley copy.
In this tense, apocalyptic thriller, we meet the Colclough family: Jack, his wife Dee, and their children, Naomi and Cole.
Something strange is happening all over America, including extreme acts of violence that seemed to have gained momentum and spread like wildfire.
Then the power went off, going online became virtually impossible with poor mobile reception everywhere.
Jack was listening to the Emergency Broadcast Channel, where he heard the name of his family read out.
This means that someone is now coming to kill them all.
Jack and his family have to run to save their lives.
I really enjoyed this tense and gripping thriller which had me hooked straight from the beginning.
What was causing the violence? Was it some sort of madness? Why did it escalate to murder? These were just a few questions that I was wondering as I was reading the book.
Being on the run has certainly brought Jack’s family closer. Before the strange events, his marriage to Dee was crumbling, and now as they faced adversity, their bond grew stronger than before.
This book has raised a point that when it comes to it, humans only need the basics to survive. We don’t need all the fancy stuff, it’s not important.
What’s important is family and our health. Otherwise, who are we without those two things?
Many thanks to Macmillan for approving my NetGalley request.
I was intrigued to read this early book by Blake Crouch, before he had established himself as a writer of dystopian/twisted science/speculative fiction, which I love.
After strange lights appearing in the sky, America is gripped by a violent crisis, where seemingly normal people are going on killing sprees, attacking people, and destroying everything they can.
Jack decides to travel north towards Canada with his wife and two young children, to escape the carnage, but they become more and more involved in the fight, having to decide between good and evil, who to trust, and to do the unthinkable. The book certainly raises questions about how far should you go to protect those you love.
The explanation for the killing, and why it ended was never really clear, and also whether it was just limited to the USA.
I enjoyed the book, not so much the violence, but appreciated the dilemmas faced by the family, and I’m glad I read it.
Thanks to Netgalley and PanMacmillan for the opportunity to read this book.
A quick fast paced read that sucks you in. America divides into killers and those to be killed. We follow a family that tries to get to Canada which is a safe place. A good solid story from Blake. Thanks to Pan Macmillan and Netgalley for this review copy.
It's almost impossible to divorce a book from the expectations that comes with some authors. Run is one book that is hard to read without high expectations only to realise it doesn't come close to Dark Matter and Recursion.
Run follows the story of a family trying to escape the many killers on their tail. They move from place to place with danger following their every move.
Thankfully, Run is a fun read that continuously excites. There's enough danger to make you feel unsure of who will make it to the final pages. Also, the way the story begins sets an immediate urgency rather than a slow build. This does come with the consequence of mid-point repetitiveness as many of the events seem to follow the find safety then run from danger.
The biggest issue with the story is its derivative nature. There's very little that is unique or distinctive. While there are suggestions of a story that offers something different those differences are never fully realised. The story is too similar to many zombie story (just without the zombies). It's a story of the uninfected trying to escape the infected.
If I had read this book before reading other Crouch I might have enjoyed it more but as it stands I can't really get passionate about it. For fans of Crouch it is a necessary read but for people new to Crouch start with Dark Matter or Recursion and not Run, it doesn't reflect the author at his best.
The upside of a rereleased debut like this is a reminder that authors take time to find their voices. Very few come out the gate succeeding and Run shows authors it's ok to take your time. Both Run and Abandon are my least favourite Crouch books but neither of them derail my excitement for future books by him but they are far from his best work.
A good solid thriller that had me gripped from the start. It’s quite a dark survivalist story that was fast paced and a tad unbelievable in places. Just when I thought I knew where the story was going it headed off in a different direction. I felt the ending was a bit sudden but other than that a great read.
This was a tense dark thriller focussing on a situation none of us would want to be in. Waking up to discover nearly everyone you know wants to kill you. There were some parts of this book that were slightly unbelievable but with the background of menace it held its own.
Over a period of a few days, the US divides into killers and those to be killed. It's thought to be a virus but nobody can pin it down, and those infected won't stand still to be tested. It's a fantastic, exciting and very unsettling look at an imagined future. As you'd expect from Blake Crouch there are close shaves for a family whose head has just been named as one to be killed. Things get more frenzied as the small family make their escape towards the uninfected Canada. My heart was in my mouth on a number of occasions. I feel this would make a superb film.