Member Reviews

All Jo wanted was a magical Christmas just once but when her children arrive with their children there’s nothing but fights and squabbles her daughter is getting a divorce and her son is moving to America.
Jo decides to go in her own break heading to her younger sisters villa in France. Jo is sick of being everyone’s dogs body and she wants more can her break be the new start she’s hoping for.
Great read with a few chuckles along the way brilliant.

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A sweet cozy read which makes you realize how stressful Christmas can be for some. I didn't like the arguments between the siblings and the way the children complained about the food, presents and the fact they had to share a room but, on the whole I enjoyed it. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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I totally felt Joy’s pain in having gone overboard to have a wonderful Christmas with the family to have it backfire somewhat with no one really lifting a hand to help. I was infuriated for her although I did have every empathy with what Sara was going through and would probably be the exact same.

The story really takes off when Joy goes to visit her sister in France. The idyllic location and one of the most unforgettable characters in the form of Isabel’s mother-in-law. OMG she is hilarious and I don’t think there was one part of the story where she appears in that I wasn’t laughing. She really is brilliant and even though I could imagine what a pain she could be at times, I absolutely adored her.

There are so many wonderful elements to this story with Joy trying to work out what she wants from life. Giving a helpful hand to her sister and brother-in-law with their businesses as she certainly has an eye for things. Along with this we have an interesting love interest who seems to have an air of mystery to him. I thought Joy was so brave and it does inspire you in wanting to make changes to your life.

Sisters Making Mischief was the perfect reading tonic that picked me up. I adore stories set in different countries as there is a feeling of escapism whilst reading and you can easily visualise yourself doing the same thing. Hands down this is one of Maddie Please’s funniest books with plenty of laugh out loud moments that still make me laugh now thinking about them. A joyous and uplifting story that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

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I received a free copy of, Sisters Making Mischief, by Maddie Please, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Joy thought her Christmas was going to be relaxing a typical, but then her daughter, Sara, said shes getting a divorce. her son John and his wife Vanessa, are going to New York, so Joy decides to go to France, to visit her sister Isabel. This is exactly what Joy needs to get away, and find herself again, I really enjoyed this book.

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A wonderfully uplifting read… A lot of sparkle and mischief… The characters are fabulous… A very relaxing read!

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Joy is fed up with her mundane life. After hosting a family Christmas for her ungrateful children she decides to go to France to visit her sister and get away for a while.
As soon as Joy arrives her life begins to change for the better and her confidence begins to return as she finds her self.
There were so many great characters in this story and t Eugenie was hilarious. In fact the book was so funny in parts and had me laughing out loud. There were also serious parts which helped the reader reflect on Joys life and I did see parts of myself in her.
An excellent 5 star read which I would recommend and I would love a sequel to this.
Thanks to Boldwood Books, Maddie Please and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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This was just a cute and cozy book, it was about two sisters, older in age and just them living their life how they wanted to. It was a nice read, it was happy and it was just nice to read something light, I enjoyed it!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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This is such a fun book. Joy is 53 years old and is discovering herself while Visiting her sister in France. I just loved this story about older people living their lives for themselves. This book really resonated with me. I saw a lot of myself in Joy. I loved the characters. The book is funny and sweet. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Joy is hosting a family Christmas for the first time since her divorce, she tries to please everyone as they demand different meals to suit their latest food fad, complain, argue, and expect her to wait on them hand and foot without a word of thanks. From Christmas Eve to New Year, she manages to keep her cool, I really felt for her and wanted to shout and make a scene on her behalf.

Expecting to wave all the family off, Joy is shocked when her daughter asks to remain while divorcing her husband. Faced with hosting her unappreciative daughter and also anticipating a role as childminder, Joy's sister's invitation to join her in France offers a perfect opportunity to escape the never ending dramas.

Joy's relief (and mine) when arriving at Isabel's rustic and chaotic home was immense, there she finds somewhere where she's loved and respected, and not merely regarded as The Provider. As the days pass, her confidence returns, she rediscovers her femininity and together the sisters improve Isabel's flagging business enterprise.

The characters are fun and believable, the plot humorous, recommended reading.

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I have read so many fun books recently. Sisters Making Mischief was my latest read. I definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a light-hearted read.

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Even the title is fun…this is a pleasant story of family and friends…holidays and problems…the main character tries to please her family…nothing seems to work…she packs up and goes to visit her sister…mayhem on the way…perhaps romance…I liked this book…it is fun…I like this author…curl up in a comfy chair with a cozy blanket…sit by the crackling fire…a cup of herbal tea…enjoy this story. Thanks Netgalley

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This author never ever disappoints. The plot and characters were believable. I was Sucked in from the start. Of course I would Read another book by this author.

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First, Joy’s character development was a highlight for me. Her transformation from the overlooked family member to someone who rediscovers her zest for life felt genuine and relatable. I especially loved how you contrasted her life back home with the freedom and chaos she finds in France with Isobel. The emotional shifts she experiences were well-paced, though I think the story could benefit from a few more reflective moments where she contemplates her evolving relationship with her children—this could add even more depth to the character.

Isobel, on the other hand, is such a breath of fresh air. I loved how she acted as a foil to Joy’s more restrained nature, but it might be interesting to see a bit more vulnerability from her, too. It would add balance to her character and deepen the bond between the sisters, especially as they support each other.

The humor in the book was delightful and often had me smiling (and sometimes laughing out loud), but I think there’s potential to explore a few more “serious” moments, especially with Sara’s divorce and John’s move to New York. These plot points felt like they had a lot of potential for emotional impact, but I sensed they were resolved quite quickly. A bit more tension before Joy escapes to France might make her journey feel even more rewarding.

Lastly, the setting in France was wonderfully depicted, and the atmosphere was rich and vivid. The potato farm was a great choice—so unexpected yet perfect for the themes of simplicity and reconnecting with life’s basics. I think it’s a great metaphor for Joy’s situation.

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