Member Reviews

This book is a love letter to Gothic literature and vampires in fiction, and for that reason alone I adored it. Of course, I also loved other parts of the book. I loved Jonathan as a main character. He is a character of my heart with his love of books and history. He is so determined and kind and smart. He also has such amazing development as he heals from some of his past trauma. And the first person point of view is perfect for some mild psychological horror that added great, creepy tension to the book. I liked the sense of mystery throughout the whole book, from the subtler hints to the strange murders. And the all the elements came together brilliantly at the end, connecting all the dots. As for the romance, that was the one area I wasn’t in love with. I loved Jonathan, and I enjoyed Dacian, with his encyclopedic knowledge of literature and protective nature. But I just can’t be fully comfortable with the age gap, even with how explicit the consent was. But overall this book met all my expectations and I recommend it.

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Rating : 4/5⭐️

Key words : vampires, Dracula, dark academia,

Thank you to Kit Vincent, Victory editing and netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.
twilight x ninth house x dracula
Quote : "Then it is best to make friends with the shadows, Mr. Evergreen. For if you're shrouded in darkness so complete, so all-consuming, that there's no telling the skies above from the ground below, then what is the difference between falling and flying?"
This book was a total surprise, I wasn’t sure of myself and what I got myself into at first I thought I was getting into a twilight x heartstopper book. The start was very fasted paced and then it was VERY slow until like 30% of the way in I even considered DNFing the book, but then we got shocking news about Clay. I wasn’t really paying attention to every word I read, until the reveal happened and I clasped my mouth. I was so so shocked and I DIDNT see it coming.
Then it was very fast and slow paced again, sometimes the book was telling too much instead of showing but that was fine. I wish we could’ve explored a bit more of Jonathan’s back story. Maybe in the second book ? (If there’s one planned)
I really liked Dacian’s character but I didn’t get why he was so overpowered. Like some of his magic MAKES sense due to the legends about vampires but the rest was a bit confusing.
The house party was a bit sad I grew attached to some characters :(
ANYWAYS, this book has CLEAR winks to twilight AND dracula which I love.
Hoping we get to know more about Fiona or Jonathan’s life in the future.
The whole dark academia, school library world building was really well done and it reminded me of Ninth House.
Jonathan Evergreen, a talented sophomore at a secluded college in Vermont, dreams of a career in book conservation while struggling with family estrangement and heartbreak. When his advisor mysteriously disappears, a new professor, Dacian Bathory, steps in, drawing Jonathan in with an intense but confusing connection. Dacian helps Jonathan land a job at the Rare Books library, tied to the disappearance of an antique book. As their attraction deepens, sinister events unfold on campus, including disappearances and disturbing behavior among students. Jonathan begins to suspect Dacian’s involvement and must uncover the truth before it’s too late.

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A wonderful adaptation that delves deep into queer guilt, truth in the written world and of course gothic literature.

Dacian is a mysterious new professor at Camden. Jonathan is student whose wish is to be a book Conservationist. Jonathan is drawn to Dacian who is beautiful, mysterious and knows more about gothic lit thank any living being. So when people start going missing around campus, dark secrets are revealed and the pair must work together to resolve them.

For a vampire story the author covers so many complex themes with perfection. Being set in 80s America we see the struggle and guilt that surrounds being openly queer. Jonathan who comes to college after the trauma of being outed, disowned and his lovers suicide is understandably wary about finding love or even disclosing his past. Dacian has a similar trauma of being rejected by his lover due to societal pressures of the 1800s. His trauma is also linked to physical torture and Betrayal. Jonathan's quest to make sure the written work no matter its content stays uncensored helps encapsulate the other over arching themes.

I was mesmerised by this story and I can't help wanting a part two. The ending felt a little rushed and could have been drawn out a bit more, but the story as a whole was strong and throughly enjoyable. One of my favourite reads of the year.

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“It’s easy to say you loved someone when they’re no longer around.”

“Love Immortal,” by Kit Vincent

I really liked this book. I liked the aesthetic and vibe in the book, it gave me standard college vibes during the day but at night it was eerie and dark academia styled. It takes place in Vermont, so I pictured it snowy and dark with lots of forest and trees and with the mist it gave me overall a cool picture when I was reading. I loved the characters and relationship in the book. Teacher X Student, with all the forbidden romance and also with the mysterious happenings and their complicated feelings with each other, it was perfect amount of tension. Jonathan had so much trauma about being gay and his first relationship, I was emotional mess by the end because the loneliness and fear of abandonments resonated with me. 4 out of 5 stars.

-Teacher X Student

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

“For if your shrouded in darkness so complete, so all-consuming, that there’s no telling the skies above from the ground below, then what is the difference between falling and flying?”

“Real monsters don’t care about other people.”

“And yes, it’s very painful to look at. But should we turn away just because it’s difficult to confront? Should we let the dead stay dead and move on? Or do those people deserve to be acknowledged?”

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"Love Immortal" is a captivating blend of vampires, dark academia, and slow-burn romance that will keep fans of the genre thoroughly engrossed. Jonathan Evergreen’s journey through the eerie, elite college in Vermont is filled with tension and mystery, and the sinister atmosphere makes for an absorbing read. The dynamic between Jonathan and the enigmatic Professor Dacian Bathory is electric—full of intrigue, unresolved feelings, and a pull that neither can deny. Kit Vincent masterfully balances Jonathan’s personal struggles, his growing attraction to Dacian, and the increasingly unsettling events surrounding the campus.

Though the pacing is a bit slow at times, the gothic atmosphere, sinister secrets, and unraveling mysteries more than make up for it. Jonathan's internal conflict—both in terms of his family’s rejection and his deepening connection to the dark, dangerous world around him—adds emotional depth to the story. Fans of romantic fantasy with a darker edge will appreciate the blend of vampire lore, academic intrigue, and suspenseful twists that "Love Immortal" has to offer.

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This, unfortunately, was not for me. It wasn't a bad book, hence still getting a 3 star rating, which is not a bad rating. I even liked certain aspects like how Jonathan constantly viewed things from multiple angles and (especially) the numerous points that were made in terms of human rights and morality. Many aspects were commented on that are incredibly important.

What didn't work for me was that I felt a connection to the story or the characters. I liked the 80s vibe, but I wish we had gotten MORE of it and more of a Lost Boys feel. Also, a lot of the writing was Jonathan internally monologuing, and it really hindered the pacing of a plot that was also pretty mild. The last thing that stopped me forming a connection to this story is that even our couple felt mild to me. I didn't end up feeling any chemistry between them at all.

Again, not a bad book, just not one that really pulled me in in any way.

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i receive an e-ARC in exchange for a review of my own free will

i really, really enjoyed this book! i love archival stuff (shoutout to the magnus archives podcast for that) and vampires so this was right up my alley. the ONLY reason there’s half a star off is the ending wasn’t my favorite. it fell a bit flat for me :(
however, i was so, so enthralled with the story and dacian and jonathan that reading the book was so satisfying and engaging the ending didn’t matter as much. i loved all of the book and would read it again in a heartbeat. the way the vampires were written and not exactly the same as other vampire media was SO much fun. i got so invested i ended up finishing the last half in one sitting and don’t regret it one bit. in some ways, it reminded me of the narrative style of the secret history (in a good way, one of my favorite books). this was such a great read!!!

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It's queer and has vampires. Of course, it was amazing. To be honest, I wish that the book was longer. It was a great read!

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This, very unfortunately, didn’t work for me. You would think that a dark academia, vampire romance, set during the late 80s, with inspiration from The Lost Boys, would a fucking great time (I know I was super excited when I read the synopsis). However, I found that I never connected with Jonathan as a main character, nor Dacian as a love interest and I found the dialogue and narrative to be kind of clumsy and stiff.

I enjoyed ‘Us, Et Cetera’ (despite how aggressively bleak it was) so I am shocked that something about how the plot unfolded here just seemed off to me. I haven’t been able to put my finger on what it is exactly that I’ve struggled with, but I think a lot of it comes down to the story doing a lot of ‘telling and not showing’, the world building around the magic of vampires being pretty loosey goosey and conveniently cherry picking elements when needed and the mystery being pretty predictable.

I feel like my apathy for this book can be summed up with the fact that I had to put it down at 96% to go to work and instead of manically finishing it on my lunch break I just didn’t care. Honestly, I think my love of the individual story elements is what kept me engaged enough to finish it off.

That being said, I appear to be in the minority and there are plenty of people this worked for, so perhaps it’s just me, in which case I hope everyone else has a wonderful reading experience with it.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this eARC

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Kit Vincent has done it again in this veritable love letter to vampire lore, gothic literature, and the 1980s. The meticulous world-building and research have paid off in this richly detailed portrait of the life of a queer college student at an ivy-league-like institution whose path crosses with vampires. In addition to the rich storytelling, it’s also a fiercely intimate tale of two lost souls who find each other. The love story builds slowly throughout the story, perfectly woven with the plot until both reach a crescendo. The story does explore some tough subjects, so please note the content warnings. This was a highly enjoyable read, and I highly recommend it.

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Well this was a fun queer vampire story,

I really enjoyed how much this referenced the original Dracula story and other gothic novels, whilst also being its own new approach to vampire legend.

Loved that the main character was Jonathan and I clocked early on that would probably be significant.

The plot was pretty cool, always enjoy when a book has lots of focus on books and literature. So a storyline with a missing book? I’m sold. I did see quite a lot coming, but wouldn’t say it detracted from my enjoyment. Plus, the end showdown was exciting!!

I will say there were a few eye-roll inducing moments. The whole… I wanted you as soon as I saw you and can’t stay away from you, vampire vibe is a bit cheesy and intense for me. But equally I’m like queer readers deserve to see themselves in this type of story too! Teen me would probably be swooning 🤣

In some ways I think I’d have liked this to be longer. It was kind of slow burn, but I also didn’t feel like Jonathan and Dacian spent that much time together one on one or in person. A lot of dreaming and fantasising but I’d have liked some more actual conversations early on. Dont get me wrong there is some, I’m just greedy I guess.

I’d have also liked a little more of the 80s vibe. There were references, especially music, but somehow I kept forgetting and thinking it was set now.

On the whole though I enjoyed this. I’m actually not a huge vampire fan these days, but this was a fun approach and take on the gothic romance genre.

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I loved this entire book! I read it in 1 night because I couldn't put it down, and the little new twist on a classic story was very interesting and fun!
I loved the dark academia vibes in the late 1900s setting.
The mystery of the diary and the murders were pretty spooky and exciting.
I loved the instant connection between Johnathan and Dacian and how it slowly progressed to a sweet romance that made me absolutely swoon!
Dacians' history and Johnathans past were both incredibly heartbreaking, but I loved that they found happiness and a new beginning together.
I wish it was a little longer, so I could have even more of them together, but the ending was super sweet, so I'm happy with it! I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who loves paranormal romance with a bit of mystery and academic vibes.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC :)

Kit Vincent has done it once again… I’m crying. Such a beautiful story and what a great ending. I honestly can’t think of anything else to write because of the tears 🥲

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!!

I’m a Kit Vincent Stan now. I will read everything they write. This was a super fun book and I enjoyed the characters. This is a perfect blend of grief and trauma with cute and fluffy moments.i said awww and laughed quite a few times. There were also plenty of moments where my heart ached. I was a little concerned in the beginning about it being professor/student but that was even discussed in the story. This being set in the 80s threw me a few times cause I wanted to be like “Google it” or “look it up” and it was hilarious when they were talking about one day being able to read books digitally and having to carry around a computer. I also will read anything with hope vampires. It’s my weakness. This comes out right in time for Halloween season as well

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for approving my very eager request to read an arc of this much anticipated book

“What if I am buried along with those things, and no matter how much I try to dig myself out, to climb up this endless dark tunnel, it still feels like I’m only falling deeper into the darkness?”
“Then it is best to make friends with the shadows, Mr. Evergreen. For if you’re shrouded in darkness so complete, so all consuming, that there’s no telling the skies above from the ground below, then what is the difference between falling and flying?”

Having loved all of Kit Vincent’s books so far, I was so excited when I heard about their upcoming release and looked forward to seeing updates about the writing and editing process on Instagram. I had high expectations for Love Immortal, and without giving any plot away, I can say that it exceeded them easily and I was absolutely captivated by Johnathan and Darcian’s story.

Make sure to look up trigger warnings before reading, but if none of them are going to hinder your enjoyment of the book, then I would highly recommend sinking your teeth into this story

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