Member Reviews

Oh my bleeding gosh this was PERFECT.

❤️ Incredible pacy and high stakes plot that kept me hooked
🫠 The romance and love declarations melted me
😡 The villains had me screaming and literally panicked. I did NOT cope well with my loves being tormented and apart.
⭐ Incredible ending - did not see that coming! Loved it.

Gimme more. Another.

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I am so sad this series is over! And what a journey it has been. I am obsessed with the characters and their growth through out the series. This book was full of twists and turns and fully kept me on my toes. A future novella pls 🤞🤞

Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read and review!!

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Nailed it. Loved it! This book is heart pounding, action packed and all the players on the board coming together.

Thank you so much for my e-ARC. Full review to come soon.

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Now, 'Tale of the Heart Queen' is the fourth and final novel in the 'Artefacts of Ouranos' series. And what an ending! There are so many strands to this story and they are perfectly woven together and tied up at the end.
The storyline commences from the end of the third book, and we dive straight into the action and chaos. While you could start with book four, there is a lot of background to understand and I really would recommend beginning with The Trial of the Sun Queen.
Our adventure commences in 'Trial of The Sun Queen' when a young woman named Lor is kidnapped from jail in The Aurora land and taken to Aphelion to participate in a bizarre series of Trials. And the prize? Marriage to the Sun King. The Trials, and their inherently dangerous nature, has given rise to the book being described as The Hunger Games meets The Bachelor and this is an accurate description. Lor is at a disadvantage in comparison to the other competitors and struggles to survive.
In book two, 'Rule of the Aurora King ', Lor's bid to escape the clutches of the Sun King, while also avoiding the pursuit of the Aurora King. The level of world building is increased in this book - through recollections of Serce, the reader is provided with the knowledge of how Lor's family went into hiding and just why she is wanted by both King's.
As the principal storyline has been well-established by book 3, 'Rule of the Aurora King', so the author devotes numerous chapters to delving into the beginning of Ouranos and the growth of magic.
And this development continues, in the Tale of the Heart Queen as we learn of events from 280 years ago, from the perspective of the Aurora King, and how his actions impact on Lor's early life and also current events. We also see events from the perspective of Gabriel, Nadir & Lor, giving the reader a more rounded view of events and a better understanding of their actions.
I particularly enjoyed this element of the storyline as each character plays a huge role - it is Lor's story, but without her allies, she could not succeed and we need to understand their motivations and emotions.
I loved seeing Willow take a slightly greater role in this story, and just wish that there was a little more time devoted to her character development as I think she had the potential to be a fascinating character.
The scenes with the family towards the end are just beautiful and had me in tears - a perfect way to draw their story to a close. And there is also a very unexpected, redemption of one character which was a great addition to the tale.
This story is also very spicy so be warned if that's not for you. But it's also funny, fast paced, with a wry commentary on social issues (class) and very much worth a read.

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Perfect ending to a fantastic series.
What to say, I absolutely loved this series from that first sentence (we all know it!), and to see it come full circle was amazing.
New villains, new developements, new trials, betrayals and alliances. WOW, I couln't get enough and I devoured it in 2 days!
I cried about 12 times, I'm so sad this series is finished but it will stay forever in my top 10 book romantasy series!

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Thank you so much Netgalley & Little Brown Book Group UK for the concluding ARC to The Artefacts of Ouranos series – Tale of the Heart Queen by Nisha J Tuli.

Of course as soon as I received the notification that I’d been approved for this arc, I immediately dropped everything I was reading as Fate of the Aurora King had left me devastated and desperate to read what happened next for Lor and Nadir.

I wish I could gush as much as I desperately, urgently need to about this book but, like any brilliant finale to a series, it focuses on pulling the plot and the characters towards a satisfying ending that ties up all loose ends in a satisfying way! What I can tell you is that no character was left unloved, each received the plot, final character arc and development, action and drama that they truly deserved! The plot itself doesn’t falter along with the pace, this book continues with a solid, fast-paced, action packed series of dramatic events that carry you through from start to finish.

I’ve been ill with a cold and trust me, I still stayed up until the early hours to finish this book, just like the other three books in this series, it is un-putdownable!

Of course Lor remains the central character with the core of focus placed on her in this book, would you expect anything else! However, she was not alone in having to face up to the realities of events and the many, many seemingly unsurmountable problems they faced and enemies they had yet to defeat.

I will say, I would have loved a little more time in the positive aspects of their lives but, those small snippets of joy where truly concentrated and appreciated but, now I’ve finished the series and yes, I do have a book hangover. I’m definitely going to miss Lor, Nadir and their family, and found family.

If you haven’t started this series yet, I truly recommend it! The Artefacts of Ouranos series has it all from an epic fantasy journey of discovery, to elements of Hunger Games, romantasy, definite Witcher vibes with all the magic and of course romantasy. Tale of the Heart Queen is the drama and the ending that this series truly deserves!

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The ending to this series did not disappoint!

Not only was there a rollercoaster of emotions, but there was plenty of action and enough questions answered to satisfy. All loose ends were tied up nicely, without it feeling rushed. The back stories, as always, were an added bonus to the overall plot. I loved seeing HEA's for all the characters

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I'm honestly devastated that this is the end, I can't believe it's over.

This book was such an incredible end to an amazing series. The characters and world are so well written, you really feel invested in the story.

I'm really going to miss experiencing this series for the first time but I'm looking forward to the many rereads I'll be completing.

Huge thanks to Little Brown Book Group UK and NetGalley for providing me with this arc

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I was very excited for this book I've loved this series... however I didn't really like this book. The main elements of the book: the bonding, the defeating enemies, becoming queen, understanding Lor's power etc all seemed rushed and not at the heart of the story and it seemed to focus more on the same conversations happening over and over. The dialogue between Lor and Nadir was just awful at times where I was cringing for them.

Again though the first 3 books I'm sure I gave like 4 or 5 stars so still worth a read

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What can I say other than this was a perfect ending to this series?
Because that's what it was.


It was an emotional rollercoaster; I jumped out of my seat on multiple occasions, I screamed and waved my arms like a lunatic for joy, and I bawled my eyes out.
If that doesn't make a good book, I don't know what does.
(Word's can't explain how thankful I am for that Author's Note)

I feel like I've been through Lor and Nadir's journey alongside them, and when I tell you I wasn't ready to leave the world of Ouranos, I truly mean it.

"She's like the sun, and everything else is just the stars lucky to be moving around her"

Thank you, Nisha <3

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Thank you Netgalley & Little Brown Book Group UK as well as Nisha for the ARC! <3 I can't believe it's really over😭

This was the perfect ending, all the loose ends were tied up nicely and there was a lot to do! I feel like every character kinda got what I expected and wished for them ❤️🌹 This was fast-paced, action packed, and dramatic! I still love this series and these characters 🥹

I feel like it was a bit rushed at some points and literally everything was dumped on Lor?!🥀 how could no one else do anything?? The empyreum or anyone? This hurried straightforwardly from one problem to another and they did not catch a break!

The start felt like Barbie and Fairy Secret with the marriage thing (iykyk) and the end was literally hunger games trials under the mountain!🗣️ but I loved it still I just needed a bit more lovey mushy moments to breathe😭❤️ and one character surprisingly got a redemption arc in my eyes?! and then it just ended?? I was like what this was the last page🥹 I need this in my shelf asap!

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This book is everything! If you are wondering how I read it so fast it’s because I couldn’t put it down. An incredible ending to the series, it’s nothing like we’ve seen before as the characters are pushed beyond anything they can imagine to survive. I cried so much, the last 20% broke me and put me back together. I sobbed so much towards the end. A stunning conclusion, one of my all time favourites.

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