Member Reviews

This book is brilliantly written! I loved everything about it and would highly recommend it!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC

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The hook: a quiet suburban street in Canberra, Australia 1979. What a lovely place to live. Unless you're the teenage Italian boy whose dismembered foot has been found in the wasteland at the back.
Full intrigue along with a. stunning and evocative claustrophobic 1970s setting. This is written with effortless grace. It's a rich tapestry of a book that's psychologically astute. Think 'The List of Suspicious Things' but warmer and with kangaroos.
It's loaded with clever takedown of misogyny, homophobia, racism and xenophobia. The wit and humour is subtle but cutting.
You'll love this.if: you like sharp takedowns of the flaws of people and society.

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