Member Reviews

this was another winner in the company of rogues series, it had that element that I was hoping for from the previous three books. It uses the historical period perfectly and that the characters felt like they were supposed to be there. I enjoyed the mystery going on and had that element that worked in this thriller novel. I was invested in what was happening and glad I got to read this from Douglas Skelton.

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I just loved it as I do the whole series. The very atmospheric, creepy, dark, stinking, cold and violent streets and life in London are incredibly vivid and perfectly woven in the intricate and complex plot. The characters are no less dark, creepy and violent matching their way of life. But some of them remain honorary at heart, particularly when they endure violent acts from or to others.... I really like Jonas' character and his reflections on justice... Highly recommended series!
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and I have voluntarily written an honest review.

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The adventures of Jonas Flynt just keep getting better.

Following the events of "A Grave For a Thief", the fourth book in the Company of Rogues series opens in January 1718 and Colonel Nathaniel Charters is having nightmares. His past seems to be preying heavily on his mind. And when a horrible murder is discovered, he realises that past is coming back to haunt him. Meantime, in a seemingly unrelated event, he tasks Jonas Flynt with tracking down a French spy, known only as Lombre. But life for Flynt is never simple, and soon his quest for a spy, and the murders become inextricably linked, as he slowly uncovers a conspiracy to upset the balance of power within London's criminal underworld.

Before long, the reader and Jonas Flynt are knee-deep in plot and counter-plot where a colourful cast of characters conspire to take forward plans to alter the balance of power not just in London, but further afield. The Fellowship continues to fight an invisible battle with Charters, and enemies gather on all sides to make life difficult for Flynt. As usual, 18th Century London is presented in all its glorious sights, sounds and smells, with the Rookery area being particularly well painted. The scenes between Flynt and Charters, Flynt and the Admiral , and especially, Flynt and Belle are a joy to behold, as we slowly learn more about what makes them tick.

Long-time fans of the series will be glad to know that all of their favourite characters are back- Charters, Jonathan Wild, The Admiral, and more. Plus a couple of new characters, full of evil and deceit. There are also two cameo roles, real-life characters who add small but significant aspects to the story. Many threads from the previous books are carried forward, and Flynt's relationship with Belle takes on new dimensions. For the first time, we also see much more of the hidden sides of Charters, Wild and the Admiral - these three are now fully developed characters. But, of course, central to the story is Jonas Flynt, who continues to dwell on his past actions, the type of man he was, and has become, and what it is he really wants from life.

Oh, and the ending opens up quite a few interesting possibilities.

The author notes that he took inspiration for some elements of the book from the Ratcliffe Murders (some one hundred years later) and this forms an excellent basis from which the story unfolds, as well as giving us insights into the characters.

Fans of the series won't be disappointed, and lovers of Ambrose Parry, DV Bishop and ES Thomson will delight in this latest book. Highly recommended.

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Firstly thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.

I have read the previous books in this series and always thoroughly enjoyed them however for some reason this one did not hit the same . I was confused with the plot and was not really sure until the e d what was going on . I also feel like there were references to the previous books so if you had not read them it would have been difficult to comprehend what was happening. That being said it was an ok read and didn’t take long to get through it . 3.5 stars

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A Thief's Blood is that girl of a book omg!
I rated it 4 stars and I really loved every single second of it. I recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can because it's really good and the characters are fantastic and the story is immaculate.

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Really enjoyed this book, I love a serial killer book but have never read one based in this era. Didn’t disappoint at all. Once I had picked it up I found it very difficult to put down. If you are a murder mystery fan who enjoys the Georgian era this is the book for you.

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