Member Reviews

This was a very good read. I enjoyed the MC’s interactions and eventual romance. The scenery was described beautifully, and other characters added to the enjoyable story. I’ve read the author’s other two books, and was happy with them as well.

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That was a nice surprise, Chris Zett hasn't published much since and I was very eager to read what she has to share with us, and I am happy to conclude this was a quality read. A slow pace and low angst romance set in picturesque town with adorable fur babies lurking around, two mc who were never in the same circle back in high school now begin their friendship and more as they get to know each other more. I especially like the fact they talk it out with each others, miscommunication trope was typical in a romance with one of them set to leave to another place soon but not in this book, they acknowledge their attraction, discuss the challenges they may face in the future such as the possibilities of LDR, and went into it with wide eyes open which was a refreshing change of pace. All in all a fun read and definitely can't wait for more from this author to come.

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Sweet f/f small town romance
After a failed relationship Maia reluctantly has to go back to the small town in Upstate New York where her aunt lives. It’s only temporarily until she figures out her next step and goes back to New York City. Fortunately as radiologist she can work remotely.
Rowan, the local handy woman (tool belt alarm!), is stuck. She knows what she doesn‘t want: to take over her parent‘s store with all the paper work she can‘t handle. Romantically she has been burned. Where to go forward is a mystery.
The two keep meeting, but are hesitant to start something before they know where to go. So a unhurried dance and slow burn starts with a great mix of summer in Upstate New York, lazy evenings, good friends, cute animals and small town life.
I loved the small town, lazy summer vibe. The book read like a coming-of-age novel and at the same time the characters were quite mature, just at the cusp of their lives finding a new direction. I enjoyed this relaxing read and the development of the romance. I appreciated that Zett got the medical part and Maia‘s nerdiness spot-on.

I received an ARC via netgalley. The review is left voluntarily.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

rowan is very good with her hands and is the one that the town calls for any repairs.... she also owns with her family the local hardware store, her one time dream was to be a professional swimmer but her injury put paid to that idea...

maia is a radiologist, she was engaged to be married but found out just as she moved to a new city that her boyfriends was a first class cheater in the worst way....

she was now home with her aunts wondering how her life had ended up like this... she was remote working from home and was trying to think on how to improve her life....

rowan and maia had both gone to the same school as each other but never went around in the same circles.... but things were about to change....

an enjoyable quick read... love a good butch with a tool belt and this story had all the elements that i love

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Disfrute de la lectura. Es un romance entre dos mujeres que están centradas en sus vidas profesionales. Rowan lucha por mantener la ferretería de sus padres, mientras que Maia busca empleo en un hospital de la ciudad.

Ambas tienen claro que no buscan el amor, pero cuando se encuentran, surgen chispas inesperadas, deberán esforzarse por no enamorarse y ser solo amigas.

Lo que más me gustó de la historia es que ambas son muy claras acerca de las cosas que quieren y lo que no. Hay comunicación.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was too slow-paced for me and didn’t hold my interest. I’m sure others will enjoy it.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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This charming romance brings together Rowan, a small-town handywoman, and Maia, a big-city radiologist, in a story that blends heartwarming moments with the challenges of mismatched life goals. The setting—a picturesque town with a nearby lake and a house renovation project—adds a cozy, feel-good vibe to the book. The chemistry between Rowan and Maia is undeniable, and their blossoming relationship feels genuine and sweet.

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Despite the way it starts, this book is surprisingly low-angst. The two main characters both have great honest communication and a wonderful friendship that leads to more.

I really enjoyed Rowan and Maia getting to know one another, they had so many cute moments. In addition, I thought it was great how they both supported each other so well even when they didn't think they'd be together. If I had to describe this book in just a few words, I'd say it's very sweet. Rowan in particular was my favorite character, and definitely stole the spotlight for me personally.

Overall, I think this is another great novel from Chris Zett, and I recommend giving it a read! 4.8/5 stars.

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I enjoyed this low angst book set in upstate New York about former swimmer and now odd job/renovation specialist, Rowan, and radiologist, Maia. Maia has just relocated to Seattle to be with her boyfriend, Scott, and start her new job at the same hospital where Scott works. She is having lunch with her new colleagues when she learns that Scott has been cheating on her via office gossip. She promptly decides to leave Seattle and heads to upstate New York to stay with her aunts for a while and do online radiology work. This is where she meets Rowan. They begin a friendship that eventually turns into more.

The book is a slow burn romance that also focuses on real life and the things that make people feel truly fulfilled and happy. I’d recommend this Chris Zett romance to other readers who are looking for a low drama yet satisfying story.

I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a cute, heartwarming story. Maia life blows up on the first day of her new job and not knowing what else to do she moves in with her aunts to a small town that was her prison when she was a teen. There she meets a slightly aimless handywoman Rowan, who helps her rediscover the small town she used to dislike and falls in love with not just Rowan, but the town as well.

I really enjoyed this story, it was light and fluffy and 100% feel good. Very low-angst and a wonderful story. I would recommend this book. I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Let me begin with that I enjoyed this story, for the most part. I am a fan of Chris Zett, so I didn’t bother looking at the blurb, I knew I would enjoy it. So I was a tad surprised at the way the story began. It felt like it took quite the leap in its time line with Maia. I felt like there needed to be some sort of interaction between her and future husband, not just gossip to end the relationship. Then to quit her job after one day and move again….it didn’t feel realistic.

I know this is a romance story but I guess I like to believe that things can be realistic. So I had a hard time with Maia being able to design a wed site so easily for Rowan and get it up and running so quickly when she was snowed under with work. There were other aspects that had me questioning if I believed people behaved like the characters. Perhaps I needed this story to thrash out some of the scenes a little more. Such as the ending. It felt like it stopped so abruptly. This all sounds like I didn’t enjoy it, however I did and read it also at in one sitting. I think it’s probably a three and half story, it lost a half star because of the first and last 10 percent didn’t quite work for me.

I would recommend this story.

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I'm not the biggest lover of male writers for romances but this was good! I like the idea of a new concept of a house flipper being the love target for the book

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This was a sweet and angst free book I enjoyed reading. Always nice to read a book like that every now and then and this one warmed my heart. Rowan and Maia were cute couple so great to see them getting their HEA with each other. The book would have been even better with a little more prologue about their past issues so possible to get to know them better but overall, a good read.

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Chuckle, smile and 'awwww' your way thru this sweet romance
If you're looking for a low angst romance with endearing main characters you can't help but root for, fabulous secondary characters and some adorable animals this is a solid choice. There's a bit of drama and at least one intense scene but it's mostly oh so sweet romance between two women who know what they want and don't want, show a maturity you'd expect from much older folk, and communicate all of that without the usual misunderstandings. Set in a small town that possesses a genuine sense of community where people help each other out without keeping score, Flipping Hearts and Homes delivers plenty of feel good content and some steamy moments as well. I read thru it quickly wanting to see how mains Rowan and Maia found a way to be together without having to sacrifice what they each wanted individually. They have wonderful chemistry and they're easy to get attached to. If you're a fan of Easter eggs in lesfic, there is at least one character from another beloved author's stories that gets a mention.
If you need mental and emotional relief from the real world, give this book a read and get caught up in a romance that has all the good feels.

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This was a sweet read.

I understand why many readers enjoy its sweet, low-angst charm, but it didn’t quite work for me. The slow burn pacing was fine, but I struggled to feel the chemistry between the characters. There was plenty of physical attraction, but the emotional connection didn’t come through as strongly as I’d hoped.

The characters were cute, but I found it hard to get invested in them. One positive detail was the inclusion of a character with dyslexia, which added a nice layer of representation. Overall, the writing was decent, but I wanted more depth or a stronger hook to keep me engaged.

If you’re looking for a light, feel-good romance, this might be enjoyable. It just didn’t fully resonate with me, but I’d still recommend it. It might just not be the right trope for me.

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Super easy to read, very low angst love story in a small town.
Everything about this story is just cute, no other way to describe it. Our two mains are in their early thirties and struggling with expectations and live goals, mostly expectations they set and now struggle with. Together they find a way through it, find a lot of support and encouragement in the other. As well as a cute place to call home. What’s not to like about any of that?
I like the addition of the animals and the friends, they make it a more comfortable and rounded out story.

Would definitely recommend when you are in the mood for low angst and easy, but with substance.

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This was such a cute story.

Maia's life unexpectedly blows up on the first day of her new job and not knowing what else to do she moves in with her aunts to a small town that was her prison when she was a teen. There she meets a slightly aimless handywoman Rowan, who helps her rediscover the small town she used to dislike.

I really enjoyed this story, it was light and fluffy and 100% feel good. And I'll be honest it made me dream of a small-town house with a big kitchen, a garden and a few pets.

I think this book skillfully avoids the common issue with the trope of "city girl moves to a small town and falls in love" where it feels like the woman is giving up on too much just for love. In this story it felt like both the main characters found what they needed in this place and they didn't just stay there because that was the only option to be together.

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This is my favorite Chris Zett book so far!

It's a feel-good, low-angst summer romance about two women reconnecting after they missed their chance in high school and falling in love. Rowan, a big butch softie who blushes all the time, and Maia, with her heart of gold, make for an incredibly sweet pairing. Highly recommend if you’re in the mood for a warm, uplifting read.

I also liked the nods to Emily and Diana from Irregular Heartbeat, and Jess from Heart Failure, along with appearances from other minor characters from those stories. It's always nice when different books can stay in the same universe.

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ADORABLY HEARTWARMING! Firstly threatening to neuter a man, thats when I knew I was in for a treat. What's not to love about this book, Maia moves back in with her aunts after her love life goes pear shape in Seattle. Fortunately she's not as heartbroken by this as she probably should be. Whilst back in the small town she starts to build a friendship with Rowan, a college drop out, injured jock who moved home to help her parents. Whilst Rowans self doubt would have you to think she doesn't have much to show because of her past Maia helps prove she's more then enough and that her hobbies and her wants are important! A storm, Forced proximity YES YES YES. I loved the fact they had to work together when unknowingly combating one of their fears, the support they offered each other the friendship and the love honestly it was all incredible. My heart dropped when I realised what was happening to Mrs Woods but the story we got because of it was incredible. I loved these characters so much and all the characters I will definitely be checking out more of this authors work.

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