Member Reviews

Thank you to Pan, NetGalley, and the author for the early review copy of First-Time Caller. This is the first book in BK Borison’s new Heartstrings series and I absolutely adored this one!
Aiden Valentine is the host of Baltimore’s romance hotline, Heartstrings, a big problem considering he’s fallen out of love with love. But when a young girl calls into the station asking for dating advice for her mum, the interview goes viral. Lucie Stone thought she was doing fine, if not for her devious daughter, who brought her love life under Baltimore’s scrutiny. Despite this, everyone in Baltimore wants her to find her happy ending so when sparks fly behind the scenes, Lucie must make the final call between the radio-sponsored happily ever after or the man in the headphones next to her.
This one is shaping up to be my favourite read of the month. The radio show setting was so much fun and not something I've read much like before. Lucie’s character was fun and it was great to see her learn more about herself, and I liked discovering more about Aiden’s past and why he is so disconnected. Lucie’s daughter, Maya's scheming was sweet in theory but sounds like my worst nightmare. Lucie and Aiden had chemistry from the very first call and it was so perfect, I loved watching them work together. I also loved the way the author wrote the stable and supportive relationship between two parents who aren't together anymore. Book two is going to be called “And Now, Back To You” and I have a guess about who it will be about and I'm excited!

The chemistry was there, it was cute, I was giggling like crazy. Totally worth the read.
Recommend to anyone looking for a romance about actually nice people.

I am an absolute lover of Borison's work and this was absolutely no exception.
The concept alone felt so unique and I knew it was going to be a memorable romance. I absolutely adored the idea of a romance hotline being the focal point of the story and the way in which the two protagonists' lives intertwined was mesmerising.
I absolutely ADORED how this narrative explored an awful lot of damaging gender stereotypes, particularly involving Lucie's job. It was so refreshing for a female protagonist to have so much grit, honesty and determination, rather than the typical females we are often given in romance novels.
Aiden Valen. Adore the socks off this man. I just fell in love with him, his maturity, his emotional awareness of himself and how he did not hold back when he began to realise his true feelings.
Incredible representation, beautiful love story and a quality bit of banter - B K Borison has absolutely nailed it again.

I was a bit hesitant going into this because I don’t know the movie Sleeping in Seattle that this book is inspired by but there was no need - B. K. Borison is an amazing writer and I fell in love with Aiden and Lucie from page 1. What I love so much about this and also the Lovelight Farms series is with how much care the author writes her characters and their relationships. They feel so real and complex and that made it so easy to fall in love alongside them. Lucie was such an honest and vulnerable character and I adore her and the family she created for herself (lots of meddling but very lovable side characters) and then there’s Aiden on the other hand who was a grump without being an asshole and that’s something I rarely find when reading about grumpy characters. I was also a bit worried because of the whole Lucie going on dates plot because that can be weird to read but again - it was so well done and didn’t take away from Aiden’s and Lucie‘s relationship at all and just caused some great jealousy scenes during which I giggled and kicked my feet. So, in conclusion: love love love this book, highly recommend picking it up when it comes out. B. K. Borison is an amazing writer and not one but two of her romances are on my favorites list of the year. That’s how much I love her books. I also already preordered a copy for my shelf for when this comes out in February. 🫶🏻

B.K. Borison has DONE IT AGAIN! Her writing scratches my brain in exactly the right way, and there's something so comforting about stepping into a new book of hers every time. I loved Aiden and Lucie's story and had the very best time watching these two fall in love. The side characters were great, the banter and spice even greater, and the forced proximity of them working together on the radio show? Chef's kiss. I cannot WAIT to read the next instalment in the series. Also, I NEED a Heartstrings crewneck, thank you.

BK Borison writes in her acknowledgments that she wants this story to be “A love letter to love” and it’s just that. From the first 10 pages or so I knew this was going to be my type of romance book, that I was going to fall in love with the characters, the story and be completely consumed.
I was instantly drawn to both Aiden and Lucie, and I felt I could relate to characteristics of them both. The contrast between Aiden having given up on love and Lucie’s never wavering idea of how love should be gave a truly great dynamic between the duo. I loved that they both needed to learn something from each other.
It was so refreshing that Lucie wasn’t the average leading lady found in lots of romances (and certainly not in a “I’m not like all the other girls’ sense). She is a strong independent woman in every matter of the saying. I loved her being a mechanic and the relationships she has with the guys at the shop. It was yet again another layer of the story that just worked so well. Give me more real honest grown ups in romance please!!!
The way that Aiden spoke about Lucie in his internal thoughts was so sweet and endearing. It’s the way every woman wants their other half to think about them. The way that he notices the small things about her, and makes the conscious effort of learning the things she likes is just so adorable. I have so many of his thoughts and the things he says to Lucie highlighted as they are honestly just so beautiful and heartfelt.
The chemistry was off the charts and I LOVED the setting of the radio booth for the development of their romance. The little touches here and the quips back and too whilst discussing Lucie’s dates to their listeners was excellent. For me a romance needs to build and grow throughout the story and I never want to it happen too early - I want to feel the yearning and desire between the romantic pair. The growth of their romantic feelings resulted in an excellent pay off when they finally got together and well written spice that suited the story.
This was a feet-kicking truly romantic story with such wonderful messages about learning to love platonically, romantically and about loving yourself. Lucie’s family dynamics added another layer to the love story that is this book. I admired her character for always putting Maya first and her growth and development throughout the book to learn to prioritise her needs as well as learn to love herself. I loved Maya as a side character and that she had a whole personality of her own. I was always going to relate as she only has eyes for Aragorn (I loved the little snippets of real life references sprinkled throughout). The mother-daughter relationship between Lucie and Maya was so beautiful and I loved the honesty BK Borison gave both of these characters.
Like many I always say that we don’t get the cinematic rom-coms in the same way that we did in the 90’s/00’s and this filled that empty gap for me. I could imagine so many of the scenes on the big screen. When Lucie runs out of the restaurant after being stood up and Aiden is there (such a sucker for that moment). Aiden’s grand gesture at the end melted my heart, having everyone in on it and the honesty in what he can give her. I honestly cannot tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It gave me warm fuzzy feelings, it tore at my heartstrings and I loved every moment of it. It takes a lot for me to be consumed by a romance book, but this has truly done that and I just want to go back and fall in love with Lucie and Aiden all over again.
I cannot wait for the next books in the Heartstrings series, and I think this is going to be an all time favourite of mine.
Thank you to Pan Macmillan, Netgalley and BK Borison for providing me with a digital arc in exchange for an honest review.

This one starts a little slow, but once I hit the 25% mark, I was completely hooked. The premise? Absolutely adorable!
It’s my first B.K. Borison book, and let me tell you—it won’t be my last. The FMC is easily one of my favorites in a long time. She’s a badass mechanic, an amazing single mom, and just deserves all the love and happiness.
The banter? Chef’s kiss. The tension? Kept me glued to the pages. I was living for the dual POV, even if it made me want to scream at them to just confess their feelings already. It’s a slow burn that seriously pays off, with so many sweet found-family vibes along the way.
And can we talk about Aiden? He keeps a list of her favorite things in his glove box. Like, HELLO—“if he wanted to, he would” energy. So swoony.
All in all, I loved this one, even with the slow start. Borison has a new fan, and I can’t wait to read more!

I finished First-Time Caller a week ago and I'm still thinking about it. I loved everything about this book. Single parent romances can be hit and miss for me, but B.K. Borison knew what she was doing with First-Time Caller. I loved loved loved Aiden + Lucie. if you're looking for...
-forced proximity
-slow burn
-strangers to friends to lovers
-single mom
-found family/family bond
-she wants magic and love x he doesn’t believe in that
-she’s a mechanic
I would recommend you add this book to your tbr!

The beautiful cover got me. I think the story was cute. I like Aiden, he's sweet and attentive. I also like Lucie. The two of them are cute together but it's missing chemistry for me. The smut scene was a lot too, but not is a good way for me.
It's cute, it's funny but not entirely my vibe

First-Time Caller by B. K. Borison
A book series based on Meg Ryan films? I could not have been more excited when one this series was announced, and by one of my favourites, B.K. Borison. I was soooo excited when I was given an e-arc as I didn’t think I’d be able to get my hands on an advanced copy.
I adored absolutely everything about this, I had no doubt it would be another great story from Borison. The chemistry between Aiden and Lucie was brilliant from the start, and I devoured every moment of their banter. The exploration of Lucie’s found family was beautifully handled and as always with Borison, a brilliant cast of secondary characters.
A brilliant romance book for fans of Meg Ryan and Nora Ephron.

The elements were all there it was just a matter of poor pacing. Unlike most romances that leave me wanting this actually had chemistry. I could see the two leads being interested in one another and working out but the book failed at getting them together quickly enough to give the romance time to blossom. I wish this was done better because the potential was there. Too much time was spent on the build-up.

The chemistry was chemistry-ing here! This book is wonderful and such a fun read I hope there will be more books in this universe so I can dive back in

First Time Caller - B.K. Borison
☀️ Such a fun premise filled with loveable characters. I really liked the unique family dynamic and Aiden’s radio co-workers. Jackson in particular must be protected at all costs.
☀️ Slow burn with great pay off in the form of the spicy scene.
☀️ All the sweet little details (seriously, so many, but I won’t them spoil here).
☀️ Believable banter.
☀️ The radio transcripts.
☀️ How the dates panned out, they were really interesting to read about down to the waiter interaction.
🌙 There were moments I felt the story dragged, probably because so much of it took place in the same setting.
🌙 I never felt like we got to know Aiden all that well outside of the booth. I wish there’d been scenes of him hanging out with both Lucie and Maya. His moment towards the end also felt out of place for me given how much had already happened between them.
Thank you to @netgalley for the ARC - I think this one will be a hit!

Reading this book was like slipping on a cosy jumper on a cold winters day. I giddy kicked the entire way through it tbh.
Perfectly paced with a great cast of characters, it was like reading about your best friends. I can’t wait to read it again and again and again. Aiden Valen?! Are you kidding me?! Where has this man been all our lives. The dual pov strikes again as the perfect way to write a romance novel. I’ll be running to watch Sleepless in Seattle now.

There were elements of this book that I really enjoyed. The banter and slow burn romance developing between Aiden and Lucie was great, and I really liked the side characters too. The forced proximity and scenes in the radio were also fun to read and I enjoyed Aiden and Lucie's dynamic when they were on air.
Other areas, unfortunately, fell flat for me. The book felt very slow, and while I understand it's a slow burn, it just felt like it was dragging as not a lot was happening for much of the book. I also wanted some things to be explored more - I was expecting more from Lucie's dates and I wanted to hear more about how the experiences were affecting her. I also wanted more interactions between Aiden and Maya. For Maya being the catalyst to the story, it felt like she was just brushed over in the relationship.
Overall, though, this was a sweet slow burn romance and I would recommend it.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read an ARC. First Time Caller is just wonderful, I’m a huge fan of Nora Ephron fan and this is an absolutely lovely tribute to Sleepless in Seattle, Lucie and Aiden are thrown into working together and blimey, are they a funny, teasing chemistry for the ages duo. I loved their friends and family, it was just a breath of fresh air. Five stars.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley.

Ahhhh I really enjoyed this. It was a little slow to get into but when I finally made it to 50% it was gorgeous!!!! Slow burn, he doesn’t want to fall in love but then she comes along and ugh it was so lovely. Loved the banter, the flirting, the friendship they developed, everything about it and I’m so excited to read more by this author!!!

While the Sleepless In Seattle inspiration drew me in, this far exceeded my expectations and they were already pretty high.
From their brilliant banter to their obvious chemistry, I was fully invested in them both as individuals and a couple.
The tension was oh so good and when they do actually get together it was steamy in the very best way.
I was seriously swooning at times and loved the entire premise.
The supporting cast of characters were brilliant too and just brought so much life and colour to their lives that everything felt authentic.
Honestly, this was just such a joy!
Easily one of my favourite reads in 2024 - that I can't wait to rave about in 2025 - it's one of the best romances that I've read in a while too.
I absolutely adored this book and it truly did not disappoint. I also can't wait to see where the Heartstrings series goes next.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

i loved this so incredibly much. so much. Aiden is top tier book boyfriend material. i need more of these characters I AM OBSESSED.
the banter was so perfect and really reminded me of the love wager (one of my fave books). it was fast paced but didn’t seem to rush anything *chefs kiss*. i had butterflies throughout and genuinely loved the chemistry and tension between Aiden and Lucie. HE KEEPS A LIST OF HER FAVOURITE THINGS IN HIS GLOVE BOX FFS🫶🏼
i kinda wish there was just the tiniest more drama but honestly this was practically a 5⭐️
[Fave quotes:]
✨”Magic? You told me dating gives you indigestion.”
✨”Who the fuck made you cry”
✨”You said pineapple on pizza is disgusting.” “It is.” “Then why do you have it?” “Because you said it was your favorite,” I admit. “And I want your favorite to be my favorite.”
✨”I could let myself love you so easily”

I don't know if I can put how much I loved this book into words, but I'll try my best! B.K. Borison's romances are so beautifully crafted, and so real. She weaves emotion and humanity into every page, truly bringing her characters and her settings to life. In this story we spend a lot of time in the radio station, and in the booth with Aidan and Lucie, and the attention to detail with the environment around them, the people, and the radio experience have given me such a vivid picture of this place in my mind that has been offered in such a subtle way, with a post-it note here, a tin of secret coffee there, and the vibrancy of the characters in this space (and those outside of it, too). The chemistry between Aidan and Lucie is off the charts, built up over multiple interactions, snippets of radio transcript between chapters, and the gift of dual points of view. We have the opportunity through their narratives to not only get to know Lucie and Aidan, and see how their relationship and feelings develop from both sides, but also who their people are, how they interact with friends, family and colleagues. The attention B. K. Borison gives to each part of their lives, weaving descriptions and conversations to naturally into the story, offers us the full perspective that makes their lives feel real and means I couldn't help but be invested in them all from the outset. Their path to romance is a rocky one and they both have some soul searching to do but there's plenty of fun, with addictive banter, temperature-raising spice, and quirky friends and family to balance out the more emotional elements and the hang ups these characters have. This book is 10 out of 10, no notes perfection. But I wouldn't expect anything less from B. K. Borison! I also have a strong suspicion of whose romance we'll see next in this brand new series and I'm so ready for it.
I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.