Member Reviews

This book was a joy to read, a real treat.
It features many of the things we have come to love and expect from BK Borison: main characters that hook you right away, great friendships, really fun banter and sharp dialogue, and side characters that make you hope there are spinoffs in the works so you can hear more about them.
But let’s proceed in order.
Our two MCs, Lucie and Aiden, are both lovely, in different ways. Aiden is a grump; Lucie is an awkward, sweet mess. They don’t quite fit in the expected grump and sunshine trope: Aiden’s gruff ways would make him the perfect candidate, and you can see that Lucie might be a sunshine at heart but years of challenges and hardship have... dulled her sparkle, shall we say, and she is a bit of a sad girl — much as she might protest and tell you she loves her life.
Lucie and Aiden find each other attractive but don’t have immediate chemistry, In fact, for a good while I struggled to see how they would fit together as a couple. But BK Borison has this amazing talent of making you care deeply about her characters soon after introducing them — straight from the start, you may not know who they are or what their deal is, but you can tell it’s worth sticking around to find out.
So I did stick around, because they felt so real — their challenges, their uncertainties, their frustrations deeply convincing and relatable. We just can’t help but want to root for them, even as separate entities.
So when something finally shifted (thanks to the clever use of an element I have to admit I hadn’t expected), I couldn’t help but feel I was witnessing something special, almost like a spell had been cast — from there on it was just a head-first dive into a proper romantic slow-burn, one of those filled with all those little moments so perfect that they might elicit embarrassing sounds like sighs, awws, and maybe even a giggle or two (go on, I won’t tell).
I LOVE the effect they have on each other, the way they open up in different ways after crash-landing in each other’s lives. And the fact that they didn’t seem like a good fit at first just made the changes all the more charming, addictive even.
From there on, I challenge you to resist the temptation to binge-read the rest of the book, because it is so hard to set it down and not wonder exactly what is happening with these characters we somehow have come to love like they are some of our closest friends! So hard not to be completely absorbed in the way their story develops.
One very small gripe: I wish that slightly less importance was placed on attraction purely by physical appearance. Of course romance is going to feature ideals, but I really would have liked it if everyone hadn’t been noticeably and impressively attractive — not that they had to be ugly but I would have liked to see more observations like how kind someone’s smile was, or how their eyes were warm and their smile put one at ease, or something. Instead we had several instances of “I was speechless for a minute because the person in front of me was just so freaking gorgeous” (referring to more than just the two MCs.)
But that said, this book is still lovely and I really recommend it if you are craving a fun, heartwarming romance with a slow burn, a fiery pay-off, and some of those wonderful character dynamics BK Borison is famous for!

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First Time Caller was a cute and wholesome story with an amazing backdrop. Unfortunately for me the romance of it fell flat. For a book that is dual POV, I just didn't get much relationshop depth from either the FMC or the MMC. I did overall enjoy the writing so I will be picking up more B.K. Borison books.

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B.K. Borison, I promise to read whatever you write.

This book, just like the Lovelight series, has so much rereading potental. I know I'll pick it back up again a lot. It's such an excellent comfort read.

My favourite thing about this book is how it feels very different from the Lovelight series in setting and story, but it still has all the things that made me love Lovelight so much, while being its own thing entirely. I just love this author's writing, which made this book feel recognizably hers while having a different feel from her previous series. It does have all the heartwarming vibes, humour and loveable characters, just like Lovelight, but it also have a strong 90s romcom vibe that is so charming.

I'm not always a fan of children in books, but Maya was so lovely and she was written so well. I adored Lucie's family unit. She's a single mother, raising 12yo Maya with her ex and his husband, who live next door to her. It was just wonderful to see, and both dads were such great characters.

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This is a Sleepless in Seattle inspired story, in which Aiden is the host of a romance advice radio show who has become disillusioned who receives a call from Maya, who is Lucie's daughter, asking for advice on behalf of her mum. What unfolds is a heart-warming story about trusting yourself and taking the leap for love.

I adored the main characters and B.K. Borison's writing. I particularly enjoyed the setting and the use of transcripts at the end of each chapter, which gave it even more sense of setting. I was really rooting for Lucie throughout and enjoyed the way the romance between her and Aiden unfolded. My only quibble really would be that I would've like a bit more time with the secondary cast of characters, I really loved them too and would've liked them to have more on page presence.

Overall this story is a 4.5 stars for me, and I would highly recommend! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this book.

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4.5 ⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this arc! This book was so good!! So many adorable and swoon wordy scenes - if you’re looking for a good romance book definitely pick this one up! Loved both the characters, their chemistry was amazingggg!! This was my first book by BK and I’m soooo excited to pick up more by her and cannot wait for the next book in this series!

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b k borison’s novels are my newest romance book obsession! first time caller offers a different setting to borison’s love light farm novels, but is still so cute and wholesome! i loved aiden and lucie- their chemistry was perfectly written, and their family backgrounds were written with so much depth. if I’m not wrong, i think the author was also hinting at jackson’s novel being the next one, so im excited for whatever borison writes next!

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Slow burns aren’t my thing but I barreled through this one! The yearning and tension had me on the edge of my seat, chapter after chapter.

I didn’t expect a romance book to be so relatable either—growing up too fast, being honest about how you want to be loved, knowing that you deserve all the good things in the world. Even with the obvious ending (duh the cover is pretty enough to tell you how it ends), the emotional roller coaster was a therapeutic one for me. What can I say BK has a way with words!

Side note: I don’t usually purchase a physical copy of arcs unless they are REALLY good. This book makes me want to hunt down a book box that will be doing an exclusive edition of it because I need a book trophy.

Thank you Netgalley and Pan Macmillan for this arc! Can’t wait to reread it on valentines!

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.Single parent
.Strangers to lovers
.Dual POV
.No miscommunication

At 10% in, I already knew I was going to love this. I now need a movie based on this book. B. K. Borison has a writing style that hits differently. She's able to capture so much emotion without over embellishing. Her short, to-the-point phrases somehow make every detail come to life in my mind. She just alters my brain chemistry. If I had any talent at writing, this is how I’d want to do it. I’ve read every book she’s put out, and her beautiful use of words still surprises me. She’s definitely a favourite.

The story has that 90s rom-com magic I absolutely love, and the character development just makes it better. Aidan is the perfect book boyfriend. He’s a bit of a grump, but deep down he’s such a cinnamon roll. The little touches, the tenderness, the way he shows love through actions. And even though he says he’s not romantic, he totally is. But he's also flawed, and it makes him even more real.

Lucie, on the other hand, is who I aspire to be. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to say it. She’s so good at communicating, and I wish I could be more like her.

I loved the unconventional family unit too. Lucie’s relationship with Maya’s dads is a lesson co-parenting done right.

I won’t spoil anything, but there’s a call between Aidan and his dad by the end of the book that crushed me. You can feel both Aidan's hurt and his dad’s love through their words. I love seeing men be vulnerable and open, reaching out for comfort and connection.

Jackson was also such a sweet character. He didn’t always know how to help, but he was always there, trying his best.

I can’t wait to see where this series will take us. I have a feeling we'll get a book for Jackson. And maybe one for Oliver too?

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Sleepless in Seattle, except it's a 2024 novel. If that doesn't mean anything to you, I can't help you. Go watch the movie!

Lucie hasn't dated in years when her kid calls a late night radio show for help because she wants her mum to be happy and in love. Unfortunately for Lucie, the recording of her, her daughter, and radio host Aiden on the show goes viral. Shenanigans ensue...

I love Lucie! (pun intended).

This is one of my favourite romance's I've read this year (and according to my records, I've read well over 200). The writing is great and highly entertaining, the cast of characters is fun and fleshed out really well. I relate to Lucie enough that 2 days after finishing I still can't decide whether I feel seen or called out by the author. It might be both. I laughed, I cried, I preordered (full disclosure: wine may have contributed to the crying). 10/10, no notes.

Many thanks to PanMacmillan and Netgalley for providing me with the eARC!

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Unsurprisingly I loved this book. It's still got the charm and loveable characters of Lovelight Farms, but has a really different vibe.
I absolutely adored Aiden and Lucie and how they got closer through their radio show. Aiden especially grew so much during the book, while Lucie was already in a pretty good place and simply became more secure in what she wanted and what she was looking for. I think they're dynamic is quite a bit different from the author's previous couples. In my mind, the MMCs were always a bit more sure of their feelings and of themselves in general. Here, Lucie was definitely the driving force in their relationship, while Aiden struggled a bit more with himself and how to make their relationship worked.
Lucie's family was a really cute part of the story and it was nice to see a good co-parenting relationship, as well as a family dynamic that isn't the norm but just worked for everyone. The only time thing that annoyed me here was Lucie's ex. It's clear they have a close friendship, but he just seemed a bit demanding and sometimes high-handed. Because the reader doesn't know him, it rubbed me the wrong way that he basically insinuated Lucie had to let him know all of her feelings and emotions. And when she had an issue in her dating life, instead of comforting her and being there for her, he immediately goes all alpha male and wants to go fight with someone. It just didn't fit in with the rest of the story and soured their relationship a bit in my eyes.
I'm really excited to see the direction the other books in the series will take (one couple was already teased a bit). The setting of the radio station is really unique and allows for some great storylines and dynamics. Also, the coffee shop of Lucie's best friend is hilarious, I wish I could go there in real life.

I received an advanced copy of this book, which I voluntarily read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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So sweet, funny, and heart-warming!

Fully hooked by the "Sleepless in Seattle" inspired start of the book, and couldn't put it down after that. This was just familiar enough to be warm and comforting, and different enough to fully grab your interest. There was nothing about this book that I didn't love- every single character, the humor, the plot, it was just fantastic. There's something about B.K. Borison's writing and humor that just resonates with me, and this book didn't disappoint.

The FMC, Lucie, is smart, mature, and strong. She's got a full life, a loving family, and her head firmly planted on her shoulders. I loved reading about her, seeing how she dealt with different situations, and her relationship with the people that she loved. Aiden, the MMC, is your perfect grumpy cinnamon roll- it makes sense when you read the book, I promise! His struggles are heart wrenching, and even if you don't agree with his reservations, you at least completely understand them. The romance is wonderful and slow burn-y but worth it.

I can't wait to read this entire series: I need a fully book on every single side character: Jackson, Maggie, Peggy- all of them!

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This book was like drinking hot cocoa on a cold day. It was sweet, heartwarming and rendered me a melted mess (in the best way possible.)

B.K.'s writing absolutely blew me away. They are so, SO incredibly talented and my cheeks hurt from smiling the entire way through. It was cheesy and beautiful and healing and everything I wanted and more. It's completely made it's way into my favourite ever books and I am so SO happy to received an arc from Netgalley! Thank you, thank you. This was a DELIGHT. I cried happy tears at the end!

Both characters were reasonable and rational and their chemistry was off the charts! That closet scene?? Oh my god! Aiden was the perfect book boyfriend. He was patient, kind, a little hot headed at times (and it was HOT) and him and Lu were the absolute perfect match for eachother. I can't wait for this to release in Feb so I can read it all over again and have it in my hot little hands!!

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I absolutely love BK Borison’s Lovelight series, and I’m so excited she has a new one! She is the expert at emotional stories with complex characters.
First-Time Caller really tugged on my heartstrings and gave me a lump in my throat. I absolutely loved Lucie and the family dynamic she has with her daughter and her ex. The radio station and mechanic shop were such unique settings and I can’t wait to learn more about each character.
Lucie and Aiden’s story was a sweet slow burn, and Lucie represented how dating sucks in this day and age. Occasionally Aiden was incredibly frustrating and CLUELESS but he brought it back with that final scene. Also, this cover has my heart!

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thank you NetGalley Pan Macmillan for the e-arc!

A hand reaching for yours in the dark. Butterflies in your stomach. Kisses on foreheads. A nose caressing your neck. A hug that feels like home. Secret looks in a crowded room. Silent conversations that contain a million words. Whispered I love yous and heated touches and the feeling of free falling, knowing there's a safe place to land. This book is a love letter to love and all the magic it holds. How it can be both the most terrifying and wonderful experience of someone's life.

As a hopeless romantic, this book spoke to my soul and reassured my opinion that I shouldn't waste my time and affection on people that don't matter. That I'm right to want a love that's good and honest. That I deserve good things and that there's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person to come along. But it also serves to remind me that I can make my own magic happen.

First Time Caller is a romance inspired by Sleepless in Seattle (which you should definitely see if you haven't already, it's a beautiful film). We have a hopeless romantic looking for a little magic in her life, a radio host who has fallen out of love, and a little girl who brings them together. I suck at explaining the plot of books, so this is all you get.

Did I consume this book, or did this book consume me? I don't know, but I found it hard to put down. I spent all my free time reading it and when I wasn't reading it I was dreaming about it. I think some books find you at the perfect time and this is one of those books, I needed something like this. I didn't know how much I wanted a story like this. There's something so mature and intimate about this story, but it's also very cosy and lovely. It's all the best feelings combined, and I got teary-eyed at some scenes because I felt so connected to the characters.

Aiden and Lucie stole my heart and I loved how their relationship developed. The slow burn was so good and I'm sure some people will find the pacing too slow, but I loved it. The little moments between them before the actual getting together scene were amazing to me, I was giggling and swooning and kicking my feet in the air. And then I hyperventilated reading their sex scene because it was hot and sexy and Aiden fried my brain with the things he said.

I saw so much of myself in Lucie. She's more optimistic than I am, but her views on love and relationships made me feel seen. She's very romantic, but she's not delusional, she's not naively waiting for Prince Charming. She just knows she deserves something amazing and won't settle for good enough. She wants magic and I love that she learned that she has the power to make magic happen. She's resilient and strong and no matter how many times she's been hurt, she always found the strength to pick herself up and try again. She's so easy to love! It's no wonder all of Baltimore fell in love with her. I admire her bravery, her honesty and her positivity.

Aiden is the kind of character I always fall in love with. The grumpy guy with the "I hate everyone and everything" attitude, but deep down he is really sweet and thoughtful and very kind. He lost hope in love and closed his heart because if he didn't get attached, he wouldn't get hurt. He kept his expectations low because that way he didn't have to fear disappointment if things went wrong. He said he wasn't a romantic, but he made the most romantic gestures for Lucie, remembering all her favourite things and giving her everything she was looking for.

I was dreading getting to the third act conflict part of the book because it can quickly bring my enjoyment down, but here it made so much sense and I think it had to happen. Lucie had to say those things to Aiden and I loved the way she handled it all with maturity. It was the catalyst for Aiden to finally open his eyes and his heart and try again, to let himself fall instead of holding back for fear of getting hurt. I really, really, really love them and I think they're perfect for each other.

This is a single mom romance, but don't expect a lot of that content, as the book focuses mostly on the main characters and their romance. Still, I loved all the scenes with Maya, she's a wonderful child, and I also loved the involvement of the other characters. They made the story feel more homely and authentic. I really can't wait for Jackson's book, he's adorable!

This was everything I wanted and more. The epilogue was extremely sweet! I now have to wait a long time for the second book, but I think it's going to be worth the wait. I'll leave you with a quote from the author's note at the end of the book, because it explains quite well why I love romances so much: “Isn't it a beautiful thing to exist in this community? To slip into love stories over and over again. To believe in the unfailing magic and power of love.”

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Aiden is a radio presenter on a romance show who doesn't believe in love. Lucie is a single mom whose daughter calls in to Aiden's show in the hopes of finding her mom a match.

I really enjoyed this book - I was worried that it would be too much like Sleepless in Seattle but, really, aside from the child calling into a radio show on behalf of the parent, it didn't have too much in common.

It was really well written and all of the characters were wonderful. There were clear set ups for future books, without too much focus on this. Lucie's support system was incredible and Aiden's issues were very well explored.

This is one of those books that I would absolutely recommend to anyone who enjoys this genre. I haven't read this author before but I definitely will again.

- Single mom
- GrumpyxSunshine
- Radio host/minor celebrity

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This is absolutely stunning. I have heard so much about Borison’s writing but yet to read anything. I will definitely be picking up more of this authors work!

Plot: A hopeless romantic meets a jaded radio host in this cozy, Sleepless in Seattle-inspired love story from beloved author B.K. Borison. Aiden Valentine has a secret: he's fallen out of love with love. And as the host of Baltimore's romance hotline, that's a bit of a problem. But when a young girl calls in to the station asking for dating advice for her mom, the interview goes viral, thrusting Aiden and Heartstrings into the limelight. Lucie Stone thought she was doing just fine. She has a good job; an incredible family; and a smart, slightly devious kid. But when all of Baltimore is suddenly scrutinizing her love life-or lack thereof-she begins to question if she's as happy as she thought.
Maybe a little more romance wouldn't be such a bad thing. Everyone wants Lucie to find her happy ending... even the handsome, temperamental man calling the shots. But when sparks start to fly behind the scenes, Lucie must make the final call between the radio-sponsored happily ever after or the man in the headphones next to her.

Borison's writing captures the warmth of a classic rom-com, and her characters feel instantly relatable and endearing. Aiden's internal struggle between his public persona and personal disillusionment with romance adds depth to the storyline, while Lucie's journey from contentment to a true romance is both believable and engaging. The chemistry between them leaps off the page, making their slow-burn romance feel natural and deeply satisfying.
The novel is as much about Lucie's and Aiden's personal growth as it is about the romance itself, and Borison balances this beautifully, adding layers of humor, vulnerability, and charm. The family dynamics
-especially with Lucie's daughter, who catalyzes this unexpected romance-add another layer of warmth and complexity that deepens the emotional impact.
For readers who love feel-good romance novels with an engaging plot and characters you can root for, First-Time Caller is a must-read. The rom-com vibe is perfectly tuned, and it's impossible not to wish the best for Aiden, Lucie, and everyone else in this endearing story. A feel-good book that reminds us all that love can come from the most unexpected calls.

Thank you Net-Galley and Pan MacMillan for the ARC

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First-Time Caller is perhaps my favourite romance from B.K. Borison yet. The premise is very fun, the MCs Aiden and Lucie were very relatable and well developed, and it read like a movie.

I had the best time falling for Aiden right along with Lucie, their attraction and chemistry was off the charts, and there were so many heartfelt moments that had me swooning. One mentionable scene (without giving spoilers) is when Lucie finds a lit of her favourite things in Aiden's car. SWOON.

This book was a refreshing, fun, and memorable read for me. I can't fault it. Plus I can only hope we are getting Jackson and Delilahs' book next, because I need so see more car parking antics, I'm ready to go all in.

Thank you Netgalley/Pan Mac for my early copy!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (I’d honestly give this infinity stars if that was an option)

Thank you so so much to Netgalley and Pan Macmillan for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ms Borison, you have well and truly cemented your position in my auto-buy list - I absolutely ADORED this book. Lucie and Aiden are so so cute, and I loved watching their relationship grow (while being stuck in a very small room together). Their banter was top notch and I loved the setting. They are so relatable and well written, and the slow burn was just perfection.

I also loved the side characters - Grayson and Mateo are welcome to cook for me anytime.

Overall this was such a cozy, heart warming read and I can’t wait for the next book 🥰

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I adored this book so much, the main characters were so genuine and that really reflected on the page thanks to the talent that is B.K. Borison.
This is my first book by her, but it will certainly not be the last for a long time.

I adore Lucie with every fibre of my being and i could not help fall in love with Aiden the same way Lucy did, with the mess and all. They are two people who are hopeless romantics but due to circumstances did not have a shot at love. Well, when they meet, that changes and I loved every second of it.

Thank you Pan Macmillan for the ARC, I am so grateful as this was one of my most awaited romance book of 2025.

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Thank you NetGalley and PanMacmillan for providing an early copy of this book.

Saying that I loved this book feels like an understatement. At the beginning of the story, the FMC Lucie mentions that she wants magic in her life… and that is exactly what this book is, magic.

Lucie is a single mom who hasn’t had a relationship since she was pregnant with her now teen daughter Maya. Unexpectedly, she finds herself being part of Heartstrings, a romance radio show where she accidentally spills her deepest wants and secrets to the city of Baltimore. Aiden is the radio host who has stopped believing in love for himself. He is now tasked with finding the ideal candidate for Lucie to go on a date with, so that she can hopefully get her happily ever after.

All characters are very well constructed, and their relationships with one another are well thought through. They all feel very real and human, which is something I particularly enjoyed in this book: they are adults, they make mistakes… and then they communicate! And this is not to the detriment of any big romantic moments. On the contrary, it makes those instances all the more special and believable.

This book is for the true romantics at heart, for those of us who have never stopped believing in love… the big kind of love, the kind that feels like fireworks and running after a moving train and standing on the rain pouring your heart out, hoping to be loved in return. But also the love that is found in the day to day, the love that hides in corners, in friendships, in family

Also if you love Sleepless in Seattle, this book is a MUST READ!

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