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Another enjoyable book in the series. Love how the cosy crime mystery is mixed in with the history of Verona and information about opera and local food. A cosy crime travelogue!

Interesting cosy crime story with lots of suspects with a variety of different motives. Great to see that Oscar is at the centre of the action too.

Will there be more books in the series?

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I always love catching up with Dan and Oscar, and Murder In Verona is no exception. As the title suggests, a case for Dan takes them to Verona, where we meet, once again, a very lively and interesting bunch of characters. I love the way TA Williams is able to bring together such a varied group of people and explore the dynamic between them in such an engaging way. There was no shortage of suspects and I really enjoyed trying to work out who was involved.

I've never been to Italy, but TA Williams manages to transport me there every time he writes. As I was reading Murder In Verona, I could see all the wonderful landscapes, taste all the delicious food and feel the heat of the sun on my skin, and I did not want to be taken away from it back to my own life!

Dan and Oscar are a very astute pair and it was great to follow the investigation along with them. TA Williams’ writing style is very easy to read, but the plot is full of twists and red herrings - I think more so in Murder In Verona than previous books in the series - that kept me on my toes until the very end.

I will end this review in the way I've ended all the reviews I've written for this series: I hope Dan and Oscar are back very soon!

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I love this series of ex-pat, retired English Detective Chief Inspector, Dan Armstrong, and his black lab, Oscar. While not the first book in the series, it’s easily read as a stand-alone. Dan and Oscar make a great pair who solve mysteries in Italy where Dan relocated after his retirement and divorce. Each book is set near an Italian city so you get some travel bits along with the mysteries and the great protagonist pair of Dan and Oscar.
This time, he and his new significant other, Anna, are visiting Verona to introduce Dan to opera. Once he meets an octogenarian mother of a recently deceased, rising opera star, she hires him to investigate her son’s death. Since the family own a gorgeous estate that is now an opera academy, Dan, Oscar and Anna are staying at the villa to investigate on site.
The characters are well written, likeable, and the storylines are always enjoyable in this series. I recommend this latest outing and the entire series.

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I have enjoyed all the Armstrong and Oscar series so far and this edition did not disappoint. Plenty of immersion into Verona and all it has to offer and a plethora of suspects to keep you guessing. I would definitely read another. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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This book was pretty good, it was a bit predictable, but they also threw in a ton of red herrings to throw you off and confuse you. The writing was OK, and the characters were just OK. Not my favorite but not bad

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this AR

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opera, opera-stars, private-investigators, inheritance, labrador-dog, investigations, excop, relationships, relatives, professor, cozy-mystery, situational-humor*****

This is not an unbiased review as I really enjoy this series. And Oscar the black Labrador!
Dan Armstrong retired to Italy after 30 years working the Murder Squad at the Met and being divorced by his wife of many years. He made good friends with local law enforcement where they make use of his Italian/English translation abilities, moved there permanently, opened a private investigation firm, and has a permanent girlfriend who is a respected professor and an astute assistant whenever needed.
This time they spend time in Verona staying at an operatic school while looking into the death of a wealthy opera singer with as many detractors as admirers. As always, the characters are well developed and easy to relate to, the mystery plot has sneaky twists, and very distracting red herrings.
I requested and received a temporary review copy from Boldwood Books courtesy of NetGalley. Thank you!

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