Member Reviews

One of the easiest 5 stars I’ve given.
This book had my heart from the start and never let it go.

Reed and his sister, Bea, are amazing. There relationship is beautiful and the lengths Reed goes to for her is so touching & inspiring. I mean the courage and strength he shows throughout is so heartwarming. And although he does wrong, it’s all because of love.

I cannot even begin to explain the hurt I felt for Reed & Bea regarding their mum. I was so angry with her. Being a mum myself, I don’t believe I would ever leave my child especially knowing how much they needed me. It truly did break my heart. I tried to be sympathetic and understanding of her struggle but it was difficult not to feel angry.

Beautifully written with amazing characters that are bound to stay with you long after you’ve finished their story. This also applies to the side characters as they are pivotal in Reeds development & journey.

Other Aspects I loved ~

*Helena. She has a hard exterior but she is kind, caring and compassionate. 🥰
*The lady in the shop. Such a simple interaction but made me smile. 🛒
*The Diet Soda Club (read it & you’ll understand). 🥤
*Yo-yo. So cute 🪀
*The emotions I experienced. When I go through nearly everything single emotion possible, I know I have connected to the characters/story. ♥️

“Inhale courage. Exhale fear” Love this line

Thank you so much, Walker Books and NetGalley, for the arc of this incredible book.

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I love this cover and I was expecting somewhat of an easy, YA read about typical teen issues and friendships. It was supposed to be a palate cleanser between darker reads but actually, it had plenty of that ‘ickyness’ itself while still having some of the warmth I was looking for.

Reed’s little sister Beatrice was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which means that she is constantly in and out of hospital. Since their dad died and their mother checked out of reality, Reed has been pretty much all Beatrice has. When their mother jets off with her new boyfriend leaving them very little food and money, Reed resorts to making and selling fake IDs to his classmates to keep himself and Beatrice alive. But soon, the landlord and hospital want paying, forcing Reed to descend further into dodgy dealings.

Reed has been forced to grow up fast due to his horrendous circumstances. His father is dead, his sister has a lifelong condition and his mother is simply awful. I really appreciated how this book shed light on how mature, resourceful and hard-working teenagers can be because I don’t feel like that’s celebrated enough in general -particularly boys. Throughout the narrative, Reed encounters adults who really don’t see him properly -another struggle that he really doesn’t need.

Reed and Beatrice’s mum made me so angry. She literally goes on holiday with a man she barely knows instead of looking after her very sick daughter and school-age son. I honestly didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for her at any point in the story and have no other words regarding her.

The diet soda thing is explained and it’s actually a really lovely callback to Reed’s history with Helena, his childhood friend and partner in crime. I thought drawing the parallels between the ruse of diet soda as something healthy and the fact that Reed is committing crimes in the name of helping his sister was really clever. It’s obviously not a straightforward link but it makes sense when you think about it.

Beatrice is an exceptionally smart ten-year-old. Perhaps unrealistically so but I really rooted for her to get everything sorted in her world of incompetent, patronising adults. Like Reed, she simply isn’t seen properly by anyone with any power and it’s so frustrating.

It was heartbreaking to think that Beatrice relies on technology to feel like she was a part of the world, as it reminded me of how excluded disabled people must have felt before the internet. On the other hand, how amazing is it that the number of uninterrupted hours she has had with her computer has given her a fantastic, useful talent?

Diet Soda Club is an engaging story of friendship, family and the lengths we’ll go for our loved ones. It also sheds light on a disability that I’d not seen represented in fiction before and pays homage to the tireless, inspirational work of young carers.

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If you want a book that will nag at the back of your mind all day and fully demand your attention, this is it. I couldn't stop thinking about Bea and Reed when I wasn't reading and then when I was, I didn't want it to end. The things that people have to deal with are incredible. Reed is 17 and has such a lot of responsibility. He didn't ask for any of it or want it, but there is no way he's going to let his little sister suffer, though, so he just gets on and does the very best he can. Does he always make the right decisions? Definitely not. Are they always for the right reasons? Definitely yes. This was heartbreaking and gut-wrenching at times and at others funny and cringy. Bea is who she is because of her disability not inspire of it. She has a zest for life that more people need.

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What a book! Just a few lines into the book and I already loved it.

It is such a poignant story about teenager who has to look after his sister with spinal muscular atrophy. It is a story about responsibility, unconditional love and harsh reality. It is not an easy book to read as I could feel the weight on the protagonist's shoulders all the time. It might take a strong heart to read it but it is also a must-read. Excellent book.

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This book was equally heart-breaking and heart-warming at the same time - a must read for just about anyone.

The dynamics of the brother-sister relationship was incredibly heart-warming and I couldn't help but feel for Reed as he cares for his sister and will do just about anything for her. There is an element of romance to the story but it fortunately does not detract from the main story between Bea and Reed along with the challenges they face with their absent mother.

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Reed lives with his Mum and sister after the death of his Farther some years earlier. Bea, his younger sister has a muscle wasting disorder and spends much of her time in hospital. Their Father never wanted Bea to be alone and Reed take that to heart. He and his Mum swap places so she’s at the hospital in school hours and Reed covers the evenings while she works in a bar. But one day he notices she is distracted and is absent on a few occasions. This becomes a problem when Reed is single-handedly managing Bea’s care in hospital, then upon discharge, at home. When Mum disappears on a vacation- because she needed, it with her latest boyfriend Reed is left completely alone.
How he gets through weeks without any responsible adult is enterprising but also illegal but does involve a former best friend.
This is heartbreaking and I had to break off a few times as I couldn’t bear to read about a Mother not being there for her children.
To read this you need to read in one day and have plenty of tissue handy.

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This book is everything I wanted it to be and more. I could relate so much as I was a caregiver for many people in my life. I thought the writing was beautiful. I loved the closeness of their relationship and I think many people who have gone through this situation of having a love one sick will relate to this beautiful book as well as those looking for a heartfelt and tearjerking read as well. One of my favorite books I’ve read so far

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Very beautiful book about a brother sister relationship. I love the dynamic of him doing everything in his power to take care of her. I’ve been a caregiver and it’s the hardest job in the world. I’m very excited to see how this resonates with readers. It’s rare a good book like this vibes along especially for the YA set and I’m hoping this becomes one of the it books it deserves to be

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