Member Reviews

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

I have been a fan of Aimee Brown for awhile and finally got approved for an arc. I loved the premise of the plot of this story. I did get hired around 35% in and took me a while to get through to the ending. I found it to be a little unrealistic to have a couple not know each other very long, marry, and divorce shortly after- then after not seeing each other for 5 years, still have a ‘strong connection.’ Other than that I enjoyed Foster and Eve were likeable characters and had great chemistry, and the spice is always nice.

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Eve Cassidy thought she was done with Guy Foster after their whirlwind romance and messy breakup. But five years later, when Foster has an accident, Eve finds out she’s still his emergency contact. She can’t leave him alone in the hospital, and soon, he moves into her small apartment to recover. As they spend time together, old emotions start to come back, and they both realise they might still have feelings for each other. Will living so close bring them back together, or push them apart for good? This is a sweet and steamy love story about giving romance another shot.

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🌈 Second chance romance
🌈 He falls first
🌈 Forced proximity

I have read this author's books before and when I read the synopsis for this one, I was really looking forward to reading it.

Unfortunately, this story didn't resonate with me like previous books. The quickie start of Eve and Foster's relationship didn't sit well with me and the meet up 5 year later was too coincidental. This is why I was not invested in the relationship between the two from the beginning. While lvers of second chance romance might enjoy this, and the writing was good, this story was not for me.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Still the One is a cute second chance romance. I enjoyed it, and breezed through it, but it was not something very deep or meaningful. That was fine, because that was not what I was expecting, but don't go into this thinking it will be life changing. That said, it is an adorable story with fun characters and an interesting story. It was a perfect escape/beach read and I think it will definitely appeal to a lot of people. The writing was good and easy to get caught up in. I wish there had been a little more exploration of some of the plot points and character aspects, but all in all it was an enjoyable read!

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When Eve’s ex is injured and she realizes she is still listed as his emergency contact she drops everything to be by his bedside. Their relationship may have ended five years ago but some feelings never truly go away. As Foster and Eve spend time together it becomes clear to them both that neither of them ever moved on completely..

This was a pleasant but bland second chance romance, a nice respite when you want something more drama free but difficult to get emotionally invested in. None of the characters seemed dynamic and you were told about their connection rather than feeling it. A nice story but not one that will stick with me.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review..

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4 ☆

『 tropes 』
•second chance
•nurse practitioner/fmx driver
•forced proximity
•medical setting
•opposites attract
•will they/wont they

『 plot 』
eve and guy haven’t seen each other in five years, after their whirlwind romance and decided love isn’t enough, eve walked out on him but when he ends up in her ER, after a bad motocross accident, she throws caution to the wind and decides to stay by his side until he wakes, and then she’s going to walk away, again. however, circumstances change and he needs someone to look after him, eve is the one to do that. after 5 years of no contact, guy wants to prove that they still belong together, but will the secret he’s hiding from her break them once again.

i really enjoyed this story, it was a breath of fresh air and a fun little read. i loved, even after 5 years of no contact, for the most part, they both were open with one another, they both understood that they both were hurt after the break up and that they both played their part in hurting one another. guy has to live with eve until he’s medically fit to fly again, this forces them both together and face each other and their past. they slowly start to get to know one another again. but eve has been hurt since then and struggles to trust men, guy will do anything to help her heal from him and her other ex, even if it means losing her all over again.

『 writing style 』
always love a dual POV, it’s the only way to write a good book in my opinion. we got to see the full story, it wasn’t biased from just one point of view and you learned so much about both characters thoughts and feelings on their situation

『 overall 』
really really enjoyed it, i can’t really fault this book. it was fun, fast paced, easy to follow, with likeable characters and great relationships.

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Five years ago Eve walked out of her very short marriage to Extreme sport star Foster. Now, he ends his way into the ER she works in as a nurse after an accident at a game. Not only that, but she finds out she is still his emergency contact.

I adore Aimee Brown's books! While this one wasn't in my top reads for her, I did enjoy it.

Eve and Foster are good characters. You can feel the pressure they both put on themselves. There is a bit of insta-love when they meet and when they find each other again, but you can see where they work well together. This is a great example of forced proximity as Eve volunteers to take care of Foster. Along with that, you get looks into their past to see what went well and what went wrong within their original relationship.

I wanted a little more from their relationship. But beyond that, I did enjoy the story and the characters.

All in all, a good second chance romance.

Thank you to the author and publisher for the gifted copy!

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This story had so much potential but unfortunately the writing felt awkward and clunky. I know it’s fiction but I’d like some realism. SPOILER AHEAD. Foster suffers a motorbike accident and is brought in to the trauma center where Eve works. As she’s accessing the patient and realizes it’s Foster her first thought is he hasn’t aged. What?

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Still The One

If you love an Exs-to-Lovers trope, this book hits it!

After five years of not seeing him, Eve’s ex-husband ends up in her ER from a motorcycle racing accident. Eve and Foster are forced into close proximity as he recovers with her help.

While I felt like I had to suspend my disbelief a little bit during the final resolution with how swiftly they resolved things, these two were fun to read about!

Thanks to @netgalley for this copy of Still The One!

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An upcoming release by a new-to-me author absolutely hit the spot! I needed a good book to get out of a mini-slump, and Still the One was the perfect choice.

Five years ago after a whirlwind 30 days, Eve and Foster were madly in love and eloped. Only they didn’t quite realize what they were getting themselves into, and things fell apart almost as quickly as they started. After Eve split, they didn’t talk again except for Foster’s yearly comment on a social media memory that always messed with both of them.

Until Foster, who’s a professional FMX motorcycle rider, crashes and ends up in the hospital where Eve works as a nurse. Enter all the feelings they’ve both shoved away for too long. When Eve agrees to let Foster recuperate in her tiny apartment, those feelings surface, but both are terrified of being heartbroken again. They’re suddenly together 24-7 and can’t just make small talk or keep from flirting forever, can they?

This was the perfect second chance romance! Eve and Foster were both such loveable characters, both contributed to the original breakup, and they genuinely love each other. They just have to get there, and the journey was sweet, tearful at times, honest (mostly, except for one kind of big omission), and just adorable. Foster was this goofy, kind of clueless (but still pretty smart) guy who is still deeply in love with Eve but needs to figure out how to actually do a relationship. Eve is strong, kind, doesn’t trust men, and doesn’t trust herself not to fall again.

Still the One made me feel warm and cuddly the whole time, and I was SO rooting for Eve and Foster. Great banter, side characters, and you can feel the love they have for each other throughout the entire book. Also loved the dual POV and the short but meaningful flashbacks. Overall a light, fun, and moving story that left me in a great place and wanting to read more books from Aimee Brown.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

Such a great second chance romance. Wonderful main characters whose love for each other jumped off the page. Fun banter, cute nicknames, good side characters. I loved that this was dual POV and I loved the "5 years ago" sections that gave their back story. I've read a couple books by this author and really enjoy the way she writes. A quick read with a satisfying ending.

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The premise of Eve and Foster’s story initially drew me in, but it failed to deliver. The characters’ relationship seemed to rely too much on physical attraction, leaving little room for deeper connection—often a pitfall of love-at-first-sight narratives. It’s not my jam. While it’s an easy read, both protagonists would have benefited from a lot more depth—and a touch of humor. I’m not convinced that fans of Abby Jimenez and Emily Henry will find the same level of enjoyment they’ve come to expect, despite the comparisons in the blurb, and may instead end up as disappointed as I did. A round or two with more beta readers could have helped elevate this story if only to eliminate the pervasive “telling, not showing” in the text and provide more context for vague statements like, “When our relationship spiraled out of control.” At the end of the novel, I still don’t know what actually happened to the characters…

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3.5 Stars

I loved the characters Eve and Fost. I felt I missed a lot of how great their connection was in the past even though we do get flash backs of five years ago, I feel I needed a bit more to make their second chance believable.

This is not my first Aimee Brown book. It was not my favorite, but it won't be my last.

Thank you to Netgalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to read this book and share my thoughts.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

It’s been five years since Eve Cassidy walked out of her marriage to Guy Foster, so imagine her surprise when she finds out she’s his emergency contact. After a bad motocross accident, Foster is rushed to the hospital to receive life saving treatment. It also happens to be the same hospital where Eve is an on call trauma nurse. Not wanting him to be alone, Eve stays by his side while he recovers. Once it’s time for him to leave the hospital she agrees to move him into her one bedroom apartment to help with his recovery. As the two spend more and more time together they start to wonder if fate has brought them together for their second chance at love.

The characters are quite likeable. Both have a lot of baggage from their first attempt at a relationship, but they genuinely try to see each other for who they are in the present time and not who they were. We do get flashback scenes of when they first met which helps the audience to present a clearer picture as to where things went wrong and show each character’s overall growth. This is a dual POV and we get to see the circumstances leading up to their break up from both sides.

I was turned off by how Ms. Brown wrote a side character who is a POC. This character’s dialogue was written to reflect her accent and to me it read like a stereotype of what a non POC assumes Latinos are. The accent was written in an over the top way and it was unnecessary. Ms. Brown could have simply stated that she spoke with a thick accent. She even referenced Sofia Vergara, an actress who has played into the stereotypes often plaguing Latino artists. This was disappointing, and took away from an otherwise lovely story.

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New to me author and this is one of my favorite aspects of reading advance copies. Discovering the voice of an author that touches me deeply. Having my own second chance love story, I’m always drawn to reading these type of stories. Foster and Eve have a bit of a unique story in that they were both a bit too young to actually tie the knot considering the logistics of their careers. It was a relationship that was doomed despite a great deal of love between them.

Beautifully written and the authors note gives a personal connection to the near death aspects of the main characters accident. Really loved the story. Would have just loved a tiny peek into the bedroom. Thanks for the advance copy.

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Eve Cassidy believed that Guy Foster was the only man she would ever love. Their relationship was intense and passionate, culminating in a whirlwind romance and marriage. However, their love story took a tragic turn, ending in heartbreak.

Five years after their separation, Eve remains skeptical about the existence of true love. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she learns that Guy has been in an accident and discovers that she is still listed as his next of kin. This revelation compels her to be by his side during his recovery, as she cannot bear the thought of him waking up alone in the hospital.

“Still The One” is a contemporary romance filled with humor and heartwarming moments, appealing to fans of authors like Abby Jimenez, Lindsey Kelk, and Emily Henry.

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This was probably one of the best if not THE best second-chance romance I've read in awhile! It was a slow, romantic yet an emotional roller coaster of a read that I will be thinking about for a long time. This was my first Aimee Brown book and definitely will not be the last.

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Aimee absolutely nailed this second chance romance and did it with such flawless execution! She did so without making our heroine appear weak by using a little forced proximity to help them rub elbows and help them recall what once was.

Eve is an emergency room RN at a trauma center in the Pacific Northwest and she’s never quite got over her lost love, her ex husband.

Foster is a professional bmx racer who lives life on the edge of danger and he too has never gotten over his one and only love, his ex wife.

When fate decides they have wasted too much time the unthinkable happened and Foster ends up in Eve’s trauma room forcing her to let her walls down to be by his side during his worst. When it’s time for Foster to go home, he can’t fly and doesn’t know anyone in town so Eve is pretty much give little choice but to bring Foster home to recuperate. Being stuck together means they are basically forced to deal with the elephant in the room.

Can they find their way back to each others hearts or are they destined to be apart?

This book blew my socks off! It was so good! I didn’t want to go to sleep and wanted to stay up reading but with kids and work I had to wait but it was such a treat to go back to! I finished this book in less than 24 hours. It was that good!

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Thank you to Net Galley, Boldwood Books, and Aimee Brown for the arc!

Still The One is a story about what once was. When Eve runs into Foster due to an unfortunate motocross accident, past emotions are brought back up after five years of keeping them under wraps. Things take a turn when Eve has to be Foster’s caregiver for a little while, and those emotions and memories that they tried so hard to bury come right back up.

This book was an endearing trip that leads us through both the past and the present of our FMC’s and MMC’s relationship. It’s almost bittersweet how each day plays out. I could tell just how much longing Foster still had for Eve and how much longing Eve had for Foster. It was definitely a slow burn to get to the point of reconciliation though.

All in all, I thought this book was pretty good. The pacing was great, the characters were relatable, the writing was decent. I just think this wasn’t necessarily the book for me, so to speak. Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be someone else’s cup of tea! Because everything is there for a good story. I just think I needed more drama and maybe even more of a backstory on Foster and Eve, despite having the flashbacks.

Overall rating: 3.5/5 (rounded down)
Spice: 0/5

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Eve y Foster se conocieron hace cinco años, se casaron un mes después y se divorciaron tres meses más tarde.

La idea me pareció interesante, pero no siento que ninguno de los dos haya madurado durante sus años de separación ni en las semanas que se volvieron a reunir.

Su relación se basa en la atracción, no en el amor.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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