Member Reviews

This is my second book by this author and it was great. Told in dual POV you will be hooked from the first page. Can't wait to read more by her.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Another absolute belter from Gillian Mcallister! I loved the hostage storyline, even better the husband was the hostage taker rather than the hostage. Very very clever written with lots of in depth research. I will always read this author’s work and I cannot express my delight at being sent this copy. The quickest gifted copy I’ve ever read I would say!

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I loved the sample opening of Famous Last Words at the back of Gillian McAllister's previous thriller Just Another Missing Person: it immediately pulled me into the 'ordinary world' of Camilla, a literary agent returning to work after mat leave, who has no idea that her husband Luke is holding three people hostage at gunpoint until she sees it on the news. Interestingly, when I compared this sample opening with the opening of this ARC, it's taken on more of the characteristics that I usually associate with McAllister's writing, and which I personally struggle with, although I think McAllister's novels have got better as she's gone on. Suddenly, there's a lot more backstory, Camilla is more aware that something is up, and the writing feels a bit more cluttered in consequence - I also identified less with Camilla's shock at the news because we'd already been tipped off that Luke was behaving strangely. In itself, this doesn't matter, but unfortunately it foreshadowed some of the problems I had with the novel as a whole. I struggled to connect with Camilla, especially given the big time jumps, and I never really felt her love for Luke. Her relationships with sister Libby and daughter Polly felt much stronger and more central to the story but are given less page-time, while the B-plot with hostage negotiator Niall - especially his marital problems - was a consistent distraction. It just didn't have the tension or emotion that I wanted. I do think Famous Last Words is a good thriller that will please McAllister fans, but it's confirmed that something about her writing doesn't click for me. 3.5 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for the ARC

I loved Wrong Place Wrong Time and was so excited for another Gillian McAllister novel. She didn't disappoint. This was thrilling, fast paced and mindbending. I truly never knew where the story was going or who the culprit could be. I love that! It was so engaging and captivating. I had a great time reading in and couldn't pull away. Read the entire book in one evening.

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My thanks to NetGalley and Michael Joseph publishing for a copy of “ Famous Last Words “ for an honest review.

I’ve been a big fan of Gillian McAllister since her first book .She’s the author that I’ve recommended to readers who ask for recommendations at my library . I really felt like Christmas had come early when I got the chance to read this in advance of the publication date , and for me this is her best book yet !
I could have easily just read it all in one go , but I rationed myself .It was suspenseful and I completely lost myself in the story. I was really invested in the characters and it kept me guessing right to the end to how things would pan out..I think this would make a perfect gripping tv series .
Can’t wait for her next book and I’ll definitely be recommending this one as a must read.

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Arggggg I’m feeling a bit upset after finishing this - because I’ve finished it! How dare it all wrap up and end! I simultaneously wanted to finish it in one day and make it last as possible. I basically LIVED this book for a few days in that whenever I had a spare minute that I didn’t need to be doing something, I was reading it. I couldn’t leave it alone.

So, the story. Cam wakes up on her first morning back at work after her maternity leave, and her husband, Luke, is not at home - and has left a puzzling note. She feels uneasy but carries on with her day until she sees the news that hostages are being held by a gunman in a nearby warehouse. And her husband is the gunman.

What happens next is an incredible, heart-pounding, emotional investigation into what happened that day and the events leading to it. By Cam, and Niall the hostage negotiator who, honestly I think I might be a little bit in love with.

Gillian has this skill, that I’ve never read in anyone else’s books, that she can create such an intricate mystery with so many interwoven parts that there is absolutely no way I’ll predict what’s going on. Not in a confusing way - I always feel safe that I know as much as I’m supposed to know at that point! And then when it all starts falling into place, it’s just spectacular. Her books are like uncrackable codes and I just love devouring them and musing on them!

Just totally awesome and amazing!

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With Famous Last Words Gillian McAllister has cemented her position as queen of the twisty thriller with this unputdownable rollercoaster of a read. In fact, it's so compelling that it almost let me forget that I was stuck on a train rapidly going nowhere for several hours - and that is the hallmark of a good book!

Cam has the perfect life - the perfect job, husband and baby, a lovely London home, a close relationship with her sister. She's a little stressed about returning to work as a literary agent and Polly's first day in nursery, she's excited about a book on submission that she feels has bestseller written all over it, she's worried about her sister who's embarking on a gruelling IVF journey but she has no concerns at all about her marriage. It just seems uncharacteristically unthinking of Luke to not be there for the first nursery drop off and not to wish her good luck for her first day back. Odd he was clearly up and out before dawn anyway, odd he's not replying to her messages. But when the police turn up at her work things go from odd to downright unbelievable. Luke is caught up in a seige - and he is the one holding the gun, keeping three people hostage. Cam has no explanation why or how this could have happened. What has Luke been hiding and why? Does she even know her husband at all?

And so starts a breathlessly fast paced plot, split between Cam's POV and that of Niall, the hostage negotiater. Exciting, clever, you will want to read this in one sitting. Highly recommended.

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I love Gillian McAllister and was delighted to be approved for her latest novel.

This is one of those books which has you hooked after the first two chapters - Camiila returns to work after maternity leave, dropping her daughter of at nursery for her first day. Unusually her husband was already out in the morning but Cam thinks little of it until the Police visit her office to tell her that her husband, Luke, has been caught up in a hostage situation in central London - but not as a victim, he is the hostage taker.

Tell me you are not intrigued by that. What follows is a gripping, thrilling ride as we discover what led Luke to be there and the stunning consequences of what comes next.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Netgalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House | Michael Joseph for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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It made my month to be invited to read Famous Last Words on NetGalley! I luckily received the notification on my day off and read it in almost one sitting.

Camilla lives with her husband Luke and their baby daughter Polly in London. On her first day back after maternity leave, Cam wakes up to an empty bed - Luke has already left the house. Cam tries to contact him to no avail; she drops Polly off at nursery and carries on into work where she becomes aware of a hostage incident happening elsewhere in London. When the police arrive at her workplace and tell her that Luke is involved, she cannot believe that he is in such danger. Until the police correct her. Luke hasn’t been taken hostage - Luke has taken the hostages.

What a rollercoaster this book was. I love Gillian’s writing and the way she builds up her story, with plot lines so cleverly interwoven. I just wish it was out now then I could talk to people about it!

Another five star read. Do not miss this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House for allowing me to read and review.

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Huge thanks for giving me the opportunity to read Famous Last Words. I’ve been a huge fan of Gillian McAllister’s books for years and this one is as intricately plotted and beautifully written as ever. I think she knows what my deepest inner fears are, then deliberately brings them to life to freak me out even more. I’m not going to try and describe the plot, but will just say that the unexpectedness of the twists caught me out every time. I raced through this dazzling, terrifying, unputdownable novel in two days and it will stay with me for years. Thank you again - I’m now exhausted!

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Camilla Deschamps is at the end of her nine months' maternity leave and about to go back to work as a literary agent. However, when she wakes up her husband Luke is nowhere to be seen, apparently he (a ghostwriter for celebrity memoirs) has gone into to his shared workspace early. Cam feels slightly aggrieved by this, she's the introvert and catastrophiser and he's the extrovert happy-go-lucky one -on a day like today she really needs him to talk her off the ledge about putting their daughter Polly in nursery. He's not even answering his phone or reading her messages.

Later that morning at work, Cam is astonished to see that the man holding three people hostage in a London warehouse is none other than Luke. Although instinctively she can't think of any reason why this charming, sunny-natured man would do such a thing, as the police question her she recalls a few instances where he snapped at her, or behaved out of character.

I don't want to spoil anything so I'll be vague. Seven years later Luke has disappeared without a trace, Cam seesaws between thinking it has all been a big mistake and hating him for what he put them through. Although the police are monitoring Cam's internet searches and phone calls their investigation is very low key, except for Niall, the hostage negotiator that day, whose personal and professional lives fell apart on that day. he can't get over what happened and is looking for some kind of closure.

Can Cam or Niall piece together the clues and find out what really happened that day?

First off, let me say this was a really good book, loved the story. However, having read a couple of Gillian McAllister's books before I was already looking for the surprise twist - didn't always get it right, mind - and therefore in some respects this was a little too predictable. I also felt at one point that there were going to be too many similarities with (what I consider to be her best book) Wrong Place Wrong Time, although that turned out to be incorrect.

Overall, if you are new to Gillian McAllister's work I think you'll love the twisty-turny plot, but if you read and loved Wrong Place, Wrong Time I suspect you will find it fell slightly flat. Still better than most of the contemporary mystery/thrillers out there.

I received an ARC from the publisher Penguin Random House via NetGalley.

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Omg I’m shook! What a book, absolute rollercoaster ride of twists, turns and emotions! I love Gillian’s books but this one is the best I’ve read! She just keeps getting better and better! How can I go back and work now when I just want to talk about this book!! Thank you so much and can’t wait for the next book!

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Cam’s first day back at work after her maternity leave. Nervous and apprehensive, she had hoped that husband Luke would be around to help her get nine months old Polly ready for her first day at nursery, knowing just how important this day was to them all as a family, but he’s done a disappearing act. Cam vaguely remembers a quick kiss at some ungodly hour when it was still dark, but no response to her texts, etc., is leaving her a little worried. Not like the usually gregarious Luke not to reply. Once in the office Cam tries again, this time calling and WhatsApping, but still nothing. She tries to convince herself that there’s nothing wrong, but when two police officers walk into the office reception, she knows, without a doubt, they are there for her.

Wow! What brilliant writer McAllister is. Never fails to disappoint and always something new and totally unexpected. Just gets better and better with each new book.

I was into this from the first few pages. A line from about 3% in, “That feeling you get as a reader, 10 per cent in, where you just kind of sink into the novel and it’s world” is kind of my mantra, but not in this case. At 3% I was already in and committed!

A clever, polished and extremely readable book, a true masterclass in writing. I shall definitely recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and Michael Joseph Penguin Random House.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for this ARC.

Cam, young mother of baby Polly has her first day back at work after maternity leave. She doesn't know where her husband Luke is and he has only left a cryptic note but she isn't too worried until the police raps at her office door.

The facts as set out to her are that Luke has taken three hostages in a Bermondsey warehouse and he is armed. A siege continues until hostage negotiator Niall comes on the scene and tries to engage Luke. Then he lets the female hostage go, shoots the other two dead and disappears, never to be heard of again. Until, seven years later, Cam receives a cryptic email and begins to try and get answers but each clue throws up more questions.

The story is told in dual POV between Cam and Niall, both traumatised by the events they couldn't stop and that have changed their lives.

The twists and turns are excellent but I have to say that the plot drags in the middle when Cam is blocked at every turn from finding out more. Whatever it is that people are hiding, it must be big. Why did no one ever find out who the hostages were? Was Luke good after all?

We get an insight into Niall's life and the therapy he's been having for PTSD. His wife left him as he always prioritised work, and he has never forgotten that terrible siege so when covert surveillance of Cam suddenly throws something up, he is right back in, and this time he doesn't just want the perpetrator - he wants the truth, unlike his colleagues who just want to close a case at the expense of what really happened.

This is a thriller of course but it's also an exploration of love and relationships and how well we really know someone. It's an engaging read, with Cam's sister and her battle with IVF prominent, as is Cam's work as a literary agent.

As usual, Gillian McAllister delivers in spades. This is an outstanding suspenseful psychological thriller with two unique, believable POVs that go deep into the human psyche.

4.5 stars

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Cam is a book editor about to return to work after maternity leave. Luke,her husband, is a ghost writer who goes out to his co-working space and doesn't return.

He doesn't return as he is holding three people hostage in a warehouse with a gun.

Niall is the hostage negotiator and must talk him down. Something goes terribly wrong and Luke becomes a fugitive.

As with most of Gillian McAllister books,all is not as it seems and she takes on a rollercoaster ride with many twists and turns.

I enjoyed it as I have all her books, bravo!

I would like to thank Netgalley and Penguin Random House Publishing

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Famous Last Words by Gillian McAllister is a fascinating and mesmerising read that keeps the reader guessing until the end, as to who did what, why and when.
There are many twists and turns to the storyline and many characters in the story who are not what they appear to be. There are also some characters who are what they first appear to be and continue to act with integrity throughout the book.
I thought it was a captivating read and thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Another good read from the author.
Highly recommended.

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Another excellent thriller from the author of 'so many gripping tales, I was delighted to get a copy of this novel because I have loved this author ever since I read 'Wrong Place Wrong Time'. This was a real page turner and I finished it as quickly as I could. It features Cam and her husband who, on her first day back at work, is shown a video by the police of her husband holding hostages. He is not a criminal as far as she knows, so what is going on? Highly recommended.

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Christmas came really early for me this year thanks to the wonderful people at Michael Joseph who sent me an ARC of Gillian McAllisters upcoming book, Famous Last Words. Its not officially due out til the end of January but its a book you want to add to you TBR list immediately.

This is the story of what should be the perfect couple, but when Camilla (Cam) goes back to work after maternity leave it all goes wrong. Her husband, and baby daddy Luke is caught holding people hostage which to Cam feels out of character but with the evidence stacking up how can she argue?

I really like that although its small steps into the story I felt like I was thrown into Cams world. Appriciating her empathy at times even though it didnt always come accross how she really felt was a great way to help the reader feel like they knew the character, and connect.

After spending some time during and immediately after the incident we jump seven years forwards. Luke is still blamed for the situation and Cam hasnt really moved on. Her daughter is none the wiser to who her dad really was and theres the usual single parent hurdles to navigate.

Rather than show the other side of the story we get a view from Niall, the hostage negotiator. He's confident in what he does and from the start was clear that he didnt think Luke really wanted to kill anybody. As we follow his side of the story, we see him fail both in his work and personal life but still like him as a person because he just wants things to be right.

The other character to talk about is Libby. I really felt for her with multiple rounds of IVF and miscarriages. It did make me wonder how much she supposedly earns though - That many rounds isnt cheap and we dont really know much about her husband. Personally I didnt like the way Libbys story ended - I felt like as a supporting character the writier was trying not to 'punish' her too much but I would have preffered for her story to turn out differently, a little bit more real.

This is one of those books to really settle down with and enjoy whilst you're mind whirrs in the background looking at every possible clue to work out what really happened

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I’m a big fan of this author and expected it to be a good read. It was fantastic. Great characters, a great story and a twist I didn’t see coming. Every book I’ve read by Gillian McAllister has been so bloody good yet somehow she gets better with every book!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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WoW! McAllister puts the thrill into thriller. Superb writing, a brilliant plot, believable characters and breathtaking twists. This book has to be in the running for thriller of the year.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange of an unbiased review.

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