Member Reviews

An enjoyable read with likeable characters (aside from the obvious villains). Drake & Penn's love story was fun & sexy, though I really wish we got to know more about Diana's relationship with Lucien & her life as a vampire. A+ side characters; Frann, Grace, & Eleva are the people you want on your side when shit goes down.

Many thanks to Sophie Davis, Sophie Davis Books, & Netgalley for providing me with an ARC.

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This is one of the best wolf shifter books I’ve read for YEARS.
I loved the fated mates aspect, that love is transcendent through time.

Drake was the perfect blend of “princess” and warrior, she’d had an easy life until the unexpected death of her father, she doesn’t have the best experience but the end is incredible.

I loved how there’s clearly space for follow on books, but it ends neatly enough that it could be standalone.

Penn was the perfect beta, to his TRUE alpha. The way he supported Drake like a quiet undercurrent that is always there, championing her from the wings, patiently loving her while she faced challenging situations.

I’m eager to see another book and revisit the pack.

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This book was really good and intriguing. I really liked the chemistry of the characters. I rate this 4 stars.

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I absolutely devoured this book and I'm going to be suffering through the wait for the next book- it definitely can't come soon enough.

This book truly gave me all the feels. Heartbreak. Anger. Happiness. Love. Just, all of it.

The story is definitely a bit of a different spin than any other shifter book I've read and that's a wonderful thing!

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Great story, and very well-written! The plot sees Drake discover who she really is and her own strength. There's a lot of pain and hurt along the way, but she pushes through and in the end it's worth it. Penn starts off "grumpy" but quickly you see him open up and soften. The story line was very interesting and kept me flipping pages!
Spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5

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🩶🤎🐺 The Lost Pack - Sophie Davis 🐺🤎🩶

ARC READ - Publication Date: 03.12.2024

Genre: Fantasy, Romantasy

Themes: Fated lovers, betrayal, vengeance, destiny, prophecy

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice Level: 🔥🔥 - 🔥🔥🔥

World-building: Mild complexity

Swipe to the next photo for a sneak peek of the book description!

Okay, let me start by saying: when I first started reading The Lost Pack, it felt a little YA for me, and I wasn’t fully hooked at first. The plot was interesting, but I was missing that je ne sais quoi. I mean, it was good, but something was… off.

Then—bam!—everything clicked into place. The moment when it all comes together? Totally worth the wait! Suddenly, all the pieces of the story fit like magic, and I couldn’t put it down. Once that “aha!” moment happened, I was hooked until the very last page.

Now, let’s talk spice. 🔥 The heat definitely picks up toward the middle and end of the book. Nothing too wild (yet!), but there’s definitely enough 🔥🔥 to make you blush and think, “Yep, fan art is coming for sure.” 🤭

Also, can we talk about the main character for a sec? I was a little nervous about whether we’d get a strong, independent female lead, but trust me, Sophie Davis delivers. By the end of the book, you’ll be cheering for this badass heroine all the way.

The second half of the book really picked up speed, and now that I’m done, I NEED book two yesterday. These characters have so much more to give, and I need to know what happens next! So @seesophiewrite if you’re reading this, please, PLEASE tell me there’s more coming soon! 😂

This book is super vivid—I could totally picture each character in my head. It feels like it needs to be a trilogy, or maybe even a TV show down the line (hello, binge-watch potential!). 😍

If you love shifters, vampires, prophecies, a sprinkle of magic, and just the right amount of mystery, The Lost Pack should definitely be on your TBR!

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Great story, fab plot. Honestly haven’t read a book that kept me hooked beginning to end in a long time. A pleasant surprise

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𝒜𝓇𝒸 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌 : 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒷𝓎 𝒮𝑜𝓅𝒽𝒾𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈

Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Release Date: 12/3
Review: this was such a fun read! Within 7% of the book, my mouth was open so wide it hurt! The betrayal in this book had my heart pounding, making me want to devour it more and more.
I personally have never read a shifter/wolf story before, but I will say this did not disappoint.
The complexity to the FMC, and the fate that is written in the books is astronomical.
While this story wasn’t just taken place in the present, my attention was held on tight no matter what time was being portrayed, usually I have a hard time going back and forth.
The FMC is such an aspiring soul, and has so much strength in her to bite her tongue. There were moments in the books where I just wanted to SCREAM at unnamed people ;)
Throughout the whole book, it has you literally guessing on the outcome, and other certain answers to some riddles. The ending wasn’t exactly what I had been guessing throughout the story, which makes it even better!

My favorite quote : “I like being your dirty little secret.”

Ahhh such a good book! Will definitely be reading Sophie’s other books as this was incredible!

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“The Lost Pack,” by Sophie Davis

What I liked:
-The Story; Fae, Shifters, Vampires, etc. Her alpha father is murdered, and she being held captive, and her jailer is the brother of the new alpha who killed her father. Loved the whole idea.
-I loved the tension between her and Penn who is her jailer. So much hate but also so much forced proximity!
-Loved the FMC, she is strong, but the inner turmoil was so good. I love how she was pulled in so many ways throughout the book.
-The snake and flower art in the book is so beautiful.

I really liked this book and will definitely be reading more books by Sophie Davis. 4 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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3.5 ⭐️ - excellent story but would’ve loved some more detail and twists in the last 20-30% of the book. The end felt a bit rushed but overall I very much enjoyed this!

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I’m so thankful I was able to read this as an ARC. It was such a fun read and I loved the way the story developed. It took me a while to get involved but I am so happy that I did because the world and the way Sophie weaves her tale and builds her world was so much fun.

What can I say I love a slow burn, enemies to lovers.

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3.5 rounded up

This story focuses on Drake who is the daughter of an alpha wolf. It begins with a celestial event that triggers a prophecy for the pack and follows the aftermath and struggle for power.

I did enjoy reading it and wanted to find out how the conflict was going to be resolved. That said, I didn’t become very invested in Drake and Penn and their developing relationship. The early dream sequences felt a bit disjointed from the storyline.

I was given a copy by the publisher via NetGalley (thank you!) and all opinions are my own.

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"One warrior must fall so the true warrior can rise."

Thank You and Sophie Davis for the ARC!

Sophie Davis is a very new author to me and she really nailed it with her work. I just can't wait to read her other books.

It was a randomly requested book with lot of uncertainity, but as soon as I began reading, the book had me hooked from the very first page.

The Lost Pack is a perfect urban fantasy with lots of actions and adventures.


➽ Werewolves
➽ Prophecies
➽ Fated Mates
➽ Betrayal
➽ Magical Realism
➽ Vampires
➽ Touch her and 💀
➽ Enemies-to-lovers
➽ Reincarnation

What I Liked

Hello??? BETA WILLLIAMS??? He is everything in this book!
Sure, Drake our FMC is a strong headed character, but I wouldn't take someone else for Penn any other way.
And, our show stealer, Evera freaking Williams, she had me cracked up so many times, and i really adored her character. Her friendship with Drake was so wholesome.
My Alpha

Though the world building was a bit slow, but it was worth it with all the 'dreamy' riddles.

Overall, an amazing 5 star read, definitely one of my favorite of 2024.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sophie Davis for the ARC! I am leaving this review voluntarily.

What to expect:
- Shifters
- Enemies to lovers
- Slow-burn
- Betrayal
- “Touch her an you die, literally” mmc
- Spice 1.5/5 🌶️
- Prophecy

What I liked:
Omg this book was truly amazing! From the angst to the plot, all of it was chefs kiss! The relationship was stunning, I LOVED Penn. He’s so broody but clearly cares deeply about our fmc, Drake. I didn’t find this book predictable, it was unique and interesting in a way I’ve been craving.

Drake was a great fmc! She was so strong and badass that I immediately fell in love with her. I appreciated her resilience and restraint throughout the book and found myself disappointed when I finished.

The plot is perfectly paced, I never felt bored reading or like things were being rushed. I found the reveals surprising and interesting. The dreams were a confusing at first but make sense in the end, something I love in a book.

I know this sounds weird but I also liked how much I hated the characters, namely Finneus, in the book. I felt such deep hatred, I mean we’re talking I want your head on a pike outside my window so I can see it every morning and smile, kind of hatred. He was so evil and despicable and it made me feel like I was right there along with Drake.

Finally the star of the show, Evera! God I really love when the fmc has an unwavering friend, who will go through thick and thin for her! And Evera very much does do that, she remained by Drake’s side all throughout the book. And provided some amazing commentary, I swear she had me laughing out loud!

What I didn’t like:
To be honest, there want much I found myself disliking with this book. My only complaint is with some tiny details I would have enjoyed. For instance, what happened with the Zodiac Wolves? They were mentioned briefly in a dream and got minimal explanation after. I could have done with more world building too and explanations of other supernaturals in the world.

All in all this book was great and I highly recommend it!

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*The Lost Pack* by Sophie Davis is a gripping tale of betrayal and redemption. Drake Aspen’s journey to reclaim her fallen pack is filled with twists, fast-paced action, and a well-done enemy-to-lovers romance. The standout is Drake’s character growth, transforming from spoiled to strong leader. I’ve found a new favorite author in Sophie Davis—this book is a must-read for fantasy and romance fans!

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This book was good, but it started slow. The main female character, Drake, got to be annoying a few times; she came off as very immature. The main male character, Penn, seemed wishy-washy, going back and forth, seeming to be on her side but then saying something/doing something that would be a complete 180 from his previous actions. If you want a shifter/wolf romance with some suspense and mystery, you will enjoy this book, but you definitely need to give it a chance, probably until chapter 10, before you decide whether you like it.

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