Member Reviews

This is an unexpected book. Genevieve facilitates a clinic for people who are grieving, an the Seven o'clock club is made up of four very different people. After a shaky start, they start to bond and support each other, and to tell their stories. It's very moving and you feel for them. Then, in the final session, we learn more about Genevieve which completely shifts the perspective of the book and what we have read so far. This is cleverly done. There's also a follow up with what happens to the characters. I really liked this as I don't like to be left wondering!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bonnier Books UK for this ARC.

Genevieve is a counsellor specialising in grief counselling. She has put together a small group of four people who have all been bereaved six months ago for a new experimental group therapy once a week.

The group consists of posh middle-aged Victoria, young ex-family carer Mischa, married Freya and Callum, a famous singer. Everyone of them suffered a traumatic loss and there are quite a few trigger warnings I must dispense, especially about the graphic description of what dementia is like and a traumatic birth. It takes quite a while for us to hear those individual stories but when they come, they are very impactful.

I wasn't sure at first whether I would get on with this book because it's full of trauma and damaged people but then those people start bonding and helping each other and you begin to take them into your heart and root for them all.

The multi POV between the five main characters works well, with each person alternatively bringing the story forward in short chapters, giving their part its unique voice.

The huge twist, when it finally comes at 70%, is not wholly unexpected, and my theory was proven correct, even though I'd dismissed it earlier as it seemed nonsensical and fanciful. But there we were, with a fantasy element that was not announced as coming in any shape or form through the blurb or categorisation of the story. I'm trying hard not to spoiler here but I'm glad for the twist, it makes the book interesting!

The last 30% are really what make this story. I do not think everything that we hear in that part is absolutely logical in itself but it doesn't matter. You have to suspend disbelief and get through quite a bit of explanation from Genevieve. What the characters make with this information is what's important.

The romance that unexpectedly develops is believable and heartwarming and I don't mind telling you that I had tears of joy in my eyes at the end.

If you persevere through the characters' grief, this story will get you in the feels like nothing else. Love, friendship, hope, second chances - it's all there in spades. What a debut novel!

4.5 stars

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