Member Reviews

I am useless at laundry. I bung the washing machine on 30, add some detergent and hope for the best. Often I have had ruined garments as a result.

This book is a welcome addition to my bookshelf. Filled with tips and useful knowledge to help even the most novice of launderers. I love the design of the book too - simple and elegant and not garish so will look perfect on display. The illustrations inside are lovely too.

At 105 pages, this is a short and sweet guidebook with easily digestible information. Don’t hesitate to buy and add to your collection! I’ll be referring back to this regularly.

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An overall guide to cleaning your clothes properly

OK, let me start by saying that I am NOT someone who loves to do laundry…but since I nonetheless have to do quite a bit of it, I was intrigued to see if this book would help me get this necessary task done well. The answer to that: yes, it does. The book assumes that the reader has never washed a load of laundry in their lives (hmm, perfect for young people headed off to college or to their first apartments perhaps?) and deals with topics as basic as how to read the care labels on your items (and why it is important to do so) and how to sort clothes (in a macro and micro way, depending on your needs and set-up). Even if you have those areas under control, there is plenty within the covers to learn, including a great breakdown of types of stains, how to treat them and with what types of products, and what to do when a stain happens when you’re out and about. There’s even a chapter on how to best hang and/or store your clothes once they’re all clean. The authors are the owners of a high end dry cleaning company, so they know of what they write. While the price for the relatively short (about 200 pages in total) book may seem a little on the high side, if its tips can help you save one stained item from permanent ruin you will have more than made back your investment. I think this book makes a nice addition to a household’s reference library and highly recommend it. My thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Book/Rock Point for allowing me early access to a copy of The Laundry Book.

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Overall, the book gives a very good introduction to all things laundry. As someone who has been doing laundry for many years, most of the information wasn't new although some of the anecdotal pieces were interesting and new to me. So, if you are comfortable in the laundry room and have had to treat, well, most of the stains that can affect everyday clothing, this book probably won't introduce any new tidbits of information or make your life in the laundry any easier. I do, however, think that this book has a lot of value for someone who has never had to do laundry or who has had limited exposure to it. My kids who are almost ready to move out and take on their own households could and would get a lot of value out of this book and being able to reference. Sure, you can look up some of this information online with a quick Google search, but I have found so many contradictory tidbits of information online that, unless you are an expert already or familiar with the laundry game, you're as likely to find something completely wrong as something completely right. So, if someone has never done laundry before, it's nice to have a reference guide that is reputable and provides the right information.

I am seriously thinking about buying this for each of my kids when the are ready to move out. It may save me a few phone calls to ask for advice on what to use to remove grease stains or ketchup.

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Anything you ever wanted to know about laundry and more. Covers everything from how to treat stains to how to sort clothes and prepare them for washing.

Thank you to Netgalley and Quarto Publishing Group- Rock Point for providing a digital copy.

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This book is a comprehensive and well-structured resource on everything about laundry. The evidence-based tips and facts about stain removal, fabrics and were very useful.

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This book is so helpful and I learned so much! Just when you think you know everything about laundry, there is always something to learn when it come to clothes and caring for them. One of the things I liked most about the book is the author talks about being frugal and ways to save money when it comes to laundry. I think everyone is looking for this, and this is so helpful. I also like that there is stain removal guide because I am always wondering how to remove different stains and this helped me learn what to do for different kinds. It put me at ease! There are so many helpful tips and tricks and this book is so worth it!

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As a mum of two surprisingly messy children, I do a lot of laundry! I was pleasantly surprised to discover several tips and tricks in The Laundry Book that should make the whole process more efficient.

First off, the book provides a quick overview of the history of laundry before detailing the various ingredients used in laundry detergent and fabric softener. The next section focuses on how to prepare your clothes to be washed. This is where I discovered I've been doing things wrong all this time, as apparently all buttons should be unbuttoned to lower the stress on the button thread (meaning, in the long run, less buttons to sew back on!). The art of stain removal is discussed in the next section, which provides some scientific explanations on the various types of stains as well as specific advice for removing them, with more detailed provided in the A-Z Stain Removal Guide at the end of the book. The following section is on Washing Basics, from loading the machine to dealing with washing machine problems and maintenance. My favourite tip from this section was the "hand test" to check that the washing machine isn't too full. Drying Basics is covered in the next section, with helpful tips on how to avoid wrinkling, which is then explored even further in the section entitled Getting the Wrinkles Out. The next section is on Hanging and Storing Clothes, the following chapter on What Drycleaners Do, and the one after that explains how often items should be washed (great for answering the popular questions of how often pyjamas and bedsheets should be washed). The final chapter is entitled The Joy of Clean Clothes and is followed by appendices on garment care labels, stain removal, and how to care for different fabrics/special items.

As you can tell from the breakdown, this book was really comprehensive and full of practical, helpful tips.

A recommended read for anyone who does laundry on a regular basis!

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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At the risk of sounding dramatic, but this book is life changing! Not only do you get detail instructions on specific stains, fabrics, products, but they actually explain the *why* behind the uses and reactions between stains/products/fibers. The appendix alone is worth buying this book!

Laundry is something that is commonly overwhelming for people, and Zach + Jerry really break it down in a way that feels attainable and enjoyable.

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