Member Reviews

Faron Vincent was once the saint of San Irie. Now, she’s done the unthinkable: betrayed her country. Alone, disgraced, and kidnapped, Faron is forced to help Iya grow his bloody empire. With her soul bonded to a ruthless killer, Faron has become an enemy to her people… and she fears they might be right.

Elara Vincent—the new Empyrean—must undo the damage her sister has caused. San Irie has been brought back to the brink of war as Iya proclaims no nation will be safe from his brutal invasion. But how can Elara save her sister, her best friend, her country, and her world when she’s already cracking under the pressure?

This heart-pounding conclusion to the Divine Traitors duology pushes these unforgettable heroines to their breaking point and beyond. Because when the lines between hero and villain are blurred, deadly sacrifices must be made.

This Ends in Embers is a fantastic conclusion to this YA fantasy duology examining the corruptive influence of power, cyclical violence, sisterhood and emerging from a devastating colonial rule. Oh and there’s dragons too.

So Let Them Burn was an incendiary debut and one of my favourite reads of last year so my expectations were sky-high for this sequel. Luckily Cole delivered.

Faron and Elara are the beating hearts of this duology. Their paths have hugely diverged from one another, pulling them into very different places. Both of them have new challenges to overcome here and must utilise their skillsets to survive. The events of the previous book have changed them forever and the way their dynamic shifts and evolves is brilliant. Cole gives each of them plenty of room to develop and grow, while keeping the pages turning. I think the decision for dual narration is perfect, as it allows you to get to spend time in each of their heads and understand their motivations a little more. It blurs the boundaries between what is considered right and wrong, good and evil. Their bond is the reason for many actions over the two books and this has such impactful ripple effects. I love that Cole ensures that everything has a consequence. It makes the stakes more tangible and increases the tension even further. You also get to see a wider perception of each of them, with a fascinating throughline about propaganda and manipulation. The public perception can change and everything can come toppling down.

Cole’s ruminations of the thin line between justice and vengeance are incredibly thought-provoking. This is not a duology that shies away from difficult topics and thrives in the ambiguities of the situation. The cycle of colonial violence continues, leaving scars on all of our characters. They are teenagers caught up in a war that involves gods and monsters. None of this should be their responsibility, yet they are the ones left shouldering the burden. Cole unpicks the Chosen One trope even further in this book—looking at what that mantle can do to a person. The weight of responsibility and legacy is heavy and the temptation for power is alluring. Throughout the duology, Cole’s characterisation shines. These really feel like three-dimensional people, infused with heart and soul. Your heart breaks alongside theirs and you root for them despite all the odds. I personally resonated with the depiction of the lasting effects of trauma and the cyclical nature of it. There are genuine consequences for every action here. It is war and that is a brutal, bloody place where mistakes get made and crucial decisions must be made. I loved the ever-increasing stakes and how this compounded the pressure heaped onto our characters.

Mirroring this is the intricate and frustrating political chess game being played. Cole digs into the fractions, the alliances and the rivalries. Power is not just won on the battlefield, it moves hands in a myriad of ways. We get to see the failings of the systems designed to protect people. In many ways, it is a book that advocates for change within the system, but also for tearing the system down to create a new one. Nothing is simple – instead we are given room for discussion and thought at every turn.

The plot itself is fast-paced, though allowing for these more introspective character building moments. It is compulsively readable with suspense and tension through the roof. Cole also expands on the already rich world-building here, furthering the lore and landscape of this immersive world. It feels like we could discover plenty more stories here. All of this culminates in a brilliant conclusion that is powerful and poignant. As you may expect, it is not clean-cut. The road ahead will be difficult and Cole does not shy away from that.

This Ends in Embers solidifies Cole as a name to watch in the YA fantasy genre with exquisite characterisation and a layered yet deeply compelling plot with plenty to say.

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I really enjoyed book 1 but I found it to be a bit underwhelming, I find the underwhelming writing to be the same however the plot and characters are amazing!

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This is the sequel and last book of the Divine Traitors duology. I got really excited to see this one on NetGalley so I requested it although I read the first one in French. It can be tricky to change languages in a fantasy series, but this was a smooth read. The only difficulty I encountered was that I had forgotten a lot of elements even though only 6 months had passed between the two books.
Since this is a sequel I won't enter in too many details about the story itself. The two sisters are, again, separated here, but this time they have no way of communicating with each other and have to just hope the other one is loyal to their sisterly bond.

It is very hard to see characters suffer and feel so guilty all the time, especially when you remember that these two are only teenagers. Eliana is always self-doubting her actions and thoughts, thinking she should be MORE, and on the other hand, Faron spends her time berating herself, thinking she should have known better, etc. Reading this as an adult is very different sensation than to read it as someone who is the same age, but I wish someone around them had remininded them that they were only kids with too many responsabilities for any person and give them a hug. I did like that, when Irians were protesting the queen and the Maiden Empyrean, they challenged the fact that they had followed a 13 year-old into battle because she claimed the gods had chosen her. And speaking of gods, were there no other people praying them to also end the war?? How could they be complaining afterwards that she was not mature enough to understand "the bigger picture"?? They were scared of having another Empyrean be corrupted by the first dragon, but then you don't chose a litteral KID who still doens't know who they are!

I have no problem with the Chosen One trope in YA, I know sometimes it feels ridiculous that a 15 year old is supposed to succeed where so many adults have failed, but I really don't think it is that far-fetched to think that a teenager can be a leader of change (looking at you Greta 💖). However I do need someone in the book to address that, and here, I feel like it wasn't done properly (and lovingly).

I just hope they are therapists in their world.

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What a satisfying end to this duology. This is definitely a YA book and every now and then i need that. However I am in my mid twenties so sometimes I just wanted to jump into the book and help my girls out. I always up for anything dragons and stong female main characters and that's exactly what I got. All in all a good read but I think thier can be more in terms of character development and dialogue.

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This Ends in Embers is a great ending. I’ve decided duologies are the perfect length for a series! The cliff ending from book one was intense so to jump right back in was perfect. I loved the dragon lore in this series, it’s an epic and vivid experience.
The sisters are dealing with the fallout and consequences throughout this book and I enjoyed both POVs and how we swapped regularly between them.
For a YA it’s jam packed with moral questions, life lessons and burdens. I enjoyed the high stakes action making this a tense and emotional read.
Definitely a book series they need to make into a film or series!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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This Ends in Embers is a high stake, ambitious sequel and conclusion to So Let Them Burn. Cole had a lot to do in this book to wrap up the narrative — and for the most part she did it well, with emotion, high stakes and tension, and some twists to keep the reader on the edge of their seat.

I would recommend, before going in to this book, that you have recently read the prior book. I personally struggled with some of the plot in the first book, it confused me a little, and therefore I really should have given the first book a reread. Between what I couldn’t remember from the first book and what I didn’t understand from the first one, at times I found myself clueless and irritated by what was going on.

My favourite part of this duology is the investigation in to what it feels like to be the chosen one, the hero, and the impact that has. What does the hero do when they’re no longer needed? What does the hero do when their actions are now portrayed as villainous? I think Cole did a really great job at exploring this between the two sisters, Faron and Elara.

I liked how this book wrapped up, however I will say it felt a bit rushed and chaotic. At one point I was looking at the page count and thinking about the amount of conclusion left to give and was scratching my head at how it was going to be done. There was a couple of big deaths thrown in there at the end, and I think it was to try and show “look, there were high stakes! This was really bad!” But because of how late it happened in the book the death was there and gone and then sort of looked over and then the book ended.

Kamilah Cole is a great writer and if this is where she started, I’m excited to see where she goes.

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What a finale! I loved So let them burn and its sequel did not disappoint.
I appreciated the depiction of the moral dilemmas the characters were facing. Who can you trust, who´s loyal to you, what are you owed after sacrificing everything? Is everything black or white or is there a grey area?
The relationships in the novel carry the plot, but there is plenty of action to go around.
I highly recommend this series and cannot wait to see what the author has in store for us next.

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This book is the perfect conclusion to the Divine Traitors series. As the stakes get higher, there is even more action, dragons and intrigues. Also, the conflict inevitably involves the neighbouring countries, so we see more politics and detailed world-building. The story picks up where the cliffhanger ending of the first book finished.

The narrative continues to alternate between Faron’s and Elara’s points of view, which I enjoyed. I loved that, especially at the novel’s beginning, the sisters seemed to switch roles. It was fascinating to see Elara as the new Empyrean while Faron was forced into bonding with a dragon. The sisters’ relationship continues to be my favourite aspect of the story.

I believe the fans of the first book will also enjoy This Ends in Embers. I recommend these novels to readers looking for an original YA fantasy series.

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Thank you for the publisher for approving me for this earn!

First of all, if you loved So Let Them Burn and the ending made you scream/throw up/walk to the sun… I have been there!
The sequel lives up to all the expectations! With more twisted threads of politics, hints of history and manipulating behavior of certain individuals, THIS ENDS IN EMBERS delivers the perfect closure to a high-stakes, fast paced duology.

The sisterly bond present throughout the novel made the events even more excruciatingly memorable and nail-bitingly tensed! I think everything was tied up beautifully, leaving just a little tiny open door for more,

An unforgettable read for sure and will be recommending this duology to everyone!

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I have mixed feelings for this one. As much as I was excited to pick up the conclusion to Faron and Elara’s story, within the first few chapters I realized this isn’t going to be what I expected. And I don’t mind that. A book that takes you by surprise are some of the best ones but there were certain things that made this book an extremely slow one. In continuation with the first one I loved Elara and Signey. They were exactly who I expected them to be. Elara is hands down my favorite, I loved her.

Faron didn’t really have any character growth. For most of the book she felt like a side character in her own story. I don’t really expect a lot of romance in YA stories but I still need to see some bond and growth between the main characters and their love interest. And there were two such scenarios in this duology and neither of them delivered.

This book and the duology is not a lost cause, it has some very good moments and the writing is beautiful. It talks about wars but also about the emptiness and grief it leaves behind in its wake. It talks about how some people are thrown into a war they don’t want to fight and others who want nothing but destruction. People who think of themselves as better than others for any number of reasons. It talks about how some people are lucky enough to get a second chance and how others don't get it no matter how unfair it is.

The epilogue was bittersweet but one perfect for the story and I would still recommend this duology only I wish I could have enjoyed the second book as much as I enjoyed the first one.

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I couldn't wait to read this, having to wait after the ending of the first book was torture! I really enjoyed reading this, it was a great follow up to the events of the first book.

The only downside is that I felt the pacing was a bit slow at times which I didn't experience while reading the first book.

The characters and worldbuilding continue to be incredible!

I can't wait to read more of Cole's work!

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Following the catastrophic and heartbreaking conclusion of the first book, This Ends in Embers sees sisters Faron and Elara split apart again. This time it is Faron alone in Langley, while Elara remains in San Irie and both are dealing with the consequences of their decisions. In So Let Them Burn Faron released the first dragon, a god-like creature called Lightbringer from his imprisonment in the Empty. After just finding love in Reeve, he was taken from her when the first Empyrean, Gael, took over his body. Bound to Gael and Lightbringer, Faron stopped her sister from sending them back to the divine realm. Free to destroy the world, Lightbringer started with their home town, killing many of their friends and neighbours in the process.

Reeling from the destruction wrought by Lightbringer being free, Elara struggles with her new responsibilities as the Maiden Empyrean. The gods gave her their powers with the request that she use them to send all dragons back to the divine realm. Having previously been bound to the wise and kind dragon, Zephyra, Elara has firsthand experience of what it feels like to have that bound removed. She’s unsure how she’s going to get Langley to relinquish creatures they love and cherish, as well as how to save Faron and Reeve from the clutches of Lightbringer.

So Let Them Burn was one of my favourite books of last year, and I was looking forward to delving back into the world of the Divine Traitors duology with this sequel. I wanted to give this book a higher rating based on my love for the characters and the world, however, I have to be honest; the sequel fell a little flat for me in a few ways.

The first was the pace and flow of this book. I felt that the first book was much more balanced between the quiet moments and the action. In This Ends With Embers, there was a lot more downtime, which while necessary felt like it dragged on a bit at times. Everything was fascinating and well-written, it just felt as though everything was leading up to two big battles, one just over halfway through, and then the inevitable final battle.

The final battle was epic, and I was mesmerised by the events. I wish I could say that I felt satisfied with the conclusion. There was nothing wrong with the conclusion, it just did not work for me. I largely attribute that to my age. I read young adult and middle-grade novels for the story and world-building, so I’ll readily admit when a book is not aimed at my age group. Some of the ways the characters were written, especially about their romantic interest, felt very in line with how I felt as a teen – but as an adult, I’m shaking my head at the naivety.

Cole’s strength is in her world-building and characters, especially her insight into her characters’ feelings and experiences. There were many moments where Cole captured their experiences perfectly, in a way that hit me hard in the feels. Despite my personal feelings, This Ends in Embers is an enjoyable read, and if you enjoy dragon fantasy, you’ll love the world-building.

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The stunning sequel to So Let Them Burn, this complex and enjoyable story is the perfect conclusion in this duology.

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Faron Vincent... the once saint of her country who has fallen from grace by betraying them. Bonded to a killer she must deal with being an enemy to her people, and figuring out where she goes now

Elara Vincent.... the new Emperyean who has her work cut out for her in sorting the damage her sister has caused. Her country is being brought to the brink of war by the very figure her sister is Bonded to

The line between being a hero and being a villian are not as clear as the two girls once thought, and they must assess what they will (and won't do) to find they path.

I was more hooked on book one but glad I finished up the series as its a great duology all and all. Really enjoyed all the depth of the bonds, between humans and dragons, and the connections and relationships that we seen more of along the way

Out tomorrow... thank you to NetGalley and Little Brown for the review copy, all opinions my own

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Book 2 continues right where SLTB left off. I think I enjoyed this book more than Book 1 actually.

Faron and Elara really switched stories here, but their connection to the gods and their reactions were interesting to see.

"Being worshipped was hardly a good thing, and a pedestal was nothing but a clifftop to fall from."

Elara being the older sister and having to deal with these new powers and trying to be so selfless versus how Faron was considered selfish for trying to save her family was so GOOD. I really loved their relationship and how much trust they had for each other. That was super refreshing to see and I'm glad we didn't have a miscommunication trope here.

The characters were soo well done too. I loved Faron's rage and anger, Elara's patience and trust and even Reeve and Signey. There were so many casual Queer relationships as well, I loved the representation.

We get a little more action and fighting than in Book 1, and I still really liked the alternating POVs from both sisters, although near the action at the end I felt like the lost-time worked against us. I liked how they were both really able to grow and develop individually but really loved Faron's inner turmoil and how she was forced to work with Iya.

This book spent a little more time with politics and seeing how the leaders dealt with the threat of war but that it was truly the people on the ground who had to live with it.

This is a YA book but I liked the little nods at how this could be a metaphor for the current US political climate, it could be too obvious for some.

"Life becomes not about living, but only about surviving. We deserve more than that."

Quote from the last Chapter: <spoiler> "Every day, we're going to wake up and we're going to try."</spoiler>

For example, I would've liked to see more about Faron's coming home and facing her people.

Overall a solid story, great characters and development and the magic system was pretty cool. The pacing could've been better; the beginning of the book started off pretty slow with weeks passing by and nothing happening, and yet the ending and epilogue felt very rushed. I just wished it was longer!

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So Let Them Burn was one of my favourite reads from 2024. When I got the email asking if I would want to read the second early, I was beyond ecstatic. This did not disappoint, at all. This Ends In Embers was a magnificent continuation from the first book. There are so many ways I could describe this book. Action packed, jaw dropping, intense, romantic, smart, devastating, magical, riveting... It was utterly brilliant.

It starts off a week after where the first book ends, we go straight into the preparations for war. Does the intenseness settle down? Absolutely not. Kamilah Cole does a brilliant job of keeping you fully invested the whole way through reading. Her ability to describe feelings in such a beautiful way helps you connect so deeply to these characters. This is a story about love and loss. This is a story of two sisters who would sacrifice anything for each other, who believed in each other no matter where the war was coming from or where it was heading. Faron & Elara's relationship was so incredibly beautiful, as a sister myself it was easy to resonate with how these women were feeling. The stubbornness, determination and love they both had in them, made them both a couple of the best main characters I've had the pleasure of reading about.

The world building in this book was as exceptional as the first. The places were so well distinguished and the people who lived in each city were all so different from one another, with different magic aswell. Which made reading about each one extremely interesting and informative. I love love love the characters in this duology. The found family was one of my favourite parts. The romance subplots were so cute and so well done. The chemistry between each couple was very visible. I liked that the romance wasn't easy and straight forward, it gave a more realistic feel to the situation, making it easy to connect. I also absolutely loved the representation in these books.

Whilst I could rate this book 5 stars purely on characters and vibes alone, the plot was epic. It was paced very well and left nothing to your imagination. The fight scenes were so well detailed that, even though there were dragons involved, you could see it play out right in front of you. I don't want to say too much about the plot because I don't want to ruin it. Whilst it shows a satisfying resolution, it doesn't shy away from the violence and the fight that gets them to it.

I loved every minute of it, so much so that I refused to stop reading half falling asleep and completely confused the life out of myself. But Kamilah's writing made it easy to undo that by a quick re-read. I was completely invested throughout, their emotions affected mine. This duology was impressively written, I cannot recommend these books enough.

Thank you to NetGalley, Katy Brigden & Little, Brown Book Group for an early copy. All opinions are my own!

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First things first, I'd recommend a reread of So Let Them Burn if it's been a while since you picked it up. As I started reading This Ends in Embers, I realised how complex the plot was and how many moving parts there were (in a good way) that I was struggling to piece together. This series has a vast supporting cast of characters which really adds to the depth of the story but also makes it difficult to remember who's who without a refresher. Now, this was a really interesting follow up, and end to the duology. We begin in the aftermath of So Let Them Burn, with both sisters coming to terms with what has happened and trying to parse through the physical and emotional effects. It's hard to say too much without risking spoilers for this book or the first, but I can say that Kamilah Cole develops the characters really well throughout the book. She also explores the different relationships, delving into really complex emotions - particularly when it comes to Faron, but also with side characters.

We get to see two sides of a war, and the story brings to the fore some big questions of ethics as well as examining the lasting trauma of colonialism. It also looks at how people from different cultures and races can come together - there's a lot of strong messages in this book and I would say judging people by their own actions is one of them. Kamilah's writing is really something and this series is well crafted, but I did find this second book much slower paced than the first and perhaps more character driven as the sisters face their emotions. All in all - worth picking up a copy!

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Kamilah Cole brings the fire and pain in this blazing conclusion to the Divine Traitors duology. Continuing to tackle colonialism, independence, faith, and finding your way in a world that has very specific expectations of you, Elara and Faron grapple with their legacies and having the weight of the world upon them as it burns down around them when all they want to do is save the ones they love.

The trauma responses of all the characters and the explosive consequences and the politicians that fiddle as the world burns are so prescient and relevant as an angry hateful few seek to forge a world as cold and vicious as they are. I love the magic systems and that nothing comes easily to these guys. The have to make impossible choices and the climax is GUTTING and punch the air at the same time.
Forget Fourth Wing, the real drama is here. (No sex though - this is YA)

I've been following the fabulous Kamilah for years and can't wait for her next books. This is out on THURSDAY! Get it pre-ordered or shuffle on down to your local reputable retailer of books!

Thank you to @atombooks for approval on Netgalley ❤️ it has not affected my opinion.

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I really enjoyed So Let Them Burn which is the first book in this duology and so I couldn’t wait to find out how it all ends in This Ends in Embers. The first book ends with Faron being forced to betray her country and join forces with the enemy, Iya, as she helped him and his dragon Lightbringer escape from centuries of imprisonment. Most of the worldbuilding and back story was provided in the first book and the sequel follows on nicely, picking up right where the reader left off.
I love how the sisters effectively swapped places in both books. In the first book, Elara bonded to an enemy dragon and had to train in enemy territory for months and now Faron has to survive and work with the enemies while Iya plans to burn her home and every other country to the ground to rule over everyone. Again, the sisters are separated from each other for the majority of this book, this time without any means of contact at all which adds even more tension to the story as they fight on opposite sides. Elara has no idea what Faron is planning and why she left willingly, even though she trusts her completely and believes that she thinks she is doing the right thing.
The sequel still has alternating chapters from both the sisters’ POV which allows the reader to see what is happening with both of them during the war preparations. In the first book Elara was my favourite sister and this stayed the same in this book as she navigates her new found power from becoming the Maiden Empyrean. Even though Faron had a lot more to deal with, I wasn’t always convinced that she was doing the right thing and I was constantly worried about her situation! She is shown in a much darker light as she tries to control her anger and her feelings of having to grow up too soon in a world full of war. However, Faron’s character development throughout was impressive and her growth while handling a very complicated situation was very well done.
I also loved Aveline, San Irie’s Queen, even more in this sequel. There were moments that she had with the sisters that showed her true self which she isn't allowed to be due to her status and her constant strength and power during the toughest times was admirable. I even loved the rest of the secondary characters: Reeve, Signey, Jesper and Torrey and thought each one added to the plot in important ways.
A lot of this novel is about strategising war plans from both sides as the two sisters figure out what to do and it all comes to a climax at the end with the final battle. Of course, I was expecting there to be some deaths (no spoilers) and I was so worried about who it could be because I loved them all and just wanted them all to survive and be happy! The fight scenes were action packed and I loved the use of different kind of powers to showcase various abilities in this world. Overall, This Ends in Embers is a brilliant conclusion to the duology full of action, character development and the lengths that people will go to save their loved ones.

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2.75 stars, rounded up.

Having really enjoyed So Let Them Burn, I was extremely excited to be approved for the ARC of This Ends in Embers. However, I have found myself to be quite disappointed with this book.

This Ends in Embers follows immediately from the aftermath of its predecessor. Once again we are following the two sister POV's, separated once again from each other due to the events of the previous book.

This series is a great exploration of the impact of war and violence on people and the generational trauma that can come from that. The first book in the series, in particular, explored the racial side of colonialisation, but this seems to have disappeared entirely in book two (not that I am expecting characters to be regularly racially abused, but the racism from certain characters seemed to have ended by this book!)

I will start with what I enjoyed about this. The world was so much bigger and more interesting in this one than in the first book. I enjoyed learning about the different cultures and magic systems across this fantasy world and the different political structures they all have, which impacted the latter parts of the book. I do wish these new places were described more as they all blended into one for me.

The writing style is quite simple, which is to be expected for a young adult story. There were often times when it almost felt like parts of the story were missing. Often, you'd be told "time to execute the plan" or "time to go here" without any context as to why they are doing that plan or going to that place. The plotting was quite confusing because of this, and made me believe I had skipped pages without realising it! I'd then go back and reread previous pages and realise I hadn't missed anything. Maybe it's just my copy.

I also felt like the character's intentions and growth just didn't make sense. Maybe again they weren't explained enough to me, but I felt they were acting out of character quite often. The sisters especially were both incredibly immature, which does not make sense if you consider these two girls who grew up in a war zone, actually fighting in the said war at the young ages of 12 and 13 and then going back into another war again. The only character that seemingly acted as they should have done was Queen Aveline. Even other side characters should have been at least a little bit traumatised at what had happened to them!

The end of the book was also rushed and resolved too quickly, while the first three-quarters of the book was very slow, with not much happening. Due to the two POV nature of the book, you almost miss out on what was happening with the other character when separated during battle. This part of the story is quite linear, where you'd spend, for example, 5 minutes with one of the sisters, and then the next 5 minutes with the other. In that time you could miss what happened in the previous 5 minutes of the POV! I don't think I've seen this happen in a multi-POV story before, and it was quite jarring with that time missing from the story.

Overall, I feel this book fell flat for me and was a disappointing end to the series, having been really excited to finish the duology. I will pick up the author's future works, but I likely would not be rereading this one.

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