Member Reviews

This book is the second in the series and I chose to read the first before reading this, after reading the authors note.

Gemma is an influencer in hiding after a reality show gone wrong, while Tom is a rising comedy star after a clip of one of his shows goes viral. As they navigate ship life and each other, they are faced with challenges that threaten their budding relationship, as well as countless rather… steamy opportunities.

Unlike the first book, I felt like this one was far less polished and lacked the depth the original had. The character relationships felt forced (it felt very insta-love) and some of the key relationships (eg Tom and Jack) were glossed over and lacked context to their narrative. Gemma was an interesting character and I appreciated the way her story progressed, but despite Tom saying she wasn’t a damsel - she very much felt that way until the end. And I didn’t like the way she continued to lie to Tom. Similarly, Tom felt like a very different character from how he felt in “More than Shipmates” and it didn’t really seem consistent. But the way he approached a lot of things in his relationships, and his kindness really helped redeem him - though I missed his relationship with Eliza!

Overall it was a pretty entertaining read with heavy spice, but the character relationships and development were lacking, so it felt like the spicy scenes were smutty and overly emphasised. If you’re keen to read a novel that openly explores sexuality and openess in relationships, you might like this one - but it’s definitely not for everyone!

Thanks to Phillipa Young, the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC to review

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Gemma is searching for anonymity by working on a cruise ship and Tom is trying to boost his social media presence while having to be away from comedy gigs. She tries to help him, while still staying behind the camera after a very unconventional first meeting. What will happen as they spend more time together?

It starts out with a recap of book one, to help you get your bearings on the world. I definitely appreciate when authors do this! I did struggle a bit with this book. There were plot lines that disappeared completely or didn't feel cohesive throughout the entire book, which led to characters making decisions that felt jarring. There were also several moments that I would have desperately welcomed in the dynamic of book one, but felt very confusing here. It's also marketed as a brother's best friend romance, but that is actually barely a blip in the story. This one was unfortunately not for me.

Thanks to Summer Stars Publishing and NetGalley for an egalley of this book for an honest review.

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YESSSSSS SO GOOD. I absolutely loved More Than Shipmates and I jumped at the chance to read this one. I really loved the continuation from the first and I’m so happy for Tom 😭

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I didn’t read the first book of the series, so I might lack some background information, but this definitely can be read as a standalone.
As for the book and the plot itself.. I sadly have to says it wasn’t my cup of tea. I liked some aspects of the story, but mostly the spicy scenes weren’t for me.
It’s not a bad book though!

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I really enjoyed this book. I did not read book 1 before reading More than Clickbait, and I will definitely have to go back and do that. Based off the excerpt, I did not expect the amount of spice there was but I felt that it was really well written. Throughout the book you feel an array of emotions. I remember feeling the highs of new love. I teared up because Gemma deserved so much better from the world. And I loved that Tom was not a perfect guy as that’s not realistic. He doubted her, rightfully so. But he was ready to gravel to make up for it. I’m hoping we will get Jack’s story next.

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as someone who hasn't read the first book in this series, i didn't feel lost and i really enjoyed it! i loved tom and gemma's relationship and how they evolved throughout the book!
i liked that it hadas 2 povs, but it was too obvious that there was one more present that the other... it felt like we couldn't get into gemma's head bc we never got to be IN it. overall this was a fun and easy read, and i recommend it if you want to read in one sitting a cute romance book!
however, there was some things that made me a little disappointed such as tom's friendship with eliza's and how it disappeared at the end?? all of a sudden??? i loved their friendship, their banter, but i'm sad that we didn't get this anymore...

as for jack, i LOVED his character and how good of a friend he was, cannot wait to read about him :)

thanl you to the Publisher and NetGalley for providing me this arc in exchange of an honest review.

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Don’t let the cover fool you, this book is definitely spicy! I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book! This was my first Philips Young book and it definitely did not disappoint. I was hooked from the beginning and with every chapter I was left wanting more and I didn’t want to put it down! The characters were relatable, the plot was plotting and I LOVED it!

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If you love a steamy workplace drama, with a super fun cruise setting, this book is for you! I was so attached to this book the first chapter. I loved how light it felt, and just kept the reader longing for more. It was darling! Phillippa Young knows how to write a great love story!

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It is hot, sexy, spicy, with insta attraction, cute, sweet, with forced proximity, he falls first, she has a crush on him.
This book it's realistic and emotional.
It also deals with serious subjects as mental healt, social media pressure and acceptance of love.
It has sexual awakening, healing and it's very sex positive and liberating.
I've had an amazing time while reading this book.

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You know when you finish a book and sit there thinking, "Okay, what exactly did I just read?" That’s kind of how I feel about More Than Clickbait by Philippa Young. It's the second book in the Below Deck series, and even though you can read it without the first, I'd recommend starting with More Than Shipmates. It gives you a juicy background on Tom and his history. Oscar, with Eliza, sets the stage for everything in this book. Plus, props to the author for including a recap—honestly, more authors should do that!

So, Tom is now a social media sensation (TikTok, Instagram...something in that world) after going viral. The only problem? He’s terrible at managing his new fame. Meanwhile, we meet Gemma (who’s going by “Megan” for reasons), Oscar’s little sister, who’s had a bit of a public meltdown on a dating show and has escaped to the cruise ship for some peace and quiet. Naturally, sparks fly between her and Tom, even though they both know it’s a terrible idea—hello, Oscar would not be thrilled. But they can’t keep away from each other, and soon enough, Gemma/Megan is helping Tom with his social media...and things start heating up.

I really wanted to love this one as much as I did the first book, but something was missing. Tom’s point of view was refreshing since we usually get the female perspective in romance, but even with that switch, I felt like Gemma never fully came into focus. Her character remained mysterious, especially when it came to her dating show disaster, and when we finally found out what happened, it was a bit underwhelming. I needed more depth, more of her grappling with the fallout rather than just glossing over it.

Another thing that threw me off? Tom and Eliza’s friendship! They had this awesome spiritual bond in the first book, but it felt like they barely interacted here. And when they did, it was awkward. I missed their cute banter, and seeing that connection fizzle out was weird. Thankfully, Tom’s bromance with Jack made up for it a little. Jack was a standout character, and I’m looking forward to seeing his story unfold.

On the plus side, Tom himself was super sweet in this one. His patience with Gemma, especially given her nerves, was heartwarming. He was respectful, took things slow, and grew as a character. The slow burn between them was almost torturous but in a good way!

The cruise ship setting remained fun, and I enjoyed seeing different parts of it through Gemma’s eyes since she worked in a different department. Plus, the whole dating show subplot brought some Love Island vibes, which was entertaining, though Tom’s reaction to it wasn’t my favourite at first. He did redeem himself, though!

Was it as good as More Than Shipmates? Not quite. But it was still a fun, fast read with plenty of spice, sweet moments, and some quirky pop culture references that kept things interesting. If you loved Book 1, you’ll probably enjoy this one, too, but it didn’t quite hit the same high for me. Still, I’m all in for more stories from this cruise ship crew—especially Jack’s!

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