Member Reviews

3.5 ⭐️
A funny and entertaining book filled with mystery and murder solving that will keep you in your seat trying to find out more!
And a big thanks to the publisher, author and NetGalley for letting me have and arc copy!

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A Killer Hold is another fun and engaging installment in the Larkspur Library Mystery series! Leah Dobrinska brings us back to the charming small town of Larkspur, where Greta, our favorite librarian-turned-amateur sleuth, gets wrapped up in a new mystery with ties to a notorious gangster from the past. The historical twist adds depth, and I loved how the puzzle unfolded, keeping me guessing until the end.

The quirky characters and warm community setting are a highlight, making it easy to get drawn into their world. Greta's growing relationship with Mark adds a nice romantic subplot without distracting from the main mystery.

While I enjoyed the story overall, some parts felt a bit rushed, especially toward the climax. I would have liked to see more clues revealed gradually rather than in a big exposition-heavy moment. Still, it's a cozy, fun read that fans of the series will appreciate, and new readers can jump in without feeling too lost.

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If you love libraries and amateur sleuths, you'll love this book! I had so much fun reading this and Greta is a delightful character. I had not read the first two books in this series prior to reading this but will definitely read them now!

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Leah, you wrote such a FUN story!!! I highly suggest this for a fun book club read. It was darling! Loved the characters, and their honesty. It was so relatable and I couldn't put it down. Well done!

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A solid third installment for this charming cozy mystery series. Greta and her librarian besties find themselves, once again, at the center of a mystery and murder in quaint Larkspur, WI. A local jeweler has uncovered area ties to an associate of famed mobster John Dillinger but is found dead behind a local restaurant. The timing couldn’t be worse for Greta because she’s hosting a statewide library conference, entertaining a quirky author, and facing off with her smarmy ex while navigating her new relationship.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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A Killer Hold by Leah Dobrinska is a delightful blend of cozy mystery and historical intrigue, set in the charming town of Larkspur. Greta Plank, the librarian-turned-amateur sleuth, finds herself at the center of a treasure-hunting mystery linked to Wisconsin’s notorious gangster past. What a playful and delightful story that weaves together present-day secrets and historical legends with ease, keeping the reader engaged from start to finish. The quirky characters and light romantic subplot add warmth to the story, while the book’s focus on decoding mysterious clues brings a fun puzzle element to the narrative. A solid and enjoyable cozy mystery, perfect for fans of historical twists and small-town charm. I would be happy to recommend this book.

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I am Greta. Greta is me. Right down to our shared love of Iced Hazelnut Lattes, sourdough bread and Pride and Prejudice.

A Killer Hold was full of twists and turns and kept me guessing far longer than most mysteries I read. I never would have suspected the killer but finally it all came together and made total sense!

I love our cast of characters and loved getting to see how Greta and Marks relationship has developed since the previous books.

The end did feel very exposition heavy and I wish things could have been revealed slowly throughout the book so it wasn’t a big chunk of dialogue where the detective tells civilians the details of a STILL OPEN CASE. BUT for the sake of keeping the reader guessing, I understand not wanting to reveal your hand too early. Still, there has to be a happy medium somewhere right??

Overall, “A Killer Hold” held (get it) my attention, and genuinely gave me the creeps at times. The sequence in the tunnels was *stressful* and reminded me of the film Barbarian. If Leah ever decides to venture out from cozy mysteries or romances, I think HORROR would be something she would excel at.

A great next entry into the Larkspur Library Mystery series!

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*received arc copy from netgalley*

Let me start off by saying I had no idea that this was a third book in a series until I looked it up on Goodreads. Netgalley did not say it was a third book, and it made it seems as if it were a standalone and that's how I read it. (My own error is not included in the rating). I will say, I think that is a good thing for a book where someone can pick it up on accident and still follow along without being confused.

I have been trying to branch into the contemporary sphere and a book about librarians, murder, and mystery are some of my favorite things. And that is what this book gave me! It was a fun read, quick, read and it is what I consider a good segway for me to continue reading more contemporary stories. There were issues with prose and dialogue that i definitely think could be resolved. For instance the prose itself felt very stiff and a bit of a drag to read. It also did more showing rather than telling, which i think is good in books but sparingly. The dialogue itself was very... much? I love a good yapping character, but there wasn't much action between the dialogue, and if there was it was very brief.

Overall, this book was good! A nice palette cleanser after reading fantasy for so long. in the future I may read the first two books to get the entire picture of the world and the characters.

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The third book in this Wisconsin-set series is an enjoyable cozy mystery featuring librarian Greta and friends. In this one, Greta gets involved in a murder that seems to tie back to 1930s gangsters in the area and the search for a hidden treasure. She and boyfriend and local detective Mark are also getting more serious even as Mark tries to keep Greta out of trouble. I enjoyed this one as I have the best of the series. The mystery is interesting and well-plotted, and it’s good to see how the characters develop. My only complaint is one I sometimes have with mysteries that rely on amateur sleuths, where the character’s effort to solve the crime seems to outstrip their actual connection to it or motivation for being involved. Greta does a few things in this one that fell into that category for me. That said, though, it’s a good addition to the series. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy. All views are entirely my own and offered voluntarily.

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I read this as a standalone book, not book 3 of a series. I definitely missed a ton of context and background information. I think it was written well and I think I would enjoy it if I read it as part of the series. I did like the characters, and the plotline, but again missed a lot of information reading this like i did.

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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I’m enjoying this series. This third entry has Greta and friends investigating a death that has possible ties to John Dillinger. Did one of his gang members leave treasure in their small town? Love the small town vibes and the characters are great to follow. I like where the series is going.

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