Member Reviews

This book was a gripping psychological thriller — Hattie comes home first the first time in 9 years since her parents were brutally attacked in their home . her father was killed and her mother beaten and left for dead . This stories underlying theme reminded me of the real story of the Butterbox Babies in Nova Scotia but much more sinister and chilling . This book is full of secrets to be revealed in a well paced novel. I flew through this book in a day —unputdownable from the first page, fast paced and well written. The story was predictable for me in aspects like subplot and some of the secrets but also many actions taken by the characters were surprising and ending was well played.

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood books for this ARC this is my honest review .

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My first time reading British author L.H. Stacey. Overall, The Family Home wasn't a bad story. This was middle of the road for me. Not horrible, not a blockbuster. I would call this more of a mystery than a thriller although it did have some thrills with twists and turns. All of the characters were unlikable.
Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this ARC.
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"The Family Home" by L. HE. Stacey is nicely written family thriller which I would probably describe it more like a drama.
Hattie Gilby has not been back to her family home since the devastating events that took place there years ago. Events that changed Hattie and which continue to haunt her today. But one phone call changes everything.

Now Hattie is going back to her family home to face her brothers, Adam and Luke and to hear the last words of her dying mother.

Imogen Gilby hasn’t spoken a word since the night she was beaten almost to death and her husband was murdered. But now it’s time to reveal the truth about what happened that night and the secrets that almost destroyed her.

Hattie isn’t sure she wants to know the truth. And it seems someone close to them will do anything to make sure the secrets stay hidden forever…

It's a good story but I'm afraid I didn't find it chilling or captivating. Characters were poorly developed and not likeable, lots of loose ends that could be easily sorted and would make a story a bit more interesting. I guessed pretty quickly what was happening so maybe that influenced my review but again we are asked to say what we think and I honestly didn't like the book. Writing was fine therfore I'm giving it a 2 stars. Thanks to #NetGalley for the early copy in exchange for an honest opinion

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This is a dark yet engaging novel about families and the secrets they hide. It moves along at a fair pace and kept me engaged. I did enjoy it on the whole.

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Hattie returns home for the first time in nine years because her mother is dying and needs to speak to all of her children.
Imogen and Gerald Gilby were attacked in their home, Gerald was killed and Imogen badly injured and left for dead.
The secrets of this family are about to be revealed.

Gripping from the first page to the last. I was completely floored by the identity of the murderer, but suspected the motive behind it.

Chilling and dark, this will keep the reader glued to the pages.

My only complaint is the excessive use of the word "Yelled" when the characters are speaking.

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A creepy and engaging storyline.
Well written characters and i went to bed still thinking about it.
One book that is not to be missed!
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Thank you Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC.

Hattie Gilby has not been back to her family home since the devastating events that took place there years ago. Events that changed Hattie and which continue to haunt her today. But one phone call changes everything.

Now Hattie is going back to her family home to face her brothers, Adam and Luke and to hear the last words of her dying mother.

Imogen Gilby hasn’t spoken a word since the night she was beaten almost to death and her husband was murdered. But now it’s time to reveal the truth about what happened that night and the secrets that almost destroyed her.

Hattie isn’t sure she wants to know the truth. And it seems someone close to them will do anything to make sure the secrets stay hidden forever…

I quite enjoyed reading this book . Mystery, intrigue and who dunnit all rolled into one. I would recommend this one! 3.75 out of 5 ⭐️

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L.H. Stacey knows how to write a gosh darn great book! WOW! Friends who like to read a thriller....add this book right now to your TBR list. This is literally the perfect rainy day book. I promise you won't be able to put it down. It was fabulous! Well done!

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Enjoyed this book, however it did psych me out! Super creepy! Lots of twists and turns and you want to go to sleep with the light on!

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Hattie Gilby has not been back to her family home since the devastating events that took place there years ago. Events that changed Hattie and which continue to haunt her today. But one phone call changes everything! Whoa that book was a bit creepy! But good creepy! lol Good book! This book had suspense, intrigue, kidnapping, murder, mystery, a sort of who done it and a few crazy twists and turns! The story was interesting! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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