Member Reviews

What happened… Madison was supposed to be on the school bus. But she never made it home…
So gripping and so dark. Had to stay up very late to finish it - I inhaled it. I raced through it this weekend. Such a smart idea. Twisty, warped, credible. Brilliantly plotted and compelling. Deserves to be such a hit.

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Find My Girl is a gripping installment in the Detective Billie Ann Wilde series. From the very first page, the tension hooks you in, and the stakes heighten with every chapter. The story opens with the heart-wrenching case of Madison Harris, a young girl who goes missing after school. Detective Billie Ann Wilde’s intuition and determination are palpable as she navigates the complexities of the investigation. The juxtaposition of Madison’s devastated mother and the mysterious behavior of her stepfather, John, sets a dark and suspenseful tone that permeates the narrative. As the plot thickens with the discovery of another missing girl, Kayla, readers are taken on a whirlwind ride through marshlands and personal tragedies. The author weaves in themes of loss, hope, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

Billie’s character is relentless in her drive to find the truth and save innocent lives. The connection to the mother's past with her church adds layers of intrigue, suggesting that sometimes danger lurks in the most unexpected places.

The pacing is fairly fast, while the twists and turns add a satisfying complexity. Overall, Find My Girl is an exciting read and delivers heart-wrenching moments.

Whether you're a longtime fan of Detective Billie Ann Wilde or a newcomer to the series, this book is a good addition to your to-be-read list.

#FindMyGirl #NetGalley @bookouture

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Wow, what a spectacular read.
I have read a lot of Willow Rose's work in the past but the Billie Anne Wilde series was a new one to me, and what a great series it is. Even though this is book 4 it can easily be read as a standalone. I picked the book up planning to read a couple of chapters but it is now 2am and I have just finished the whole thing. There were twists and turns all the way through but the final shocking dénouement lift me reeling. Now there is only one thing left to do - purchase and download books 1 to 3.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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This series is unmissable and unputdownable. Dectective Billie Ann Wilde's life is in pieces - she's lost everything she holds dear apart from her job. When she is assigned to find then investigate the murder of Madison, and then another girl, Kayla, little do you know the twists and turns that are about to come. The way that, once again Willow has wove this story, makes you keep on reading, not quiet sure what your reading. I loved the fact that she's open up the pass, given more information on Billie's parents and showing how the past always come back to haunt.

I can't wait for book 5, if there is one, because there is so much more story to tell and another stories that need finishing.

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Billie Ann, the leading lady in this series, is such a great character. I root for her every step of the way and my heart bleeds for her too. 

She does her uttermost best to do what is right for everyone and by helping victims and looking for suspects, which of course are two very important aspects of her job, she loses something that is very precious to her. I still really cannot understand how the judge came to that conclusion...

It seems like she is being let down by those she loves the most and I am very pleased she has the support of her colleagues. 

But every cloud has a silver lining and it seems like one has appeared in Billie Ann's grey sky  as well.

I thought this is a very powerful and emotional story with shocking and gripping scenes. I am a huge fan of this series with a very lovable detective. 5 stars

Thank you

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Don’t know how I missed this but I’ve definitely found my new favourite detective
I absolutely loved it and read it in one sitting as I couldn’t put it down and I’m excited I have the first 3 to read now
A fast paced thriller with an amazing detective and team I adored.
I loved the little insights into billie’s personal life too
A definite must read
Detective books are my all time favourite and this has added to my list of top favourites

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Every parents absolute worst nightmare. Your daughter is suppose to be on the school bus and isn't....oh my heart just DROPPED with every chapter in this book. It gave me chills and just kept me reading for hours in a row. I couldn't put it down. So good! Wonderfully done Willow Rose.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

When a young girl goes missing free school, detective Billie Ann Wilde is called in to investigate. Suspicion immediately falls on the girl’s stepfather. Then a second girl goes missing and Billie Ann finds links to a cult, one which her parents are involved in. Can she save everyone?

Loved this. Really enjoyed the flashbacks to the past. Billie Ann is a really likeable character, and I’m desperately hoping she gets her happy ending with a new partner and access to her kids. The suspense was great in this and the final killer was completely unexpected. I really hope there is mother book in this series to come!

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