Member Reviews

I liked this book! Was it a masterpiece, no. But it was good!

It was slow paced at times, unnecessarily so. The story is told in multiple POV's and they were structured oddly. One would take place mere hours before the other, and then they'd switch back and forth. It would have been better to leave the time out completely, it was not relevant to the story.

One or two chapters were badly structured.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. Takes place hours before Chapter 1.
Chapter 3. Picks up exact where Chapter 1 left off. And I mean exactly. A thought ends Chapter one and that same thought is finished in the beginning of Chapter 3. It was odd and it made no sense for the author to do it that way.

That said, I liked the MC. I liked the supporting characters. The mystery was one little twist, mostly because we knew who the bad guy was almost from the beginning. Which is fine, I'm not knocking it. I liked reading the backstory of the villian (I quite think he may be the hero?). For once, it was so well written it was fun! Some authors include dry boring details simply because they must, and usually too many. There wasn't a whole lot of history here but what the author did include was interesting, relevant, and so smoothly written it blended!! I cannot stand boring blocks of historical facts that don't fit seamlessly within the story. Unfortunately, I've run across many books lately that bore me with an impromptu history lesson and it always feels like watching a bad commercial while I wait impatiently for the movie to start!

I've never read this author before but I'm glad I found her. It's no nice to find a MC who is stable! I'm so tired of the depressed, alcoholic, crime fighter trope!

Also, a bad guy with motivation!!! And emotions! I don't really get why he fixated on the MC but whatever. He had thoughts, flaws. Again, it's not Shakespeare but I'm not sorry I spent three hours to read the book.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is 7th Jan 2025. This was a great suspenseful and twisty read that kept me on the edge it seat.

A must read for 2025!


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Thank you NetGalley and Severn House for the eARC.
D. I. Joanna Piercy just finished a course on negotiating kidnappings and to her unease has to apply everything she learned to the case of an elderly man who has been kidnapped. She feels uneven to the task and needs to keep her pessimistic thoughts far away ... easier said than done!
I've enjoyed all of Priscilla Masters' books and this one as well, until it came to the kidnapping. I lost some interest then, but love Joanna and look forward to the next in the series.

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DI Joanna Piercy took a hostage negotiation course, and is now required to put what she learned into practice. An elderly British man has been taken hostage by a man from Somalia, whose motives aren't initially known. When we learn his story, it's pretty horrifying, and the line between victim and bad guy is blurred. I was able to read this book as a standalone even though it is part of a series. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This was a pretty good read! It had lots of mystery, secrets, planning, and lots of twists and turns. I like the pacing of this book, it made it a very quick read, because I wanted to keep reading to see what was going to happen

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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Wow! This book was definitely a bit different from what I normally read! It had the usual suspense, very intriguing, murder, mystery, plenty of dark secrets, and was somewhat focused on war crimes! I donโ€™t normally read books like this but I have to say it was very interesting! It definitely makes you side with the bad guys! I highly recommend reading this book! It definitely had me thinking! Thank you NetGalley, the author and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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