Member Reviews

One of the key themes of the book is the idea that human connection is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. I argue that our relationships with others are essential to our well-being, happiness, and sense of purpose. I also explore the ways in which we can cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with others, and provide practical advice and strategies for doing so.

The book is written in an approachable and accessible style, making it easy for readers to engage with the material and reflect on their own relationships and connections. I've included a range of examples and anecdotes to illustrate key points and make the concepts more relatable.

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I really enjoyed reading this book! I love a good blend of science fiction, thriller, and magical realism. This book had a really fast pace, and it was very well written. I loved the way that the characters were written, and how the book ended

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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