Member Reviews

The chemistry between Mason and Sawyer is great and the spice was good without being overly consuming and overshadowing the plot. I’d absolutely recommend picking this one up.

Also, thank you for the tights scene. You are doing God’s work

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This book... this BOOK! It was deliciously perfect!

I knew the minute I finished chapter 1 this was going to be a new favourite. Watching Mason & Sawyer's relationship blossom and develop was just glorious.

The banter between these two was outstanding, the spice was hot, and the fun these two had together on their outings was brilliant (and honestly goals). The IKEA trip I think might be my favourite - by the smallest of margins.

I also loved the side characters, particularly Luis and Lily, and do wish we'd seen a bit more of them and Mason's family towards the latter end of the story.

Overall this book is a love letter to the Romance genre both across print and the screen, and it filled me with so much joy and warmth, and reminded me of how great a genre it actually is. I'm already itching to go back and read this all over again and will be the first book I tell people about when the ask for recs.

<spoiler>Also the entire New Year's Eve section - PERFECTION!! The Scream I scrumpt when he turned up at the door. </spoiler>

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this book was PERFECT. Mason and Sawyer were the perfect leading characters and the spice was perfect!! trying to ruin every trope was such a fun idea and i was truly hooked!!

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“Sawyer loved romance – devoured it – but she didn’t actually believe in it.”

This book had everything you could ask for from a romantic comedy. Intriguing plot, humour and loveable main characters. If you’re a sucker for tropes, this one has them all. No, I mean, literally, all of them.

Sawyer is a successful, love-hating, romance author struggling with writer's block when she bumps into famous actor, Mason. After a one-night stand, the two inevitably (and impossibly?) fall into each other's paths yet again, regardless of the giant city that they live in.

The characters quickly realise that on paper, they are all wrong for each other. Mason LOVES love, finding himself in the headlines over and over again, for grand romantic gestures which leads to his relationships coming to an end due to his enthusiasm for love. Whereas, Sawyer, gains success from writing about the kind of things Mason loves, but hates the idea of experiencing it herself.

In typical trope fashion, cue the ‘arrangement’. The two decide that they will work together to complete a list of stereotypical romantic occasions to provide Sawyer with inspiration for her upcoming book, and Mason can keep out of the headlines, to preoccupied with their antics to fall for another woman. However, Sawyer’s goal is to help Mason fall out of love with love, by helping him realise that the things she writes about aren’t as romantic as they appear in the movies.

Rule #1 – no feelings. Rule #2 – no sex. But as the two are clearly attracted to each other, rule #2 goes out of the window pretty quickly. And inevitably... As does rule #1. But the development of their experiences and feelings is one hell of a journey. I couldn’t put it down.

“What did you call your friends with benefits when “benefits” were against the rules? A ... friend?”

Not only was the back stories of the characters relatable (pushy mother and estranged families), but it was really hard not to fall in love with Sawyer and Mason. Sawyer is so funny, and Mason was giving golden retriever energy.

“The falling was fun, yes, but the problem with falling was you eventually hit the ground.”

I have not a single complaint about this book. It was perfect in every way. Highly recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and HQ at HarperCollins for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I was so pleased to be given the opportunity to have an advance read of this book by Erin Connor on NetGallery.

Loved the description of the book, particularly the scenario, which is something slightly different to other romance books that I have read, since getting the reading bug back in January of this year.

Sawyer Greene is a New York Best Selling Author who has one slight problem.... Writer's Block.... She is behind in writing her latest novel and has her Publisher breathing down her neck, but cannot bring any ideas to life for her next novel.

Mason Alvarez is the swoon worthy TV Actor that has his own issues.... relationships, and why they don't seem to last. He's latest relationship with his co-star has blown up in the media and he has to try and keep a low profile, and told not to get into another relationship until everything has calmed down.

One day Mason and Sawyer briefly get stuck in an elevator whilst heading to a local bar and it is at the same bar they eventually start talking and end up having a 'one night stand' after which they believe they will never see each other again. Fate though intervenes and they meet again and it is at this point that they then decide to help each other. Sawyer to help break Mason by ruining various romance tropes for him, with Mason then helping Sawyer try and bring romance back into her life in order to break the writers block she is experiencing. Through this agreement they decide two things #1 No more sex and #2 No falling in love.

It is a fool proof plan, until Sawyer and Mason both realise that the more they become involved in their respective roles, the more they begin to realise that they could be heading towards their Happy Ever After.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down. Loved all the various romance tropes that this story covered, as well as the references to various romance movies, particularly in relation to Sawyer had her re-enacting certain scenes from Love Actually and Say Anything - this made me melt ❤️

❤️One Night Stand to Strangers to Friends to Lovers to Idiots to Lovers (you have to read the book to understand this 💕)
❤️He Falls First (Cinnamon Roll)
❤️Fate Intervenes

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A decent read, strangers with an instant connection meet in a lift, and sparks fly!

I loved the meet cute, the characters vibe really well and the support they give each other throughout the story is lovely.

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Loves the Uromance! I totally got How to lost a Guy In Ten Days vibes not only from the cover but the cool modern storyline as well! I loved how our two mains worked against each other only to come together in the best way! So soooo good! Highly recommend

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

After a painful breakup with her college girlfriend, Sawyer has sworn off love. Which is fine—except she’s a romance author. With a looming deadline and a case of writer’s block, she’s stuck. Then she keeps crossing paths with a one-night stand she can’t get out of her head, and he suggests maybe fate is nudging them to help each other.

Mason West is the ultimate hopeless romantic. His track record of dating co-stars has started to tarnish his reputation, especially after his latest ex goes public with a new boyfriend. He’s ready to give up on love, and when he repeatedly runs into Sawyer—the woman who left a lasting impression—he takes it as a sign. His idea? They’ll team up: he’ll help her with her writer’s block, and she’ll guide him away from romantic tropes so he can stop falling for people. Seems foolproof, right? Until, of course, their undeniable chemistry gets in the way.

These two are beyond adorable. I loved them both individually as characters. Despite their emotional baggage, they don’t let past heartbreaks weigh them down, and they still find joy and connection with each other. Watching them slowly open up and lower their defenses was so satisfying. Their vulnerable heart-to-heart moments were deeply moving, and it was beautiful to see them both feel truly seen and understood for the first time.

Both Mason and Sawyer have really strong character arcs. Their personal growth is just as compelling as their journey as a couple, and Ms. Connor does a fantastic job of showing their evolution, both together and on their own.

This was such an enjoyable read. If you’re in the mood for a cinnamon roll hero and a badass heroine, this is definitely the book for you! Highly recommend.

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