Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this one and ended up reading late into the night, desperate to find out what happened. Emma and Nellie's relationship was a definite highlight of the book, and I loved the set-up - the pair as vigilante con artists, taking down men who deserved it... what a fantastic premise! Loved the hints of glitz and glamour, and the backstory with 'gran', and the way the story ends definitely sets up exciting possibilities for a sequel (or five!) There was a lot of backstory to establish in this book, so I'd love to read more in a series where the heist-ing could take centre stage. A brilliant introduction to a cast of loveable characters. I can't wait to read more from Tess Amy.

A crime mystery about two female con artists. I found the narrative slow and the characters unbelievable. Fans of heist thrillers will enjoy it but it was not for me.

I really wanted to like it. I love heist movies, stories about female friendship, and found family. So this seemed like a no-brainer, but it just didn't live up to its promise.
Emma talks to herself a lot, like a lot a lot, and a good chunk of it was unnecessary and shoulsve been edited out. I started skimming and skipping paragraphs, due to boredom, and I don't think I missed anything. There was a lot of telling instead of showing as an English teacher would say.
The characters all felt kind of shallow. Nellie is her BFF, she's pretty, and has always been a thief. Emma is smart but insecure. The kid is both young and old. Dax is gay and tries to be a good hacker. That sums them up. There's no reasoning for their actions or much else about them. It's hard to care about them.
The heist aspects were done well, even if it's only a regurgitation of what other con-men stories have explained. The twist was interesting, but I wish some more breadcrumbs had been set up, because while it makes sense, part of a good twist is being able to go back and see the signs. The intro also made it seem more personal than it actually was imo (re: picking Emma and Nellie to do this).
Overall I was disappointed, and left feeling like should go re-watch Focus or Leverage to hit the spot this missed.