Member Reviews

Do not under any circumstances start this book right before bed. This book hooked me from the beginning and had a hold on me. I kept telling myself "just one more chapter" until I finally fell asleep. I'm pretty sure I even woke up multiple times thinking about the book until I finally realized that it was useless and that I just needed to wake up and finish it. This is probably one of my favorite meet-cutes that I've ever read. I loved all the characters. It was so refreshing to have more than just a MMC and a FMC to focus on. I loved her roommate! I will say that Heather makes you work for that happily ever after. I won't say this is the longest slow burn ever, but I was so very ready for them to quit faking it. I also love to hate a third act breakup and find that I never read faster than when I'm trudging through that part in hopes of them coming to their senses. This was such a fun and easy read. I highly recommend curling up with a cup of coffee during the cold months and cozying up to this book...but again, don't be like me and start it right before bed. You have been warned. spice 2/5

Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this story!! I want Chase as a “fake” boyfriend!! He was so charming!! I loved Candace too! I only wish it was told in dual POV because it would have been fun to hear his side as well! I thought the meet cute was great even if she was the wrong woman originally. That’s what made the story great!! You could tell right away Chase was so into her. Her parents and her roommate were also hilarious!! A perfect book!!

Thank you NetGalley for the arc!

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This was an adorably good time. The romance was cuter and the Christmas themes were on point! I had a really good time!

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✨ "When the Fake Snow Falls" is the cozy holiday romance I didn’t know I needed! ✨

Picture this: Our girl has zero interest in all the holiday cheer, but to save her PR career, she’s going to have to fake it like a Hallmark pro.🎄And who gets roped into being her fake holiday boyfriend? The very grumpy, swoon-worthy guy she can’t stand (but maybe secretly likes a little).

Heather Garvin gives us so much charm, enemies-to-lovers tension, and a sprinkle of holiday magic that it’s impossible not to get hooked. Think slow-burn, stolen glances, and fake snowflakes turning real feelings into pure, tangible chemistry. If you love characters who clash, then melt, and all the winter vibes, this book is your next cozy binge. 🧣❤️

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When the Fake Snow Falls by Heather Garvin gets a perfect five out of five from me.

❄️ I’m a big fan of cozy, cute romance books, and Heather Garvin delivered a perfect one here! I devoured this novel in half a day; I just couldn’t put it down. The pacing was spot on, keeping me hooked, and I loved the on-page text exchanges, which added such a fun, modern twist to the flow.

❄️ Chase is definitely one of my favorite book boyfriends now. He’s charming, sweet, and refreshingly straightforward about what he wants, which made him so endearing. Candace, the female lead, is the perfect example of a modern heroine—confident, self-aware, and unapologetic about her standards. Their chemistry is amazing, and for once, I adored both characters as individuals and as a 'fake couple'.

❄️ Holiday romances are only made better with great side characters, and Garvin nailed that with Miles, Candace’s supportive yet hilarious gay best friend and roommate. He pushes her in just the right ways, adding warmth and humor to the story.

Overall, I loved this novel and will be adding more of Heather Garvin’s work to my TBR immediately. She has a gift for creating relatable, well-crafted characters and heartwarming romances.

I you like cosy holiday romances ❄️, slow burn and fake dating tropes, but also danishes 🥐🇩🇰 I highly recommend this book!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an ark in exchange for an honest review. Also thank you to the author for writing Candace and Chase! This book was the perfect five star read for me I don’t have one complaint about this book. I loved the romance and damn that ending got me!!! Chase the man you are 🙏🏼. And I related to Candace in more ways then one and am happy they got their happily ever after! I also loved Miles and am happy he was able to get his kitten! This has now taken the spot of being my favorite Christmas book! ❤️🎄

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Heather Garvin's When The Fake Snow Falls is a delightful holiday romcom that combines humor, romance, and a touch of whimsy, making it the perfect escape into the festive season. From the moment I cracked open the book, I was instantly charmed by the witty banter and the vibrant characters that leap off the page.

At the heart of the story is the delightful misunderstanding between our female lead, a spirited hairdresser, and the golden retriever MMC. The mix-up over phone numbers sets off a series of comedic and heartwarming events that keep the reader hooked.

Garvin masterfully employs the fake dating trope, building a slow burn that keeps the tension simmering just beneath the surface. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, enriched by their humorous exchanges and endearing moments. The slow unraveling of their relationship is a joy to witness, and Garvin expertly balances the light-heartedness of the narrative with deeper themes of love and connection.

The pacing of the novel is brisk, making it an incredibly quick read—perfect for those cozy nights by the fireplace. Garvin’s writing is sharp and engaging, ensuring that every page is filled with laughter and warmth.

Overall, When The Fake Snow Falls is a festive treat that promises to leave readers smiling. It’s a charming blend of humor, romance, and holiday spirit that will make you believe in the magic of Christmas. If you're looking for a feel-good story to curl up with this season, this book is a must-read!

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I had so much fun reading this book. I ended up loving both main characters and the supporting characters made everything so enjoyable. I love a good holiday romance and this one delivered. The premise at first threw me for a loop, but it ended up being well done and well thought out! Even the miscommunication was solidly done and didn't give me major ick. So glad to get this holiday romance from NetGalley!

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I thought this book was pretty good. I’ve read a lot of Heather‘s other stories and they are really cute and enjoyable. The characters are really relatable. There’s always something in there that can hook you and keep you interested and engaged throughout the whole thing. I thought the female main character in the story was pretty good. There were times where she was a little annoying just because she was so oblivious to Chase being actually into her so that was a little bit of a struggle to kind of deal with as you continue to read the story. I felt that I missed getting to know Chase. This was written only in Candace’s POV. I think this could have been a better read if he got a few chapters in his pov. This to me isn’t really a Christmas story it just has some Christmas elements in it like a work party and talking about Christmas decorations/fake snow. Overall super enjoyable but just could have been better if certain characters had more of a chance to shine.

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I was so hooked on this book! It was such a fast read and I often struggled to put it down (literally had to force myself to put it down and go to sleep last night at 2AM, oops). I loved the chemistry between Chase and Candace. Their banter made it so fun to read through the book. The combination of using text message bubbles in the chapters was also very nice.
The only thing I disliked about this book is that if the characters had just communicated a bit more, a lot of problems would’ve been solved. Guess I’m just not a personal fan of the miscommunication trope.
Overall, I did love this book and I think it’s the perfect book to read in your Christmas books era! 🎄

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This was a wonderful book! I really liked this book. The plot is very well written and interesting, and the characters were well developed. I would definitely recommend this to other readers!

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Wow. Wow. Wow.

I already had high hopes going into a holiday romance with a fake dating trope, but When the Fake Snow Falls completely blew me out of the water. Candace is such a relatable main character—confident but also insecure at times, doing her best to navigate life, have some fun, and, of course, trying not to fall for the charming guy who actually wanted the barista’s number but ended up with hers instead. Iconic setup, right?

Then there’s Chase—the handsome, flirty (maybe) fuck boy—who needs Candace to be his fake date for a work Christmas party to get his gross, clingy boss off his back. The dynamic between these two is so much fun to watch unfold.

This story was charming, heartwarming, and had just the right amount of Christmas magic without ever feeling over-the-top cheesy. The level of miscommunication felt natural and human, rather than being a plot crutch. I absolutely devoured this story and can’t wait to read more from this amazing author.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this as an ARC! I’m so excited to keep supporting you from the sidelines as an avid reader!

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I truly enjoyed this book so much! It was an original, cute and funny story

The plot was interesting! A girl who gives her phone number to a cute guy who didn’t mean to asked her in the first place it’s funny and embarrassing at the same time, but the way the plot went from there was great. There were hilarious comments about Christmas in Florida that felt so real.

The chemistry between Candace and Chase was up the roof, the supporting characters were entertaining except the Machiavellian character in this particular plot obviously. I just wished there was an extended epilogue. Do not miss this book and that’s my voluntary and honest opinion.

I love when I’m able to read an ARC from an author unknown to me before and being swept off my feet so I become a huge fan right away. Thanks to the publisher, NetGalley and the author for this gift.

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When the Fake Snow Falls by Heather Garvin is a heartwarming, slow-burn romance that kicks off with a hilariously disastrous meet-cute and grows into a beautifully layered relationship. The chemistry between the main characters, Chase and Candace, is palpable, and their connection develops at a pace that feels both authentic and relatable.
Chase is the epitome of a golden retriever in human form—charming, persistent, and absolutely adorable. From the start, he knows what he wants, and it's refreshing to see a character who's so sure of his feelings and isn’t afraid to act on them. His texting game is strong—he's not shy about sending double (and sometimes triple) texts! What really impressed me was how genuine his conversations with Candace felt. They both seek to truly understand one another on a deeper level. Chase is humble, respectful, and a true gentleman, especially in how he navigates the simmering sexual tension between them. His patience and respect for Candace's boundaries only make him more endearing.
Candace, on the other hand, is wonderfully grounded. She’s confident, knows her worth, and maintains her boundaries without ever seeming needy or desperate. This made her both relatable and empowering as a character. I also adored her best friend, Miles, who added so much fun and humor to the story. His vibrant personality had me laughing out loud throughout the book.
The witty banter between Chase and Candace, their perfectly awkward meet-cute, and the tender moments they share are all exceptionally written. Every step of their journey feels natural, and you can’t help but root for them to find their happy ending.
Big thanks to Heather Garvin for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing and Heather Garvin for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

4.5 stars rounded up! I really enjoyed this book!

It starts off with Candace getting coffee behind a sexy man (Chase) who leaves behind his receipt with the word "Number?" Written on it. When he texts her, he's witty and funny, and she just can't believe that he wanted her number. After some top-notch banter is exchanged, Candace finds out that he wasn't asking for her number; he was asking for the barista's number.

They agree to spend time together as friends, but every time they hang out, their feelings for each other seem to deepen. Chase invites Candace to his company Christmas party to act as his fake girlfriend to keep his predatory boss away from him. So, they have practice dates. They fall even harder for each other.

The premise is so original and I loved that. The banter was exceptional! Candace and Miles' relationship was excellent. Miles was such a great supporting character, I would love to read the story of him finding his HEA!

The reason I gave this 4.5 instead of 5 is because the conflict made me angry. I know it's supposed to make me angry bc it pulls the MCs away from each other, but it just felt like there was a better way to resolve the issue than just brush it under the rug. In addition, I wanted more about Chase's background, his relationship with his family and/or a wise-cracking best friend.

This was my first of Heather Garvin's books and it's definitely not my last!

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First of all I want to thank NetGalley for giving me the opportunity this book that I was so eager to read as soon as I saw it!🤍🎄❄️
This book was so good!!! I had so much fun reading this book that I didn't want to put it down until I finished it. This book had everything a book can have in order to provide a good read! This book is very fluid making us not get bored, the interactions between Chase and Candace were amazing, making me laugh and melt for every moment of them.
Honestly, I really loved this book it was a such a cute, festive, fun book!!!!🤍🎄❄️

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I have to state that this was a sweet fake dating romance. The romance overall was sweet. I liked Candace and Chase together. Best friend Miles was probably my favorite character. I would love a romance book with him as a lead character. There were predictable parts in the story like Chases horrible boss. Which was okay. The ending was perfect. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC.

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I will be splitting my review into 2 sections, the likes and the dislikes. First up the likes:
The whole accidental connection and fake dating played out really well and the initial connection was quite original.
The romance was a nice slow burn and quite sweet
The naughty scenes were nicely contained within 1 chapter with no needed dialogue in them, so can be easily skipped without losing necessary dialogue if preferred
It had a HEA

The dislikes:
Way way too many expletives, to the point I felt like I was reading from a moody teenagers perspective
How our heroine coped with less clients was never actually addressed
The epilogue just didn’t really add anything to the story

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing this book, with my honest review below.

When the Fake Snow Falls was a cute holiday romance, a little unconventional for taking place in sunny Florida, which does a great job with its colorful characters.

Candace is a hairstylist who thinks the gorgeous man in front her in line at the coffee shop, Chase, was asking for her number. This stolen meet cute was hilarious and I enjoyed it starting off the book in an unconventional way. Candace and Chase do become friends and when he asks her to be his fake date (to keep the heat off him by his sexually harassing boss until his promotion), the attraction really starts to sizzle.

The plot itself is cute but not anything that I would cite as terribly different that another romance exploring the same type of conundrum. What is different is the cast of fun characters. Candace and Chase were both easy to like and the periphery characters, especially Miles, Candace’s roommate, was hilarious. I did feel we dragged on a bit with Candace’s insecurity of Chase only going out with blonde women (which to her equated to him only ever being attracted to or ever being interested in this hair color), and the third act breakup was contrived to follow a classic romance formula, but unnecessary. I’d recommend this as an easy read, specifically for some of the characters. I would have read several more pages where we focused on Miles and Candace’s parents!

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4.5 ★

An accidental/mistaken meet-cute leads to fake dating during the holiday season.

You can immediately feel the chemistry between Candace and Chase. There's a lot of great tension and angst. It's insta-love due to the nature of the plot, but it also felt surprisingly slow-burn at the same time, which I really enjoyed. There's a lot of flirty banter and cute on-page texts. And of course, there's a touch of holiday vibes. Chase is very fun and flirty and will have you kicking your feet and giggling. Candace is very relatable. I understood her reluctance to define the relationship, considering her previous experiences and insecurities. I admire her for prioritizing her own emotions.

I personally did not like the conflict in this book. I feel like it could have been easily avoided if the characters had just stood up for themselves or one another. Other than that, it was a very quick and fun read, for sure.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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