Member Reviews

The wife of a convicted serial killer might be the only one who can get him to open up more.

I wanted to like this one more but I just couldn’t get into it really. I thought it just started slow and didn’t hook me, which is not ideal for a thriller/suspense.

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🌟🌟/5 stars

You ever pick up a book thinking it’s going to be an intense, psychological thriller, only to find yourself stuck in a slow-moving drama? That was my experience with this book, My Husband, the Murderer.

The premise had me hooked—Maggie’s ex-husband, a convicted serial killer, offers to reveal the truth about a missing body, but only if she visits him in prison. It should have been gripping, tense, and filled with jaw-dropping twists. But instead, I spent the first third of the book waiting for Maggie to just decide if she was going to go or not.

Once she finally makes her choice, the story focuses heavily on her emotions and inner turmoil rather than the suspense I was craving. And when the “big twist” finally arrived? It was predictable and lacked impact. The ending dragged on far too long, making the whole thing feel more like a character study than a thriller.

I wanted more insight into Edward’s past, more psychological mind games, and definitely more thrills. If you’re looking for a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat mystery, this might not be the one for you.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloodhound Books for my ARC.
#MyHusbandtheMurderer #NetGalley

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The husband you married and loved is not the man you think he is turns out he is a serial killer.
it was so slow paced but the ending was good.
I had to push myself to read to the end though.

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Unfortunately I was unable to download this book before the archive date, but I look forward to reading and reviewing other books by this author in the future.

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this book was good, really good. Charlotte Barnes, you know how to write a fantastic book! This was such a great book! I would love to see this as a series. Wonderfully done!

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My Husband the Murderer

As my husband peered over to the Kindle in my hand, he read the title as his eyes got big.

"What's up Craig, at least Im not the one murdring you this time"

I think all of our husbands question our judgement with the types of thrillers we read but how about a thriller with a title that goes against the grain?

I like it

and I really like Charlotte Barnes

At just under 300 pages, this book is about to put your brain in a blender. There will be no pause, no bathroom breaks, this book is all consuming.

Don't believe me ? Check out this teaser :

She’s the only one her imprisoned husband will confess to—but what he has to say may destroy her—in this chilling new novel by the author of A True Crime . . .

Edward O’Connor has been in prison for twenty-seven years. Now he’s ready to admit to the crimes the police have always suspected him of. But there’s a catch: Edward will only speak to his estranged wife, Maggie.

Since her husband’s incarceration, Maggie has tried to live a quiet existence. But with the media relentlessly tracking her down, she’s had to repeatedly pack up her life and move with her two sons.

The detectives are desperate for Maggie’s help. Only she can unlock Edward’s secrets. But during her visits, he wants to discuss their marriage, their holidays, and their sons, leaving Maggie with questions about the past.

As the press begins hounding her family once again and the string of confessions continues, Maggie soon realizes the final revelation might be one she would rather never hear . . .

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The premise of this book is what had me hooked and ready to dive in.

A husband as a serial killer? Uh yes please.

Husband in prison for 9 murders, or so they think. Maggie has worked hard to rebuild her life after he husband's shocking truth has come to light, and now is thrown back into the mix of it all and facing her ex-husband all to help resolve other unsolved cases.

Did this live up to the hype I was expecting? No. Did I still enjoy it? Yes.

I feel like there could have been so much more added or done with these characters, or the twist.

Unique idea.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloodhound Books for my ARC.

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Absolutely brilliant book!
I am a big fan of this author and love the writing style!
I cant wait to read more!

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I was intrigued by the premise of this book. Maggie's husband has been in prison for the last 20ish years for murdering 9 girls. Maggie has been trying to live a quiet life with her two sons since her husband's arrest but has been unable to outrun her past. One day the old detectives from her husband's case reach out to Maggie to let her know that her (ex) husband is dying and he is ready to confess to more murders- but he will only confess to Maggie.

Although I enjoyed the plot of the book, I found it lacking in action. I wanted to find out what Edward's confessions were, so in that sense, it kept me interested. However, for such a short book, it took me a long time to read as I found I wasn't in a rush to pick up the book. I felt for Maggie, and I thought the author did a great job of expressing how much trauma she had been bottling up since her husband's arrest. It was sad but in a very realistic way, and I felt for her. I wish the story had more excitement as I didn't feel much of an attachment to any of the characters. I also found I didn't feel much from Edward, I wanted to feel a hatred for him because he was an awful person, but he just fell a little flat for me as a character.

Overall, it does have an intriguing plot. I was just left wanting more.

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The book wasnt exactly what I expected from the blurb, I was expecting a dark written novel, but this was a very nice surprise! I feel going down the route of the story being fro POV of te wife made this stand out more and less likely to be put into standard thriller category. Pleasantly surprised by the storyline and enjoyed the main character. Thank you for the opportunity to pre-read this

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We first meet Maggie, living a very quiet and isolated life. She works online, has one friend, and volunteers at the local homeless shelter. She has a strained relationship with her sons, and she avoids all attempts by others to delve more deeply into her solitude.

Maggie is actually not her real name, and we find out that years earlier, her husband, Edward O'Connor, was arrested and convicted of the murders of several young women. The knowledge just about destroyed Maggie and her two sons, as they were constantly hounded by reporters, hated by their neighbours, friends and acquaintances. To save herself and her boys, she moved away, and moved each time she needed to to preserve her boys' privacy and safety.

Now, twenty-seven years later, the two detectives in charge of her husband's case, approach her with a strange request. Edward wants to share information about further kills, but won't say anything about them to anyone but Maggie.

Horrified, Maggie initially refuses, but after considering the emotions of the affected families, agrees to meet with him. Edward seems to be playing a game, however, recalling various family vacations with her. This leads her to review family photo albums, and remember these vacations, as well as the progress of her marriage. This resurrection of what should be happy memories of their courtship, love, raising of two children, should be happy, but only serves to further erode her careful hold on her emotions.

Her grown sons are horrified that she is in contact with Edward again, with the elder furious, and the younger quietly supportive.

Maggie begins to suspect that Edward is guiding her to some sort of further horrible revelation about their family, which she does eventually get to, and she must then make a choice between justice, or protecting her family.

Author Charlotte Barnes builds a claustrophobic atmosphere in this intriguing story. This book is not a thriller; rather, it's an exploration of the psychology of a woman whose partner has done horrific things. Maggie wonders how she could have missed all the signs of her husband's darkness, but as a skilled predator, he was adept at hiding much about himself.

His slow spooling out of information was chilling, and we watch Maggie come apart as she reconsiders so much about her understanding of herself and her former life.

The author does give us a twist in the plot, and this was a little surprising but one I guessed, as it shows a slightly different and unexpected side to Edward. He never redeems himself, however, throughout this novel, but it's the journey Maggie makes, and her difficult and disturbing choice, that makes this book the compelling and tense read that it is.

Thank you to Netgalley and to Bloodhound Books for this ARC in exchange for my review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this ARC.

Unforuntently I just couldn’t get into it. It was rather slow in the beginning for me.

Just because I struggled with it doesn’t means others will.

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I can’t even imagine how it would feel to find out my husband was a serial killer, to then have to reopen the wounds two decades later.
The premise of the book was really good. It was just very slow and it’s hard for me to get into books that are slower. I do think other people would enjoy it more.

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Being told that her imprisoned husband is dying of cancer and wants to talk about the other young women he murdered comes as a slight shock to Maggie but what's shocks her the most is that he will only confess to her.

Maggie has spent her life running from the crimes of her husband and her two adult sons have had to live with the knowledge of their fathers crimes and not happy with their fathers request

What follows is a walk down memory lane for Maggie and a shocking realisation that another family member may also he a murderer

Page turner guaranteed

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"My Husband the Murderer" by Charlotte Barnes, can be captivated by its intriguing premise, my experience ultimately left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. The story revolves around Maggie, a woman trying to piece her life back together after her estranged husband, Edward O’Connor, a convicted serial killer, reaches out to her from prison. He claims he’s ready to confess to the murders of nine women, but the catch is that he will only speak to her.
The setup hooked me immediately—who wouldn’t want to dive into a psychological thriller that explores the complexities of marriage, trust, and the darker sides of human nature? I found Barnes’s writing to be incredibly immersive. She captured Maggie's inner turmoil and emotional struggles exquisitely, making me feel like I was right there with her, grappling with the weight of her past and the societal pressures of her husband's notorious crimes. The supporting characters were also well-rounded and added depth to the unfolding narrative.
I enjoyed the depth of psychologically exploring Maggie's character and the moral dilemmas she faced. By the book's end, I even found myself feeling a surprising amount of empathy toward Edward—though it was for reasons I won’t spoil. Barnes manages to build a world around Maggie that feels tangible and rich, and I appreciated her ability to articulate Maggie's fears and desires throughout the book.
That being said, I did have a few struggles with the pacing and structure of the story. While I appreciated that the book allowed for character exploration, the slow buildup felt more like a character study than the gripping thriller I was hoping for. I found myself longing for moments that would elicit gasps or surprise. The twist that eventually came was so subtly woven into the narrative that I nearly missed it, which could be a plus for some—but for me, it felt predictable and lacked the punch I was hoping it would have.
As for the tense exchanges between Maggie and Edward, I wished they had pushed their psychological game a bit further. There were very few moments that showcased his manipulative side, which would have added layers to the story. I was left wanting more tension during their visits and felt that the potential for some mind games was not fully explored.
In conclusion, "My Husband the Murderer" raised interesting questions about morality, trust, and the complexity of knowing someone while providing a sympathetic view of its protagonist. However, I found myself wanting a bit more thrill and more dynamic conversations to drive the story. If you enjoy character-driven narratives that poke at the edges of psychological drama, you might find this book appealing. But if you’re seeking a tension-filled thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat, this might not be your best pick. Overall, it’s a solid read, but I had hoped for something more gripping.

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Really enjoyed reading this book. Good storyline wasn’t predictable and left me wanting to find out what happened. Also a storyline I hadn’t really heard of before which is good as some stories can end up sounding similar to others. Would recommend to anyone looking for a good book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. I was SO excited for this book - the premise was really captivating. Unfortunately the pace felt off - it dragged. I still enjoyed it, but doesn’t hit top tier read for me.

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I could tell there was a lot of thought, research and preparation involved in this book. I do not necessarily think I am the target audience but I could totally understand the idea and potential within this book. It was not at all what I was expecting but I was very intrigued. There was so much emotion in the authors words. She carefully and deliberately wrote such intense feelings delicately. I felt for Maggie and could even relate to her story. I was hooked and could not put it down. I wanted to know what would happen next. I would definitely read more from this author.

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I was very excited for this book and I was not at all disappointed.

To keep it short and sweet and of course spoiler free I just want to say how much the author put time and thought into the well written story and how hooked I was from start to finish. The cover is absolutely beautiful and I would recommend anyone to give this book a go.

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I thought this was a very well written book. I had never read this author before, but I was immediately drawn in by the blurb on the book. I really felt for Maggie and her boys and what they've gone through because of her husband.

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