Member Reviews

Oh my, what a great way to teach kids about how things work inside our bodies. The illustrations are a great helper too, but the main hero is the way Namita explains the process of healing from the beginning to the end.
The hero board at the end is also pretty great for remembering the most important actors in this. Definitely recommend!

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I loved the concept but I found the text a bit clunky with long sentences and a lot of clauses, especially when describing the action. I liked the key of characters though would have preferred this at the start of the book. The story is simple and clear, but it is not always clear what a specific cell is doing or why and new characters are introduced with very little context.

Free proof copy provided by Netgalley.

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Immune Heroes is a story that explains how the body works to protect and heal itself after injury. It uses the appropriate scientific terminology, but in a way that is more understandable to the target demo: kids. The illustrations help to move the explanations along while keeping kids engaged. It's definitely a cute book for early elementary aged kids!

Thanks to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for an eARC of this book for an honest review.

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