Member Reviews

THE LEGENDARY SCARLETT AND BROWNE sees Scarlett and Albert set off once more into the post-apocalyptic wilds of England to take on slavers, the council, and monsters.

I loved returning to this world again, England after a catastrophe (of human making) that's warped the world and created all sorts of monster - human and otherwise. It's a western tale but one where Milton Keynes is now the capital and Bath is a ruin. It's such an inventive world and I'm sad to say goodbye to it - and the characters.

The dynamic between Scarlett and Albert is so good. She's surly and sharp and a good shooter, while he has all these nerdy thoughts that he has to voice and is worrying about getting caught on brambles in the middle of a fight. They play off each other so well, giving the book a wry sense of humour. The pair have come a long way since THE OUTLAWS SCARLETT AND BROWNE, completely trusting one another when they come up with madcap plans - and thus being able to pull them off.

At the heart of this book is a sister's quest to find her brother. After missing her brother for two books, Scarlett finally has a lead to track him down. Luckily, it coincides with their other mission to stop the council acquiring weapons, so she isn't torn, but the real driver in this book is Scarlett finally getting a chance to rescue her brother.

The book ends with a major showdown - and impressive sequence of powers, explosions, and choosing to save everyone, not just those you like. It might be the end of the series, but it's clear that it's not the end of the world's stories - the ending shows how rebellions can take time and it's not all over yet. It gives the reader space to imagine the next adventures themselves.

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I absolutely adore the Scarlett and Browne books and The Legendary Scarlett and Browne brings the triology to a close. The books are inventive, exciting, very well written and have such vividly drawn characters that I will genuinely miss reading about Scarlett and Albert. This final book is packed full of daring escapes, cliff-hangers and vile enemies. A solid gold upper middle grade/YA page-turner.

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'The Legendary Scarlett and Browne' offers a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to Jonathan Stroud's dystopian adventure series for younger teenage readers. Set in a future post-apocalyptic Britain which in many ways has returned to pre-Industrial times under the leadership of the Faith Houses, the novel follows Scarlett McCain and Albert Browne as they traverse the Seven Kingdoms robbing banks and freeing slaves. In this volume, they also embark on another quest, to track down Scarlett's younger brother who was enslaved eight years previously.

As with the previous installments, this novel is pacy and gripping with great action sequences and terrific dialogue which crackles with humour even at moments of high tension. The plot, characterisation and setting will make this a big hit with younger secondary-aged students - many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC to review.

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I am immensely grateful to the publisher and to Netgalley for providing me with this eARC! Jonathan Stroud is one of my favorite authors and I was looking forward to the finale of his newest series.

Scarlett McCain and Albert Browne continue to defy the tyrannical rule of the Faith Houses in this installment. They helped build a community of outcasts and survive by pulling bank heists and freeing slaves. This time, Scarlett is actively looking for her brother and Albert seeks answers about his early life and how he came to Stonemoor. When infiltrating a slave market, they do find a promising lead. However, the Faith Houses' operatives are becoming far more dangerous and will not stop at anything to increase their power.

After book two, my enjoyment of the series increased tenfold and that trend did not stop in this instalment. Albert and Scarlett make a fantastic team with their own dynamic. It illustrates the harshness of survival with the fragility of their humanity. They are both so strong and vulnerable for each other, it's beautiful. The plot rarely slows down in between action scenes. There are always new incidents and plans to keep everything moving along.

This does not mean that the personal layer is cast aside. Every point in the journey is full of emotionally charges scenes. Both Scarlett and Albert have an awesome character development, which felt extremely satisfying. This is enhanced for the reader, because we find small flashbacks to Scarlett's brother that help us retrace his steps. We can tell that we get closer, even if the ending of his path remains unclear. This all adds to the momentum the story builds up.

This book is a worthy and wonderful finale to a series with a unique charme. It, like the other books, combines a dystopian setting with the atmosphere of a Western and the suspense of a heist book. I can only recommend the entire series!

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I will read anything Jonathan Stroud writes, but ultimately I compare every series to Lockwood & Co and they all come up short.
I really enjoyed the previous two books in the series and this was more of the same, just with a lot of tying up of loose ends. The ending was extremely satisfying.
There was plenty of peril, drama, emotional scenes, suspense, action and humour, but as lovable as Scarlett and Albert are, they're just not Lockwood.

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Io sono di parte: amo Stroud da quando ho incontrato un certo jinn con tendenza alla vanagloria, e il talentuoso ragazzino che lo ha evocato e contenuto. lo amo per i mondi, sempre credibili; i protagonisti, sfaccettati e non sempre amabili; per i comprimari, che splendono di luce propria; per la prosa spumeggiante, le inattese impressionanti scene horror, i dialoghi sempre vivaci. A volergli trovare una pecca non mi piacciono i suoi cattivi, sempre cattivissimi, senza profondità; ma glieli perdono volentieri.
E non mi ha tradito nemmeno stavolta: un viaggio travolgente che ho affrontato tutto d'un fiato, rincorrendo i famigerati Scarlett e Browne - banditi, amici, eroi (?).
Mi mancheranno. E' stata una grande avventura.

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I have been waiting for this book, I have really enjoyed the series. Jonathan manages to achieve a great mix of adventure, humour and a touch of horror.

This book starts with a classic heist from Scarlett and co. before ramping up to include a new deadly foe and finally starting to provide some answers to our main characters’ pasts. I love the way that Scarlett and Albert have really become a team, working so well together and understanding each other, despite their differences in character. The big finale brings the series to a satisfactory conclusion, leaving it a little open for some more adventures in the future from our intrepid duo (fingers crossed).

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Stroud just goes from strength to strengty with each series. I loved Lockwood & co but this might be even better - and I am well outside the target age range. Lived every second of this finale and will be rereading the whole lot.

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The writing just blew me out of the window. I have read the Lockwood & Co series and love it but this one is even better, miles better. How come I did not know that there have already been two books before this in the series. This series will be perfect as the reader for my upcoming courses on Dystopian fiction. Definitely going to use this one or the first book in the series.

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The first two books in this series were great (the author has other great series too, if you want teens fighting the dead, or making pacts with demons) with Scarlett and Albert making their way across a pretty darn dystopic England that feels like a western, especially as they are on the run from the evil Faith Houses and also committing robberies to fund their ventures (earning the name outlaw). They are looking for answers and trying to find Scarlett's missing brother, as well as bring down the corrupt government. No small task but those guys are up to the challenge! Lots of action and a very satisfying end to the trilogy. I love Scarlett and Albert (Scarlett for her no nonsense, get the cash attitude, and Albert for his cool power!) and yes, this is a definite end for them but you can bet I will be rereading this series again and again. I highly recommend them!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book!

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It’s getting on for four years now since I first made the acquaintance of outlaws Scarlett McCain and Albert Browne in their first, incredible outing together. After fate threw the pair of them together when Scarlett discovered Albert hiding in the toilet of a bus that had crashed, I have followed them as they have fought countless enemies – both alive and undead, evaded capture by the authorities, imposed their own form of justice on those who deserved it and plotted to bring down the ruthless and oppressive ruling High Council of Faith Houses and Stonemoor – the sinister institution in which Albert had previously been incarcerated.

Following their exploits in Book 2, life is still anything but quiet and settled for our heroes and the infamous duo are intent on robbing a bank shortly after we meet them once again, in the somewhat dull town of Sherborne. After going through the motions with those who believe they have a chance of stopping them and with their mission accomplished, Scarlett and Albert make good their escape and once away pause to allow Albert to recover in part from the exertions of using his powers and Scarlett to take a quick look at the slavers’ ledgers she has liberated from the bank’s vault. Once ready, they rejoin associates Joe, his granddaughter Ettie and Sal Qin who have taken advantage of the robbery to free a group of slaves who had been destined to be sold and together head back to their hidden camp.

Here, Scarlett is able to have a better look at the records in the hopes of finding a trace of her younger brother Thomas – hopes that go unfulfilled but allow her to mark off Sherborne on her map – before the pair are interrupted by Sal, who has received news that a hooded man is searching for Scarlett and that a small convoy of slave trucks is to pass by the following day. When they ambush the trucks, things do not go to plan but as a result, once they are back at camp, Scarlett forms a plan to head to Taunton, home to a slave fair and outside the jurisdiction of the Council, where she believes she may find evidence of Thomas having been trafficked.

While there, the town is visited by a group of the Council’s new operatives – the White Hats – who not only proclaim Taunton now to be under the control of the Faith Houses but are also carrying new weapons which they demonstrate in the most terrifying of ways. Escaping from the town, having gained possible information about Thomas and now even more determined to stand against the Council, Scarlett and Albert set out on the path they hope will lead to both Stonemoor and her brother. But with hidden dangers along the way and the deadly White Hats equally as determined to stop them once and for all, will our heroes be successful in the final instalment of their exploits and deeds, or will it end in failure – or worse – for the pair of them?

In some ways, much has changed for the duo since Scarlett stumbled upon Albert and he found himself on the run with her. Instead of being pursued solely for being a deviant – an individual in possession of superhuman powers – he has added outlaw to that title and has proved himself as the very best of friends to her over and over, as she has to him. Here, she is more driven than she ever has been before to find the brother she left behind and whose unknown fate has tortured her ever since. Now with a ragtag band of supporters in tow, the two of them face their biggest – and most dangerous – outing yet as they blithely carry out the robberies and other crimes that serve to support their joint quests.

Set at some time in the future, after the cataclysm, the England inhabited by the pair is a very different, dystopian country to the one with which readers are familiar. This is a country that has gone ever backwards since its heyday – one ruled by fear and one in which there are predatory gangs of strange animals and The Tainted desperately prowling in the hopes of coming across their next meal. No matter how bleak the landscape and how slim Scarlett and Albert’s chances of escaping each successive encounter with those who are against them are, throughout the whole series the two companions have somehow managed to stay ahead of the opposition, and fans – of whom I know there are many – will be reading this with trepidation that their luck has finally run out. Of course, I am not going to reveal just what happens but for those who have loved Books 1 and 2, as I have, this is a fitting conclusion to the trilogy and one that answers lots of questions regarding both Scarlett and Albert’s history. If you haven’t as yet had the good fortune to read either of the titles that precede this one, I suggest you do before you pick this up – you could read this as a standalone, but I think you will enjoy it far more if you read the entire sequence in order.

My enormous thanks, of course, goes to publisher Walker Books and to NetGalley for my virtual, advance read. The Legendary Scarlett and Browne goes on sale 16th January.

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