Member Reviews

Molly the Maid #3
Before she dies, Moly’s beloved Gran presses a key into her hand, saying that it is the key to her heart, the key to everything. However, what does it unlock? Molly hasn’t a clue. To this day, Molly’s Gran impacts her life, she hears her voice and keeps her close.
In the present day, it’s a huge one for The Regency Grand as the popular TV show Hidden Treasures is due to film there and Molly and the love of her life Juan Manuel, are big fans. Molly takes a shoe box containing some of Grans items including the key and a decorative item she is sure is worthless. All that glitters is not gold as she might say. What Molly learns is a big shock, it propels her into an uncomfortable spotlight and that’s just for starters. The story alternates between Molly and Gran.
I find the start a delight as Molly and Juan Manuel are so likeable and their positive outlook is a lesson to us all. Mr Preston and Angela are good characters too and I enjoy the interactions between them all. Speedy the doorman is vey funny and there’s some witty dialogue there.
However, much as I love these characters and we do learn some unexpected things, the book does not work as well for me as 1 and 2. The TV programme which I assume is a more ‘excitable’ version of our more muted but very enjoyable Antiques Roadshow, is too much for me. It feels cheesy with the two presenters Beagle and Brown resembling caricatures which I find hard to accept. What transpires is too much of a stretch, it’s overdone and overblown though I can see why others find it very entertaining. It’s not too hard to see the direction in which the plot will head as clues are in plain sight.
As for the Gran sections they don’t sound like the Gran we have come to know and admire and although parts of what we learn are interesting and fill some gaps, it’s Molly who is the star of the show and so I think what we have here is contrived in order to produce a third book.
I also have grown weary of some of the repeated phrases that we’ve heard now in three books so they’ve worn thin. The ending is a bit saccharine for my taste but it is happy and that’s all to the good. I hope this is it now for Molly as it’s reached a natural conclusion and I for one will leave it here.
Overall, it’s an enjoyable book in places as Molly is so loveable but other sections work less well for me. However, be sure to read other reviews as mine is out of step as there are a lot of 4 and 5 star ratings.
With thanks to NetGalley and especially to HarperCollins, HarperFiction for the epub in return for an honest review.

We enter the next chapter in the story of Molly the maid, working at the Regency Grand Hotel, with an interesting development. A Faberge Egg has been found - an unexpected treasure in an unlikely place - and disappears almost immediately thereafter.
Having been catapulted to fame as a result of the find, Molly is determined to re-find it by whatever means necessary. And she has within her power the means to do so, in the form of a family relic which holds important secrets.
Besides, when Molly decides to do something, you can bet she has a good chance of doing so - not only to locate the Egg but also to find out the real story of what happened to it...
Molly is an engaging character, and Prose does an excellent job of entertaining the reader. This one is not to be missed!

So happy to be back with Molly and this book perfectly matches the rest of the series. Engaging and heart warming; if you’re a fan of Molly then you need this book! Nitas books are an auto buy for me for sure!

Overall I enjoyed this one, more than I did the 2nd instalment of the series. Although this seemed to focus on Molly's nans story it felt like it wasn't out of context within the series.
I continued to enjoy the development of Molly and Juan's characters and their relationship as well. There were not too many unexpected twists and turns in this one that I didnt see coming in this one though which is the only thing that stopped it from being a 5 star read for me, I found this one far easier to see coming and get almost ahead on.

I love Molly the Maid. A super cute installment following Molly's adventures in the Grand Regency Hotel. This book focused more on her gran's story, and Molly's evolving relationship with Juan. As always it's filled with twists and turns (though I found this one a little easier to sus out) but all in all, I really enjoyed this book.

This is my my third book in this series and although it is my least favourite of the trio I still really enjoyed reading it. I found some of the plotline regarding the missing Faberge Egg a little bit too unbelievable and some of the characters a little too cartoonish but I did love the flashbacks to Mollys Grans past fascinating and it really made the story for me.

It's great to be back with everyone's favourite maid, Molly in this the third instalment of Nita Prose's best selling series. We are back at the Regency Grand Hotel and reunited with all our favourite characters who are getting ready for a television crew to set up for a recording of an antiques valuation show. Even Molly is getting in on the excitement, bringing in some trinkets from her beloved Gran's cabinet of curios, not because she expects them to be valuable but more because she is interested in the history. When she receives the shocking news that one of her trinkets is in fact a rare Faberge egg and extremely valuable her reaction makes her an immediate internet celebrity. Soon she is caught up in a whirlwind of publicity in advance of a public auction of the egg, despite her protestations that she is just a maid and she is happy with the life that she has. When the egg is stolen in the middle of the auction Molly finds herself threatened but undaunted. She is determined to uncover the culprit even when her investigation seems to be leading closer and closer to home.
The Molly books are always a fun read, Molly is one of those characters that could easily veer into annoying territory but somehow the author manages to keep her on just the right side of charming and quirky. I did think that we spent less time than usual with Molly in this instalment because quite a significant chunk of the book is given over to the story of Flora, her beloved Gran and while it was interesting to learn more about her background and past, I did miss Molly during those sections. That being said Flora's story was well told , the format of diary entries gave it a very intimate personal feel. This is not a book for readers who like stories grounded in reality, it is charming cosy escapism, and on that level it absolutely works. If you enjoyed the previous books in the series you'll enjoy this one too and if it is indeed the last in the series it is a fitting send off for Molly and her gang.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

I am so fortunate to have been given access to this wonderful novel! I was late to the Molly Maid party, but once I started I was hooked and have devoured the whole series in January this year.
Molly, what a wonderful role model for her colleagues at the Grand Regency Hotel, but also most of mankind! Molly's neuro -divergent viewpoint of the world gives her a fresh perspective on the most unusual of situations.
I think I have enjoyed this book the most out of the entire series. We are treated to a much richer deeper background to Molly's grandmother Flora's family history, understanding more about her own childhood upbringing and the "Faberge" legacy she leaves Molly.
We join Molly and her finance Juan Manuel at the hotel which is hosting an antiques valuation show to drum up extra business for the hotel events business, of which Molly is now Head Maid and Head of Events! As part of the event Molly takes some of her grandmother's curio cabinet to get evaluated and finds she is the owner of a very rare, real Faberge egg and is now rich beyond her wildest dreams.
From there we are treated to another wild crime investigation as the egg goes missing at the hotel and all of our favourite characters (and some new ones) coming back to help lend a hand to find out just what has happened....
Molly learns of Flora's story through a diary left my her beloved Grandmother in the care of the wonderful Mr Preston and it was very endearing having Flora share her wisdom and love for Molly through the diary pages.

This book captivated me with its irresistible storyline and vivid characters. A carefully woven mix of adventure, emotions and, family ties. A tale to lift your spirits. I enjoyed reading it so much.

this is absolutely my favourite of the Molly the maid series! We sort of know Molly's unusual ways by book three and how the death of gran affected her - book two flipped between current and past, but this use of Gran's diary, slowly unravelling the story of what exactly landed her with Molly's mum and how far the link between some of the close family friends run.
This is the first of Nita's books that had me in tears by the end, which is quite a feat. Heartwarming whilst alarming at the same time and a sad reflection of times gone by.
I really loved this one and read it literally in one sitting.
Thank you

What a perfect end to the series. I've loved them all and enjoyed reading about Molly and her grandmother's life. Five stars, just perfect!

I was made up to receive a copy of this book fod a review.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the series and loved all of the quirky characters in the book. I struggled to enjoy the second as much so wasn't sure how I'd feel about this book.
After reading this copy, I'm now wondering if I had read the 2nd at a different time maybe I would have enjoyed more.
The book again, was not as good as first and didn't flow as well however it still kept me as the reader engaged throughout.
My favorite parts of the book? Definitely the history and wedding side.
If you enjoy this series, this is one to read!

Nita Prose’s The Maid’s Secret is a charming and suspenseful follow-up that perfectly balances mystery and heart. Returning to the world of the lovable and quirky Molly, Prose crafts a story filled with clever twists, vivid details, and an irresistible protagonist you can’t help but root for. It’s a delightful blend of wit, warmth, and intrigue that will keep you guessing until the very last page. A must-read for fans of cozy mysteries with a unique spin!

I have read all of Molly the Maid books, including the Christmas novella. I loved them all. When I was offered the chance of reading The Maid’s Secret I couldn’t wait to begin it. The story opens with the continuation of Molly’s and Juan’s wedding plans. They both work at The Regency Grand Hotel, So when it hosts a televised “Antiques Roadshow “ style programme, Molly of course takes along 3 items from her Gran’s cabinet. The third item she shows is an egg. Is it valuable or is it just a pretty egg? Well, when it turns out to be valuable, Molly has to decide if she will sell it or keep it. When she decides, nothing is straightforward. A series of events happens. Will it all turn out well in the end? Well you will have to read it and see! This final book in the series did not disappoint. I recommend you read it and find out what happens. My thanks go to NetGalley, the publishers Harper Collins and Nita Prose for an arc of this very enjoyable book.

Sadly, I have to say I did not enjoy this third novel about Molly the Maid, In fact it was a DNF for me.
I really enjoyed the first book, I which the story and characters were fresh and unusual, and kept me entertained throughout.
The second book was much weaker, and I skim read it quite a bit, the storyline was much less enjoyable, and the characters less convincing. Some I actively disliked, and did not find believable.
This third instalment is very contrived, with all the nonsense around the television show coming to the hotel, portraying the two largely caricature figures as the ‘stars’ - it just stretches credulity too far. I completely lost interest and really didn’t care about what happened to Molly and the Faberge egg.
The writing of Molly’s grandmother’s background story was written in very clunky prose, and did not flow. Even that backstory failed to hold my interest. I fear this third book was a stretch too far for Molly the Maid.
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy of this book.

Disappointing. The story never truly took off, leaving it feeling bland and forced. While I’m grateful to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC, this book fell flat for me. The twists and turns felt contrived, and the characters came across as overly exaggerated, almost caricature-like. Overall, it lacked the depth and engagement I was hoping for.

An addictive and heart-warming novel by one of the best authors - Nita Prose.
Molly Gray is back. The book title let you thought it's Molly the maid's secret, but indeed it's about her grandmother (also the maid)'s secret. The novel was smartly written, as it had two POVs. One was Molly and another was her grandmother's dairy. I enjoyed much reading their stories in this way, as it revealed bit by bit, but not overwhelming. The strong relationship between Molly and her grandmother was touching. Molly's grandmother told Molly all her life through the diary and I was like seeing her grandmother growing up from a teenage. Another heartwrenching part was between Molly's grandmother and grandfather. The sacrifice of family, love and education opportunity was gripping.
Moreover, The Maid's Secret came with a mystery case that was totally kept me hooked. I finished this book with such a great enjoyment and I highly recommend this novel to everyone. The various storylines was successful.
Many thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for my copy.
Pub date: Apr 10, 2025

🧹 Molly the maid is back….
A wedding . A heist. A secret
🧹 Pick this up if you like/don’t mind:
📌 book series
📌 cosy mystery
📌 two interconnected storylines
📌 found family troupe/ family secrets
📌 diary entries
📌 dual POVs
📌 the “heist”/ whodunnit vibes
📌 a lovable, heartwarming, quirky and delightful FMC
📌 PERFECT end to a series
🧹 This is the third book in the maid series but it can be read as a stand alone too. I won’t really call it a mystery as the mystery element was only a part of it and that too was quite predictable. But still it managed to kept me hooked till the end. The best part of the book was learning about Gran’s past through her diary entries. This was such a heartwarming book to snuggle up with on a cold winter night. It will fill your heart with warmth, make you feel better, shed a few tears,(you may need a tissue for your issue) crack a smile, make you believe in love and restore your faith in happily ever after. Recommended !!
🧹 Thanks to Harper Collins, NetGalley for the ARC.
🧹 PS: Molly you will be missed.

Another great Molly the maid story. It was great to hear about Molly's nan's background and discover her story.

Book Review
Book three in the series but the fourth book out as author Nita Prose brought out a small Christmas novella...The Mistletoe Mystery in 2024.
Since her first book The Maid came out in 2022, I've really enjoyed getting to know Molly, the wonderful, quirky maid at the Regency Grand Hotel.
Molly loves her job and feels very proud of her role in the hotel.
Molly is intuitive, charming and full of warmth. Family is everything to her.
In this story Molly's gran has passed away and has left her the most wonderful trinket, a fabergé egg.
When an antiques television show comes to the hotel, staff are allowed to bring in any of their old treasures to be appraised.
Molly is excited if a little apprensive about her family heirloom. Something invaluable to her that holds many memories.
Imagine the excitement when it is revealed that Molly's fabergé egg is worth millions of pounds.
I really enjoyed how the author unfolded Molly's gran's story through the pages of a long forgotten diary that her gran wished Molly to have someday.
The whodunit mystery keeps the reader on their toes and a little more of Molly's family history is revealed to us.
Well worth your time..
Out 10th April 2025...