Member Reviews

Having read the first story in this series I was already familiar with the character's and this book was another great read! Well written and enough in it to keep you wondering right through to the end.

The Maids Secret by Nita Prose .
Who knew reading about a maid would bring you to book 3 in the series !
And what a series it is . Love the character and finding all about her life.
This time about to be married and bereaved from the death of her grandmother .
She takes her inheritance , an egg along to an antiques appraisals show and is very surprised at it's value , and then it goes missing / stolen .
Won't give anymore away , but it's a great read for those that are already invested in the series .
If your not , get reading now !

The Maid's Secret continues the story of Molly, head maid at the Regency Grand Hotel. In this book Molly is preparing for her wedding to her fiancé Juan Manuel when she discovers that one of her grandmother's treasures is a priceless antique. When the treasure is stolen Molly and her friends work to identify the culprit.
The book is written in 2 timelines and reveals Molly's family history via her Gran's diary. I loved reading Gran's heartbraking backstory which explained so much from previous books
Molly is a charming character and this is my favourite book in the Molly the Maid series, It's cosy crime+love story+family saga. A heart-warming treat.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the two previous Molly books and this book - The Maid's Secret, is probably my favourite of the three.
It's a cosy and heartwarming mystery. Finding out more about Gran’s past was delightful, the chapters alternate between Molly and Gran. The intrigue surrounding the egg was entertaining and although I guessed the culprit correctly, it didn’t make the book any less enjoyable. I do sometimes get a little frustrated by how literally Molly interprets things!
I would expect anyone who has read the previous books will love this one too (although it could definitely be read as a standalone).
I hope this isn’t the last in the series!

Molly the Maid will forever have a special place in my heart! I have loved everyone of the stories and this one is so Heart warming. We have everything in this book we need, secrets, mystery, crime and love.
Molly’s life is about to change in more ways than one. I love how this one was written with the present and the past linking up perfectly. Molly discovers truths about her Gran and really feels the connection back to her Gran.
This can be read as a stand-alone but I would recommend the series to fully appreciate the characters and story.
Thank you to NetGalley and random house publishing for my ARC of this one!

After thoroughly enjoying the first few books in this series and following the exploits of Molly the Maid, our very favourite maid restoring her beloved hotel to a state of perfection, I honestly didn’t know what direction the author would take the story in. But wow was this hooking. Unexpected and utterly delightful.
It absolutely blew my expectations out of the water and I have to say, I think it’s my favourite of the series so far.
We’ve touched upon the heavy influence of Molly’s grandma in the last few books and in this one, we get to discover the origins of her Grandma’s life along with Molly through a split time perspective of the Molly here and now, and Flora in the past. I absolutely could not stop reading and finished it in a two day frenzy!
I didn’t realise how invested in Mollys story I had become and I totally didn’t cry at the end. No sir. I’m also not telling you to get some tissues at the ready for some happy crying either. Didn’t hear it from me. Carry on (pass the tissues..!).

The fourth in the series featuring Molly the maid and another cosy crime to solve, this time the theft of her Grandmother's beloved jeweled egg. Molly becomes a TV sensation when the real value of the egg left to her is revealed by her two favourite antique experts on TV. But when the egg goes missing and Molly starts to receive threats she has to again work with the local police to track down the culprit.
As with the other books in the series this has humour and pathos, wrapped up with Molly's unique way of seeing the world.

Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I have enjoyed the Molly the Maid series; this third instalment was no exception. It is a good, cosy read, and it is a recommended trilogy.

Molly the Maid is such a wonderful and quirky character and I have loved her in the previous 2 books. This book has the usual warmth and charm and is again set in the fabulous location of The Regency Hotel where the unforgettable characters from the previous books pull together to solve a new and puzzling mystery. This book features dual timelines, the present day and her Grandmother’s past and as her heartbreaking history is slowly revealed the way the author connects the present mystery with the past story is very clever. This is a charming cozy mystery and if you are a fan of Molly and the other characters from the previous books you will enjoy this book immensely. I definitely needed a tissue for my issue at the end. If this is the final book in the series I’m really gonna miss this quirky character.
Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review,

Just perfect. Everything I could hope for the final book. Full of the magic and humour that Molly the maid brings to the table. I am just so sad if this is the last book.

This Maid’s Secret by Nita Prose
This is the fourth book in the Molly the Maid series. In this book Molly and Juan are planning their wedding. The Regency Grand Hotel is hosting a popular reality TV series “Hidden Treasures.” Mr. Snow allows the staff the opportunity to get their own items appraised for the televised event. Molly brings her Faberge Egg thinking its just an old trinket but when she finds out the Egg is not only a genuine Faberge Egg but The Egg that all other Faberge Eggs were based on, she cannot believe it. Not just that but the Egg is worth over five million dollars.
One week later they Auction the Faberge Egg and just as it is sold for eleven million dollars the egg is stolen right in front of them. Detective Stark in on the case once more. Will they find the egg?
This book is written from two points of view and in two separate timelines: Molly the Maid in the present time and her Gran, Flora Gray, in the past.
I would like to thank Net Galley and HarperCollins UK Publishes, for a copy of this eBook in exchange for an honest review.

I have enjoyed the previous offerings in the Molly the Maid series but for me, this book was not up to the standard of the others. It was still an entertaining read but not the author's best
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Such a cute and different story to the previous Maid novels. Great characters, a couple of twists and I feel good things for a new partnership if there are any more to come!
4 stars.

This is the third full length novel in the Molly the Maid series and, for me, it was the weakest of the three. The book was written in two timelines, in the first we follow Molly in the present day as she discovers that one of her grandmother’s treasures in a genuine Faberge egg worth millions (which is then stolen during its auction and Molly and her friends set out to retrieve it) and in the second timeline we follow Molly’s grandmother’s story from her childhood to adulthood. I got very irritated with Molly’s timeline and found it very unbelievable and the relationship with her fiancé rather saccharine and overlong, however I loved Flora, Molly’s grandmother’s story set in the 1950’s.
As much as I’ve enjoyed this trilogy I think that it has reached its natural conclusion. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Loved this book thank you so much for allowing me to read this in exchange for a review!
The review will be 5 glorious stars wow I flew through this one and I loved every single page, we meet molly the maid once more and she is getting married however there is a very big twist for this maid. The narrative of her grans diary was touching and I enjoyed that element to the storyline.

I’ve read the previous books in this series and would say that this is probably the best one. I loved finding out more about the previous characters history. The plot is unique and I found that I was completely invested in it.

Absolutely brilliant, loved it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me an advance copy, I will definitely be recommending.

I didn't want this book to end. It was lovely finding out about Gran's background, even though her life hadn't been easy at all. The emotion that Molly felt as she learned her family history is strong & felt very real.
I've enjoyed this whole series, more & more with each book of the trilogy. This is one series that I'd love to go on & on & on.

This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

Molly the maid is back for her third full length outing.
Molly is just two months off her wedding to her fiancé Juan. Molly is still working at the hotel and is in charge of special events and the hotel is hosting a televised antiques event. Staff are allowed to bring a few bits of their own and Molly chooses some of her Gran’s favourite pieces. On getting her items appraised, Molly finds that she is the owner of a genuine Faberge Egg worth millions. Brown and Baxley, the celebrity valuers, suggest that Molly auctions the egg live on television…but then the egg goes missing right under their noses and Molly is left with a threat to her life if she looks for the egg.
I enjoyed reading the first Molly the maid book, but this one is so much weaker. I enjoyed reading about her Gran’s backstory, which takes up every other chapter in the book and provides much of the reason why the egg is stolen and how they came to be in possession of it in the first place. Her Gran’s story is the best part of the book and could have been a story on its own as maybe a prequel. The rest of the story is weak by comparison. Everyone is so cliché, the repetitive overuse of rhyming sayings is irritating and grates after a few chapters.
Obviously, the events of the story are fictitious, but they stretch credulity to the extremes. The timeline is also a little muddled – I’m not sure you would be able to prove ownership of an antique and organise an auction within 7 days. So many things happen that the timeline is just not feasible. I also feel a bit confused about the time setting as sometimes it feels like the 1920’s or 30’s and then they talk about mobile phones and television, and it reminds me that it isn’t. There isn’t really any mystery to this and it becomes obvious really early on who is responsible.
This isn’t terrible but I didn’t love it either – the first book is by far the best.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.