Member Reviews

Charlotte, a survivor of cruel physical and emotional abuse, is on the run with 3-year-old Alice. Down on her luck and quickly running out of money, she takes a housekeeping job at a resort in the Florida Keys that’s set to open soon and offering room and board. Charlotte hopes to provide Alice with a better life, but there’s one major problem—no one can know about Alice. As a violent storm develops off the coast, Charlotte realizes the hurricane isn’t the only danger she faces. Bodies start piling up and Charlotte begins questioning how well she truly knows her new coworkers. Alice goes missing just as the storm hits and Charlotte needs to find who could have taken her—and why.

I was drawn to the concept of Her Hiding Place by Shannon Hollinger. A locked-room thriller set on a remote island is certainly intriguing. The prologue grabbed me and I could feel the anxiety building in that opening scene. However, the main story started slow and didn’t pick up until the last few chapters. At times the scenes felt repetitive, often rewording the same ideas differently which slowed down the pacing.

The flashbacks throughout the book were a nice touch providing backstory to how Charlotte and Alice got to their current situation. Some of the twists were predictable, but a few surprised me which made the book more enjoyable. Her Hiding Place could have benefited from a faster-paced, more suspenseful middle section, but I was satisfied with the ending.

3 Stars. Despite the pacing issues, I enjoyed Her Hiding Place and would definitely pick up another book from Shannon Hollinger.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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It was well-written and clearly depicted life on the island and the resort. I suspected one character was involved in the murders and Alice’s disappearance but the relation/reason for their involvement surprised me. I found this to be a little longer than needed and I did lose interest a few times but overall, it was a decent read.

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While Charlotte works, three year old Alice is hiding. When a storm rolls around, Charlotte knows Alice won't be able to stay inconspicuous for long. And then the dead body is found....and Alice goes missing.

Wowzer, what a wild ride it was! I managed to read the majority of this book in one setting because it was so hard to put down. You will need to suspend your belief in some parts (like a three year old managing herself during a full day) but just go with the flow and you'll love the twists that will hit you left, right and centre. I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more by this author.

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With no money no place to live, Charlotte accepts a housekeeping position in a resort in a tropical island in the Florida Keys. However, she didn't tell the employer that she has a 3 yo toddler, Alice, tagged along with her. The situation forced her to hide Alice in her room while she's doing her job.
All seems good despite her guilty feeling trapping a toddler all day in a room, until a giant hurricane barrelling. How will Charlotte join the evacuation without the others knowing about Alice? However before they manage to evacuate, worse thing is happened, and she's trapped in an island with a murderer.

The plot of this story definitely will pick your curiosity, but there's a lot unnecessary description within the book. However still a great locked-room thriller book with a build up suspense. Plus, I can say that 3 years old Alice would definitely be every parent's dream of 3 years old child. It's a bit hard to believe that she's a 3 years old.

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Her Hiding Place by Shannon Hollinger, Charlotte is desperate and pennyless, when she takes a job at an island resort in Florida. She is hired by a not so nice boss. But soon finds friends with her coworkers. they’re not so friendly that Charlotte divulges the fact she has three-year-old Alice hidden in her room, that is until she meets Leo and there’s a hurricane bearing down on them. all Charlotte wants to do is keep little Alice safe and believes she can trust Leo, but when all is said and done, there will be destruction in its path that cannot be blamed on the hurricane. First Alice goes missing her boss is dead and she learned her closest friend at the resort. Molly can’t be trusted or can she? Charlotte has lived a very hard life and wants to keep little Alice from experiencing it as well. Can she save her before it’s too late or will devastation happen when she’s not looking. I have read most of the authors books and have loved all of them. I was a little dubious about a three-year-old hiding in a room all day, but once I started reading it, the narrative grab me and didn’t let go until the book was over. Also, I want to say I loved the epilogue. although I did raise an eyebrow or two throughout the story, I still absolutely enjoyed it. A book only the way Shannon Hollinger can write it heart palpitating, roller coaster emotions, twist for days and an all-around good read. as a citizen who has lived in hurricane country my whole life I thought she did a pretty good job describing the events of the hurricane except for Charlotte walking in the middle of it but it’s all for entertainment right? #NetGalley,#Bookchours,bb #ShannonHollinger, #HerHidingPlace,

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Charlotte, takes a job as a housekeeper at a soon to open resort in the Florida Keys. The job comes with room and board, which she thinks will be perfect to hide 3 year old Alice in, the child she brings with her. She soon finds out it’s not going to be so easy to keep her secret, plus there is a major hurricane bearing down on the island. They are running out of time to leave the island before it hits, but they soon find out that’s not their biggest problem, cause there is a murderer among them. I couldn’t put this book down just when I thought I had it figured out there was another twist. I highly recommend this book it kept me turning pages till I finished it. Thanks Bookouture and Netgalley for this arc.

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Truly heart racing and jaw dropping, just as the description claims it to be. The urge to protect your child can be so strong, despite all the odds against you.

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Charlotte is broke and on the run when she takes a job at a resort in the Florida Keys. Her housekeeping job comes with room and board, which is perfect, because she needs somewhere to hide Alice, the 3-year-old little girl no one knows she has with her. Between her mean boss Evelyn, her bitchy coworker Brooke, and a shifty maintenance guy named Harvey who seems to be watching her a little too closely, Charlotte doesn’t know if there’s anyone she can trust. As a hurricane bears down on the resort, Charlotte is desperate to protect little Alice.

This is such a tense, atmospheric thriller! The hidden child aspect really takes this locked room mystery to the next level. There’s an undercurrent of danger from the very beginning, and I was on the edge of my seat worrying that Alice would be found by someone bad. Once the massive storm hits, the action ratchets up to high gear, with the bodies piling up and the twists coming in fast and furious! Really kept me guessing, and the epilogue was so satisfying!

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A tense, fast paced thriller read for me from a first time author which I thoroughly enjoyed. It kept me involved in the storyline and was definitely a page turner for me with a good ending.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC which I can thoroughly recommend.

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This was such a tense read from start to finish! I loved the way the author built tension and I felt for the little girl and her mum. The twists kept coming and I read it in a day, brilliant novel!

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Ohh what a fantastic thriller this was once I started I could not put it down. It had such a tense atmosphere throughout which I absolutely loved. It was a fast paced thriller with many twists and turns which definitely surprised me at times. I hadn’t read anything from this author before and wow I can’t wait to read more. Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this great book.

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When I saw #thebuzz about this book at #thepulse I knew I had to jump on this one and I am glad I did!!!

A woman down on her luck gets a job at a remote Key West resort that is opening soon. They don’t know she is hiding her child in her room during the day. She has to keep her a secret for more reasons than you can guess. Then a massive hurricane begins heading straight their way. They will have to fight for their lives….from the hurricane AND the murderer hiding in plain sight at the resort!

I enjoy locked room thrillers and that is exactly what this one was! It is my first by this author but I plan to read more! I flew through this book in a couple of days. I thought I had everything figured out but I was proven wrong! Go pick it up to see what the buzz is all about!


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Literally couldn’t put this book down! Fast paced, lots of twists and turns. Just a great exciting read!

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
She must work she needs the money and a place to stay so when a job opens getting a hotel ready for occupancy she takes it, she sneaks Alice who is 3 years old into their room and tells her to stay there while she works, No one must know she is there. They have run away and hopefully to safety but can she trust anyone? When Alice disappears her world tumbles - she must find her! Who took her? Why? A shocking read!

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4.5 stars for this brilliant read. Charlotte needs to find somewhere to live for her and Alice, plus a job, so when she finds a job advert for a housemaid at a remote Island, she knows she's got to apply. Only problem is, they can't find out she has Alice with her. The lengths Charlotte will go to, to keep Alice safe comes at a cost.

A page turning thriller that keeps you guessing throughout, I really enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to reading more from Shannon.

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for my ARC copy.

I absolutely love a great twist and this one had more than one, making it a great read! I fell in love with an unlikely character that was a bit suspicious and I had my thoughts about him early on and I was correct but there were times when I wasn't so sure about him. Actually, there were a few characters and situations that I was right about in my thinking and there were some that I was so way off on. I truly was on the edge of my seat throughout the book.
This story is full of secrets, what ifs, and jaw dropping, I think I need to re-read that moments. It really keeps you guessing and going back and forth between liking characters and hating them, except for sweet little Alice of course, she's just a child locked in a hiding place all day long, you can't help but love her. Oh and if that's not enough excitement for you let's not forget the major storm coming in.
If you love a good story with lots of good twists, this is a great read for you!

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Special thanks to NetGalley, author Shannon Hollinger and Bookouture publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

This was a fast paced read that felt like a Netflix movie, in a good way. Stranded on an island with a killer has been done before but the author added a character with a troubled past and a big secret.

The whole needing to be saved by the good looking guy could have been revamped because quite honestly I would have given it 5 stars had that part not been in there.

I enjoyed. Charlotte’s character. I loved her growth and seeing her fight for what she wanted (minus the Leo needs to save me 🙄).

There were a few twists that you don’t see coming and given this was my first book by this author I’d like to read more of what she has written.

Overall, 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I love this authors books. this one has it all twisty gripping and an addictive read until the end. Charlotte is hiding with her daughter, and she needs somewhere to stay fast she sees a job for a luxury holiday resort and takes the job. But no one know she has a little girl. she keeps her in her room. the manager Evelyn is not the nicest. she makes a friend their Molly. but there a storm hitting the island and there is a murderer among them Charlotte will do anything to save her and the little girl I so recommend.

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In many ways, this is your typical locked-room mystery. We have an isolated island with very few people on it, but one of them is a killer. There is someone with a huge secret. And as usual in these kinds of books, there is a storm coming in that threatens to take the electricity out and make escape impossible. Though this has all those common locked-room attributes, this is very much a page-turning thriller!

Charlotte is on the run, almost out of money, and carrying the most important thing to her in the world: three-year-old Alice. In a moment of desperation, she applies for a job she sees, hoping it will be a chance to make a bit of money before moving on to the next chapter in her life. It’s a job as a housekeeper at a resort that is about to open, and it comes with room and board. The only problem? She needs to keep Alice a secret. If her evil boss find out she has a child with her, she could lose the job and this chance at escaping her old life. She begins work readying the property for its grand opening, all while hiding Alice in their room, the girl never getting to go out for fresh air or exercise. Just a few paychecks is all she needs though, then they can leave…but before that can happen, Tropical Storm Lilith rears her ugly head.

As the days go on, the storm becomes a hurricane and grows larger - much, much larger. Most of the people working at Sundown Key are optimistic it will turn at the last moment, but eventually it becomes clear that they are directly in the path. Towards the end, the staff still remaining are about to evacuate when they realize it’s too late; the only thing they can do is ride it out and hope for the best. Charlotte goes to her room to comfort Allison and try to live through this nightmare, and that’s when things really start getting intense. The power goes out, a body is found, everyone starts trying to arm themselves, and the hurricane slams down on the century-old building.

This was captivating from page one, and it never let up as the story went along. There is also a backstory that revolves around how Charlotte’s life has ended up in this position, and it’s excellent. While it does contain all of the common locked-room mystery elements I mentioned, it seemed anything but formulaic as it touched on the very serious and heartbreaking backstory. I wish Alice had been in the story more; her character was so endearing! Also, after the third or fourth (or fifth?) time I was reminded that Charlotte is on an island in a hurricane and can’t swim, I knew something would happen surrounding that. These are tiny things though - if you want a heart-racing psychological thriller that you won’t be able to put down, this is your book. 4.5 stars, rounded up.

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Her Hiding Place by Shannon Hollinger. A slow paced start but the story picks up toward the end. An emotional and heartbreaking story with some hard to read scenes about the abuses to children.
Thank you to the author, Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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