Member Reviews

I really liked the premise of this charming love story, but many of the romantic scenes felt underwhelming and rushed, while some of the family scenes seemed to drag on too long. I often found myself skimming or skipping parts because it didn’t hold my attention like other books. I actually enjoyed the first half more, as the plot was developing, compared to the latter half.

A big thank you to NetGalley and the published for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was cute but not the romance I was expecting. Aside from a slooooow burn (I don’t think the romance developed and even shared a kiss u til 80% in)
Overall, sweet but not what I was expecting.

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I enjoyed the heart and humor in this story but the romance felt forced. It is a low spice romcom. The characters have a lot going on and it feels a little chaotic and unresolved. I loved the meet cute and family relationships.

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The story was great! The characters were interesting and so was the plot. There were just a couple things that I didn't love about it.

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I read a lot of rom coms and was looking forward to this cute read. The premise was great, but the plot fell flat about halfway through. The beginning of the story actually gripped me and kept me interested. I enjoyed it at first, but the second half couldn’t hold my interest. I found myself skipping opener the family parts to get to the love story, which was predicable and needed a bit more spice. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review the book.

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I thought this author's talent for storytelling is pretty evident in their writing style, which effortlessly blends humour and heart! The author's clever one-liners added depth and charm to this romantic comedy! I started this book intrigued, the beginning catching my attention right away, but unfortunately the romance didn’t grab me. I felt like for me, the characters personal struggles dominated the narrative and disrupted the emotional connection. However, I also liked how this book really portrayed positive messages throughout it, teaching valuable lessons! This book may not have been my favourite based on my personal preferences, but this authors work really does shine. I know with this authors next books to come I will fall even more in love with them. Congrats to this author and all their hard work! 🤍
Thank you for the read x

-Dual pov
-fake dating
-1 bed
-Instant love then slow burn

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It was a quick, easy read but still heartfelt and funny! The fake dating trope was just the right amount and not too heavy or overwhelming. Although it was fairly predictable, it wasn't an issue for me as it was straight to the point and had no unnecessary slow starts, which I much prefer. Really enjoyed it and would definitely read it again!

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I definitely identified with Jessica's character. I'm also a stressed out woman who could take better care of herself, though luckily I've never passed out as a result. The references to Nashville's landmarks were a little distracting, probably because I live in Nashville, but it was overall a quick and cute read.

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This book was a good read. It was a fast read that was light and funny. The characters were good and a laughed a few times. Thank you for the opportunity to read this arc.

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This was a good book. This is the first time I'd read anything by this author and I liked it a lot. It's a story of 2 people who live in Nashville, Jessica, who is an interior designer and Paul, who is a personal trainer. They meet when Jessica is participating on the fly in a Turkey trot. On Thanksgiving, she passes ouch from undiagnosed heart. Arrhythmia, they have a second chance meeting that same day. And while paul is down to meet up again, Jessica is scared from a bad break up and just wants to be alone and take time. She is busy trying to keep her business above ground. She's uh badass interior designer she ends up at paul's apartment when he needs to find the upgrade to an adult apartment, so to speak and there she finds out.He has an end to get her a huge account insert a fake dating trope here-- there's also a secondary group of characters that I enjoyed, especially Mrs. Worthmore - definitely recommend this book. My only only only small complaint. Because I don't think the cover really matches the feel of the book

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This is cute. I like the idea of her hooking up with a personal trainer and connecting with someone who wants to live a better and healthier life for themselves.

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Rezension zu "DEEPLY PERSONAL" von Suzanne Collier

"DEEPLY PERSONAL" von Suzanne Collier ist eine herzerwärmende, humorvolle und romantische Geschichte über zwei eigenständige, karriereorientierte Menschen, die – ohne es zu planen – die wahre Liebe finden. Der Roman kombiniert humorvolle Interaktionen, das Thema Selbstfürsorge und eine authentische Liebesgeschichte. Die Erzählweise und das langsame Erblühen der Gefühle zwischen Jessica und Paul machen diesen Roman zur idealen Lektüre für Fans von zeitgenössischen Rom-Coms wie Practice Makes Perfect von Sara Adams, Fix Her Up von Tessa Bailey und Set on You von Amy Lea.

Die Handlung: Romantik in Tennessee
Die Geschichte beginnt mit der Karrierefrau Jessica Chandler, einer erfolgreichen, aber gesundheitlich angeschlagenen Innenarchitektin, die mitten in einem Thanksgiving Turkey Trot in Tennessee zusammenbricht. Sie wird von dem attraktiven Personal Trainer Paul Brady gerettet, und der Funke springt sofort über – obwohl keiner der beiden in diesem Moment nach einer Beziehung sucht. Jessica hat, durch ihre Arbeit und das Vernachlässigen ihrer Gesundheit, Herzprobleme entwickelt, doch das „Heilen“ dieses Herzproblems könnte nun symbolisch durch Paul unterstützt werden, der buchstäblich und sprichwörtlich in ihr Leben tritt und ihr beibringt, besser auf sich zu achten.

Die Prämisse, dass sich Jessica und Paul durch ihre beruflichen Fähigkeiten gegenseitig weiterhelfen – sie ihm mit Design-Knowhow und er ihr mit Ratschlägen für einen gesunden Lebensstil – schafft eine natürliche, humorvolle Dynamik. Die Idee des Skill-Swaps ist charmant und führt zu zahlreichen Situationen, die nicht nur ihre beruflichen Stärken zeigen, sondern auch humorvolle Missverständnisse und Missgeschicke. Der Wendepunkt in der Handlung ist ein „Fake-Date“, das Paul vorschlägt, um einen wichtigen Kunden zu beeindrucken. Dieser vermeintlich unromantische Plan führt dazu, dass die Grenzen zwischen beruflichem Interesse und persönlichen Gefühlen zunehmend verschwimmen.

Charakterentwicklung: Echte Menschen mit Ängsten und Hoffnungen
Jessica und Paul sind weit mehr als die typischen Liebesroman-Charaktere. Jessica ist nicht die makellose Karrierefrau, die alles im Griff hat. Ihre Vernachlässigung der eigenen Gesundheit und ihre fast zwanghafte Karrierebesessenheit machen sie glaubwürdig und nahbar, und ihre gesundheitliche Entwicklung und wachsende Selbstfürsorge stehen als Parallele zur romantischen Handlung. Paul hingegen ist ein sportlicher, bodenständiger Mann, dessen Charme zwar offensichtlich ist, der aber, wenn es um sein Zuhause und um sein persönliches Glück geht, noch viel lernen muss. Sein „Man Cave“ ist genauso unvollständig wie einige seiner emotionalen Bereiche, und das lockere, humorvolle Miteinander mit Jessica bietet ihm die Chance, daran zu arbeiten.

Der langsame Aufbau ihrer Beziehung ist ein Highlight des Buches. Collier lässt sich Zeit, die beiden Protagonisten authentisch zusammenwachsen zu lassen, was ein echtes „Slow Burn“-Gefühl erzeugt. Es gibt kein dramatisches Hin und Her, sondern eine allmähliche Entwicklung von Anziehung zu tieferem Verständnis und Liebe. Beide müssen lernen, sich nicht nur beruflich, sondern auch persönlich zu öffnen und zuzulassen, dass sie einander als Partner sehen, der ihnen eine Art der Unterstützung bieten kann, die sie vorher nicht gesucht haben.

Schreibstil und Humor: Leicht, herzlich und mitreißend
Colliers Schreibstil ist leicht, erfrischend und voller Humor, ohne dabei ins Kitschige abzudriften. Die Dialoge zwischen Jessica und Paul sind witzig, spritzig und manchmal auch charmant chaotisch – es sind genau die Art von Unterhaltungen, die man gerne in einer Rom-Com liest. Die Szenen im Fitnessstudio oder bei der Wohnungsgestaltung bieten zahlreiche Momente, in denen die beiden ihre Stärken (und Schwächen) zeigen, und die Chemie zwischen ihnen wird dabei auf wunderbar entspannte Weise aufgebaut.

Die „Fake-Dating“-Episode ist ein besonderes Highlight, das für einige der humorvollsten Szenen im Buch sorgt, während sich die Figuren aus ihrem professionellen Kontext herauswagen und erkennen, dass sie mehr als nur berufliches Interesse aneinander haben. Collier fängt die Mischung aus Komik und Romantik meisterhaft ein, was das Buch gleichzeitig sehr unterhaltsam und berührend macht.

Ein Roman über Selbstakzeptanz und die Liebe
Am Ende ist "DEEPLY PERSONAL" mehr als nur eine Romanze. Es ist eine Geschichte über die Wichtigkeit, für sich selbst zu sorgen und die eigenen Bedürfnisse nicht zu vernachlässigen – sei es körperlich, emotional oder sogar in der Gestaltung des eigenen Zuhauses. Collier stellt dabei nicht nur die Liebesgeschichte in den Mittelpunkt, sondern auch die Reise beider Charaktere zu einem besseren Verständnis ihrer selbst und ihrer Wünsche. Die Botschaft, dass wahre Liebe auch bedeutet, den anderen zu unterstützen und mit ihm zu wachsen, zieht sich durch das gesamte Buch und macht es zu einer herzerwärmenden Lektüre.

Fazit: Die perfekte Rom-Com für ein Lächeln im Alltag
"DEEPLY PERSONAL" ist ein wundervoll geschriebenes Buch, das Charme, Witz und authentische Romantik vereint. Suzanne Collier hat eine romantische Komödie geschaffen, die nicht nur die typischen Klischees des Genres bedient, sondern sie auf erfrischende und humorvolle Weise neu belebt. Für alle, die eine romantische, langsam entstehende Liebesgeschichte mit einem Schuss Humor und viel Herz suchen, ist dieses Buch die perfekte Wahl. Fans von zeitgenössischen Liebesromanen und Rom-Coms sollten "DEEPLY PERSONAL" auf keinen Fall verpassen – es wird sie mit Sicherheit zum Lachen und Träumen bringen.

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📖: Deeply Personal-a standalone

✍️ By: Suzanne Collier-new to me author

📃 Page Count : 285 eBook

🗓️ Publication Date: 10-31-24 | Read 11-5-24

🙏🏾Thanks to NetGalley, Splitrail Publishing, and Suzanne Collier for this ARC 💚! I voluntarily give my honest review, and all opinions expressed are my own.

🌎Setting: Nashville, Tennessee

Genre: Rom-Com/Contemporary Romance, Adult Fic

Tropes: 1-bed/same room, right person/wrong time, fake dating, small town, slow burn, body positivity, closed door/off page sex

☝🏾POV: dual, 3rd person

⚠️TW: death of parents, parental abandonment, alcoholism-not H/h, drug overdose-not H/h

💭Summary: Jessica is a workaholic who doesn't take the best care of herself. At the annual Turkey Trot Run, Jessica almost passes out but a cute blue-eyed guy named Paul helps her. Diagnosed with a heart condition, Jess's doctor tells her to exercise more and change her diet.When she sees Paul again he offers to train with her in exchange for renovating his old, shabby condo. While talking they have Mr. Tom Buchanan in common as Paul is his trainer & friend and Jess is after his business The Buchanan Company. Paul suggests they fake-date and go out to dinner with Buchanan hoping Jess impresses him.

🚺 Heroine: Jessica Chandler-32, runs her own interior design business, Chandler Interiors.Having financial issues, needs customers to pay overdue bills.

🚹 Hero: Paul Brady-33, personal trainer trying to convince g-parents to move to assisted living.

🎭Side cast:

• Lenny-Jessica's twin brother, married w/ 2 kids

• Kristin-Jess's BFF since college

• Tony-Paul's BFF a war veteran now in a wheelchair, a fellow bodybuilder

• Jessica's father-staying in London, devastated when wife left town with another man 15 years ago.

• Paul's grandparents Millie and Ralph-raised Paul after his parents died when he was 11, grandfather introduced bodybuilding to him. Moving into assisted living

• Adam Wright-Jess's ex boyfriend they were together 5 years, and broke up 6 months ago.

• Eva-Paul's ex-girlfriend, they were together 3 years ago, has a son Ethan who Paul was close to. Married to a bodybuilder 1 year later to Max Rodwell.

• Tom and Alice Buchanan-Paul's clients. Jess wants to do business w/ Buchanan

•Mrs. Worthmore-Jess's billionaire client tells Jess about her marriage and taking another chance on love.

🤔My Thoughts: This was a cute rom com with a couple you rooted for. Jessica and Paul were career driven and both had commitment issues after being hurt. I loved Paul's grandparents because they reminded me of my grandmother who was stubborn and hard of hearing when she wanted to be. I couldn't believe the nerve of Adam. Jess became such a boss, and her business was booming. Great HEA too!

Range of emotions: 😬🤔🙄
🌶️: Spice 2/5-kissing/off page sex
😭: Emotion 4/5
❤️: Couple 4/5
⭐️: Rating 4/5

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This one wasn’t for me, I liked the premise but the actual read… the main characters were not memorable or appealing and I didn’t buy into the whole “love” story as they appeared to have no chemistry whatsoever.

The ending felt rushed but perhaps that was just because I was eager to get it over with.

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This book started off with a bang, and ended on a cute note.

All the stuff in between was a light read.

I liked the side characters, but wasn't a fan of some of the main characters interactions/monologues.

Was it predictable? Yes.
Was it cute? Also, yes.

Great read between series/or as something light.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my DRC.

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This was so much fun. It reminded me a lot like Work it Out which I read at the beginning of the year, but in a different font. This was a lot of fun, I do recommend!

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The book had a cute premise, but the blurb and the cover led me to believe he would be her personal trainer and that never happened. I wish there had been more build up and more chemistry between the characters. It went very quickly from meet cute to “I don’t want to date anyone” to “I’m in love” with very little substance in between. I would have loved more from the side characters, like their friends. It had a lot of potential but just fell a little flat. Would definitely give this author another try.

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Unfortunately, this was just an ok read. There were elements from this book that I really enjoyed. Jessica and Paul's initial meeting was hilarious and swoony, like literally quintessential rom com meet cute. I also really liked the side characters; Jessica's relationship with her brother was really sweet and Paul's Pops was a HOOT. But I didn't LOVE the main characters and some of their interactions and inner monologue was awkward/cringey to read. Because of this it was hard to get on board and fall in love with their love story. Thanks Netgalley for the e-ARC!

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Loved that this was a light and fun story. The writing is good and I enjoyed the banter between the two main characters! The Turkey Trot setting was fun for me since I grew up in a city that hosts one each year! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book was cute, and had some funny moments. I wasn’t crazy about the writing style and the switch between first/third person point of view. Overall, it was entertaining though!

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