Member Reviews

This book is very American, and I'm sure very helpful for many. As for someone who's used to almost all breads being vegan, and used a bread machine for years, this wasn't for me. Not a bad book, but recipes weren't quite to my liking.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harvard Common Press for an early copy of this book.
Good selection of recipes with reliable results, I have tried 4 recipes so far and all good - and eaten quickly by vegans and non-vegans alike.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me review this book. This was a fun read full of great recipes. I can’t wait to try the Cajun and babka breads.

The vegan bread machine cookbook focuses on all the how-tos of making vegan bread.
The Sections are
chapter 1: daily loaves
chapter 2: European and Artisan Breads
Chapter 3: Filled and flavored breads
Chapter 4: Gluten-bread vegan breads
Chapter 5: Rolls, buns, and specialty breads
Chapter 6: sweet breads and chocolate breads
Chapter 7: Let's makesome Jam
Each recipe has a little blurb, ingredients, directions, and servings. I wish more of the recipes had photos though most do. There are a ton of delicious recipes to try out.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I love me a good cookbook and a good piece of bread. This book was right up my alley. I've already tried one of the recipes and it tasted delicious! As I've gotten more into the foods I'm eating and what's good for my body, I am always looking for alternatives and better ingredients. This book is perfect for bread lovers, vegan's and anyone wanting to try something new with the bread making process. With the holidays right around the corner this is the perfect gift as well. Cookbooks are the gifts that keep on giving!

The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook : Splendid Plant-Based and Dairy-Free Vegan Breads. There are 65 recipes in this book ranging from everyday loaves to the more sophisticated, and lots of bread based products such as muffins, waffles and scones. The sweet breads are my favourite, and the pictures with each recipe really help. It is a very useful book as shop bought vegan products tend to be very expensive. More importantly, by making it yourself you are in control of the ingredients and you know exactly what is in it. Overall a really good book.

The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook: Splendid Plant-Based and Dairy-Free Vegan Breads by Shane Martin is such a great book! I have followed Shane's Facebook page, Shane and Simple, for a while now and his recipes have been quite good. I saved so many recipes from this book to try! I have had a bread maker for many years but have never actually cooked bread in it. I just use it for kneading dough. I can't wait to use Shane's recipes to actually make some bread entirely in my bread machine.
Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group, Harvard Common Press, and NetGalley for a review copy of this book.

These bread recipes all line the m delicious! I’m allergic to dairy and always on the lookout for good dairy free recipes. I’m inspired to pull out my bread machine again!

Introduction was casual and fun to read. Each chapter had a description to give you more information. I tried the English Muffin Bread recipe. It was a little shaggy when kneading, but a little more flour fixed that. The loaf was very tasty with the proper nooks and crannies! The photographs are educational both in how the crusts should look and in shaping the bread if you are not baking it in the bread machine. Recommending to my friends and family who like to bake. I will be trying many more of these recipes to find just the right ones for the upcoming holidays.

I got a bread machine for Christmas two years ago and have used it a lot, but have a limited selection of vegan recipes. I've made some of Shane's blog recipes in the past and was excited to see he did a vegan bread book so I could get some new ideas!
I love that photos are included for almost every recipe and enjoyed the expert tips on how to bake the best bread. I was not prepared for so many of the recipes to use vegan butter though which was disappointing since I don't use that and there weren't substitutions offered. However, I have a couple recipes picked out and will be making the Cranberry Pecan Rosemary Bread soon so that I can test it out before Thanksgiving dinner.
Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Such a cool book for people with bread machines! I have been meaning to buy myself one, and I might have to do it now! I especially enjoyed the "Filled and flavored breads" part, and can't wait to try the vegan parmesan garlic bread and cranberry pecan rosemary bread. There are lots of yummy recipes in this book, and I want to try them all!

This is the first vegan bread - machine bread - cookbook that I have come across and read, and it is much needed.
I liked how the recipes are versatile and the approach to breadmaking is rich.
The book covers savoury, gluten-free and sweet recipes, as well as some traditional breads.
The design and layout are user and baker friendly.

After finally being able to open this book on my phone, I was able to look at it.
I am vegan and I own and use my bread machine often. I will definitely be getting a physical copy or e-copy for my Kindle.
Beautiful cookbook. I see lots of tasty breads I'm going to be making.
Thanks for the opportunity to view this.

I had no idea you could make so many different breads in the bread machine. Mine came with a small, basic recipe/instruction book.
I wish it had come with this book. I am not Vegan, I have Crohn’s Disease and can’t have a lot of the same foods, though. My entire family is vegan and they were delighted to hear about this book.
Great photos, easy to understand recipes, with readily available ingredients.
I would use all of them. Great book.
NetGalley/ Quarto Publishing/ Harvard Common Press
November 19, 2024

Some good recipes here, covering all the basic and interesting bread concepts - wholly vegan. The french bread in chapter one was upside down - don't know if that was an issue on my end, or the books. Never thought about peanut butter bread, or chocolate breads, so it has expanded my bread recipes a lot!

I have been on the hunt for recipes that are diary free and I have finally found this cookbook which offers so many options and flavours available. Easy to follow instructions. Highly recommend.

Quick Summary: The perfect gift for me
My Review: The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook Splendid Plant-Based and Dairy-Free Vegan Breads by Shane Martin is a 2024 release.
About the Book: “Leave behind the expensive store-bought vegan breads and discover the incredible flavors and aromas of nutritious, plant-based breads you can make quickly at home in your bread machine.
If you are vegan, you know how hard it is to find affordable and tasty vegan breads in stores—because so many breads and flavored breads contain animal products like milk, eggs, and butter. You have probably also had little luck finding plant-based bread recipes for home bread-baking. Popular vegan blogger Shane Martin, who blogs at Shane and Simple, wrote the pathbreaking cookbook Baking Vegan Bread at Home to solve both of those challenges for bread-baking in the oven. Now, in his second book, Shane shows how you can make extraordinary plant-based breads conveniently and easily in the bread machine.
The 65 recipes in this volume range from family-friendly everyday sandwich loaves, such as whole wheat, white, oat bran, and sourdough, to elegant European-style breads like Italian ciabatta and focaccia and French boules. They include:
Quick breads like scones, waffles, and muffins
Lunchbox breads the kids—and grownups!—will love
Filled breads loaded with veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegan cheese, chocolate, and more
Holiday breads for year-round celebrations
Rustic bakery-style artisan breads
In addition to the feast of delectable recipes, Shane includes lots of expert tips on how to get the best performance from your bread machine, especially when working with vegan ingredients.
With this book in hand, you will never be happier that you own a bread machine, and you will find a lifetime of delicious ideas for incredibly healthy and easy-to-make plant-based breads.”
My Final Say: Color me happy! This well timed vegan cookbook is my new happy place. It is a treasure trove of recipes, instructional approaches, and yummy pictures to make the food come alive. I want a hard copy of this in my home library yesterday. I’ll sum up everything by saying zucchini bread. 😋 I cannot tell you how long I have been waiting for a simple recipe for that!
Other: This book has inspired me to finally get my bread machine off the shelf. I can smell the joy coming. Thank you!!!
Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: All
Status: Nonfiction
Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Note: This is the perfect anytime gift that will keep on giving.
Sincere appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher, and to NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to review this title in exchange for an honest critique.

Rezension zu The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook von Shane Martin
Shane Martin gelingt mit The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook ein wunderbar praktisches und inspirierendes Werk, das das Backen von veganen Broten zu Hause neu definiert. Für alle, die eine Brotmaschine besitzen und sich vegan ernähren, bietet dieses Buch eine fantastische Auswahl an Rezepten, die es möglich machen, einfach und schnell köstliche, pflanzenbasierte Brote ohne tierische Produkte zu backen. Besonders für Menschen, die Schwierigkeiten haben, im Handel vegane Brote ohne Milch, Eier oder Butter zu finden, ist dieses Buch ein Segen.
Vielfalt und Abwechslung in den Rezepten
Mit 65 Rezepten deckt das Buch eine beeindruckende Bandbreite an Brotvariationen ab – von klassischen Alltagsbroten wie Vollkorn- und Weißbrot bis hin zu gehobenen europäischen Spezialitäten wie Ciabatta, Focaccia und französischen Boules. Der Autor berücksichtigt dabei die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen des Alltags: So finden sich Rezepte für schnelle Brote, wie Scones und Muffins, die sich ideal für spontane Backvorhaben eignen, ebenso wie Sandwichbrote für den täglichen Bedarf und gefüllte Brote mit veganen Käsesorten, Gemüse, Nüssen, Samen und sogar Schokolade.
Für Familien mit Kindern bietet Martin Rezepte, die auch für Lunchboxen geeignet sind und sicherlich den Geschmack der Kleinen treffen. Besonders spannend ist die Auswahl an Broten für Feiertage und besondere Anlässe, die perfekt sind, um Freunde und Familie mit etwas Besonderem zu überraschen. Diese Festtagsbrote machen das Buch nicht nur zu einer Ressource für den Alltag, sondern auch für besondere Momente.
Klare Anleitungen und hilfreiche Tipps
Martin versteht, dass das Backen mit veganen Zutaten manchmal etwas Fingerspitzengefühl erfordert, vor allem wenn es um Konsistenz und Aufgehen des Teigs geht. Seine langjährige Erfahrung als veganer Blogger und Rezeptentwickler für pflanzenbasierte Ernährung zeigt sich in den präzisen und benutzerfreundlichen Anleitungen. Zu Beginn des Buches widmet Martin sich den Grundlagen des Brotbackens mit der Brotmaschine und erklärt, wie man die besten Ergebnisse erzielt, wenn man vegane Zutaten verwendet.
Seine Tipps umfassen Hinweise zur Anpassung der Backzeiten und Temperaturen für die verschiedenen Brotsorten, die Wahl der richtigen Mehle und Bindemittel sowie Tricks für das perfekte Kneten und Aufgehen des Teigs. Besonders für Leser, die noch keine Erfahrung mit veganem Brotbacken in der Maschine haben, ist dies eine wertvolle Unterstützung.
Warum dieses Buch heraussticht
Was The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook besonders auszeichnet, ist Martins Augenmerk auf Geschmack und Textur, die bei vielen gekauften veganen Broten oft zu wünschen übrig lassen. Die Rezepte im Buch sind nicht nur vegan, sondern auch auf gesundheitsbewusste Art und Weise zusammengestellt: Martin verwendet Vollkornmehl, Haferkleie und andere ballaststoffreiche Zutaten, die das Brot nicht nur schmackhaft, sondern auch nährstoffreich machen. Sein kreativer Einsatz von pflanzlichen Füllungen und Toppings sorgt für geschmackliche Abwechslung, sodass jedes Brot einen eigenen Charakter und Geschmack hat.
Ansprechende und motivierende Gestaltung
Die Präsentation des Buches ist ebenfalls ein Highlight. Die Fotos der verschiedenen Brote und Backwaren sind appetitlich und einladend, was das Buch nicht nur als Rezeptquelle, sondern auch als ästhetischen Genuss wirken lässt. Sie vermitteln das Gefühl, dass das Backen mit der Brotmaschine mehr ist als nur eine einfache Küchenaufgabe – es wird zur Möglichkeit, gesunde und kreative Backkreationen zu erschaffen, die die ganze Familie genießen kann.
Fazit: Ein Muss für vegane Bäcker mit Brotmaschine
The Vegan Bread Machine Cookbook von Shane Martin ist eine wertvolle Ergänzung für jede Küche, die auf vegane Ernährung setzt. Es ist nicht nur ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk für Brotrezepte, sondern auch ein inspirierender Leitfaden, der zeigt, wie vielseitig und köstlich pflanzliche Brote sein können. Martin beweist, dass die Brotmaschine mehr als nur eine zeitsparende Hilfe ist – sie ist ein Tor zu einer Welt an aromatischen, nährstoffreichen und tierfreien Backkreationen, die selbst Backanfänger leicht umsetzen können.
Für alle, die ihre Ernährung nachhaltig gestalten und dennoch auf nichts verzichten möchten, ist dieses Buch eine hervorragende Wahl. Es bietet eine wunderbare Auswahl an Rezepten für alle Gelegenheiten und gibt gleichzeitig das nötige Wissen an die Hand, um das Potenzial der Brotmaschine voll auszuschöpfen.

I am not vegan, but this book has quite a few interesting recipes, some of which are also gluten free. There are a lot of photos, but not all of the breads are pictured. I was particularly intrigued by the cornbread made in a bread machine, and I was sorry that there was no photo. Each recipe seemed to make a 2 pound loaf. I prefer bread machine books that give options for different size loaves. Not all bread machines are the same, and it would be inconvenient to have to convert a recipe for your machine (or because you just want a smaller loaf). The recipes sometimes refer to machine settings that are not available on my bread machine, so I imagine that some experimentation with settings would be required. If you are a strict vegan I think the book would be worth a try. I might even try some of the recipes using real butter and cheese.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.

I love Shane Martin's recipes online, and I also signed up to receive emails from him. He is a very talented chef and I can't wait until he comes out with more cookbooks of his recipes because I would prefer a print copy to the current digital format, where there are few methods of keeping my printed pages neat.
If you love bread, and who among us doesn't? Shane's two current bread cookbooks are worth picking up. While I prefer vegan recipes, I'm sure you can easily change them up to fit your diet. This book is drool worthy, and definitely worth getting a copy of.
While this is a vegan cookbook, the recipes contain vegan butters and oils, so if you are whole food plant based no oil, take that into consideration.