Member Reviews

I felt really conflicted on my review of this book - I enjoyed parts of it, especially the beginning when Brenda describes how her and her husband got tied up in the industry but found the writing to be repetitious and superfluous. There were multiple times where the writing was all over the place and I had to try and remember what previously happened.

This book was interesting but I think there needs to be some further editing and continuity considerations.

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I thought this was a really interesting read. It was unique and felt like a few different stories in one. I really enjoyed the beginning and middle. It was fascinating reading about the story with the basement and the cocaine, I could hardly put it down. Overall I preferred the beginning and middle and found it to be stronger. I felt the tone of the book shift towards the end and peter out as the story wound down.

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*Rating for NetGalley*

Feeling conflicted cause I am not sure how to rate biographies/memoirs that I don't feel strongly about.

The first part was super intriguing, but something about the rest of the book, mainly the writing and wording of certain things, felt a bit off.

Thank you to NetGalley for the digital copy of this book.

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*** I DON'T RATE MEMOIRS *** but for review submission requirements 5 ⭐️

This was a such an intense read!❤️‍🩹
Describing it as "fans of breaking bad" is so accurate in the most heartbreaking way possible

"I wanted to be like no woman Philip has met or ever would meet. I wanted to be the one he couldn’t live without. I’ve reinvented myself; a woman who does almost anything he wants whether it’s adventurous, dangerous, sexual, or illegal, but I’ve done more than that. I’m complicit in a drug lab"

This memoir had me from the first page if I'm honest, the wording, the emotions in the introduction to the memoir were intriguing

Another aspect that I loved about this book is that it reads like a thriller which as a thriller reader this was a bonus so in a sense this memoir is gripping, not the usual type of feel you get when reading a memoir

"He described our relationship: This is my train, and you’re welcome to ride it. If at any time you don’t like the destination, you’re free to get off, but you won’t find a better ride anywhere", I'm driven by this low-grade fear that I might be asked to get off at the next stop. Everything I do is because ofand for him since the day we started seeing one another"

This is one of those reads that will stay with me! A truly inspiring story of survival, strength and hope!

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