Member Reviews
This is a fascinating book of which half is a potted history of the origins of tarot cards and their journey from objects of status to gaming cards to the divination cards we know today. The second half is the author's own interpretation of the twenty-two cards of the major arcana based on her Marseilles tarot deck. The first half is useful to everyone who is even remotely interested in the cards. It's clear and fascinating and gives you lots of other references and ideas to chase if you want to explore the background more deeply. The second half is incredibly subjective and I think works best read against other interpretations, so you can make your own mind up what you think the cards represent. As a long term tarot reader myself I found all of the author's ideas stimulating and interesting but they do not always gel with my reading of the cards. I will however, have her ideas floating around in my head the next time I read for someone and you never know when what she thinks will be exactly what I want and need to say to the querent.