Member Reviews

Back in October of 2024 I was at FantasyCon, I had a slot where there were no panels I wanted to attend to I stumbled into an epic fantasy reading where I listened to a debut author read the prologue of her upcoming release. That prologue lived rent free in my head rent free for months and I could wait to get my hand on the book, that prologue was from A Song of Legends Lost, and oh boy did this live up to the hype I generated in my own head.

This multi-POV epic fantasy debut is a tale of revenge and rebellion inspired by many pre-colonial tribes from the Middle East and Asia. With a beautifully diverse cast of character if you are looking to diversify your reading look no further than A Song of Legends Lost. Not only do we have the incredible non-western inspired world we also have LGBTQ+ representation seamlessly woven throughout the cast. On top of that I need to take a moment to talk about the *clears throat* STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS.

Usually in a multi-POV story I find there is always one POV that I seem to gloss over and become uninterested in, however the way in which the POVs have been split up between the parts of the book was so well done that in every chapter something important was happening. Everything was relevant and there was no padding out of the story so make the book more fantasy tome(ish), an issue I’m seeing with more and more debuts in the epic fantasy space. The lack of filler made this a thoroughly enjoyable fast paced read, that made the stakes always seem high.

Finally, the magic system, the blend of the ancestral magic and techwork is an intriguing blend of sci-fi and fantasy, feeling both familiar and innovative at the same time. The techwork in particular is unlike anything I have personally read. The invoking of the ancestors is awesome, and I couldn’t help but think I’d love to see this on the big screen as I was reading.

All this combined made A Song of Legends Lost a breath of fresh air in a genre that while I love with my whole heart is becoming a bit stale in terms of innovation. I cannot recommend this enough and am waiting so impatiently for book 2.

Thank you to NatGalley and Orbit Books UK for an ARC copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Fantastic start loving the story. The magic system is an interesting take and love the idea behind the grey bloods .
I am invested in the POV characters and like how each chapter is dedicated to one of them. I haven't quite finished but looks forward to the end and the follow up books thank you M.H. Ayinde for my first ARC and for writing such a wonderful book #ASongofLegendsLost #NetGalley.

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This book has filled the gaping holes that the Throne of Glass and Game of Thrones series have left in my heart. A plethora of characters whom we follow and love throughout the start of this epic fantasy of rebellion and revenge.

A Song of Legends Lost follows the stories of a shunned General's son, a fierce lowblood, a rebellious monk, a traumatised Captain, and a morally grey pauper. In the Nine Lands, only those of highblood can summon the spirits of the ancestors to fight in a centuries long war with the Greybloods. That is until a lowblood invokes a powerful spirit which could hold the key to ending the war and unravel the world as it was once known. The contrast between all of these characters was so beautiful. I particularly loved the dichotomy between two funeral scenes showing one character's loving family and the other's unloving cold family. I had my heart in my mouth in so many scenes as Ayeinde unravels her complex, fantastical world. Temi has my heart and I feel would be an excellent friend. Runt was such an exciting character to read and I cannot wait to see her develop and see how she fits as the story progresses. I can't say more without spoiling!

This novel unravelled so wonderfully and wickedly - just when I thought I knew what was coming, the path shifted and new facts emerged. At the 50% mark I vividly remember going "Oh shit, it was all a lie!" And proceeded to have "Oh shit" moments going on from there right until the last page!

Those epilogues have me in a chokehold, and now I am patiently waiting for the second book. I really can't wait to learn more about the Greybloods and their origin. I also can't wait to know more about Aan's kin and what they stand for. M. H. Ayeinde is an epic contender in the fantasy space and I cannot wait to read more of her work! Watch out Sanderson and Martin, Ayeinde is incoming!

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epic fantasy could be so back. what an ambitious debut, and i'm so glad it was this ambitious because it was so impeccably done. in awe of the skill on display here, from the prose to the worldbuilding to the character work to the sheer breadth of it all - it's so pleasant as a reader to be able to appreciate all the hard work that went in a project this big (in length but also in range).

i really loved the entire concept of the book from the get go, but i was so happy to discover that the story takes it much farther than i thought it might, and doesn't deny itself the depth it deserves. it asks questions and then relentlessly asks more, never satisfying itself with an easy answer, constantly wanting to do more and go just a little bit further. there's a lot of moving pieces in this, it's very impressive to see m. h. ayinde move them around while keeping track of them all and (crucially!) without leaving the reader fighting for their lives trying to remember everyone's names. don't be spooked like i was by the very long list of characters at the beginning, it's actually very pleasantly easy to dive into. it took me a while to read through it, which makes sense considering its size, but i don't feel like i had to sludge through a really long set up. the pacing is what you'd expect from the genre, yet there's such energy in the writing and different povs that it doesn't drag, i found myself going back to it easily and excitedly.

another thing i was pleasantly surprised by is how much i cared for each pov (almost) equally. usually there's always this character or that in fantasy books with so many povs that will fail to get me and feel more like something i have to get through than chapters i'm excited for, and i'm happy to report that i was deeply invested with every character and found the merging of their narratives at the end very satisfying. the themes of class, power and legacy are sooo refreshing as well, i love when a monarchy doesn't go unchallenged (too many fantasy books are way too comfortable with having kings in there). even in those more black and white conflicts (yes kings should be decapitated), i really had fun with the greyness of it all. the book pulls no punches and doesn't try to have its characters avoid consequences even when they are correct which again. much too rare in the recent fantasy i've read. its reversal of certain tropes (ancient civilization vs technology) is also a delight, and the uniqueness of the worldbuilding + constant striving to do even more than just reverse is one of this book's biggest strengths. it has many :-)

highly recommend this! also need to talk about horizon zero dawn with m. h. ayinde asap!!!

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Thank you netgalley for this arc to read and review honestly, all thoughts are my own.

A song of legends lost is an epic fantasy and science fiction blend where 9 noble tribes of spirit invokers battle technological foes called "graybloods" to protect their home. The world is large and feels lived in with diverse cultures and queernormative language, I even spotten neopronouns! An often forgotten part of queer identity. Its a book that everyone can find themselves in.

S.O.L.L is a multipov book that utilizes its different points of view cleverly, showing us perspectives from different social classes and occupations. Temi, a girl from a rundown part of her city living with her large multigenerational family getting by with their bakery and providing lifesaving tech to their customers, we follow her journey with being discovered! Jinao, a man of noble blood who has failed to bond with his ancestor and therefore cannot summon him and his spiritual journey after a tragedy in his family. Elari, the spouse of an invoker and the captain of his quartet, who deals with the disapearence of her invoker and the aftermath. Boleo, a monk with a curious facination with the forbidden illegal tech and his story after a big discovery. And finally Runt, a peasant girl working for a wealthy crime family in exchange for scraps trying to keep her sick brother alive while guarding a treasure she recieved from her mysterious father.

Not only that but the book also uses these perspectives to build tension by knowing when to cut away and even leave out a POV for the entire middle section of a book, which was particularly painful. Its a book full of plottwists that never leave you feeling lost. The only downside for me is that I now have to wait for book two. And that the list of characters in the begining really should include family trees for these large families. For your readers sake, please. Any extra characters unrelated by blood could still be in a seperate list format.

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My thanks to NetGalley and Little Brown Book Group for a free DRC of "A Song of Legends Lost" by M. H Ayinde.
This was my most anticipated Adult Fantasy Debut of 2025.
The African inspired setting and the ability to summon the ancestors in battle were fascinating
However I feel like I was drowning in the multitude of characters, five A4 pages of my notebook and the unnecesary descriptions of what everyone is wearing or drinking at funereal rites that were completely unnecesary.
I feel so bad for this author as she is highly creative and a nice person, but I need to be honest.
I blame the editor that should have kindly trimmed the excess fat of this novel.
With the right imput this 640 pages could have easily been the best debut of 2025 in around 400 pages.
I might return to the novel at some point as it had some potential, or maybe wait for the author's next project and hope she will get a better editor that is not afrad to take the neccesary steps.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. Enjoyed this one, although it is not an easy read. There are many POV's which normally I don't have any problem with, but in this book the POV chapters for certain characters were very far apart which made it harder to become immersed again in their story. Aside from this, there was a lot to enjoy here, within a rich complex story. There are two highlights regarding the magic system - the first being how unique it is and the second the complex relationship with technology. There are still has a lot of unanswered questions, and I do wish some of these had been explored more or better explained, but I will still pick up the next book in the series!

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⤷ 4.25✩
Thanks to Orbit for providing me with the E-ARC via NetGalley.

A Song of Legends lost is an epic multi-pov fantasy story. It is incredibly engaging and does a lot of work regarding world building and character arcs. However, this has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, the book features many povs. Throughout the story you follow five characters, with a switch in perspective each chapter. This often made it difficult to recall what was happening to each character and thus to follow the intricacies of the story. Therefore it was hard to pick up certain story threads.

The large cast of main and side characters also posed a challenge considering following those threads. All of the character arcs are strong, but some were way more entertaining than others. The arcs of Temi, Runt and Jinao were ones I looked forwards to, while I cared less for Elari or Boleo.

The large and diverse cast contributes to a wide world with complex issues and great potential. Every chapter is a smaller puzzle piece of the larger whole. This makes the narrative more interesting, because you can already sense potential of how everything could come together perfectly, but again, specifics of these puzzle pieces are challenging to follow and remember.

A huge plus is the cultural aspect of the worldbuilding. The world is very unique and the magic system incredibly interesting. Overall, I greatly enjoyed the book, but you just need to be aware- It requires some serious brain power to keep up with the details!

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a song of legends lost being my first 5 star book in months should speak volumes on how much i enjoyed it!

i received an arc on netgalley in exchange for my review, but my opinions are completely my own.

i'll start with the negatives because that's what i have the least to say about:

i don't know if it was an issue with me or if the pacing was complicated in the beginning, but it took me a good deal of time to get through the first 50% of this books. i could tell i was enjoying it, but the multi povs was confusing me, and we didn't spend enough time with each character to get attached to them. this got solved later on, though.

now with the positives:

i enjoyed some characters straight away and found it devastating when they disappeared for hundreds of pages but i realise now that it served the plot. everything the author wrote was intentional.

other characters had to grow on me but it's proof of their growth, not everyone is likeable at first glance.

i found the world building so incredibly intricate and well thought out. even when you think you've gotten the hang of it, you discover something that completely changes your view on the world the author crafted. for this, i applaud her.

i'm so grateful i got to read this first instalment early, but that means i have to wait a few months before everyone else discovers this little gem, and even longer for me to read the sequel! i'm so excited for what m.h. ayinde has in store for us!

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3 - 3.5 ⭐

Thank you Netgalley for the e-ARC!

Here is my honest opinion:

I'll start by saying that the idea is quite cool and the setting really interesting. I liked the magic and creatures. It's slow paced and it takes a while to get captivated by the story. Sadly, it didn't click with me. The book itself was very long, yet little happened. I had high hope and the story had a lot of potential. Maybe the next book will be better.

The book has multiple POVs, so as a reader you get to see the events from different angles. I liked the characters.

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MH Ayinde’s A Song of Legends Lost is an breathtaking debut that delivers a compelling mix of action, intrigue, and emotional depth. With its rich world-building, multiple character perspectives, and a unique magic system, this novel is a eye catching entry into the epic fantasy genre.

The structure of A Song of Legends Lost unfolds through multiple POV characters spread across different locations and social strata in the Nine Lands, each navigating their own struggles—whether it be a hardscrabble survival in the slums, uncovering lost histories while trying to enjoy meals close to retirement, or mastering combat while dealing with parental emotional abuse as a spare heir. Their individual narratives gradually converge into a larger, grander conflict, revealing how even the most disparate figures are insignificant pieces in a much greater game.

Each character is compelling in their own way, embodying different types of conflict—personal, societal, and existential. The novel masterfully examines unchecked privilege, exploitation, and the stark divide between the elite and the destitute, delivering sharp social commentary that resonates well beyond its fantasy setting.

The magic in A Song of Legends Lost is one of its greatest strengths. It intertwines tradition and technology, where some characters wield the power of ancestral spirits, while remnants of forbidden ancient technology lurk in the background, demonized by religious doctrine. The ruling houses wield unique powers tied to generational knowledge, trauma, and duty, grounding the magic in cultural and communal legacies. This blend of arcane mysticism and lost technology adds depth to the novel’s world and its conflicts.

The pacing of the novel is deliberate, immersing readers in the world before accelerating into full momentum. The book is structured in distinct parts, corresponding to major events, and introduces new POVs as the story progresses. While this may feel disorienting at times, it ultimately adds to the richness of the narrative. Some aspects of the world-building are meticulously detailed, while others remain tantalizingly elusive—hopefully to be explored in later installments.

With themes of rebellion, betrayal, stolen history and the blurred line between history and myth, A Song of Legends Lost is a remarkable debut. Ayinde’s writing is vivid and engaging, bringing to life a world teeming with political intrigue, supernatural forces, and deeply human struggles. While it embraces many epic fantasy hallmarks, it also introduces elements of science fiction through its technology-infused magic system, making it a refreshingly unique addition to the genre.

For fans of character-driven fantasy with high stakes and a richly immersive world, A Song of Legends Lost is an absolute must-read. With its vast scope and ambitious storytelling, this debut signals the arrival of an exciting new voice in fantasy, and I can’t wait to see how the series unfolds.

ARC provided by NetGalley, Orbit Books, and the author in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the eARC - opinions are my own

I absolutely loved this book! If I had to compare it to something I'd say it's a mix of the world and atmosphere of Horizon: Zero Dawn (the videogame) and the theme of heritage and lineage from The spear cuts through water, two pieces of media I absolutely love.

There are multiple POVs here that at first seem very seperated from each other but then get woven together so beautifully and it's so satisfying.

The different characters definetly have their own defined voices and they are very different and diverse.

I loved the theme of fallen civilizations and how history is remembered and the world building came together slowly and is executed so well.

The writing is really good especially during the fight scenes and I loved the descriptions of people and places, the images in my head were very vivid with this book

The only critique that I could come up with is that there isn't really a huge climax/end of an arc at the end of this book. The ending is really open and it's all a big setup for the series and while it left me being really hyped and excited for book 2 I can see how this could bother some people.

I am left blown away by this book, still thinking about it days after I finished and am really sad that I now have to wait for so long to read book 2.

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Oh my GOD. Temi, my GIRL! Jinao, badass. Runt, JEEEEESUS.

To summarise without too much detail. We follow multiple povs through the build up and beginning of a huge war with the human and ancestral realm. The LIES! The action! The twists! Nothing is what it seems.

I started this slow as I knew I'd devour the remaining 40% and didn't I just.

What I loved most about this story was that I understood EVERYTHING. I get nervous reading action packed fantasy as I worry stories and characters would blend and get mixed up but everything was CRYSTAL CLEAR.

God, I'm so excited for people to pick this up in April!

Thank you Orbit and Netgalley for the ARC and thank YOU M. H. Ayinde for a fantastic book I am already impatient to read the sequel to!

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Now this is the kind of epic fantasy I can get behind!

- a great cast of complex, nuanced characters
- multiple POVs told in the third person
- fantastic and detailed world-building
- a very cool magic system
- solid, solid writing

The scope of this book - especially for a debut! - is massive, with so much plot, world, history, and characters jammed into its many pages. It hits a lot of buttons of epic fantasy, but also has a bit of a sci-fi side, with the magic system and techwork. Captivating and original, I'm very excited to see the whole story come together across the series.

Thank you to the publisher, Orbit, and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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An exhilarating epic fantasy, A Song of Legends Lost delivers an unrelenting ride of action, intrigue, and emotional depth. Set in the Nine Lands, where only those of noble blood can summon ancestral spirits to fight in battle, the story follows Temi, a commoner from the slums who accidentally invokes a powerful spirit. What begins as a mistake soon becomes a dangerous revelation—Temi may hold the key to ending a centuries-old war, but the power she’s unleashed could be more destructive than anyone realizes. Ayinde masterfully blends elements of rebellion, betrayal, and spirit-driven conflict in a world where the line between history and myth is perilously thin. With rich world-building, a compelling protagonist, and stakes that grow ever higher, this debut novel is a whirlwind of ferocious talent that will captivate readers from start to finish. A Song of Legends Lost is a must-read for fans of high-stakes fantasy, featuring a truly unique and thrilling world that promises much more to come.

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A Solid 3.7/5
The book is slow—not boring or tedious—simmering like a fine, flavorful broth you are patiently waiting for. Ten chapters in I found the author still setting up plots, characters and the world, quite an expected phenomenon in the genre/the first of a series. However, the story hooks the reader immediately with the feeling of, “There is going to be a massive explosion at the end of the tunnel, a satisfying catharsis.” Every new information, new character/setting (there are a few events occurring simultaneously) feels like solving a mystery, a sense of intrigue – the key being wound tighter and tighter.
There is the underdog shoved amid a world of magic/ chaos that they want nothing to do with except what they need from it to survive, between superstitious beliefs and survival they have to choose the later.
We have our accidental hero, the chosen one, my second favorite pov to read about. The offspring of privilege and a spare lordling, forced to be quiet about their own parental emotional abuse in the name of status.
Last but not least is our middle-aged priest Ngbali who just wants to enjoy his food in peace. For he has seen, heard and done too much in his long life to care about trivial skirmishes (almost all things are trivial skirmishes to him at this point until it is not). Dry humor on point, one is bound to love him.
The magic system is one of the most unique that I have seen in a while. There is ancestral bonding, powers granted to the nine ruling houses, riding on the undercurrent of generational experiences/ duties and trauma -things well documented in community-based cultures. There is also ancient technology (this is evil as taught by priests, the believed root of every blight in this world) and both of intertwine.
At its core this is a story about unchecked privilege born of exploitation, of corruption so deep seated that the lower end of the society could not even fathom the existence of the upper echelons. A tale of the top 1% and the dirty, blood-stained money we are all too well acquainted with. Or, the cost of power and the toll it takes on family. The characters pull at your heartstrings, the helplessness they embody despite having talent, each character is representative of a unique form of conflict. The author does an exceptional job of conveying “certain vibes” (for the lack of better words) people may give off quite well. The good, the bad, the manipulative, the ulterior motives her characters have, shine—almost life like. If you are the kind of reader that enjoys a good character arc and immersive reading be assured your blood will bubble over for people are rarely black and white, and your heart will weep for those that stayed for only a short while (‘the could have been’ moment we all sigh at).
Once the author is done winding her readers up with consistent glimpses of her world, she picks up pace and gets going! The story is told in parts corresponding to events and timeframes which leads to new ‘pov’ characters being introduced in the middle, something that may be tad disorienting for readers, and would require some amount of concentration and mental note of where what is; I did not find it too be too much of a pause in the flow. Certain descriptions of things, worldbuilding laws and ‘how to’s’ were explained well, while certain others left me in want of more description. However, this is only the first book and hopefully the answers will unfold in time.
Overall, a great new addition to the genre, with a fresh new world inspired from pre-colonial cultures which is where its magic system sits right at home.

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This is the first book in a series and is very wide ranging. It is understood that only those of noble birth can call on their ancestors to help them particularly in battle. However, as is often the case, whatever is widely believed and understood, might not be the reality. This book opens with a priest investigating a large Blackglass relic, the cursed remains of a civilisation best forgotten. Priests are seen as those necessary to sanitise such relics so that they don't harm anyone. It is interesting that, despite being a relic, it appears that someone may have emerged from it very recently… From here we come across Temi as she encounters someone who "is not a witch". The outcome of this is interesting and leaves Temi with a follower who may look like a cat but isn't one. I was intrigued!

There are four fairly sizable parts to this book and in each part there are chapters taking the views of various main characters. The story is basically linear however because it is spread over a number of characters (and over 4 parts) I did find it hard sometimes to pick up the threads again. There are quite a few places and concepts involved in this. Some of the characters in this book I really found interesting and wanted to journey with. Temi is unquestionably one of them. Runt and maybe Boleo would also be in that category. A few of the others characters I never really got into and that made their parts of the narrative feel slow.

The world building here is massive. Possibly helpfully there is a cast list at the start that lists various characters including those from the seven clans. In general large cast lists leave me a little worried that I might not keep track of people well enough and that was definitely the case here. All in all some of this was really interesting and well done. But for me there was just too much and quite a few parts simply left me wanting to get back to characters I liked. It really felt so vast and varied I think it was a bit much for me in all honesty. That said it is very well worked out and planned and does have some great ideas and good characters.

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Thank you to Orbit and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced reader's copy.

Winner of the 2021 Future World Prize, A Song of Legends Lost by M. H. Ayinde is an epic fantasy novel I’ve had my eye on for quite some time. I was thrilled to finally receive a copy ahead of its April 2025 release.

This novel is challenging to summarize. The book’s structure and world-building evoke comparisons to A Song of Ice and Fire, as we explore the world through the perspectives of various characters situated in different locations. We witness their daily lives and challenges, from surviving in the slums to uncovering secrets about history and religion, to learning how to connect with ancestors and wielding the art of combat. The stories are as diverse as the characters themselves, with an overarching plot gradually coming into focus, making them pawns in a larger-than-life narrative. I will not say much about the latter as I think it is best to go blind and make your own mind.

The magic system is one of the novel's greatest strengths. Tradition and technology are seamlessly intertwined; some characters have the ability to summon their ancestors—spirits of past "warriors"—while remnants of ancient technology can either aid or pose a threat. I especially appreciated how M. H. Ayinde introduces spiritual principles through the story, allowing the characters to examine, critique, or even reject them. This makes the spiritual themes come alive, as we, along with the characters, wrestle with their doubts and questions.

Ultimately, my biggest challenge with this novelis expressing just how much I loved it. Every detail I could share feels like a spoiler, and I don’t want to ruin the excitement for anyone. I want readers to experience the mysteries unfolding and I can’t wait for someone I know to finish it so we can exchange impressions and theories.This is undoubtedly a book meant for discussion and sharing with friends. I highly recommend picking it up, letting it captivate you, and preparing for an unforgettable adventure that will leave you longing for the sequel as soon as you turn the last page.

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A Song of Legends Lost is a Multi-POV story about a land where the precursors to humans have been killed off by their own creations, the Greybloods. These mindless technological monsters and ruins are all that remain of the scathed, the land they left has been claimed by Humans now which fear the technology the scathed used, believing that it will bring Greybloods directly to them. However, nothing is quite what it seems.

The magic within this series is based within the ability of the Nine Great House members to bring back the spirits of their ancestors to fight on their behalf, with their expertise in weaponry and hulking size.

I thought this was a fantastic debut. The story was interesting, majority of the lore dumps felt organic as we follow different individuals learning about their own hidden history/culture. And the characters are very well written, while I didn't necessarily like certain POV's, I thought that they were still well done, and unique to each other which can always be difficult with a story like this.

My main issue is due to how the book is structured, with each part changing the cast or order of the POV characters, very reminiscent of how Brandon Sanderson structures the Stormlight Archive. But this meant that you could get really into a POV, to then find that the character gets cycled out after that part and you don't get to see them again for the majority of the book. While it makes sense in hindsight, as a first time reader it was really disruptive and made me feel like the book was lacking appropriate focus.

Getting past that, I was happy with the end payoff of the novel, and in hindsight, I can really see how each and every character helps to build off each other, creating a much more vivid world. I really enjoyed this novel and I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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A Song of Legends Lost by M.H Ayinde publication date 8th April 2025. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

I actually can't believe this is this authors debut novel! It's so incredibly well written.

If you enjoy epic fantasy with no spice, this is a must for you!

This book is based in the Nine Lands. Where people of noble blood can summon the spirits of their ancestors into battle. A "low blood" or commoner to us, accidentally summons a spirit from the ancestral realm and it unlocks a chain of events which will alter the course of the Nine Lands and everyone in it. The world is inspired by pre-colonial cultures and I just found the world building so eloquently written.

Firstly I want to start with the characters. There are five POV's in this book which can be confusing at times however each part of the book (its split into four) tells you what characters those parts are focussing on. In the epilogue there are three individual POVs for different characters and Lyela's is epic.

I loved Temi! Her chapters were the ones that really brought out the emotions for me. I had a tear or two in one particular scene. Jinao is another favourite of mine. I enjoyed his progression through the book and really felt his frustrations. Elari is a warrior and even though she is tough her love for her husband really tugs at your heart strings. Boleo is an interesting character. I'd love to find out more about him. Towards the end we get Runt who is very similar to Temi. I really can't wait to see what's in store for them two!

I thoroughly enjoyed the world building in this book. The way the Nine Lands are described, I really liked the different clans, learning their differences and it was so interesting how the characters could tell what clan someone was from just from the way they looked, dressed and spoke. The techwork's role in this book is so unique, as are the grey bloods, they seem very scary!

The invoking of the spirits / ancestors really reminded me of Sword of Kaigen in how they summon the whispering blade and the ice.

This is definitely a fantasy book to read when it comes out in 2025. The world building is so immersive and I absolutely loved this book. The only reason it wasn't 5⭐️ for me was it felt a tad too long, however, considering how much is packed into this book, it's only a minor downside to the vast amount of positive. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Little Brown Book Group for the arc copy of this book. This my own honest review of this book.

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