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✨4 stars✨

This was a cute cosy fantasy following Emily’s struggles with becoming a faerie queen whilst also trying to continue her research into the lost tales.

I enjoyed this book but I think I would enjoyed it more if I had read the books closer together because I found it difficult to remember all the details and plot points of the second book.

I would recommend this to people who are looking for a slower paced fantasy because there wasn’t action and fight scenes on every page so it that’s the kind of fantasy you enjoy then this might not be for you!

Finally, I went into this book assuming that this was the final book in the trilogy but looking back at the description it says this is the next instalment in the series so now I’m not to sure? Because the ending of this book was quite open so I could see there being more.

I received an ARC from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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<i><b>If I one day erupt into uncontrollable screams and go charging into the woods, tearing at my hair, who but Wendell will be to blame?</i></b>
That was not enough Emily and Wendell, I need more! A novella, at least.

To begin with, I adored the faerie lore in this whole series, and I loved it even more in this book. Heather Fawcett took Irish Folklore to a whole new level. I was blown away by it and the world-building. The plot was also absolutely fantastic. I did not see it taking the direction it did, and I loved it all the more for it. It kept me completely hooked the whole time.

What’s more, Emily Wilde was her usual wonderful genius who could manoeuvre Faerie like it was a Target, even if she felt too human to live among them, especially as their queen. There was literally nothing she couldn’t do, and this book served as the biggest proof of that. She literally had any faerie she wanted eating out of her hand (especially the cute common fae), and that’s just so unfair. I want a cute little faerie too! Real life is so boring! She was as smart as she was a total badass. It’s insane how quickly she became one of my favourite literary characters of all time, but there was no helping it.

As for Wendell, he was as wonderful, hilarious, spoiled, and completely wrapped around Emily’s finger as he had always been. He would hardly ever bother to help anyone with anything (he literally has not changed at all in that aspect) unless they were Emily or Emily asked him to, and honestly, if that isn’t hubby material then I don’t know what is. I loved this crazy diva with my whole heart. In fact, I would fight anyone who disagreed with me. I don’t care if people have a right to their opinion. In this case, they don’t.

Lastly, I couldn’t get over how wholesome and wonderful the relationship between Emily and Wendell was. They couldn’t hide how much they loved and cared about one another even if they tried (Wendell especially wouldn’t bother trying at all). I could watch them worry and fuss about each other forever without getting bored once. Emily fussing and worrying over Wendell was particularly delightful to me, and his constant simping was the most adorable thing ever. Not to mention how feral he became if she was in danger or wronged in any way. My babies are so precious! 🥹💚

I wasn’t joking, though, I need a novella at the very least or I’m gonna let the darkness take me.

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Thank you for allowing me to read this early, I have enjoyed the previous books a lot and this was a good follow on. I’m rating it 3.5-3.75.

I liked lost tales read, I just didnt love it as much as the other books following these characters. It felt abit disjointed, but I know that’s purposeful because of the nature of this particular storytelling. The world and these characters remain as fun, adventurous and witty as ever and I’m glad I read this.

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Let me just say that this final book in the Emily Wilde's trilogy was everything I wanted and more!!!

Compendium of Lost Tales offers the same level of cosiness we know from the first two books, alongside a few unexpected emotional twists (I cried a few times). The writing is excellent, as always, and this final book brings back a few characters we already know, which was a lovely surprise and felt like a final reunion

The romance..... it won't be much of a spoiler if I say that Emily and Wendall may be my favourite couple EVER. I would die for Wendell, and so would you, I know it.

To sum it all up, the vibes are still vibing and I am grateful to Heather Fawcett for delivering an exceptional ending to our beloved trilogy.

Thank you, who am I kidding, Orbit Books and Netgalley - I am forever grateful to you (and still slightly emotional) for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review. The look on my face when I saw that my request for this ARC was successful!!!! Priceless!

Emily Wilde's Compendium Of Lost Tales comes out on 11th February - plenty of time to catch up on the first two books if you're yet to discover Emily and Wendall!

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Volumes one and two of the Emily Wilde series easily snagged the spots of favourite book of the year for their respective release years. I was beyond thrilled to receive an early copy and am very happy to say that I loved it as much as the previous two.

I do think there was a slight shift in tone; given that Emily and Wendell now find themselves at the heart of his kingdom, the stakes feel higher, there are more fantasy elements compared the slice of life feeling and there’s less humour. That is not to say that Emily has any less witt about her, nor that Wendell has any less humorous charm.

Both stay true to their character, it’s just the change of setting and circumstances that gives this final instalment a different flavour, and it’s not to a disadvantage of the book either. I loved getting further immersed in the more fantastical side of things and I think the higher stakes gave Emily a push for some good character growth - she’s been such a fantastic character throughout the series and this extra exploration of her character was a nice touch.

I was very glad to see more of Orga (and Emily reluctantly somewhat warming up to her), there’s a good balance of new and old characters and I loved seeing some old faces making an unexpected appearance. I generally enjoyed how this story circles back to elements of the first book, giving it a feeling of coming to full circle. I am sad that it’s over, although I find this to be a perfect conclusion for this delightful series.

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I adored the first two and am happy to say that I highly adored this one too!! It carries the same spark the first 2 did, with fun banter between characters, beautifully rich worldbuilding throughout, fun adventures, and just everything else this book has. I loved every second of it!

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There is something about these books that just captures me and I love them so much! None of the books have quite been 5 stars, but there is something so special about this series that I know I will think of these books for a long time to come. Wendell is charming and unpredictable as ever, Emily is no-nonsense and sensible and I LOVE them together. This felt so comforting watching them try to figure out how to rule the faerie realm together. I love the academic-ness of this series, as always - I feel like I learn things when I'm reading this series, even though they're fiction! This series really feels like a warm hug, and honestly while I'd read another 14 of them, this is a perfect ending if it is the case.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

I am gonna keep this short, Emily Wilde should have been a standalone. I already struggled throught the second book and this was just.... uff. Too slow too repetitive, gave YA vibes...

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Still one of my favourite series of all time, the third instalment did not disappoint!

I adore the characters, obviously Emily and Wendall but I also adore all the faeries we meet along the way. If you haven't started this series yet and you like fantasy and cute romance you really should, and if you are returning to the world it is worth it. Would wholeheartedly recommend.

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Just finished reading Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales, and I must say, it felt like the perfect conclusion to this chilling fairy tale series. Throughout the trilogy, I’ve loved the journal-style format, complete with footnotes that provide fascinating details about the folklore Emily references.

While the second book focused more on new discoveries rather than story analysis, this final volume brings back the joy of folklore comparisons and in-depth references to various tales. Honestly, I expected the series to end when Wendell reclaimed his throne, so I was surprised when that happened within the first 100 pages. What would the rest of the book be about? I wasn’t disappointed!

The story masterfully blends classic tropes—tales of the rightful prince regaining his throne and legends where the usurper faces their due punishment. It brilliantly highlights how perspective shapes a story, influencing whether we view a character as the hero or the villain.

My favorite character remains Poe, the brownie Emily befriends in book one. True to fairy tale fashion, he’s the seemingly insignificant helper—the small, overlooked character who only the hero notices. Yet, as is often the case in folklore, Poe ends up changing the entire course of the story—and, in this case, the entire series.

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Another warm hug of a book from Heather Fawcett! The latest installment of Emily Wilde's adventures definitely live up to the expectations she set with the first two books, which is an achievement in itself! I love how she brings tension and development to character's relationships in a way that doesn't feel forced but keeps the story moving. I thoroughly enjoyed my reading experience and always looked forward to spending time with Emily, she is one of my favourite protagonists to read. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the others, but I would recommend the series as a whole to anyone who has an interest in fairies and folk stories, academia, and curmudgeonly, driven and passionate characters.

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The formatting for the ebook is so broken that I can't read it without frustration. The title and date paragraph will just show up randomly in the middle of the page, constantly interrupting my reading. Sadly can't even resort to reading it on my phone since it doesn't seem to be a pdf and so suffers from the same formatting issues that the kindle version has. I will just buy this when it comes out so I can enjoy the competent formatting.

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Heather Fawcett’s *Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales* is a delightful conclusion to a series that masterfully blends fae lore, academia, and heartfelt romance. Stepping into Wendell’s faerie realm was both magical and unsettling, with the stakes raised higher than ever as Emily navigates deadly court politics and her own insecurities about becoming a queen. The lush world-building and dark, intricate magic make this installment feel richer, while Emily and Wendell’s relationship remains the beating heart of the story.

Emily and Wendell are as charming as ever, their love evolving into something quietly profound. It was particularly rewarding to see Emily’s feelings become clearer and deeper. Their dynamic—a mix of humor, understanding, and devotion—shines brightest here, with some of the series’ most memorable moments between them. And let’s not forget Shadow, whose bond with Emily adds another layer of emotional depth to the story.

While the book delivers on its enchanting world and captivating characters, there are moments where the pacing lulls, and the encyclopedic asides can disrupt immersion. The conclusion, while satisfying in many ways, felt a touch rushed, leaving me wanting more closure for characters I’ve grown to adore.

Despite these minor flaws, *Compendium of Lost Tales* is a beautiful farewell to a cozy fantasy series that has enchanted me from the start. Fawcett’s prose is vivid, her world immersive, and her characters unforgettable. I’ll miss Emily and Wendell dearly, but their journey was absolutely worth it. A must-read for fans of whimsical, romantic fantasy.

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A wonderful book in the series, definitely living up to the expectations of the first two. I particularly enjoyed the exploration of the importance of story, and the recurring cast of characters. Emily and Wendell's relationship, as always, was a high point. I'll absolutely read more!

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I have loved all of the books in this trilogy. Emily and Wendell are really likeable characters individually and as a couple. Emily is definitely my kind of person and it’s been really nice to see her character develop over the trilogy. One of my favourite things about this series is the footnotes. I’m a bit of a research nerd so these are paradise to me. I enjoyed the settings of the first 2 books slightly more then this one but I think that’s because stepping into Wendell’s realm put me on edge (which I guess is what you want for a reader).
I’m looking forward to reading more from Heather Fawcett.

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I loved the hell out of this book. It's not a 5-star book because, as is the case with the rest of the series, they're not perfect to me. They can be slow and they often fall flat in certain aspects, so there's a bit of wasted potential in some corners, but they're an amazing time.

For example, I feel like this one could've been darker and pushed harder to make me suffer a little more as a reader. Also, the last chapter didn't feel substantial or 100% satisfying as an ending to the story of these characters I've grown to love so much. It hurts me that there aren't more books in the series, I'm going to miss them no matter what, but that last chapter was a flat closure.

All that said, I really, really enjoyed this. There was more of the Faerie world, more magic, more lore, and more romance. Also, the stakes felt higher, and it even made me well up a couple of times and cry once. It was such a good time! I just love being in this world and this book was no exception.

I'm so happy to have spent so much time in Wendell's realm, it was delightful and distressing in equal measure. I understood why he loved his world so much and also why Emily needed some time to adjust to it. I was a bit annoyed whenever she left the realm to do other stuff because I immediately missed Wendell, but it made sense that she had to do that. And I guess, in a way, that's very immersive, missing Wendell like Emily does even if she's not overly expressive about it.

It's also a testament to how much I fucking loved him. Heather Fawcett did a great job with his character! I wish she had a spin-off series in store following Wendell's POV or some short stories or something because I love his voice so much. The few times he writes in Emily's journal in previous books and the letters in this one make me want more of him. So much more.

Overall, this had more of the things that I already loved about the series while also having the same issues I found with the rest of the books, but a little toned down. Like, this is probably the fastest-paced book in the series by comparison but it still had a few lulls and pacing issues. So it was consistent but also an improvement, you know?

Right away, I'm not sure if this is a good conclusion as a whole because that last chapter left a lot to be desired, but this book is no less than 4.5 stars. One of my favorite cozy fantasy Faerie series.

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a beautiful and fitting end for a great trilogy.
while this book had a bit more romance, it never once became to much and unbelievable. we always stayed true to Emily’s character.
it was did not turn as dark as expected but kept you hooked till the very end.
while the book wrapped up everything i hoped it would it kept a open end should the author ever decide to return to this world.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK | Orbit for providing access to the audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

That was one hell of a ride that's for sure. But I am so glad I got to experience it.

The love I have for Emily and Wendell is undeniable. I adore them, separately and especially together. They are so different, but it's incredible how well they understand and respect each other. And after this book, their love—and I want to emphasize Emily's because that's been a point of uncertainty for me—is crystal clear. Their love is the quiet but profound type, for sure.

They are the stars of the story, and not just because they are the leads. Out of all the three books, I think that my favourite scenes of them are mostly here.

Still, I'd like to give a special shout-out to Emily's beautiful bond with Shadow. At this point, it's as much a love story as hers with Wendell.

I really enjoyed seeing so many of the characters from the other books make appearances here. It brought everything together, allowing this book to shine as its closing chapter.

The imagery Heather Fawcett managed to craft once again remains as brilliant, disturbing, and artful as ever.

However, as with the other two books in the series, the encyclopedic side of the concept sometimes loses its readers, not permitting a binge-able experience.

All in all, I'm definitely looking forward to getting a FL copy once that edition becomes available.

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This book was the perfect continuation to the series and I loved how the ending was left open for a potential continuation of the story.

Although at times the pace was a bit slow, I found myself going back to the story as the characters are truly endearing. It was more romantic than the other two books, which I thought was quite interesting, as this way we can see how the author explores different angles and points of view.

If you have read the other two books, this is definitely a must read!

Thank you so much Orbit and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC!

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(Rounded up from 4.75 stars)

Oh how I wish I could read about Emily's adventures forever! What a great conclusion to such a fantastic series.

We follow Emily and Wendel as they set out to reclaim his throne in Faerie. What starts as a simple quest to track down Wendel's evil step-mother evolves into a greater tale when Emily discovers that Wendel's story is following the path of an old faerie tale that'll lead him to his death.
In the adventure to save Wendel, Emily reuintes with old friends, visits new libraires, and even returns back to where it all started.

I will admit I was slightly worried when reading this book that it was going to have a bit of a meh ending. There's a section in the middle where I couldn't figure out what was going to happen next and was midly concerned it was going to be rather boring, but it had an exciting ending!
I loved that characters from previous books made a return, it's like the finale of a tv show and they bring back your favourite guests. The world building, as always, was fantastic - it was really nice to spend an extended period of time in faerie and learn more about Wendel's realm and those that live there.

Emily and Wendel are one of my favourite fictional couples, but I appreciated how much time they spent apart in this book as we got to see strike out on her own. Wendel has spent a lot of time saving Emily, but now it was her turn to save him, and you're reminded how brilliant she is. We got to see how she had grown as a character! It also made the moments that Emily and Wendel were together that much sweeter - saying that they still spend a lot of time together!

While I don't want to leave these characters behind, I'd genuinely love to follow another scholar in the same world. Some time and care has been put into developing this world (look at the footnotes!) that I'd be a shame to simply leave it all behind.

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