Member Reviews

I'm sure this book is just as wonderful as the previous two but unfortunately this arc kept crashing when I attempted to read it

Well I loved the first book sooo much! I loved the second book so much too. This one (the third book) left me overwhelmed! It's more than just "good", it's a masterpiece!

a truly magical world that i love diving back into each and every time. it also helps that the covers are absolutely gorgeous!!!

4.5 stars rounded up to 5.
This book was brilliant, it wrapped up this lovely little winter sunshine series perfectly. I do think this one was the most "high stakes" fast paced of the three as the levels of peril the characters face was certainly ramped up. However it did still have that cosy, folklore vibe to it that we come to expect from Emily Wilde books.
The two main things I loved were A) getting to explore Wendall's realm, and B) the whole cast of side characters who've featured in this series making some sort of appearance.
I am especially a massive fan of Taran and Callum and would ADORE to read a prequel about Callum's early days in faerie. (In fact this is my direct message to Orbit and/or Heather Fawcett: I am not above begging for this book to be written!!)
Overall, what a fantastic conclusion, I would read so many more books set in this world, it's utterly wonderful.

The moment I realised I’d finished this book, I burst into tears. This series has had such a profound impact on me these last few years, and I cannot believe that it’s over. This conclusion to the beauty that is Emily Wilde was perfect from the start!
It starts exactly where book two ended, and takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions throughout. Most of the action is set in Faerie, which offers a very different set of circumstances for Emily to manoeuvre around. Yet, this only made it more exciting, especially to read the conclusion to Wendell’s tale. This book felt like a warm reunion at times, with call backs to the first book and everything coming together.
Once again, I was impressed by Emily’s mind. She’s so quick and intelligent, and I’ve always admired how confident she is when theorising. In a way, this book felt like an ode to the importance of research and critical analysis, with the emphasis on faerie stories. Emily uses both of these to reach the plot’s resolution.
I’d easily read a thousand tales of Emily and Wendell’s adventures. They’re the best romantic couple around, mainly because they’re each so respectful and proud of the other. Wendell was the same charming and fussy faerie, but he’d clearly grown maturer. Similarly, Emily was far more comfortable with affection and connections with people. Their dynamic is one of the best things I’ve read in fantasy, and it’s just so lovely to have such an emotionally intelligent couple.
This series will always be apart of me. I didn’t want it to end!
Thank you to the publisher for this e-arc. All thoughts are my own.
Out 11th Feb 2025.

I had a 'drop everything and read' moment when I was approved to review this, and it didn't disappoint. Emily and Wendell are two of my favourite book characters and I loved returning to Faerie with them. This was just as magical and comforting as the first two books.
Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales is filled with the wonder of stories and retellings with contradictory and fanciful variations as unexpected as Faerie itself.
When Emily and Wendell finally return to Wendell's lost kingdom, they don't expect recapturing his throne to be straightforward. But even Emily's careful research cannot prepare her for the twists that await them, not just in the form of vengeful family members, but also questions of where she fits into this new, unpredictable world. Can a mortal scholar ever hope to be accepted as a faerie queen?
With deadly curses, the return of old friends (and foes) and the always brilliant footnotes, this novel cements Fawcett's crown as a queen of Faerie.

A wonderful finale to the trilogy. I loved the first book the most but Emily and Wendell are my comfort characters now. One criticism I have with this installment is that everything seemed rather...easily overcome

This definitely follows on from the other two- it’s still very cute and engaging, and it’s a nice easy read. It was ideal for a beach, which is what I wanted it for.
Unfortunately I think it’s a little too much of the same- it’s really too similar to the other two, with not much new. It also all feels a little too easy for her- any challenge seems very superficial, and easily resolved, including several that should be much more significant.
I’d like to still have faith in the series and that the next will be better again though! And it’s still very charming and worth reading as that type of book.

I really enjoyed the final installment of the Emily Wilde series! Heather Fawcett does such an amazing job capturing an academic tone in her books without leaving them feeling pretentious or stuffy. I especially love her use of footnotes (they really add to the worldbuilding!), and that she takes the time to describe in gross detail the various cute, if unnerving, creatures that Emily encounters along her way. It was especially nice to see some familiar faces from the previous books, and as always, the dynamic between Emily and Wendell was incredibly sweet (and funny).
When it comes to characterisation, Emily is also such a great example of the power of "show not tell." In this book especially, you get to see how much she cares about those around her. However, her emotions are, as ever, described in a roundabout way. It's a testament to Heather Fawcett's abilities as an author that, having already read the first two books in the series, the reader is able to recognise Emily's feelings towards others even as she tries to brush over them herself.
That said, the stakes in this book definitely felt higher than in the previous two. It's still a cosy fantasy read, but I was definitely stressed at certain points!

Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett
4.5 stars
Yet another book from Fawcett that’s absolutely beautifully written. It’s hard not to love Emily Wilde and I have thoroughly enjoyed the previous 2 books, so book 3 was no exception.
There is something about the Emily Wilde books that is cute and cozy, yet thrilling and exciting at the same time. It’s a skill Fawcett obviously holds and is very good at creating not only brilliant books but also inserting us into the pages of those books.
As always, the descriptions are phenomenal. I can’t believe the extent that Fawcett goes, with such detailed descriptions with hints of realism too. It is truly beautiful and its what keeps me coming back for more. I am definitely intrigued to see what Fawcett will create outside of Emily’s adventures.
I loved joining Emily and Wendall on their newest journey, and Wendall has the funny/intriguing characteristic that makes him relatable but also enjoyable. Both Emily and Wendall together make for brilliant writing.
There's no doubt in my mind that this books is a good read for any reader, no matter what your favourite genre is, there is something about this books that pulls you in and keeps you in a chokehold. Phenomenal

3.5 ⭐
This was just as whimsical as the previous instalments, although a little darker overall.
I simply adore Emily, her zealous thirst for knowledge and no nonsense attitude. I loved reading her journal entries again, I cannot get enough of her voice.
I have to say though, that I was a little disappointed with Wendell. I absolutely love him, and the dynamic between him and Emily was sublime in the previous books. Unfortunately I found it lacking here. There was nowhere near enough teasing banter or romantic moments between them, and he seemed like an afterthought in the story.
The overall plot was okay, but I did find myself losing interest quite a few times. The tales were clever, but this was not at all what I expected from this book.
My love for Emily Wilde will always remain strong, but this didn't quite feel like a satisfying conclusion to her story.

I loved being back with Emily! It was also so nice to be back with all the best side characters such as Shadow, Wendall, Poe and co.
We got to explore a bit more of Wendall's realm, 'Where The Trees Have Eyes' and meet a whole host of fae. It is just such a magical, whimsical series and I still love the footnotes, it feels like we really are reading a scholar's diary. Watching Emily come out of her shell is such a privilege and I wish we could have 29718 more Emily Wilde books.

Fans of the Emily Wilde series will be thrilled by this continuation, which places Emily and her now-fiancé, Wendell Bambleby, at the center of Faerie politics in a vivid and perilous realm.
Emily is as delightful and relatable as ever, balancing her brilliant scholarly mind with her uncertainty about fitting into a role as grand as “queen.” All while keeping her dry humor and pragmatic approach to the magical chaos. Her relationship with Wendell evolves beautifully in this installment, blending romance with mutual respect and partnership as they face challenges together.
The Faerie kingdom itself is a richly imagined setting—a stunning yet sinister world brimming with treasures, mysteries, and dangers. The stakes are higher than ever as Wendell’s cursed homeland comes alive with deadly intrigue. The curse placed by Wendell’s stepmother is a masterstroke of tension, and watching Emily and Wendell unravel its secrets using her encyclopedic knowledge of faerie lore and his magic is captivating. The plot combines political machinations, clever puzzles, and vivid faerie folklore, so readers who loved the scholarly aspects of Emily’s character will especially enjoy how her knowledge plays a crucial role in their survival.

It’s been a while since I had so much fun”
“He nearly decapitated you!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, but besides that, Em,” he said patiently.
Thank you to Netgalley and Little Brown UK for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review!
I love these books so much aahh. This one was one of my most anticipated upcoming book releases and it did not disappoint. I genuinely loved every page of it and I appreciated the fast paced plot this time around. There’s a little cameo near the end of the book I got so excited about I think I woke up nearly half my flat- sorry!! I think this might be the final book in the Emily Wilde saga but this is my genuine appeal for it to pleaseeeee be picked back up for another 30 books pleaseeeee
This releases in February and I couldn’t recommend it more!!! Do yourself a favor and go read it

What an amazing 3th volume of this series.
The Compendium of lost Tales starts off exactly where Map of the Otherlands ended... Entering "Where the trees have eyes". Emily and Wendell attempt to reclaim Wendell's throne from his stepmother, as they realize a curse is killing the land. They go on a quest to banish the curse and Emily stumbles upon old tales that might provide answers to end the curse.
I don't want to spoil too much, but this book had me in my feels and I was on the end of my seat because I had no idea where this would go. I loved the companions along their journey, I love Shadow and fell a bit into love with Orga too, and the way the relationship between Emily and Wendell was portrayed. And the growth Emily went through was amazing.
For me it's a perfect ending to the series.
Thanks to Netgalley, Little, Brown book group UK and Heather Fawcett for trusting me to write an honest review in exchange for this ARC.

“I can never stop yearning for new discoveries. Even the smallest are as precious jewels to me.”
I really enjoyed being back with Emily and Wendell on their next adventure, I think this may even be my favourite book of the series so far. Although I have to say I’m sorry, Emily, but Wendell really does make these books for me! He’s such a lovable, roguish character. That being said, it’s the ying and yang of the two that often provides the moments of hilarity.
“Now, answer me one way or the other - are we lost?”
“Oh, Em,” he said fondly…No, we are not lost, not in the sense you mean. I know where the castle is - does it matter where we are?”
Shadow and Poe remain some of my favourite characters/animals, I loved Orga, and I enjoyed the return of some of the characters from Ljosland. And being in Wendell’s homeland provided a great backdrop for their latest exploits.
“Yet I suppose that one cannot spend one’s life half in love with Faerie without wishing to be part of it, to wonder if it might feel like home in a way no mortal place ever had.”
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the e-arc of this book.

AAAHHH I can't believe it's over!
When I picked up the first Emily Wilde book, I thought it would be a short and entertaining read, but what I found instead was this beautiful story about scholarship and love and excitement and footnotes. It's light academia in every sense of the world, and even though the athmosphere of the first book is still unrivaled by both sequels, I've loved every single sentence and every single word.
I don't even have the words to explain how much I will miss Emily and Wendell and Shadow. Please, if you're on the fence about reading this series: do it. I cannot put in words the warmth I feel between those pages. Truly one of the best fantasy trilogies out there.

I adore these books. Emily and Wendell are a wonderful couple, a genius pairing of a Cambridge academic and an exiled prince of a Faerie realm. It’s a joy to see how each have grown since the first book, and their love bringing out the best in each other as they face another threat to Wendell from the capricious and often bloodthirsty Fae. If you enjoy a historical romance and Faerie, then this is a must.

With a 4.5 star rating and a huge amount of love for books 1 and 2, I couldn't wait for this final instalment. As soon as I started, I could tell that compared to the first two books, this one lacked the witty dialogue, the enchanting and whimsical writing, and the atmosphere, which here felt very dry, detached, and somewhat flat. The footnotes added nothing of interest. I didn't like the first part of the book, which contained overly long sections about researching books, and the time spent in Faerie felt like boring filler. Several characters from the prequels appeared here, which was very nice, but I didn't feel any chemistry between them and Emily due to dry dialogue that lacked the wit and emotion I saw in the previous books. As a result, it felt like nothing happened here until we reached 60%, whereas in the first two books the story felt more like a quest. I enjoyed the last part much more, as it brought the whole arc to a satisfying conclusion.
Overall, this final volume made me wonder if a third book was necessary, or if this could have been condensed and released as a duology (or a very nice 700 page book, but marketing wants to make money, hey).

A very high 4 stars, and a wonderful way to wrap up the series. (Though I will take more, please write more of this, Heather Fawcett.)
If you're reading book three, you already know that you like this series, and there's little more I need to say to convince you to read this final instalment, so I will keep this rather short. There are the characters you love, the delightful banter between Emily and Wendell, perfect animal companions, plenty of callbacks to the first two books, vivid writing about the world, and Emily's lovely and captivating narrative voice to take you through it all. This book didn't go where I expected it would, which I learned very, very quickly, but it was a very satisfying conclusion to the series, and I loved the theme of stories repeating themselves (I just love stories and lore and that).
First person POVs are . . . challenging for me, but I find it so easy to be in Emily's head. These books wouldn't work if you didn't feel an emotional connection with Emily, and for Wendell, to some extent, but that was never a question for me. I was in it.
I always see this series called "cozy" and "light academia," and while the latter is absolutely true and the former is certainly true in that it's a series for curling up under a blanket with a big mug of hot chocolate beside you, one thing I don't see mentioned enough is how horrifying some of the faerie parts can be. It's something I love in the series, how the story does not shy away from how brutal the faerie world is and that same vivid writing I mentioned earlier? Yeah, it'll tell you in detail about these horrors.
MVPs: Shadow and Orga, the best animal companions and the true rulers of Faerie.
Thank you to the publisher, Orbit, and to NetGalley for the ARC.