Member Reviews

4/5 Stars
I want to thank Little Brown Book Group UK and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales is a fitting third and final (to my knowledge) installation in the Emily Wilde series. To those who have read books one and possibly two - this one is just as spellbinding and atmospheric. Emily and Wendell's story of love and myth and travel is a very unique one, especially with the journal-format (that is still very fitting to plot and character) and Emily's voice of narration. The ending felt fitting, and I look forward to revisiting this world in the future,.

I am a huge fan of the Emily Wilde Series so obviously Compendium of the Lost Tales was one of my 2025 most anticipated releases.
Compedium of Lost Tales continues Emily and Wendell journey to find his door. We get to reacquaint ourselves with beloved secondary characters from previous books, and are able to properly say goodbye to everyone.
I was slightly disappointed with this story as I was expecting to finally experience the fairy world without the fog, but Emily spends much longer on the human realm researching than I was expecting. I love Wendell and we did not get to see enough of him in this final book, which ironically, should have been his peak. I can’t believe we didn’t have a journal entry from him this time.. this could have been easily the end of the book, maintaining symmetry with previous installments.
While this is my least favorite of the trilogy, it still has everything that made me love this series: beautiful and vivid writing and world, enchanting main characters perfectly complemented by the secondary ones and a lot of interesting folklore.
All in all, Emily Wilde’s books are pretty much like pizza: “even when they are not as good, they are still pretty good”
I would like to thank Little Brown Book Group UK, Orbit and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Emily Wilde's Compedium of Lost Tales eARC in exchange for an honest an honest review.

This series finale did not disappoint! I loved exploring Emily Wilde's world again and I'm so sad that this is the last in the series, however that is more the reason to reread them again!
As per usual, I adored all of the characters, especially Wendell, Shadow, returning faces, and, of course, Emily. I did enjoy the folklore mystery aspect of the plot in this addition to the series as it definitely kept you on your toes, and made you feel like part of the circle trying to figure out what could happen next and how to change it from a devastating fate.
The only qualm that I had was that it didn't feel like there would be any dire consequences, thought that could also have been my trust in knowing that Emily would always find a way to fix or resolve a situation.
Overall, the series is definitely a 5 star series for me and will continue to be one of my favourites and a staple in recommendations!
Many thanks to Netgalley and Orbit Books for the arc copy!

When I realized that I had signed up to read a this book that is the third in a series, I had to get my hands on the first two! I freaking devoured them both in record time and dove head first into Emily and Wendell`s next journey. This time we head to his Kingdom to take back the throne and deal with his stepmother, if she needs dealing with! No spoilers! Its exciting and action pact, very emotional at times as Emily struggles a little with the changes that she sees to the man she loves and being a little thrown by his home. We all know she is the Fairy expert, but that does not always help when you agree to live in a Fairy Kingdom for the time being. They are ups and downs as everything that can go wrong, does, as one should expect from an unpredictable world. I love how its not so much a romance in the usual sense, but it kind of is. Its not the main focus, more an after thought, like most things in her life that is not academic or a notebook or the hunt for a story that explains what is happening! I feel like this third book was a good way to wrap up their story, but I would love more, hint hint!

Emily and Wendell is taking over his kingdom after his stepmother’s downfall. Taking over the palace was easy, but apparently Wendell’s stepmother refused to go down without a fight and poisoned the realm. Naturally Emily looked into Folk tales for solution, and even though the answer didn't give her any consolation.
More glimpses into the Otherland, this time without an immediate danger so we could appreciate the landscape more! it's interesting to finally see Wendell's courtly fae side, though his personality didn't change a bit. he and Emily were still being adorable as ever and I love them so much. there were several old side characters making appearances in this book and it's nice to see them again.
on the other hand, i also felt like some things were missing. the obvious one is that there's no "journal entry" written by Wendell, which is disappointing because it was one of the highlights on the first 2 books. the plot also felt too convenient? lacked the sheer chaos and unpredictability which were also the charm of this series.
i still enjoyed it though, and I miss Emily & Wendell already...

What a whimsical end to a gorgeous series! I've loved Emily and Wendell from the first time we were introduced to them, and this was no exception, I found it a little slow to get going but I loved being back in the kingdom so much I didn't really mind.
Emily really shone like the queen she is in her finale book, it was so nice to see her going back to her roots and researching how to save the day from the traitors, as well as being so steadfast in her discoveries; I'm a science PhD myself and I definitely need to channel some of Emily's self-confidence sometimes!

So goodbye Emily and Wendell - but hopefully an au revoir because I for one am not ready to say goodbye to the bookish scholarly accidental fairie queen and her otherworldly husband and their friends, family and familiars.
Book three opens with the pair and their terrifying rag taggle army reclaiming Wendell's kingdom but the course of rightful heirs never did run true. The castle is filled with would be assassins, spies, traitors and dramatic adolescent siblings and his wicked ursurping stepmother has disappeared so it's probably no coincidence that the land is poisoned, the sickness spreading. So Emily does what she does best, turning to books and myths to try and figure a way out, only to discover that the price might be bigger than she can bear to pay.
Clever, funny, just whimsical enough, tense and terrifying at times, inventive and achingly romantic, this trilogy has been a delight. Highly recommended.

This series was such a delight I’m sad it’s over!
Emily and Wendell are some of my favourite characters I’ve ever read and the world Fawcett has created is so rich and detailed.
I will say I found the first 40% of the book a little slow, but I believe this was more due to the format of the eARC. The random spacing and new paragraphs gave me whiplash and disrupted the reading flow. But I suppose that’s a quirk of eARCs.
4.5 stars

This was such a wonderful ending to this series, I genuinely had tears in my eyes when I finished. I've loved every second I've spent with Emily, Wendell and Shadow. This series is such an imaginative way to meld the myths and stories of the Otherworld in a scientific paper. Emily is such a memorable and unique character.
Emily and Wendell are now the king and queen of faerie, but as usual, things are never that straightforward or simple. The realm is poisoned and Emily must go back to her books and research the stories of the realm in order to save her new realm and her husband.
Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publishers for providing an e-arc in return for an honest review. I'm genuinely sorry to say goodbye to these characters.

We return to this cosy fantasy world almost exactly where book 2 finished (with the exception of a few months time jump).
Entering the third and final book, we finally get to explore more of Wendell’s true Faerie home and all the faerie drama that goes along with that - moving plants, poisoning stepmothers, and common fae that shouldn’t be fully trusted.
“You may enter first,” I said, “but do not think you may enter alone. If you venture beyond my sight I will be very cross, and chase after you.”
“A fire-breathing dragon at my back! No, I would prefer to avoid that. Don’t worry, Em, I have as little desire as you to face this alone.”
The one thing I missed was the banter Emily and Wendell had in the first two books, but I assume that know that they are engaged and better understanding of each other there is no need to bicker (though Heather Fawcett has provided other instances of their disagreements).
This was very much Emily’s journey. Through finding comfort in faerie, to saving the realm. I loved how straightforward she was - not letting others’ opinions interfere with her choices and following the clues in the stories (a true scholar). I loved all the little clues and circle plots that proved how important stories are to the world of faerie.
I loved that we saw characters from past books, while also meeting new characters - though it was a shame our time with them was so short.
Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales is a quirky, cosy fantasy that shows the beauty and danger of faerie alongside a variety of characters (both mortal and fae - and all in between) while on a journey to find one’s home.
I loved this series and am so happy I was able to binge read the entire series.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers at Little, Brown Book Group IK | Orbit, and the author Heather Fawcett for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

— 4 stars
I let out a trembling breath. "And what sort of queen would that make me?"
He looked perfectly earnest as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Mine."
📖 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 368 pages
👤 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: Heather Fawcett
🏢 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫: Orbit Books UK
📅 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 11 February 2025
What you can expect:
— Adult Historical Cosy Fantasy
— First Person X Single POV
— An Epistolary Novel
— Light Academia
— Romantic Sub-Plot
— Former Academic Rival-To-Lovers
— Grumpy X Sunshine
— He Falls First
— Found Family
— Faeries, Mystery, Magic & Curses
— Animal Familiars
— Opposites Attract
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:
Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales is the third instalment in the Emily Wilde series by author Heather Fawcett. I continue to be endlessly charmed into a good time when I pick up yet another comforting and addictive tale within this series. The overall pacing of the story felt consistent excluding a few moments that seemed to lag whilst the plot stumbled to regain its footing before falling back on track. The footnotes included in this instalment felt a bit tedious at times as not all felt entirely relevant to the ongoing plot, however I'll never turn down an opportunity to further explore the genius that is Emily Wilde's mind as she uses her knowledge to further the plot and solve the mystery she finds herself in the middle of. I absolutely adored the opportunity to leave the 'real world' and explore the world of Faerie alongside a likeminded and logical mind who was largely experiencing it all for the first time. The cosy and atmospheric setting paired with the harrowing and sometimes horrifying creatures that reside in the Silva Lupi was a complimentary contradiction that was a joy to explore. I love the consistent emphasis on the ruthless existence of the Fae and that their beauty does not reflect their inner-nature. The beautiful and humanoid Fae can be the most bloodthirsty and dangerous whereas the hideous looking Fae may in-fact be the most kind and gentle. I'm forever obsessed with Fawcett's unique depiction of these creatures as it's what initially drew me into this expansive world, and my only complaint is that I wish this epistolary provided some sketches in Emily's messy scrawl showing her vision of these creatures for a fuller experience. This series is best described as a 'warm hug on a cold day' that continues to bring me comfort and joy every time I pick it up. It's one of those series that feels fitting to read regardless of the weather and the season which is something that I personally find is not easy for an author to achieve. I adore how this series seems to come 'full circle' as we find ourselves reuniting with characters from the previous books both friend and foe alike. With its whimsically descriptive writing-style, endearing cast of characters and compelling mysteries that leave you eagerly awaiting the answers alongside our heroine: Emily Wilde is a must read series for fans of a slow-paced Cosy Fantasy.
Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales immediately picks up where the previous instalment finishes off as we follow Emily and Wendell as they enter the world of Faerie on their journey towards reclaiming Wendell's throne. I personally enjoy when a story immediately progresses within a series without a needless recap of previous events (referring to within the actual story as opposed to a recap in the author's note) as this helps the plot flow with ease. I adore how the heart and ambition of our characters remains consistent which helps to drive the plot progression forward whilst supporting character exploration and development. My favourite aspect about the Emily Wilde series is its ability to transport us into new worlds which still feel 'real' and believable to exist within the society that has been created. The expansive world that has continued to grow and evolve has felt seamless alongside the plot development and it has been a joy to watch our characters feed their inner desires for adventure whilst clearly aspiring towards an end goal. The plot of Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales offered a new insight into our two main characters and enabled us to explore new sides to their characters that we had yet to see and discover. You honestly can't go wrong with a mythical curse and the high-stakes environment that it creates. Getting to witness the sense of hope and ambition amongst the feeling loss and despair made for an emotionally compelling journey to follow from beginning to end, and I truly loved the way the plot unravelled over time to allow our main character to continue to challenge her intellectual growth whilst facing against the seemingly impossible. This was yet another strong addition to the series that I loved with my entire heart and soul, and I just know that I'll continue to cherish this series for many years to come.
Emily Wilde continues to be one of my all-time favourite book characters to follow as she is unlike any character I have ever read about before. Her commitment towards her academic discoveries never fails to make me smile and it has been such a joy to see her grow and evolve throughout the duration of the series. I'm unbelievably proud of Emily's growth and the ease in which she expresses her emotions to those she loves when compared to her character's origins in book one. It was incredible to explore a softer side to her character as a woman in love with an unlikely partner who could not be better suited if he tried. To see Emily being accepted and understood without condition by her small yet impactful circle was everything I hoped and needed to see for a woman that has been highly suggested to be neurodivergent. I really felt for her character in this book as she visibly struggled with her identity as she went from a respected and notable Professor known for her brilliant mind and keenness for academic discoveries, to the Queen of the Silva Lupi who viewed her as nothing more than a simple-minded human woman who had no right nor claim to the throne. It was unsettling to witness this side of Emily as we've only ever known her to be sure minded of herself and what she has to provide to others. To see her strength waver as her perception of herself be continually judged and undermined broke my heart, however I was proud to see Emily remain strong amidst the unknown as she took the time to figure out her place in this world she was determined to call her own. To see her gradually earn the respect of Fae as she continued to fight on their behalf and on the behalf of their deteriorating home was nothing short of satisfactory. I was thrilled to see her continue to thrive and flourish with the unwavering belief and support of her partner by her side. Emily is such a wonderfully complex and compelling character who continues to strengthen and evolve with every new book release as she is unafraid to feel challenged, and I'm truly so proud of the woman that she has become by the end of the series. If this is truly the end of her journey then I will forever cherish her existence and I cannot be more grateful to the author for writing such a compelling heroine who continued to challenge her peers on their knowledge without fear. There is no denying Emily's passion and commitment in her pursuit for knowledge and I truly hope that this isn't the final journey that we get to follow her on.
Wendell Bambleby continues to be a consistently loveable character who grown and matured as an individual whilst staying inherently true to his Faerie nature. There's something so comforting to Wendell's character as he has continued to be the charming yet ultimately flawed man that we are first introduced to in the first instalment of the series. At his core he is a spoiled Fae Prince who has always managed to get his way through charm and utilising his position of power. However whilst his actions often reflect a self-serving nature, Wendell is not an inherently selfish character who seeks to put his own needs above the needs of others. I adore how throughout his journey towards finding the Door to his realm in the hopes of reclaiming his throne, Wendell has always made sure to still prioritise the needs and comfort of his peers (whilst still acting in a self-serving sort of way). Wendell is a very loving individual who can often be judged and misunderstood by those who haven't been granted the opportunity to truly understand him. He's just one of those endearing characters who is unapologetic in who he is that you cannot help but fall in-love with and root for. His protectiveness as a partner and willingness to put Emily's needs above his own showcased immense growth and it was a joy to see him find somebody worth giving everything up for. Wendell deserved to be understood and loved just as much as the rest of the cast of characters, and there's no denying that he fought to win the heart of his perfect match. Wendell's wittiness and hilarious quips continue to make him a wonderful addition to Emily's adventure, and overall I hold so much love and regard for this golden retriever character who harbours his own inner darkness. I loved getting to see those moments of darkness as they added depth and intrigue to his otherwise consistently reliable character, and as with Emily I truly hope that this isn't the last that we see of Wendell's character. My only complaint is that I wish we had gotten to know his true Faerie name in the end as it's something I've felt endlessly curious about since the discovery of his origins... but ultimately this is just a small detail and personal preference.
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭:
The dynamic between Emily and Wendell continues to be one of my absolute favourites that has grown in strength throughout the duration of the series. I adore that the foundation of their relationship his been built upon from mutual (and sometimes relcuatant) respect which has evolved into adoration and love over time. The way Emily and Wendell support one another is unparalleled and it has been a joy to discover the depths they are willing to drown in out of defence for the other. There's something truly so wholesome and innocent in the way that they love each other. Emily and Wendell are the perfect example of how an 'opposites attract' couple can work so seamlessly as their chemistry and connection is undeniable. The way Wendell has been a vocal and enthusiastic champion for their relationship during Emily's early moments of doubt is truly hilarious yet swoon worthy. It genuinely warms my heart the way he truly understands Emily for who she is and makes sure she feels loved and accepted for who she is without abandon. Wendell is without a doubt Emily's greatest champion and it has been such a joy to see him prioritise her needs and ambitions above his own as he continues to prove his unwavering faith and trust in her skills. Honestly I think Wendell would've served better as a professor in yearning because my goodness does this man know how to pine and yearn. His entire world is incomplete without his beloved Emily and it's such an unconventional yet romantic relationship that I am utterly obsessed with. The way Emily has grown and evolved over time is such a worthwhile journey to follow as we see her fully embrace everything that comes with loving a Faerie Prince. Curses, vengeful step-mothers and conquering a kingdom is just another day in the life of Emily Wilde and I adored how she took everything in her stride in support for her man. Emily is the opposite of Wendell as she isn't one to broadcast her love with pretty speeches and declarations. Her love is quieter and yet no less impactful. Her belief in Wendell despite his Faerie nature is absolute as she regularly jumps to his defence when her peers have doubts. The way she shows her support and unwavering trust in his intentions was so special to witness, and it was clear that Emily prefers to showcase her true feelings through action. Emily really goes on an emotional journey in Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales and I was immensely proud in her unwillingness to give up despite how dire the situation became. My only complaint I have is how often Emily and Wendell are separated in this book. Whilst it completely makes sense for the purpose of the plot I can't help but feeling the lack of their dynamics which largely contributes to the magic of these stories. I felt a loss of that spark however it in-turn made me value their time together all that much more. Plus remember how I spoke about Wendell and his yearning? His letters to Emily was truly everything. They were amongst my favourite moments throughout the book and also the entirety of the series. Emily and Wendell are such a special couple that I will forever cherish, and already I'm missing them enough to want to do a full series re-read.
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
The Emily Wilde's series has been such a staple in my reading journey since 2023 and I will truly be devastated if this book is indeed the end. The ending of Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales is satisfactory whilst leaving enough of the plot open-ended for the potential for more. I truly hope this showcases the author's willingness to continue writing and exploring this beautiful world as I will gladly them time and time again. The sheer joy and feeling of contentment that I have felt during this series is unmatched, and I could not recommend it any more if I tried.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧.

This was my favourite book in the series, I enjoyed the well rounded plot and character development. The twist in the tale was unexpected and highly enjoyable. The world building continued and introduced us to more of Faie realm and we get to explore more of Wendall's backstory. I would definitely recommend this series if you like strong but balanced female characters and the ridiculousness of fairy princes.

This wasn’t a 5-star read for me, but I nonetheless really enjoyed this book and the series as a whole. It’s such a comfort read.
The author managed to create a very immersive world that draws you in so easily every time.
She also created a great cast of characters. I liked all of them and I loved Emily. She has a very distinct voice and character. She’s complex, and I love how she grows over the course of this series and starts to open up more.
Also side note, Emily is 31 (or something) and also acts like it which really stood out to me because I read so many books lately in which the fmc are supposed to be around that age and then act like they’re barely 18.. 🙄 So that was a nice change.
The reason for the 3 stars is that for me this kind of story doesn’t completely hit the spot. The stakes just weren’t that high or at least never felt that high to me and that made it a bit boring sometimes. But on the other hand, that’s probably what makes it a perfect comfort read.
All in all, I think this was a lovely conclusion to the series, but also my least favourite out of the three.

Strangely comforting yet harrowing, Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales is the most romantic entry of the series to date and serves as a solid, slightly open ending for Emily and Wendell's adventures. I love this series so much!

This was a magical, cozy and fitting conclusion to my favourite light academia series!
Just as in the previous installments I loved the journal entry writing style and the overall lightness of the storytelling.
What I thought the story would be actually happened in the first 15% but I enjoyed the rest of the book nevertheless.
We see a bunch of characters that we already love and I also liked the new ones that were introduced. Although I felt like we didn’t have enough time to really get to care about them.
I think anyone who loved the first two will enjoy this just as much!
Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC!

Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales is a delightful mashup of academic charm and faerie magic. I loved the diary-style narrative - it feels like you’re getting a peek into Emily’s quirky mind as she juggles scholarly research with ruling a faerie realm. The lush world-building and witty footnotes add a unique flavour that sets this book apart. Plus, watching Emily grow from a reserved scholar into a confident faerie queen was both refreshing and heartwarming, especially with Wendell by her side, adding just the right mix of charm and tension.
That said, the pace can feel a bit uneven at times, and I found myself tripping over the footnotes more than I’d have liked. Some parts of the story leaned heavily on detailed lore, which slowed the momentum during the more exciting moments. Still, these minor hiccups never detracted from the overall magic of the book. I’m left with a sense of satisfaction and a genuine appreciation for the author’s creative blend of academia and faerie mischief—definitely a solid four-star read.

Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett is a charming, whimsical journey into a world filled with magic, wonder, and heartfelt moments. This book invites readers into the world of Emily Wilde, a brilliant but somewhat reclusive scholar of magic who’s more at home with books and magical creatures than people. The narrative strikes a perfect balance between adventure, mystery, and the discovery of one's own identity.
Emily is a highly likable protagonist, a blend of sharp intellect and endearing social awkwardness. Her journey of self-discovery is one of the central themes, and it’s refreshing to see her grow as both a person and a scholar throughout the story. She is deeply passionate about her work, but she must also grapple with the fact that life—and magic—are far more complicated than her books could have prepared her for. This blend of practicality and vulnerability makes Emily a relatable and engaging character to follow.
The world-building in this book is absolutely enchanting. Fawcett has created a vivid and magical setting that feels alive with its rich history and lore. The world is filled with fae, mysterious creatures, and ancient secrets, all of which come to life through Emily’s eyes. The author’s descriptions are lush and immersive, drawing readers into a realm where magic is as much a part of the environment as it is of the characters’ lives.
The plot itself is a delightful mix of adventure and discovery, with Emily uncovering lost tales and unraveling magical mysteries along the way. It’s a story that feels both epic and intimate, with a strong focus on Emily’s personal growth. The pacing is steady, keeping the reader engaged without feeling too rushed or too slow, and the book has a satisfying balance of lighthearted moments and more poignant, emotional scenes.
The themes of friendship, trust, and the value of stories (both the ones we create and the ones that are forgotten) are woven beautifully into the plot. Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales feels like a celebration of the power of storytelling, with Emily learning to embrace her own role in the grand tapestry of life and magic.

Sadly, I had to dnf this book. I read about 40% of it and it took me two weeks to do it. I was struggling so much to make progress. I really enjoyed the previous books and I was so happy to get approved for this arc, but nothing has happened in these 40%. I felt bored and with no desire to read the book. Plus, the badly formatted arc made it so hard to read it (the footnotes are almost impossible to read).
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc.

Please take all opinions with a grain of salt due to the fact that I started this book unaware that it was the 3rd in a series.
This felt like a pink and purple and green floral book. A faerie realm, a wicked step-mother who is half fae trying to destroy the realm, a cozy cottage with some friends who provide peace and wisdom for Emily.
The pacing was a bit slow, and I found the footnotes a bit tedious. However, the vibe itself was cozy and academic in a cute faerie way. The characters were likable (my favorite was Lord Taran for his wit and sarcasm).
Thank you to Netgalley for the read!

Thank you to Little, Brown Book Group UK / Orbit & the author for the gifted digital advanced reader copy (ARC) of this book in exchange for an honest review!
⚠️ Small spoilers ahead!⚠️
𝙈𝙔 𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂: ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m so happy with how this trilogy has ended! I feel like it was wrapped up well and gave Emily and Wendell the ending they deserved and both love. Don’t talk to me about the scenes with Shadow towards the end - can’t cope 😭 I feel like this book really showed a lot of character growth in Emily as well. Anytime I think of this book series I see her as Temperance Brennan in Bones - they are so alike 🤣 Glad we got to see Poe again also! 🤍 think my favourite quote of the book is as follows:
‘“𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬!” 𝐈 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝.’
Relatable 100% for this whole series 🤣
I did feel like the storyline got slightly lost and confusing about halfway through. I started to get slightly confused with all the different faerie tales that Emily was referring to & what was actually happening! And I also really hated the way that Wendell got on in some parts he was starting to annoy me a little!