Member Reviews

M.J. Porter provides another fantastic installment in the Eagle of Mercia Chronicles. The seventh book answers many questions that have been posed throughout the series, and maintains the intricate plotting and character work seen in the other books. The battle scenes especially were fast-paced, well-written, and grisly!
A underrated gem that many lovers of the historical fiction genre would eat up.
Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC. All opinions are my own.

Is this really book 7 in the series already?? So much has happened to Icel yet it feels like only yesterday we met the young boy, supported by his Uncle, trying to find his place in life!
What’s in store next? Well the deadly conspiracy against the children of Ealdorman Coenwulf was uncovered with the help of Icel and now it’s time for those involved to pay the price.. this includes the Queen!!
Mercia has been forced to not only fight enemies from far afield.. but also those close to home and this is a major concern for all those involved.. King Wiglal.. and Mercia want justice..
The Wessex King and his men won’t let this lie though and Mercia is hit with even more betrayal and death as the tale unfolds.
I don’t want to spoil the plot for anyone but let’s just say the case against the Queen isnt as open and shut as the King would like and she still holds some power…and she’s not as helpless as it may seem.
I really found it fascinating to learn of a person’s worth during such instances, and that being in a position of power almost certainly made you trustworthy.. and the words of the common man/woman almost useless unless someone of power would speak of their worth. It really added the depth to that particular section of the story and added an extra umph when we are so used to excitement of battles and blood being the main focus.
Oh and don’t worry the battles are to come as things come to fruition and Wessex make their move.
Character depth and development was spot on as usual. Being on book 7 it’s credit to the author that they manage to keep adding naturally flowing detail into such a pivotal plot. I really love the little tit bits of the past thrown in too, memories on Icel’s uncle, the burning of Icel’s hand for example. These were great little ways for a new reader to be brought into the tale but also exciting for those devoted to the series as we have the chance to reminisce.
MJ Porter has a talent for historical fiction and this ever clearer when you see the shear amount of characters involved in the tale, which must have taken meticulous planning to not mix up names at pivotal points. I love Porter’s style too, I’ll be the first to admit names can be hard to retain in novels such as this are they aren’t names used in todays world.. but Porter manages to introduce what feels like natural pause points when the reader can reflect, and really absorb what is being told.
I’ve never really liked King Wiglaf but in this instalment It really showed him in a different light… the question is will he figure out who Icel really is and his family links? The King is kind to him now but if he see’s him as a threat to the throne will he be so kind?
How long can Icel hide the truth…
Without spoiling things I can honestly say this instalment is the best yet, flow is effortlessly perfect and the plot excruciatingly riveting.. I’m just glad I have the commute to work to enjoy the tale as I didn’t want to put this one down!

M.J. Porter gives the reader a view of Anglo Saxon society in Betrayal of Mercia. Unfortunately the language is stilted and the story hard to follow due to too many characters to keep straight I had been looking forward to the story.

Wow, what a brilliant and exciting seventh instalment of this fantastic series! Having brought evidence of her betrayal on their trip into Wessex, Icel and others must now present all they know of the queen’s involvement in trying to kill the two sons of Lord Coenwulf as well as betraying Mercia. But while some are sure the evidence is enough, things don’t go according to plan and soon there are problems as warriors from Wessex seem intent on invading Londonia.
The events in the previous book, Enemies of Mercia, finished a little abruptly and this book picks up after the previous one with the queen now facing a trial for her actions. I like what happens in this story and how the different way the Saxon trial is set out is explained well and easy to understand. While the trial becomes a long affair at the start of the book, it’s kept exciting by the many things that happen. I like how Icel is in this story, still uncomfortable with his position as a Lord while also always being observant to what is happening and ending up getting caught up in a lot of trouble too.
Things build up and there are many interesting and exciting moments, the chase in the forest as well as the later chase at the quayside were brilliant. I love how this series always keeps me eagerly rushing through the pages, whether it’s the fight scenes or calmer moments, they always keep me glued to the pages. As the story builds up towards the end, so many things happen that I didn’t expect and the ending finishes in a very satisfying way, concluding the general tale of what has been happening across the last three books well.
There are two maps at the start of the book, one of Londonia (London at the time) and one of the wider area of southern Britain. There’s also a list of characters (I love the fact the horses are mentioned in this) as well as more information on the history of the Kings and some author’s notes at the back which talk a little about the justice system which I enjoyed reading. The book has infrequent use of the s swear word and some scenes of deaths and violence.
Overall this is a brilliant seventh instalment in the series and I would recommend this series as a whole, as well as this book for anyone who loves historical adventure with a great main character in Icel. Although this was listed as a standalone and can be read as such as some information is provided in the text as to what happened in the past books, I think this book would be better enjoyed by reading the whole series or at least the last two books: Protector of Mercia and Enemies of Mercia as well to see what events the characters have experienced to lead them up to the events in this book. A great read and now I can’t wait for book eight! 🙂

Once again, MJ Porter has created a riveting, gritty, nail-biting action thriller from medieval Britain.
This instalment culminates in the trials and subsequent treasonous plots of the perpetrators behind the kidnapping of Lord Cornwulf's children from two books ago and the twists, tension, action, and fast pace do not disappoint.
That said, as much as it pains me to say it, it feels overdo for one of the familiar Mercians to die. It seems Wessex and Saxon warriors die in droves but the same 5 Mercians are always making it out alive. I'm happy about this, as I love Porter's characters, but it does feel a bit plot convenient for everyone to make it to the end alive.
But I digress. This book was fantastic and it did wrap up a bunch of loose plot threads at the end. There are still more to unravel, if another instalment is forthcoming, but if this is Icel's last book, I think it ends satisfactorily.
The author included another note on research for this novel that I found quite fascinating. The author has done an exceptional job in keeping to historical fact throughout this series and it's one of the reasons I've enjoyed it so much. It's truly a gem of a series! I highly recommend this entire series for medieval fiction fans! It really is great!

First, thank you Netgalley and Boldwood and especially the author for giving me the opportunity to read the 7th book in the Eagle of Mercia series.
I love Icel and its always a real pleasure and comfort to follow him. Well comfort is probably not the right word, cause it gets bloody with him.
The political part was very interesting to me. Usually there is not much insight in the crime and punishment in medieval Britain in these books but the author took a risk here and I personally think, it paied off.
In the beginning, I wasn't sure about it though. I had some problems getting into the book but after around 25% to 30% it got back to Icel's usual shenanigans. From there it was a breeze of blood, betrayal and fights. And as usual, Icel never can catch a break (or some water at least).
Loving MJ Porters writing and hopefully continuing soon with the next book with Icel.

Betrayal of Mercia is the seventh book in The Eagles of Mercia series by MJ Porter. In this installment, we find Icel nervously waiting to testify in the conspiracy to kidnap the royal children, and the queen is on trial. ‘Brihthild of Wessex’ is supposed to speak against her, but despite everything the Mercy in Warriors went through getting her to Ladonia. She doesn’t deliver at least not until the queen goes to testify. This is when the queen tries to attack her, but instead gets poor Icel in the face. Once they lock the queen away with Eric and the other king’s guards standing as sentinels, things only get much worse, and they find Wessex Warriors on the shore, and to make matters worse, they want to free the queen. Even King Wiglyft goes to fight, and soon Icel is lost in the woods with the king, but this is just the beginning of the nightmare. It seems everything that can go wrong does go wrong from the queen getting away to other battles. They’ll have to fight so it’s not to lose Mercia to the king of Wessex. They get long-lost visitors that return. Icel finds himself risking his life to save the last person he ever thought he would. This series and especially this book is like the gift that keeps on giving; they twist at the twist at the twist, and I was there for all of it. I love this series and think the author does such a phenomenal job, not only pushing the story along but making it exciting, pulse-pounding, and a real page-turner. If you love historical battles with a real, engaging plot and an exciting narrative, then you definitely need to read the Eagles of Mercia series.! there is so much I love about this series. It would take me pages upon pages to say everything that brings me back, wanting to continue the collection, and I couldn’t recommend it enough.#NetGalley, #BoldWoodBooks, #MJPorter, #BetrayalOfMercia, #TheEagleOfMerciaSeries

The queen of Mercia is involved in a conspiracy to replace her husband King Wiglaf with her son.
She is brought to trial to try to determine how far the conspiracy goes.
Icel and his fellow Mercian warriors become involved battlting against warriors from Wessex who seek to gain advantage in Mercia as the trial is being held.
A great read not only for the battle scenes but also regarding the politics of the Mercian court.
For readers of Bernard Cornwall, Mathew Harffy and Simon Scarrow.

The 7th instalment in The Eagle of Mercia Chronicles, Betrayal of Mercia, is as rich and vivid as the previous books. MJ Porter can bring the past alive so easily with her storytelling.
Icel has done as he swore he would and protected the children of Ealdorman Conewulf. It is now time to bring the perpetrators to justice. Will justice be served? Or will they manage to evade it as only the wicked can?
As soon as I started reading, I was immediately swept back in time. I do love time travelling from my couch! MJ Porter brings the scenes to life in my head without fail. The battles are depicted as they should be bloody and brutal. The characters feel that real they can spring from the pages. The historical detail always makes me wonder where the fiction stops and the facts begin, It IS that well told!
I was so pleased to return to Icel and discover what was next for him. Again, this is another enthralling and immersive historical novel that I couldn't put down. Thanks to Rachel's Random Resources, Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the gifted ebook to write my honest review.

After a conspiracy to kill the young heirs to Mercia is foiled, Icel finds himself in Lundenwic for the trial. The Queen is accused but she manages to break free and try to escape to the other side of the thames where the lords of Wessex await her. After much fighting he depths of the conspiracy will be revealed and this has implications for the succession.
I do like Porter's historical novels and, even though this is the seventh in a series, I found it relatively easy to pick up on the plot. The action scenes are suitably grim and bloody, the politics complex and the descriptions of Anglo-Saxon life both historically accurate and well-imagined.

As always, it is excellent to spend some time with Icel as he continues to find trouble and incidents
This time around, the opening third of the book is a trial for the Queen, and rather than the fighting and bloodshed we normally see in this series, it was replaced with politics and a trial. This was a different flavour of writing for the series, and it took some getting used to
It, however, wasn't long until normal service resumed, and Icel was splitting someone from stomach to throat with his weapons. As with every MJ Porter book, she excels in writing battlescenes that feel so realistic you can smell the blood, guts, and gore of a shield wall.
Solid entry for the long-running series

This story plunges readers into the intrigue and betrayal surrounding King Wiglaf, focusing on those closest to him who have turned against him. A medieval court trial takes center stage which left me pleasantly surprised by its gripping developments. Then just when it seemed like nothing significant would occur, there were unexpected twists. I will say that the resolution didn’t make me happy. It does reflect the justice system of the time.
Again in this book Porter doesn’t shy away from the realities of medieval warfare with vivid, action-packed fight scenes. Every scene, regardless of it being a court trial or a battle, is full of twists and turns that kept me hooked from the first page.
This is a thoroughly engaging read that makes you feel as if you’re right there in the thick of things—an era filled with secrets, danger, and intrigue. I’ll definitely be exploring more books in this series!

I’ve been in some terrible positions before, but this really takes the oat biscuit.” Usually we don’t get much humor from Icel but I had to include this little gem. He doesn’t do much cursing anyway, and this just tickles me.
The story centers around some subjects who betray King Wiglaf, and they are very close to the king. We witness a medieval court trial, which I thought would be boring, but I was pleasantly surprised. Just when I thought nothing was going to happen, lots of things happened.
How things get resolved was not very satisfying! But the laws of the day prevailed, and I can appreciate that justice is not always served evenly.
Now events open the door to more intrigue at court and on the battlefield.
There is plenty of messy, muddy and bloody escapades of fighting in the story. Do not fear that it’s all politics. It’s still all very compelling.
Porter has managed to make court trials interesting and entertaining. She throws out twists and turns you don’t see coming. Poor Icel! He barely has time to rest and eat and take a bath! He is constantly on the move.
At least he gets some rest now before the next book.
Another triumph of a story!
Thank you to Ms. Porter and NetGalley for this book.

This story looks at the King of Wessex, the Queen of Mercia and the survival of the Kingdom.
The agenda of each of the main characters show the betrayal, luck of trust and the motivation of the characters involved. The fact that the main characters need others to assist shows how that the other characters push into the fray to be noticed and provide what matters most.

M J Porter’s Chronicles of Mercia series keeps getting better and better and Betrayal of Mercia is another action-packed historically rich page-turner readers will not want to miss.
The perpetrators behind the deadly conspiracy against the children of Ealdorman Conewulf have been unmasked and the time has come for them to face justice. But will they get what is coming to them? Or will dangerous forces ensure that they do not pay the harshest price of all for their shocking transgressions? With his wife implicated in the plot, King Wiglaf’s position looks set to become untenable and with his enemies circling round, it looks like the truth behind the conspiracy will continue to remain hidden.
With Mercia reeling from this monumental betrayal, the King of Wessex’s son, has turned his attention to this land. Nothing and nobody will prevent King Æthelwulf from his dearest wish to end Mercia’s ruling bloodline once and for all. With Mercia about to be invaded yet again, will Icel and his fellow warriors triumph? Or will adversaries hiding in plain sight end up destroying this once great land once and for all?
M J Porter never fails to make history come alive and with Betrayal of Mercia, this talented storyteller has once again penned an exciting, fascinating and enthralling historical adventure that takes readers on an unforgettable journey to the past they will not forget in a hurry. An enjoyable and entertaining historical novel readers will not want to put down, Betrayal of Mercia is another triumph for M J Porter.

A King in crisis, a Queen on trial, a Kingdom’s survival hangs in the balance. A lot of books usually either have a super good beginning or an amazing end. It's pretty rare for me to find one that has both but this defiantly had such a great beginning and all the way through pace that kept me wanting to keep reading like crazy and it also had an unforgettable ending.

My thanks to the Author publisher's and NetGalley for providing me with a Kindle version of this book to read and honestly review.
Another excellent edition to this superb series completely recommended, though the beginning and ending had me thinking I had started a John Grisham book by mistake, as we were in court even the Author in his notes claimed surprise at it. As usual our hero Icel managed to find himself in the centre of the action. I have read a number of books by renowned Author's of this genre, and been in a few shield walls, but this one was special, you felt a part of the action, the agony atmosphere gore smell and tension.
I am already looking forward to the next story, or maybe I should catch up on a couple still in my To Be Read pile first.
Completely and totally recommended.

I believe this is the first book that I am reading by this author and I was not disappointed. I enjoy books with battle scenes, and it does feel like I'm along for the ride. It's probably not the best way to describe it, but it gives the story more details to the world building and to the characters. The characters in the book were very well depicted and truly brought this entire world to life. You really get a feel of the era you're reading about. It was not a time you wish to be a part of, especially when there's a ton of secrets being kept. It was interesting to read on how investigations were being held during this time. Some parts were constantly repetitive, but that's okay. It didn't bother me so much. It doesn't take away from how good this book is. I will absolutely be reading more from this author.
Thanks to Rachels Random Resources & Boldwood Books

It took me awhile to get this book read. Although I love the subject matter of Anglo-Saxon England the story was a bit dry. The characters were amazing, especially Lord Icel and his cohorts but some of the describing of the situations was repetitive. To have a series in favor of Mercia instead of the more written about Wessex is a boon.

This was a strong historical fiction novel, it had that element that I enjoyed from previous books by MJ Porter. The overall feel worked with the time-period and enjoyed the way the characters continued to work overall. I thought this worked with the overall concept and was glad it was so well done.