Member Reviews

Jenny has the most perfect life until a new documentary series comes out that has her daughter curious about the small town where her husband grew up and the unsolved murder that happened there 25yrs ago. You’ll love this book and how the story unfolds.

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First of all, thank you Netgalley for an ARC of this book.

I must say that this is a typical popcorn thriller - if you want something fast paced and easy to follow, this may be the one for you. Not much brainstorming requested as the main twist is discovered at the beginning of the story. That made me wonder what would happen at the end when there is the usual plot twist. Unfortunately not much which is why i stay with 3⭐️ rating - as it was ok read for entertaiment but felt little rushed and with no big wow twist.
Perfect as a palate cleanser between more gruesome books.

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Unfortunately I was not able to finish this book.
I was so excited to read this as some of his other books have been amazing, but this one disappointed.
I found myself not wanting to pick my kindle up to read so I chose to read a different book.

Thankyou to bookouture for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Daniel Hurst’s book The Husband is the story of a family of four – one of them has deep, dark secrets. For Jenny she thinks her life with her husband Lachlan and their two kids is the perfect life. Until one night Jenny and her daughter Bonnie watch a documentary. What they find out will change their lives forever. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this well-written thriller about secrets, family, and mystery.

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this story follows married couple, lachlan & jenny and their two teenage children, bonnie & william. it is told in dual pov and we get to see both lachlan & jennys thoughts. in an effort to make the most of their time together as a family before bonnie goes to university miles & miles away, jenny suggest taking a trip to scotland, lachlans home town. as innocent as it may seem, jenny has an ulterior motive.. she wants to find out why her husband is so closed off about everything to do with his childhood, his hometown & why he left the country at such a young age..
this book is what i would describe as a filler thriller. it wasn't the best thriller i've read but it isn't the worst either. it's something i'd recommend to pick up if you're rushing to reach your reading goal or if you just want something quick & easy to read.
i spent the entire time waiting for a twist to happen but it didn't, it just wasn't one of those mind blowing, wtf moment kind of thriller & that's okay! it was partly my fault for expecting it to be more of a psychological thriller.
i definitely prefer other books written by daniel hurst & would still recommend him as a good thriller author! thank you to netgalley for sending me an e-arc! "the husband" releases 20/01/2025

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This author is one of my go to authors but this book was different - I suppose as you knew the killer up front but I also felt that the ending was a bit predictable. Saying all of that it was a great way of spending the afternoon.

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How well do you really know the man you married? Jenny thought she knew her husband Lachlan but, in this marriage, appearances are deceiving. This was a quick read told from the POVs of Jenny and Lachlan. I enjoyed this book and will read Daniel Hurst again. 3.5 stars for me. Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Publication Date: January 20, 2025.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Publishing for providing me with an ARC of The Husband by Daniel Hurst.

This dual-POV thriller, set primarily in Scotland, takes readers into the lives of the Ferguson family. The story unfolds with the husband harboring secrets about his past, particularly tied to his hometown—a place he adamantly refuses to revisit. His wife grows increasingly curious about his reluctance, especially as a new documentary series airs, delving into a 25-year-old unsolved murder in the same town. As the series progresses, tension rises, and someone becomes increasingly anxious about their long-buried secret being unearthed.

While the premise was intriguing, and the pacing kept the story moving quickly, this book landed at ⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me. I found it less gripping due to the early revelation of the killer’s identity, which took away some of the suspense I typically enjoy in thrillers. That said, it’s an entertaining read for those who prefer character-driven tension over a classic whodunit mystery.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to review this book.

I have to say, after enjoying several of this authors books I was so excited to get approved for the ARC but this one fell flat for me.

I stopped reading at about the 30% mark because found myself not connecting with the the characters or storyline at all.

With finding out the critical and "thrilling" information early on, I realized now that I knew what the husband did, I didn't really care what happened when the family found out.

I would have loved to see more on Lachlan 's psyche. That would have added so much compared to just surface level.

If someone likes a mystery without a lot of twists and a very slow build up they will love this book, I just prefer a much faster pace.

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My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Husband’ written by Daniel Hurst in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

A true crime documentary is being shown of Paisley Hamilton who was murdered twenty-five years ago in Carnfield, Scotland, and Jennie is keen to watch it as her husband Lachlan was born in the same village. As he’s always refused to talk about his childhood she thinks of a way to take the family on a trip there and find out what he’s hiding, but when he starts acting erratically she fears she could be putting herself and their children in danger.

Despite being ill I couldn’t stop reading ‘The Husband’ as it was so exciting I was desperate to know what was going to happen next. The story is told in alternate chapters by Jennie and Lachlan and although we’re told early on of his secret it doesn’t detract in any way from my enjoyment of the plot. The depth of the characters builds up nicely with the tension gradually increasing until it reaches the conclusion that is a little unusual but gripping nonetheless. This is another excellent thriller from Daniel Hurst, one of my favourite authors, and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

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Hurst does it again! He takes us on a journey about a husband who has many secrets as women as his prey, all the while living a seamless life as a married man.

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Thank you #NetGalley for the complimentary copy of #TheHusband in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you @bookouture for approving my request!

The Husband is a FAST PACED PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER! Daniel Hurst wrote this book from two POVs - The Husband Lachlan and Wife Jenny. I was hooked from the beginning. This point of view made it hard to stop reading after a chapter because you wanted to know what happened next. This story involved uncovering the unfolded secrets of Lachlan’s past. I really liked the wife’s strong character. I rated this 4.5 stars because you learn early on in the story the character “who dun it” which takes away from the suspense factor and guessing who it is throughout the book. (I love suspense/guessing!) However, this will not be the last book from this author as he has written amazing work with this book! Thank you NetGalley which provided me with the opportunity to read this one early in exchange for my honest review!

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What a read! Pretty much grabbed your attention from the beginning.  I enjoyed this and look forward to more by the author. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC #DanielHurst #TheHusband #NetGalley

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Another excellent psychological thriller from Daniel Hurst. Funny how there can be dark secrets that your partner manages to hide from you for many years but you will eventually discover the truth and ultimately find true happiness. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the chance to ARC this book.

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I’ve heard a lot of great things about this author so when I got the opportunity to read this title for an ARC I was very excited. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and appreciated the way the main characters were built up. This story had a weird lowkey way of making you feel kind of sorry for the “bad guy” until he gets the idea to take out his own family too which just made me mad. I applaud Jenny for doing what she needed to do to protect herself and her children. Nothing like a mother’s instinct. I’m looking forward to reading more by this author in the hopefully near future!

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A woman who has been happily married for over twenty years begins to question if her husband could be a killer after her best friend points out some suspicious coincidences. As she notices changes in her husband's behavior, she becomes consumed with doubt. To uncover the truth, she goes to Scotland to confront her husband's past, only to find that the situation is much more complicated than she ever imagined, putting her and her children in grave danger.

This is my first book by this author, and I must say, it offers a refreshing change in writing style. Unlike traditional mystery novels where the culprit is revealed at the end, in this book, you discover the perpetrator right from the start. However, as you delve deeper into the story, you uncover the intricate details of how and why the crime was committed. This unique approach eliminates the need for guesswork, making the reading experience all the more intriguing.

The characters in the book are meticulously developed, allowing readers to delve into their minds and draw their own conclusions. The pacing of the book is moderate, with a touch of true crime elements that add an extra layer of suspense. If you enjoy narratives with multiple points of view, delve into the minds of sick and twisted individuals, and appreciate a somewhat happy resolution, then this book is definitely worth exploring.

Thank you, Bookouture for the digital ARC copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Jenny and Lachlan have been together most of their lives. They have two children together, William 14 and Bonnie 17. They live a normal life... but right from the start of this book we find out that Lachlan is a murderer. Jenny and Bonnie sit down to watch a true crime documentary, about a young girl that was murdered in Scotland and her killer was never found. It just so happens that the murder took place in the village that Lachlan grew up in. As Jenny delves deeper into the documentary she starts to question everything she thought she knew about her husband. Does she really know him at all?

I was so intrigued as to how there would be any twists when we are given all the information right at the start. Unfortunately, I was waiting for a twist that didn't arrive, but that's ok, not all books need to be full of twists and turns. This book was an easy read in that sense, not constantly trying to predict what might happen next.

The story is told in a dual POV between Jenny and Lachlan. I love stories that are told in this way it always makes me want to keep reading, as I find each chapter always ends on a little cliffhanger, then you need to read two more chapters to be able to find out what happens next. The only thing I didn't enjoy with this style was that each chapter ended on either a rhetorical question or an internal thought from the character and it felt like the author had started that pattern, so had to continue throughout, but further into the story it didn't really fit and became a little tedious.

This book is a slow burner, which personally is not my ideal read, I prefer more fast paced. The majority of the action takes place in the last 20% of the book and in my opinion felt a little rushed. It had just started getting good and then it ended. I wanted more depth in this section.

I'm going to be honest this was straight down the middle for me, I didn't dislike it but I didn't love it. There were parts I enjoyed and parts I didn't like but these are just personal likes and dislikes for me, I'm sure other readers will love it.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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How well do you know your husband? That's not a question many of us needs to ask ourselves, however when Lachlan starts to act very strange, these type of questions do appear. After Jenny and Bonnie take a huge interest in an unsolved murder case which has recently been the talk of everyone they know, airs on tv, things start to get very close to home indeed. When Jenny realises the town which this teenage girl was murdered 25 years ago, was the hometown of her husband, its got to be a coincidence. However when Jenny brings it up with Lachlan he starts to get very defensive. Putting some doubt into Jenny's mind, she starts to question other things about her husband and as the story unfolds you are in for a ride to find out the outcome.

I find that Daniels writing style is very easy to read and grips me from the start (did the same with me for all the Doctors Wife books too) so when this book became available, I knew I had to read it.

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Thank you Bookouture for this ARC provided by NetGalley !

I had just recently heard of this author and this was the first book I’ve read by him. I was instantly hooked! I have been in a reading slump with thrillers lately because my last few reads were all too similar. I wasn’t sure how the book would go since we all knew the killer from the start, but it flowed very well. The end seemed a little predictable and rushed but maybe it was because I was sad it was ending! Really enjoyed this book and I recommend it! I look forward to reading more books from this author! #netgalley #thehusband

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Overall, it was a good read. I liked the story and character development. I liked the alternating perspective between Lechan and Jenny. I fee like the ending was just as expected though. No real twist.

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