Member Reviews
Rated 3.5
The book gave a nice overview of Jane Austen's life and gave a good idea of what a few of the close people in her life were like.
The book opened with a summary of her life and explained who the recipients of the letters were. It was then split into sections with various quotes from her books and letters relating to the title of the section. The quotes chosen made me smile and I got a good insight into her true thoughts and feelings on the community that she was surrounded by and how she then represented those thoughts in her novels.
The different sections of the book gave nice snapshots into different parts of general life. It amused me how relevant Jane Austen's thoughts still were. I think that we do still judge each other in exactly the same way and even though some things have changed, her thoughts and feelings could still be applied today.
The quotes from the letters that were included mentioned real people and that fascinated me, especially as her thoughts and feelings about these people were then represented in her novels. It showed how close to real life the novels were.
You could easily tell which quotes were from real letters and which were taken from novels as they were clearly labeled at the end of the quote. I also liked that dates were included.
Each of the sections weren't overly long, so it was quite easy to dip in and out of.
By the end of the book I felt like I knew Jane Austen a little bit better and the society that she lived in. It was a good snapshot in time.
Overall a nice book that allowed you to see a bit more into the life and times of Jane Austen through her words.
An interesting collection of quotes from Jane Austen, both from her books and personal letters, separated into subject areas like marriage and friendship. There’s a short biography at the start which provides some context, especially for the letters to her sister, and it’s interesting to see her more personal thoughts but this is not a detailed look at her life and writing. That is not a criticism though – her writing is full of wonderful quotes and it’s lovely to see them gathered like this in a little book which is perfect to dip in and out of.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in return for an honest review.
Overall I did enjoy this, Jane Austen has always been a literary figure I've loved and I've always thought that her work is timeless. To find out about her more as a person through this book was fantastic.
I adored this collection of fabulous Austen quotes and excerpts from her books and letters. A great addition to any Janeites' personal library, and a wonderful gift for fans of the still wildly popular author.
I received a free copy of, The Wicked Wit of Jane Austen, by Dominique Enright, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Jane Austen sure had a lot of opinions about everything, and was not shy about writing them in letters. I learned a whole new side of Jane Austen, this was an intriguing read.