Member Reviews

Set in World War Two Warsaw a emotional story of courage. Anna is trying to help by assisting to smuggle children out of the Ghetto.
But her life changes when she is caught by SS and sent to a concentration Camp. Where she sees and suffers more horror than she has ever
A good read based on true stories.

"The Resistance Daughter" is essentially a story about what happened to Poland from 1942 onwards, to the end of WW2 and just beyond. It is the fictionalised tale of the author's parents, their meeting and how they (just about) managed to survive the war. You may think that this will be a grim tale as Poland struggles under the occupation of the Nazis. Light is provided by the families, friendships and romances which carry on despite all the hardships.
Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

During World War Two Anna who lives in Poland works for the resistance to help against the Nazi occupation.
Based on a true story the book tells of the bravery of men and women from the occupied county and their allies who gave up everything for freedom.
Thank you to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoghton for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.