Member Reviews

Thank you Quatro - Leaping Hare and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in return for my honest review.
Wrygen - “to strangle”, an old English word from which Worry derives from.
“Find You Path Through Anxiety” explores anxiety, how it makes us feel and what it does in a short yet highly informative manner. Dotted with quotes, exercises and wisdom presented in the beautiful use of prose by Richard Gilpin, in which I have come to savour.
Richard Gilpin shares that anxiety is alikened to cling-wrapping life, making us feel uptight and cramped. And yet, if it recurs, it is an indicator that something is “awry in your relationship to yourself or the world”.
Our need to control the future, the main contributor to anxiety affects our excitement. Frederick Perls quote within this book states this beautifully “our conflict between natural excitement and our tendency for self-control, interferes with our most vital function : breathing”.
These are just a couple of the gems dotted throughout this book, that portray anxiety. Thankfully, as Richard Gilpin clearly writes, there is a path out. Mindfulness, being in the present moment is one of these ways. Anxiety has no place in the here and now.
Another fabulous book which I highly recommend.
Thank you for this ARC and the opportunity to review this book.

Having suffered from Depression myself this book is wonderful. It offers warmth, understanding and compassion. It is also perfect for family and friends of those who are currently suffering from depression since it will help them understand just what their loved one is going through. A lovely guided exploration and this invaluable.

As someone who is a constant worrier, “Find Your Path Through Anxiety” stood out to me as I wanted actionable tips to get back into the world fully. I’ve had terrible post-C19 anxiety, on top of dealing with numerous life changes, and I thought it would be the perfect read to meet me where I was at. I agree with the descriptions of the book being approachable and friendly, and I look forward to incorporating some of the methods presented in my self-care practices. The way Gilpin speaks about numerous challenges and mental battles many face helps to make you feel like you’re not alone in this. The guiding and empathetic hand in the book leads to trust that the methods included will help build resilience and that my inner voice is sometimes there to help and guide (not only drive me crazy with what-ifs). Gilpin speaks to how those challenges/mental battles can stand in our way but also presents powerful ways we can overcome them through activities, anecdotes, quotes, and research. I would recommend this book no matter where on the mental health spectrum you lie as there is so much useful information, anyone can take away something.
Thank you to #NetGalley for a review copy of #. All feedback is my unbiased opinion, not paid, and simply for the love of books.

This book gave me much to think about regarding my anxiety diagnosis. It's something I thought I knew all about. Gilpin's research and the way he presented it in this book were much appreciated. It's detailed and helps you understand yourself more. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

A good support self help book, some fantastic quotes for a journal & tasks and techniques to reflect on your own anxiety.

I loved the new to me activities I found in this simply wonderful book, I found this so helpful and a new take and perspective for me, I have read many books to try improve my own mental health and found this to be so useful, I loved how it didn’t over-complicate everything for a change with some books for mental health it feels like taking a degree, I thought this got the balance right, enough to understand and definitely helpful

Anxiety is the gap between the now and the then - Frederick Perls
I really enjoyed the quotes interspersed throughout the book, set apart from the body of the text, they’re relevant golden bites that felt relatable and set the tone of the chapter.
There is a good balance of personal anecdotes and science-y bits. At first I worried that the book wasn’t telling me anything new, but I quickly realised that it didn’t need to, it’s framed in such a way that it is adding to an existing discussion in a valuable way.
The activities in the book are unique and aren’t similar to anything I’ve thought about in other books on similar topics. They offered a helpful new perspective and there are several that I will remember and will keep in my own mental health toolkit. I love the idea of having a notebook dedicated to the good things in my life; this has been a big takeaway from this book for me!
As with all books on this or similar topics, I think at times it runs the risk of over-simplifying or almost feeling like the subject is minimised or just not as big a deal - obviously this doesn’t feel like the case when you’re in the thick of those symptoms or feelings and there are times when I felt a little disappointed in the way the narrative is focused. There were a couple of chapters that I felt could’ve been a little more succinct and made the same point in fewer words, I got a little lost at these points and felt my brain stop taking in the narrative.

This text provides a pleasurable reading experience by elucidating the concept of anxiety in straightforward language, detailing its causes. Additionally, it offers valuable strategies and methods for managing anxiety effectively.

As someone who struggles with anxiety and many recent flare ups, it was perfectly timed to come upon this book.
As I topic I've yearned to try understanding due how it affects me and many others. This is the first one I've read that I truly understand and can comprehend. Written in a way that you absorb the words and meaning. My heart is full of gratitude to Richard Gilpin for writing this book that is deep, insightful and helpful. Thank you.

This beautiful book is written as a guided mindfulness practice for anxiety. It explains the origins of anxiety, how it relates to other mental health disorders, how to combat anxiety through mindfulness and different exercises for you to try. The author also includes his own experience with anxiety and shows how it can show up in different scenarios. It was a really interesting read, full of wonderful quotes and descriptions. While I don't recommend just using this book alone, it can definitely aide someone going through tough times or people that are in therapy. I really liked it.
Thank you to the publisher and author for sending me this book.

Anxiety is a societal epidemic at this point. I didn't really know what to expect going into Gilpin's book, and I often find books written to help those with anxiety come off as a little preachy and condescending. I was pleasantly surprised, then, to find that this was not at all one of those books. I truthfully have never read anything that delved so deeply into the psychology behind anxiety, why it's useful, and the ways that it can help or harm us. I guess the first step to finding your path through an obstacle is to understand it, and that is exactly what Gilpin's book helped me do.

Anxiety is complex and I think this author did a great job of conveying that. I appreciate the exercises and learned quite a bit about mindfulness. Overall, an honest and well thought out introduction to anxiety.

An excellent read for any and all readers! Author comes at you with both barrels and knocks you out of your shoes! Great job fleshing out all the characters. I give this book FIVE stars! Definitely recommend!

Some good tips about anxiety, and useful meditation examples.
I expected more, but I am sure, especially those who have just started reading on this topic and working on anxiety can find more value in this book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This book is broken down well, making it easily digestible. I like the quotes dotted throughout and there’s also some great exercises such as Deconstructing Anxiety and Containing Catastrophe both of which are in handy boxes which break them out of the text well. Overall, this is a great short guide to start to target anxiety.

I enjoyed reading this and I have some useful tips now for mindful practice. It didn’t speak wholly to my experience of anxiety but it is such a complex issue that perhaps this is no surprise. The author uses his lived experience to explain some helpful concepts and techniques in dealing with this outcome of being alive. Worth a read.

An enjoyable read which explained in simple terms what anxiety is and why it happens. It also gave some great ideas and techniques to deal with anxiety which I will definitely be using in the future.
Thanks to NetGalley, Richard Gilpin and Quarto Publishing Group - Leaping Hare for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.